Eli Boahen


Hi, I’m Eli ( they / them ) I’m new to grad school and looking for global and domestic opportunities

Education/Work Background

Undergrad at Smith College as a STEM Posse 2 Scholar

I did a self Designed major in Arts and Technology, combining Computer Science, Engineering, Art, and Design into one field of study. I believe that IDP ( interdisciplinary ) is an amazing way to not only problem solve, but verify a problem in the first place.

R experience

This assignment. I’m liking R so far :D

Research interests

AI Ethics | Cyborg Anthropology | HCI | and Data Ethics

I want to work in the IOT and assistant device space to create technology that supports user well being as well as autonomy. I would like to work in industry, though everyday a PhD sounds more and more tempting. Ultimately, I want to improve the course of future-tech.

I am interested in the IOT and assistive device space because of its privacy, security, and autonomy challenges. There are overlaps with robotics, digital media, and the health sector! I’ve enjoyed improving digital experiences through design, now I want to use data to build and advocate for those experiences.


New York City


I love my houseplants, drawing, listening to music, and I study Japanese

Fun fact

I’m Ghanaian-American and I love okonomiyaki