Pranav Bharadwaj Komaravolu

A Computer Science Graduate student who is ever ready to take on challenges and eager to leverage my knowledge and passion for computers to create an impact on the organization or project I will be part of.

Education/Work Background

  • Master of Science
    in Computer Science
    from University of Massachusetts Amherst
    (Aug 2022 - )
  • Integrated Master of Technology
    in Computer Science
    from University of Hyderabad, India
    (Jul 2017 - Jun 2022)

R experience

Learnt some R as a part of Stat-501 course. Slight acquaintance with mosaic library. But willing to master it through this course.

Research interests

Currently interested in the following areas:

  • Bio-NLP, which involves the use of natural language techniques and models to interpret genome sequences and also identify protein structures.
  • Distributed learning, which involves the task of distributing the training task of a large machine learning model over various nodes in a compute cluster.


Hyderabad, India


  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Reading comics
  • I also like taking walk (only when the weather is pleasant)

Fun fact

Will learn some by the end of this semester :)