Matthew Weiner

Education/Work Background

Last summer I had the opportunity to intern at HubSpot in Cambridge as a Software Engineer intern. It was a great experience which taught me a lot about the tech industry.

Prior to that, my only work experiences were working in a Dairy Queen during my summers

R experience

I have never used R before so I am looking forward to learning a lot this semester!

Research interests

My main research interests are in the field of Machine Learning and AI, specifically I am interested in learning more about Reinforcement Learninig.


I am from Mansfield, MA


I am a big Boston sports fan and also enjoy playing sports as well. I am currently on the UMass club swim team and have been swimming competitively for over 16 years.

Fun fact

When I was still working at Dairy Queen, we often had Patriots players come in after practice so I have gotten to meet most of the well known players (Gronk really liked his banana splits ;) ).