In the above dataset we can see that there are 119,390 rows and 32 columns. The column names gives us more information about what the data is about and here the data is the reservation data of the hotels. I could also find that there are 14 columns which have character vales and 18 of them are numerical values. There are quite a few columns which are dates in the dataset.
I have also observed that the column names are quite descriptive and abbreviated for easy understandability. I have found that a column which is names ‘adr’ which should actually mean “average daily rate” So, I went ahead and changed the column name to “average_daily_rate”.
In the dataset there are two different types of the hotels namely : Resort hotel and the City Hotel. The dataset consists of the reservations made from 2015 - 2017. The dataset also covers the reservations from all over the world and has almost 178 countries in them. There is data of both the cancelled reservations as well as the completed reservations along with the no-shows as well. Therefore, each row includes a lot of the information about the different reservations like the type of the hotel, country, number of visitors, dates, daily rates, duration of the stay and some other categorical information about the customer as well as the reservation.
In this dataset, each column represents a variable and each row is an booking. Therefore, there is no pivoting is needed.
This helps in mutating the variables from the dataset and it adds two new variables.
hotel is_canceled lead_time arrival_date_year
Length:119390 Min. :0.0000 Min. : 0 Min. :2015
Class :character 1st Qu.:0.0000 1st Qu.: 18 1st Qu.:2016
Mode :character Median :0.0000 Median : 69 Median :2016
Mean :0.3704 Mean :104 Mean :2016
3rd Qu.:1.0000 3rd Qu.:160 3rd Qu.:2017
Max. :1.0000 Max. :737 Max. :2017
arrival_date_month arrival_date_week_number arrival_date_day_of_month
Length:119390 Min. : 1.00 Min. : 1.0
Class :character 1st Qu.:16.00 1st Qu.: 8.0
Mode :character Median :28.00 Median :16.0
Mean :27.17 Mean :15.8
3rd Qu.:38.00 3rd Qu.:23.0
Max. :53.00 Max. :31.0
stays_in_weekend_nights stays_in_week_nights adults
Min. : 0.0000 Min. : 0.0 Min. : 0.000
1st Qu.: 0.0000 1st Qu.: 1.0 1st Qu.: 2.000
Median : 1.0000 Median : 2.0 Median : 2.000
Mean : 0.9276 Mean : 2.5 Mean : 1.856
3rd Qu.: 2.0000 3rd Qu.: 3.0 3rd Qu.: 2.000
Max. :19.0000 Max. :50.0 Max. :55.000
children babies meal country
Min. : 0.0000 Min. : 0.000000 Length:119390 Length:119390
1st Qu.: 0.0000 1st Qu.: 0.000000 Class :character Class :character
Median : 0.0000 Median : 0.000000 Mode :character Mode :character
Mean : 0.1039 Mean : 0.007949
3rd Qu.: 0.0000 3rd Qu.: 0.000000
Max. :10.0000 Max. :10.000000
NA's :4
market_segment distribution_channel is_repeated_guest
Length:119390 Length:119390 Min. :0.00000
Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.:0.00000
Mode :character Mode :character Median :0.00000
Mean :0.03191
3rd Qu.:0.00000
Max. :1.00000
previous_cancellations previous_bookings_not_canceled reserved_room_type
Min. : 0.00000 Min. : 0.0000 Length:119390
1st Qu.: 0.00000 1st Qu.: 0.0000 Class :character
Median : 0.00000 Median : 0.0000 Mode :character
Mean : 0.08712 Mean : 0.1371
3rd Qu.: 0.00000 3rd Qu.: 0.0000
Max. :26.00000 Max. :72.0000
assigned_room_type booking_changes deposit_type agent
Length:119390 Min. : 0.0000 Length:119390 Length:119390
Class :character 1st Qu.: 0.0000 Class :character Class :character
Mode :character Median : 0.0000 Mode :character Mode :character
Mean : 0.2211
3rd Qu.: 0.0000
Max. :21.0000
company days_in_waiting_list customer_type average_daily_rate
Length:119390 Min. : 0.000 Length:119390 Min. : -6.38
Class :character 1st Qu.: 0.000 Class :character 1st Qu.: 69.29
Mode :character Median : 0.000 Mode :character Median : 94.58
Mean : 2.321 Mean : 101.83
3rd Qu.: 0.000 3rd Qu.: 126.00
Max. :391.000 Max. :5400.00
required_car_parking_spaces total_of_special_requests reservation_status
Min. :0.00000 Min. :0.0000 Length:119390
1st Qu.:0.00000 1st Qu.:0.0000 Class :character
Median :0.00000 Median :0.0000 Mode :character
Mean :0.06252 Mean :0.5714
3rd Qu.:0.00000 3rd Qu.:1.0000
Max. :8.00000 Max. :5.0000
reservation_status_date number_of_guests total_stay
Length:119390 Min. : 0.000 Min. : 0.000
Class :character 1st Qu.: 2.000 1st Qu.: 2.000
Mode :character Median : 2.000 Median : 3.000
Mean : 1.968 Mean : 3.428
3rd Qu.: 2.000 3rd Qu.: 4.000
Max. :55.000 Max. :69.000
NA's :4
This table contains some descriptive statistics for the numeric variables of the data. For example, 37% of reservations are really canceled. Typically, reservations are made 104 days before the anticipated arrival date. 1.97 individuals are typically reserved for each reservation. A youngster or infant is included in one reservation out of every 10 on average. 3.43 days are the typical length of stay. After the fact changes are made to 22% of reservations. Last but not least, the typical daily rate for hotels is $101.
