Aditya Salveru


  • save a copy of this document as FirstLast.qmd in the about folder
  • replace Your Name in yaml header with your first and last name
  • save an image (jpeg, png) to use in the about/images folder
  • replace image names in yaml header
  • replace github user name
  • fill in information below, as appropriate
  • commit to github and submit pull request

Education/Work Background


  • MSCS @ UMass Amherst


  • Software Engineer @ Google
  • Software Engineer @ MathWorks
  • Bachelors in Electrical Engineering

R experience


Research interests

  • Machine Learning
  • Data Science
  • Systems


  • India


  • Computer Games
  • Music
  • Working out

Fun fact

  • Unlike many people, I don’t like to play cricket. Every time I played in the past, I injured some part of my body :)