::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE) knitr
Challenge 8
Challenge Overview
Today’s challenge is to:
- read in multiple data sets, and describe the data set using both words and any supporting information (e.g., tables, etc)
- tidy data (as needed, including sanity checks)
- mutate variables as needed (including sanity checks)
- join two or more data sets and analyze some aspect of the joined data
(be sure to only include the category tags for the data you use!)
Read in data
Read in one (or more) of the following datasets, using the correct R package and command.
- military marriages ⭐⭐
- faostat ⭐⭐
- railroads ⭐⭐⭐
- fed_rate ⭐⭐⭐
- debt ⭐⭐⭐
- us_hh ⭐⭐⭐⭐
- snl ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
# read in snl actors dataset
<- read_csv("_data/snl_actors.csv")
actors_orig # read in snl casts dataset
<- read_csv("_data/snl_casts.csv")
casts_orig # read in snl seasons dataset
<- read_csv("_data/snl_seasons.csv")
seasons_orig # view datasets
# A tibble: 2,306 × 4
aid url type gender
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 Kate McKinnon /Cast/?KaMc cast female
2 Alex Moffat /Cast/?AlMo cast male
3 Ego Nwodim /Cast/?EgNw cast unknown
4 Chris Redd /Cast/?ChRe cast male
5 Kenan Thompson /Cast/?KeTh cast male
6 Carey Mulligan /Guests/?3677 guest andy
7 Marcus Mumford /Guests/?3679 guest male
8 Aidy Bryant /Cast/?AiBr cast female
9 Steve Higgins /Crew/?StHi crew male
10 Mikey Day /Cast/?MiDa cast male
# … with 2,296 more rows
# A tibble: 614 × 8
aid sid featured first_epid last_epid update…¹ n_epi…² seaso…³
<chr> <dbl> <lgl> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 A. Whitney Brown 11 TRUE 19860222 NA FALSE 8 0.444
2 A. Whitney Brown 12 TRUE NA NA FALSE 20 1
3 A. Whitney Brown 13 TRUE NA NA FALSE 13 1
4 A. Whitney Brown 14 TRUE NA NA FALSE 20 1
5 A. Whitney Brown 15 TRUE NA NA FALSE 20 1
6 A. Whitney Brown 16 TRUE NA NA FALSE 20 1
7 Alan Zweibel 5 TRUE 19800409 NA FALSE 5 0.25
8 Sasheer Zamata 39 TRUE 20140118 NA FALSE 11 0.524
9 Sasheer Zamata 40 TRUE NA NA FALSE 21 1
10 Sasheer Zamata 41 FALSE NA NA FALSE 21 1
# … with 604 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹update_anchor,
# ²n_episodes, ³season_fraction
# A tibble: 46 × 5
sid year first_epid last_epid n_episodes
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 1975 19751011 19760731 24
2 2 1976 19760918 19770521 22
3 3 1977 19770924 19780520 20
4 4 1978 19781007 19790526 20
5 5 1979 19791013 19800524 20
6 6 1980 19801115 19810411 13
7 7 1981 19811003 19820522 20
8 8 1982 19820925 19830514 20
9 9 1983 19831008 19840512 19
10 10 1984 19841006 19850413 17
# … with 36 more rows
# view summaries of datasets
Data Frame Summary
Dimensions: 2306 x 4
Duplicates: 0
No Variable Stats / Values Freqs (% of Valid) Graph Valid Missing
---- ------------- ------------------------- -------------------- --------------------- ---------- ---------
1 aid 1. 'N Sync 1 ( 0.0%) 2306 0
[character] 2. 070 Shake 1 ( 0.0%) (100.0%) (0.0%)
3. 10,000 Maniacs 1 ( 0.0%)
4. 14 Karat Soul 1 ( 0.0%)
5. 2 Chainz 1 ( 0.0%)
6. 3-D 1 ( 0.0%)
7. 3RDEYEGIRL 1 ( 0.0%)
8. 50 Cent 1 ( 0.0%)
9. A Tribe Called Quest 1 ( 0.0%)
10. A$AP Rocky 1 ( 0.0%)
[ 2296 others ] 2296 (99.6%) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
2 url 1. /Cast/?AbEl 1 ( 0.0%) 2249 57
[character] 2. /Cast/?AdSa 1 ( 0.0%) (97.5%) (2.5%)
3. /Cast/?AiBr 1 ( 0.0%)
4. /Cast/?AlFr 1 ( 0.0%)
5. /Cast/?AlMo 1 ( 0.0%)
6. /Cast/?AlZw 1 ( 0.0%)
7. /Cast/?AmPo 1 ( 0.0%)
8. /Cast/?AnDi 1 ( 0.0%)
9. /Cast/?AnGa 1 ( 0.0%)
10. /Cast/?AnMH 1 ( 0.0%)
[ 2239 others ] 2239 (99.6%) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
3 type 1. cast 154 ( 6.7%) I 2306 0
[character] 2. crew 170 ( 7.4%) I (100.0%) (0.0%)
3. guest 1926 (83.5%) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
4. unknown 56 ( 2.4%)