The only numerical variables that lack values are four. But as we can see from the dataset itself and the summary table above, some “NULL” values are actually strings. The summary table’s Agent and Company variables both have “NULL” values. As a last sanity check, I’ll check each column separately to determine if it has the value “NULL.”
This checks for the columns having any NULL values.
We can observe that there are 3 variables, country, agent and company which have “NULL” values. So now let’s find out how much of this data in the dataset is NULL.
We can now observe that there is 0.41% of country data, 13.89% of agent data and 94.31% of company data of reservations that are missing.
According to the summary table, resort hotels only charge $508 per day compared to a city hotel’s potential daily rate of $5,400. I believe that is the genuine circumstance.
This gives us the average_daily_rate in the descending order.
hotel arrival_date_year country agent number_of_guests total_stay
1 Resort Hotel 2017 GBR 273 2 10
2 Resort Hotel 2015 PRT NULL 2 0
3 Resort Hotel 2015 PRT NULL 2 0
4 Resort Hotel 2015 PRT NULL 4 1
5 Resort Hotel 2015 PRT 240 2 0
6 Resort Hotel 2015 PRT 250 1 0
7 Resort Hotel 2015 PRT NULL 2 0
8 Resort Hotel 2015 PRT 240 2 0
9 Resort Hotel 2015 PRT 305 2 2
10 Resort Hotel 2015 PRT 305 1 2
reservation_status average_daily_rate
1 Check-Out -6.38
2 Check-Out 0.00
3 Check-Out 0.00
4 Check-Out 0.00
5 Check-Out 0.00
6 Check-Out 0.00
7 Check-Out 0.00
8 Check-Out 0.00
9 Canceled 0.00
10 Check-Out 0.00
As a result, it would seem that the row with the average daily cost of $5,400 is incorrect. There is also a row that has a negative average daily rate. I’ll take them both.
This will help us in filtering the data based on the average_daily_rate.
Now let us perform some grouping and filtering on the data to perform our analysis and understand a bit more in-dept.
hotel.bookings %>%select(hotel, average_daily_rate) %>%group_by(hotel) %>%summarise_if(is.numeric, list(min = min, max = max, mean = mean, std_dev = sd, median = median), na.rm =TRUE)
# A tibble: 2 × 6
hotel min max mean std_dev median
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 City Hotel 0 510 105. 39.3 99.9
2 Resort Hotel 0 508 95.0 61.4 75
# A tibble: 10 × 2
country number_of_guests
<chr> <int>
1 PRT 37670
2 GBR 19256
3 FRA 17299
4 ESP 13213
5 DEU 11659
6 IRL 5102
7 ITA 4894
8 BEL 3855
9 NLD 3374
10 USA 3212
ggplot(data = a, mapping =aes(x= number_of_guests, y=reorder(country, number_of_guests)))+geom_col(aes(fill = country))+#geom_text(data = country[c(1,39),],mapping = aes(label = number_of_guests))+theme_minimal()+labs(title ="The number of guests vs the country",y ="Country",x ="Number of guests")+theme(legend.position ="none")
Now, we can clearly understand that Portugal has the maximum number of bookings and which is followed by Great Britan. The bar chart gives us the clear representation and interpretation of the values.
