::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE) knitr
Guanhua Tan
September 24, 2022
Today’s challenge is to:
Read in one (or more) of the following datasets, using the correct R package and command.
[1] 124
[1] 11
[1] 1364
Describe the data, and be sure to comment on why you are planning to pivot it to make it “tidy”
This dataset has two different parts of information with the same timeline covering from 2004 to 2012. One part is about the prices of one dozen and 1/2 dozen of large eggs and extra large eggs. The other part is about the prices of “whole”, “B/S Breast”, “Bone-in Breast”, “Whole Legs”, “Thighs”–different parts of a Chicken. In order to clean, I would like to divide it into two datesets. One just includes the information about the eggs and the other the data about the Chicken. Additionally, I’d like to separate “Year” and “Month” to make very cell have its own value.
I’ll divide the existing dataset into two distinct dataset. Existing data has 124 rows, 11 columns and 1364 cases. Expected data 1 will have 118 rows, 6 columns and 708 cases. Expected data 2 will have 118 rows, 7 columns and 826 cases.
# A tibble: 118 × 5
Date `Extra_Large 12` `Extra_Large 6` `Large 12` `Large 6`
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 Jan 2004 230 132 230 126
2 February 230 134.5 226.25 128.5
3 March 230 137 225 131
4 April 234.5 137 225 131
5 May 236 137 225 131
6 June 241 137 231.375 133.5
7 July 241 137 233.5 133.5
8 August 241 137 233.5 133.5
9 September 241 135.875 233.5 129.75
10 October 241 135.5 233.5 128.5
# … with 108 more rows
# A tibble: 118 × 6
Year Month `Extra_Large 12` `Extra_Large 6` `Large 12` `Large 6`
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 2004 Jan 230 132 230 126
2 2004 February 230 134.5 226.25 128.5
3 2004 March 230 137 225 131
4 2004 April 234.5 137 225 131
5 2004 May 236 137 225 131
6 2004 June 241 137 231.375 133.5
7 2004 July 241 137 233.5 133.5
8 2004 August 241 137 233.5 133.5
9 2004 September 241 135.875 233.5 129.75
10 2004 October 241 135.5 233.5 128.5
# … with 108 more rows
Through the function pivot_longer, I reorganized the dataset. I created three new columns–categorizes, quantiy, and prices. I separated original column names with the whitespace. I moved the type description under the column name “categories” and the numbers (12 or 6) under the column name “quantity.” All values were moved to columns “prices.” New column names reflect the characteristics of all values that makes the dataset clean and clear.
# A tibble: 472 × 5
Year Month categroies quanity prices
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 2004 Jan Extra_Large 12 230
2 2004 Jan Extra_Large 6 132
3 2004 Jan Large 12 230
4 2004 Jan Large 6 126
5 2004 February Extra_Large 12 230
6 2004 February Extra_Large 6 134.5
7 2004 February Large 12 226.25
8 2004 February Large 6 128.5
9 2004 March Extra_Large 12 230
10 2004 March Extra_Large 6 137
# … with 462 more rows
[1] 118
[1] 6
[1] 708
# create a new dataset about the Chicken and tidy data
column_names <-c("Date", "Extra_Large 12","Extra_Large 6","Large 12", "Large 6", "NA", "Whole", "B/S Breast",
"Bone-in Breast", "Whole Legs", "Thighs")
Chicken<-organic_egg[5:122, 1:11]
colnames(Chicken) = column_names
Chicken1 <- Chicken %>%
select(`Date`, `Whole`, `B/S Breast`, `Bone-in Breast`, `Whole Legs`, `Thighs`)
# A tibble: 118 × 6
Date Whole `B/S Breast` `Bone-in Breast` `Whole Legs` Thighs
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 Jan 2004 197.5 645.5 too few 193.5 too few
2 February 197.5 642.5 too few 193.5 203
3 March 209 642.5 too few 193.5 203
4 April 212 642.5 too few 193.5 203
5 May 214.5 642.5 too few 193.5 203
6 June 216.375 641 too few 201.875 200.375
7 July 217 642.5 390.5 203.5 199.5
8 August 217 642.5 390.5 203.5 199.5
9 September 217 642.5 390.5 203.5 199.5
10 October 217 642.5 390.5 203.5 199.5
# … with 108 more rows
# A tibble: 118 × 7
Month Year Whole `B/S Breast` `Bone-in Breast` `Whole Legs` Thighs
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 Jan 2004 197.5 645.5 too few 193.5 too few
2 February 2004 197.5 642.5 too few 193.5 203
3 March 2004 209 642.5 too few 193.5 203
4 April 2004 212 642.5 too few 193.5 203
5 May 2004 214.5 642.5 too few 193.5 203
6 June 2004 216.375 641 too few 201.875 200.375
7 July 2004 217 642.5 390.5 203.5 199.5
8 August 2004 217 642.5 390.5 203.5 199.5
9 September 2004 217 642.5 390.5 203.5 199.5
10 October 2004 217 642.5 390.5 203.5 199.5
# … with 108 more rows
# A tibble: 118 × 7
Year Month Whole `B/S Breast` `Bone-in Breast` `Whole Legs` Thighs
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 2004 Jan 197.5 645.5 <NA> 193.5 <NA>
2 2004 February 197.5 642.5 <NA> 193.5 203
3 2004 March 209 642.5 <NA> 193.5 203
4 2004 April 212 642.5 <NA> 193.5 203
5 2004 May 214.5 642.5 <NA> 193.5 203
6 2004 June 216.375 641 <NA> 201.875 200.375
7 2004 July 217 642.5 390.5 203.5 199.5
8 2004 August 217 642.5 390.5 203.5 199.5
9 2004 September 217 642.5 390.5 203.5 199.5
10 2004 October 217 642.5 390.5 203.5 199.5
# … with 108 more rows
Finally, I got two different datasets that clearly reflect two distinct datas.
