Michele Carlin


  • save a copy of this document as FirstLast.qmd in the about folder
  • replace Your Name in yaml header with your first and last name
  • save an image (jpeg, png) to use in the about/images folder
  • replace image names in yaml header
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  • fill in information below, as appropriate
  • commit to github and submit pull request

Education/Work Background

I am currently working at UMass Chan Medical School as an Institutional Research Analyst.

R experience

I don’t have any experience with R.

Research interests

Medical Education


Leominster, MA


Walking/hiking with my kids and dog.

Spending time with family and friends.

Fun fact

I took a few graduate level classes as UMass Amherst almost 20 years ago and I’m just now getting back to pursing additional graduate credits (possibly enrolling in a graduate program in the future).