Megan Galarneau

Education/Work Background

I graduated with my Bachelors in Marketing w/Communications in December 2021. I’m currently working in Marketing Operations for a tech start-up in Boston, MA.

R experience

I have no R experience, but I come from (and am getting married to) a family of programmers. Safe to stay, my journey to learning to code was inevitable.

Research interests

Still learning what my interests are, but excited to learn. In my undergrad I researched the impact of mindfulness practices on employee performance. I enjoyed it quite a bit and would like to return to it one day with fresh eyes and an advanced skill set.


Dover, NH


Most recently, learning to play piano. It’s going slow but steady.

Fun fact

My fiance and I adopted a long-hair orange tabby named Morph. Treasure Planet inspired name for those who catch the reference..