title: "Challenge 3 Guanhua Tan"
author: "Guanhua Tan"
desription: "Tidy Data: Pivoting"
date: "09/24/2022"
toc: true
code-fold: true
code-copy: true
code-tools: true
- challenge_3
- eggs
#| label: setup
#| warning: false
#| message: false
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)
## Challenge Overview
Today's challenge is to:
1. read in a data set, and describe the data set using both words and any supporting information (e.g., tables, etc)
2. identify what needs to be done to tidy the current data
3. anticipate the shape of pivoted data
4. pivot the data into tidy format using `pivot_longer`
## Read in data
Read in one (or more) of the following datasets, using the correct R package and command.
- animal_weights.csv ⭐
- eggs_tidy.csv ⭐⭐ or organiceggpoultry.xls ⭐⭐⭐
- australian_marriage\*.xls ⭐⭐⭐
- USA Households\*.xlsx ⭐⭐⭐⭐
- sce_labor_chart_data_public.xlsx 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
### Briefly describe the data
Describe the data, and be sure to comment on why you are planning to pivot it to make it "tidy"
This dataset has two different parts of information with the same timeline covering from 2004 to 2012. One part is about the prices of one dozen and 1/2 dozen of large eggs and extra large eggs. The other part is about the prices of "whole", "B/S Breast", "Bone-in Breast", "Whole Legs", "Thighs"--different parts of a Chicken. In order to clean, I would like to divide it into two datesets. One just includes the information about the eggs and the other the data about the Chicken. Additionally, I'd like to separate "Year" and "Month" to make very cell have its own value.
## Anticipate the End Result
### Challenge: Describe the final dimensions
I'll divide the existing dataset into two distinct dataset. Existing data has 124 rows, 11 columns and 1364 cases. Expected data 1 will have 118 rows, 6 columns and 708 cases. Expected data 2 will have 118 rows, 7 columns and 826 cases.
#create a new dataset about the eggs
column_names <-c("Date", "Extra_Large 12","Extra_Large 6","Large 12", "Large 6")
eggs1 <- organic_egg[5:122, 1:5]
colnames(eggs1) =column_names
# separate year and month and remove "/1"
eggs2 <-eggs1 %>%
mutate(Date = str_remove(Date, " /1")) %>%
separate(Date, into=c("Month", "Year"), sep=" ") %>%
fill(Year) %>%
select(Year, Month, `Extra_Large 12`, `Extra_Large 6`, `Large 12`, `Large 6`)
### Challenge: Pivot the Chosen Data
Through the function pivot_longer, I reorganized the dataset. I created three new columns--categorizes, quantiy, and prices. I separated original column names with the whitespace. I moved the type description under the column name "categories" and the numbers (12 or 6) under the column name "quantity." All values were moved to columns "prices." New column names reflect the characteristics of all values that makes the dataset clean and clear.
# pivot_longer
eggs2 %>%
pivot_longer(cols = contains("Large"),
names_to = c("categroies", "quanity"),
names_sep=" ",
values_to= "prices")
# create a new dataset about the Chicken and tidy data
column_names <-c("Date", "Extra_Large 12","Extra_Large 6","Large 12", "Large 6", "NA", "Whole", "B/S Breast",
"Bone-in Breast", "Whole Legs", "Thighs")
Chicken<-organic_egg[5:122, 1:11]
colnames(Chicken) = column_names
Chicken1 <- Chicken %>%
select(`Date`, `Whole`, `B/S Breast`, `Bone-in Breast`, `Whole Legs`, `Thighs`)
#tidy data 2 Separate year and month, remove "/1"
Chicken_tidy <- Chicken1 %>%
mutate(Date = str_remove(Date, "/1")) %>%
separate(Date, into=c("Month", "Year"), sep=" ") %>%
# find and replace "too few"
Chicken_tidy[Chicken_tidy== "too few"] <- NA
Chicken_tidy %>%
select(Year, Month, Whole, `B/S Breast`, `Bone-in Breast`, `Whole Legs`, Thighs)
Finally, I got two different datasets that clearly reflect two distinct datas.