::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE) knitr
Michaela Bowen
October 10, 2022
Today’s challenge is to
read in a dataset, and
describe the dataset using both words and any supporting information (e.g., tables, etc)
Read in one (or more) of the following data sets, using the correct R package and command.
Here is read in the csv railroad data
Below you can see the variables are the county’s and states, and each case is the number of employees at each railroad station. This data was likely collected at each station and submitted to a state or federal database. It is likely this information was gathered by station, given the data is grouped by state and then by county.
Below I have outlined the distinct “States” which we can see there are 53 of, and that include District of Columbia and some Canadian railroads
[1] 53
[1] "AE" "AK" "AL" "AP" "AR" "AZ" "CA" "CO" "CT" "DC" "DE" "FL" "GA" "HI" "IA"
[16] "ID" "IL" "IN" "KS" "KY" "LA" "MA" "MD" "ME" "MI" "MN" "MO" "MS" "MT" "NC"
[31] "ND" "NE" "NH" "NJ" "NM" "NV" "NY" "OH" "OK" "OR" "PA" "RI" "SC" "SD" "TN"
[46] "TX" "UT" "VA" "VT" "WA" "WI" "WV" "WY"
title: "Challenge 1"
author: "Michaela Bowen"
desription: "Reading in data and creating a post"
date: "10/10/22"
toc: true
code-fold: true
code-copy: true
code-tools: true
- challenge_1
- railroads
- faostat
- wildbirds
#| label: setup
#| warning: false
#| message: false
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)
## Challenge Overview
Today's challenge is to
1) read in a dataset, and
2) describe the dataset using both words and any supporting information (e.g., tables, etc)
## Read in the Data
Read in one (or more) of the following data sets, using the correct R package and command.
- railroad_2012_clean_county.csv ⭐
Here is read in the csv railroad data
railroads <- read_csv("/Users/micha/OneDrive/Documents/Graduate School/DACSS 601/601_Fall_2022/posts/_data/railroad_2012_clean_county.csv")
## Describe the data
Below you can see the variables are the county's and states, and each case is the number of employees at each railroad station. This data was likely collected at each station and submitted to a state or federal database. It is likely this information was gathered by station, given the data is grouped by state and then by county.
Below I have outlined the distinct "States" which we can see there are 53 of, and that include District of Columbia and some Canadian railroads
#| label: summary