4 gender 1. andy 21 ( 0.9%) 2306 0
[character] 2. female 671 (29.1%) IIIII (100.0%) (0.0%)
3. male 1226 (53.2%) IIIIIIIIII
4. unknown 388 (16.8%) III
Data Frame Summary
Dimensions: 614 x 8
Duplicates: 0
No Variable Stats / Values Freqs (% of Valid) Graph Valid Missing
---- ----------------- --------------------------------- -------------------- --------------------- ---------- ---------
1 aid 1. Kenan Thompson 18 ( 2.9%) 614 0
[character] 2. Darrell Hammond 14 ( 2.3%) (100.0%) (0.0%)
3. Seth Meyers 13 ( 2.1%)
4. Al Franken 11 ( 1.8%)
5. Fred Armisen 11 ( 1.8%)
6. Kate McKinnon 10 ( 1.6%)
7. Tim Meadows 10 ( 1.6%)
8. Aidy Bryant 9 ( 1.5%)
9. Bobby Moynihan 9 ( 1.5%)
10. Cecily Strong 9 ( 1.5%)
[ 146 others ] 500 (81.4%) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
2 sid Mean (sd) : 25.5 (13.1) 46 distinct values . : 614 0
[numeric] min < med < max: : : : . : (100.0%) (0.0%)
1 < 26 < 46 : : . : : : : : : :
IQR (CV) : 22 (0.5) : : : : : : : : : :
: : : : : : : : : :
3 featured 1. FALSE 451 (73.5%) IIIIIIIIIIIIII 614 0
[logical] 2. TRUE 163 (26.5%) IIIII (100.0%) (0.0%)
4 first_epid Mean (sd) : 19909635 (111264.8) 35 distinct values : 50 564
[numeric] min < med < max: : : (8.1%) (91.9%)
19770115 < 19901110 < 20141025 : :
IQR (CV) : 156624.2 (0) : : . : : : .
: : : : : . : :
5 last_epid Mean (sd) : 19944038 (126122.2) 17 distinct values : 17 597
[numeric] min < med < max: : : (2.8%) (97.2%)
19751011 < 19950225 < 20140201 : . : . . .
IQR (CV) : 190005 (0) : : : : : :
: : : : : : : :
6 update_anchor 1. FALSE 541 (88.1%) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 614 0
[logical] 2. TRUE 73 (11.9%) II (100.0%) (0.0%)
7 n_episodes Mean (sd) : 18.7 (4) 22 distinct values : 614 0
[numeric] min < med < max: : (100.0%) (0.0%)
1 < 20 < 24 :
IQR (CV) : 2 (0.2) :
. . . : : :
8 season_fraction Mean (sd) : 0.9 (0.2) 36 distinct values : 614 0
[numeric] min < med < max: : (100.0%) (0.0%)
0 < 1 < 1 :
IQR (CV) : 0 (0.2) :
Data Frame Summary
Dimensions: 46 x 5
Duplicates: 0
No Variable Stats / Values Freqs (% of Valid) Graph Valid Missing
---- ------------ --------------------------------- -------------------- --------------------- ---------- ---------
1 sid Mean (sd) : 23.5 (13.4) 46 distinct values : : : : : : 46 0
[numeric] min < med < max: : : : : : : : : : : (100.0%) (0.0%)
1 < 23.5 < 46 : : : : : : : : : :
IQR (CV) : 22.5 (0.6) : : : : : : : : : :
: : : : : : : : : :
2 year Mean (sd) : 1997.5 (13.4) 46 distinct values : 46 0
[numeric] min < med < max: : : : : : : : : : (100.0%) (0.0%)
1975 < 1997.5 < 2020 : : : : : : : : :
IQR (CV) : 22.5 (0) : : : : : : : : :
: : : : : : : : :
3 first_epid Mean (sd) : 19975965 (134209.3) 46 distinct values : : : : : : 46 0
[numeric] min < med < max: : : : : : : : : : : (100.0%) (0.0%)
19751011 < 19975927 < 20201003 : : : : : : : : : :
IQR (CV) : 224910.2 (0) : : : : : : : : : :
: : : : : : : : : :
4 last_epid Mean (sd) : 19985509 (134223.9) 46 distinct values : : : : : : 46 0
[numeric] min < med < max: : : : : : : : : : : (100.0%) (0.0%)
19760731 < 19985512 < 20210410 : : : : : : : : : :
IQR (CV) : 225066.2 (0) : : : : : : : : : :
: : : : : : : : : :
5 n_episodes Mean (sd) : 19.7 (2.3) 12 : 1 ( 2.2%) 46 0
[numeric] min < med < max: 13 : 2 ( 4.3%) (100.0%) (0.0%)
12 < 20 < 24 17 : 2 ( 4.3%)
IQR (CV) : 1 (0.1) 18 : 2 ( 4.3%)
19 : 3 ( 6.5%) I
20 : 23 (50.0%) IIIIIIIIII
21 : 7 (15.2%) III
22 : 5 (10.9%) II
24 : 1 ( 2.2%)
Briefly describe the data
These datasets consist of the actors, casts, and seasons of Saturday Night Live (SNL) from 1975 to 2020. There are 2,306 observations and 4 variables (aid
, url
, type
, gender
) in the actors dataset, 614 observations and 8 variables (aid
, sid
, featured
, first_epid
, last_epid
, update_anchor
, n_episodes
, season_fraction
) in the casts dataset, and 46 observations and 5 variables (sid