In the different countries what is the average daily rate of the hotel booking and for which customer type?
Let us now filter, group_by and summarise to understand the trends.
# A tibble: 10 × 3
# Groups: country [10]
country customer_type average_daily_rate
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 DJI Transient 273
2 AIA Transient 265
3 ARE Transient-Party 207
4 AND Transient 203.
5 UMI Transient 200
6 GEO Transient-Party 197.
7 VNM Transient-Party 184.
8 GIB Transient 183.
9 LAO Transient 182.
10 LUX Group 179.
April August December February January July June March
11089 13877 6780 8068 5929 12661 10939 9792
May November October September
11791 6794 11160 10508
ggplot(avg, aes(x = country, y = average_daily_rate))+geom_count(aes(size = customer_type), col ="goldenrod3")+theme_minimal()+labs(title ="Average daily rate of the hotel bookings in different countries",subtitle ="Based on the customer type",x="Country",y ="Average Daily rate" )
The average nightly price difference between city hotels and resort hotels is $11. In contrast, resort hotels offer a wider range of prices than do hotels in cities.
The nations with the most reservations are Portugal, Great Britain, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Belgium, Brazil, and the Netherlands. Great Britain, France, and Spain are next on the list. However, as we can see, 56% of Portugal’s hotel reservations are actually canceled. Each country contributes 35% of this percentage, Italy and Spain. Nevertheless, during the course of three years, Portugal has welcomed a total of 37,670 guests.
According to average daily rates, the priciest hotels may be located in Djibouti, Anguilla, Andorra, United States Minor Outlying Islands, Laos, and so on. It seems that hotels are much more expensive in small countries with little tourists.
As observed the busiest times of the year for hotels are in August, July, and May, respectively.
Now, I want to check how many rows have zero daily rate and which of the country is majorly responsible for that.
Let us now filter, group_by and summarise to understand the trends.
I see that there are 1959 reservations which have zero daily rate.
zero <- hotel.bookings %>%filter(average_daily_rate ==0) %>%group_by(country) %>%count() %>%arrange(desc(n)) %>%head()zero
# A tibble: 6 × 2
# Groups: country [6]
country n
<chr> <int>
1 PRT 1550
2 ESP 79
3 GBR 73
4 FRA 55
5 DEU 41
6 NULL 21
ggplot(zero, aes(x = country, y = n))+geom_line(color ="grey")+geom_point(size =3, color ="firebrick4")+theme_minimal()+labs(title ="Number of reservations with zero daily rate in different countries",x ="Country",y ="Number of reservations")
The majority of the zero values come from Portugal. Therefore, more investigation is required into the reliability of hotel data for Portugal. We can try to understand and interpret further make analysis.
The visualizations fail to answer 1. Is there any difference between the Resort and the City Hotel. 2. How does the arrival date/month/year actually affect the bookings in different countries? 3. Do the room rates change when the duration of the stay increases in different countries?