, year
, first_epid
, last_epid
, n_episodes
) in the seasons dataset. Within 46 seasons, there are records of the date of each actor’s (aid
) first episode (first_epid
) and last episode (last_epid
) along with the date of the beginning (first_epid
) and ending (last_epid
) of each season. There is also sid
which represents the season ID and featured
which says whether the cast member was featured or not.
The mean number of episodes from the n_episodes
variable is 19.7 per season and 18.7 per cast member. Out of all the cast members in the casts dataset, Kenan Thompson was involved in SNL the most often at 18 times with Darrell Hammond (14 times) and Seth Meyers (13 times) following after him.
Tidy Data (as needed)
Is your data already tidy, or is there work to be done? Be sure to anticipate your end result to provide a sanity check, and document your work here.
These datasets are pretty tidy and organized well, so there’s not much to do here.
Are there any variables that require mutation to be usable in your analysis stream? For example, do you need to calculate new values in order to graph them? Can string values be represented numerically? Do you need to turn any variables into factors and reorder for ease of graphics and visualization?
Document your work here.
There are a few variables that require mutation: type
and gender
need to be converted into factors and first_epid
and last_epid
need to be converted to date format.
# convert type and gender variables into factors
<- actors_orig %>%
actors mutate(across(3:4, factor))
# create a new data frame named casts
<- casts_orig
casts # convert first_epid into date format
$first_epid <- ymd(casts$first_epid)
casts# convert last_epid into date format
$last_epid <- ymd(casts$last_epid)
casts# create a new data frame named seasons
<- seasons_orig
seasons # convert first_epid into date format
$first_epid <- ymd(seasons$first_epid)
seasons# convert last_epid into date format
$last_epid <- ymd(seasons$last_epid) seasons
Join Data
Be sure to include a sanity check, and double-check that case count is correct!
# join actors and casts into one data frame
<- full_join(actors, casts, by = "aid")
ac # create a jitter plot of gender vs. type with color based on whether the actor was featured or not
ggplot(ac, aes(`type`, `gender`)) +
geom_jitter(aes(color = `featured`)) +
labs(x = "Group Actor Belongs To",
y = "Gender of Actor",
title = "Jitter Plot of Gender of Actor vs. Group Actor Belongs To",
subtitle = "The legend shows whether the actor was featured or not",
caption = "Data: snl_actors.csv & snl_casts.csv")
I decided to analyze the actors and casts datasets combined to compare the type
of group the actor is in to the gender
of the actor, with an aesthetic added to convey whether the actor was featured or not (featured
). As illustrated by the jitter plot, the majority of featured actors are part of the cast, which is to be expected. However, there are a few that are part of the unknown group. Shown by the large concentration of points in the area, there is a large number of male, female, and unknown gender guests and more male cast members than female cast members. Although the crew is smaller than the number of cast members, most of the crew members are male like the cast. There is a gender
factor called “andy” in this dataset which is hard to determine what it actually means. Although my first thought is that “andy” means non-binary or “enby,” looking through the guests that have this gender do not use non-binary pronouns or consider themselves non-binary. I would guess it either means androgynous or a placeholder for an unknown gender, but if it’s the latter, why not use “unknown”? Overall, I found this combined dataset interesting, especially the larger concentrations of points in the guests column.