Source Code
---title: "Homework - 3"author: "Neeharika Karanam"description: "Homework - 3"date: "12/07/2022"format: html: toc: true code-copy: true code-tools: truecategories: - hw3 - hotel_bookings---```{r}library(tidyverse)library(psych)knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo =TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)```## Read DataI would like to read in the hotel bookings dataset.```{r}#Read the datahotel.bookings <-read.csv("_data/hotel_bookings.csv")```## Describe DataNow I would like describe the data make some transformations to display the dataset.This gives the dimesions of the dataset.```{r}dim(hotel.bookings)```This gives the column names of the dataset.```{r}colnames(hotel.bookings)```This changes the name of the column name```{r}colnames(hotel.bookings)[28] <-"average_daily_rate"``````{r}hotel.bookings```This gives the character types of all the columns in the dataset.```{r}table(sapply(hotel.bookings, function(x) typeof(x)))``````{r}sapply( hotel.bookings, function(x) n_distinct(x) )```This gives the unique values of the dataset.```{r}unique(hotel.bookings$hotel)unique(hotel.bookings$arrival_date_year)unique(hotel.bookings$reservation_status)unique(hotel.bookings$distribution_channel)unique(hotel.bookings$customer_type)```In the above dataset we can see that there are 119,390 rows and 32 columns. The column names gives us more information about what the data is about and here the data is the reservation data of the hotels. I could also find that there are 14 columns which have character vales and 18 of them are numerical values. There are quite a few columns which are dates in the dataset.I have also observed that the column names are quite descriptive and abbreviated for easy understandability. I have found that a column which is names 'adr' which should actually mean "average daily rate" So, I went ahead and changed the column name to "average_daily_rate".In the dataset there are two different types of the hotels namely : Resort hotel and the City Hotel. The dataset consists of the reservations made from 2015 - 2017. The dataset also covers the reservations from all over the world and has almost 178 countries in them. There is data of both the cancelled reservations as well as the completed reservations along with the no-shows as well. Therefore, each row includes a lot of the information about the different reservations like the type of the hotel, country, number of visitors, dates, daily rates, duration of the stay and some other categorical information about the customer as well as the reservation.In this dataset, each column represents a variable and each row is an booking. Therefore, there is no pivoting is needed.This helps in mutating the variables from the dataset and it adds two new variables.```{r}hotel.bookings <-mutate( hotel.bookings, number_of_guests = adults + children + babies,total_stay = stays_in_weekend_nights + stays_in_week_nights)print(summary(hotel.bookings, varnumbers=FALSE, plain.ascii=FALSE, style="grid", graph.magnif=0.80, valid.col=TRUE),method='render', table.classes='table-condensed')```This table contains some descriptive statistics for the numeric variables of the data. For example, 37% of reservations are really canceled. Typically, reservations are made 104 days before the anticipated arrival date. 1.97 individuals are typically reserved for each reservation. A youngster or infant is included in one reservation out of every 10 on average. 3.43 days are the typical length of stay. After the fact changes are made to 22% of reservations. Last but not least, the typical daily rate for hotels is $101.This checks for the NA values.```{r}colSums(```The only numerical variables that lack values are four. But as we can see from the dataset itself and the summary table above, some "NULL" values are actually strings. The summary table's Agent and Company variables both have "NULL" values. As a last sanity check, I'll check each column separately to determine if it has the value "NULL."This checks for the columns having any NULL values.```{r}nulls <-sapply(hotel.bookings, function(x) table(grepl("NULL", x)))for (i in1:32) {if (![[i]][2])) {print(nulls[i]) }}```We can observe that there are 3 variables, `country`, `agent` and `company` which have "NULL" values. So now let's find out how much of this data in the dataset is NULL.```{r}round(100*prop.table(table(grepl("NULL", hotel.bookings$country))), 2)round(100*prop.table(table(grepl("NULL", hotel.bookings$agent))), 2)round(100*prop.table(table(grepl("NULL", hotel.bookings$company))), 2)```We can now observe that there is 0.41% of `country` data, 13.89% of `agent` data and 94.31% of `company` data of reservations that are missing.## AnalysisAccording to the summary table, resort hotels only charge $508 per day compared to a city hotel's potential daily rate of $5,400. I believe that is the genuine circumstance.This gives us the average_daily_rate in the descending order.```{r}hotel.bookings %>%arrange(desc(average_daily_rate)) %>%slice_head(n=10) %>%select(hotel, arrival_date_year, country, agent, number_of_guests, total_stay, reservation_status, average_daily_rate)```This gives us the average_daily_rate in the ascending order.```{r}hotel.bookings %>%arrange(average_daily_rate) %>%slice_head(n=10) %>%select(hotel, arrival_date_year, country, agent, number_of_guests, total_stay, reservation_status, average_daily_rate)```As a result, it would seem that the row with the average daily cost of $5,400 is incorrect. There is also a row that has a negative average daily rate. I'll take them both.This will help us in filtering the data based on the average_daily_rate.```{r}hotel.bookings <- hotel.bookings %>%filter(average_daily_rate>=0& average_daily_rate<=510)```Now let us perform some grouping and filtering on the data to perform our analysis and understand a bit more in-dept.```{r}hotel.bookings %>%select(hotel, average_daily_rate) %>%group_by(hotel) %>%summarise_if(is.numeric, list(min = min, max = max, mean = mean, std_dev = sd, median = median), na.rm =TRUE)``````{r}hotel.bookings %>%select(country) %>%group_by(country) %>%count() %>%arrange(desc(n)) %>%head(n=10)``````{r}hotel.bookings %>%select(country, is_canceled) %>%group_by(country) %>%summarise_if(is.numeric, sum, na.rm =TRUE) %>%arrange(desc(is_canceled)) %>%head(n=10)``````{r}hotel.bookings %>%filter(country %in%c("PRT", "GBR", "ESP", "FRA", "ITA")) %>%select(country,is_canceled) %>%group_by(country) %>%summarise_if(is.numeric, mean, na.rm =TRUE) %>%arrange(desc(is_canceled))``````{r}hotel.bookings %>%filter(reservation_status =="Check-Out") %>%select(country, number_of_guests) %>%group_by(country) %>%summarise_if(is.numeric, sum, na.rm =TRUE) %>%arrange(desc(number_of_guests)) %>%head(n=10)```## Potential Research Questions1. Which country has the maximum number of guests staying the hotels?Let us now filter, group_by and summarise to understand the trends.```{r}a <- hotel.bookings %>%filter(reservation_status =="Check-Out") %>%select(country, number_of_guests) %>%group_by(country) %>%summarise_if(is.numeric, sum, na.rm =TRUE) %>%arrange(desc(number_of_guests)) %>%head(n=10)a``````{r}ggplot(data = a, mapping =aes(x= number_of_guests, y=reorder(country, number_of_guests)))+geom_col(aes(fill = country))+#geom_text(data = country[c(1,39),],mapping = aes(label = number_of_guests))+theme_minimal()+labs(title ="The number of guests vs the country",y ="Country",x ="Number of guests")+theme(legend.position ="none")```Now, we can clearly understand that Portugal has the maximum number of bookings and which is followed by Great Britan. The bar chart gives us the clear representation and interpretation of the values.2. In the different countries what is the average daily rate of the hotel booking and for which customer type?Let us now filter, group_by and summarise to understand the trends.```{r}avg <- hotel.bookings %>%select(country, customer_type, average_daily_rate) %>%group_by(country, customer_type) %>%summarise_if(is.numeric, mean, na.rm =TRUE) %>%arrange(desc(average_daily_rate)) %>%head(n=10)avg``````{r}table(hotel.bookings$arrival_date_month)``````{r}ggplot(avg, aes(x = country, y = average_daily_rate))+geom_count(aes(size = customer_type), col ="goldenrod3")+theme_minimal()+labs(title ="Average daily rate of the hotel bookings in different countries",subtitle ="Based on the customer type",x="Country",y ="Average Daily rate" )```The average nightly price difference between city hotels and resort hotels is $11. In contrast, resort hotels offer a wider range of prices than do hotels in cities.The nations with the most reservations are Portugal, Great Britain, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Belgium, Brazil, and the Netherlands. Great Britain, France, and Spain are next on the list. However, as we can see, 56% of Portugal's hotel reservations are actually canceled. Each country contributes 35% of this percentage, Italy and Spain. Nevertheless, during the course of three years, Portugal has welcomed a total of 37,670 guests.According to average daily rates, the priciest hotels may be located in Djibouti, Anguilla, Andorra, United States Minor Outlying Islands, Laos, and so on. It seems that hotels are much more expensive in small countries with little tourists.As observed the busiest times of the year for hotels are in August, July, and May, respectively.3. Now, I want to check how many rows have zero daily rate and which of the country is majorly responsible for that.Let us now filter, group_by and summarise to understand the trends.```{r}hotel.bookings %>%filter(average_daily_rate ==0) %>%count()```I see that there are 1959 reservations which have zero daily rate.```{r}zero <- hotel.bookings %>%filter(average_daily_rate ==0) %>%group_by(country) %>%count() %>%arrange(desc(n)) %>%head()zero``````{r}ggplot(zero, aes(x = country, y = n))+geom_line(color ="grey")+geom_point(size =3, color ="firebrick4")+theme_minimal()+labs(title ="Number of reservations with zero daily rate in different countries",x ="Country",y ="Number of reservations")```The majority of the zero values come from Portugal. Therefore, more investigation is required into the reliability of hotel data for Portugal. We can try to understand and interpret further make analysis.The visualizations fail to answer 1. Is there any difference between the Resort and the City Hotel.2. How does the arrival date/month/year actually affect the bookings in different countries?3. Do the room rates change when the duration of the stay increases in different countries?