::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE) knitr
Anirudh Lakkaraju
May 2, 2023
# A tibble: 6 × 17
`IPCC Area` `Cattle - dairy` `Cattle - non-dairy` Buffaloes `Swine - market`
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Indian Subco… 275 110 295 28
2 Eastern Euro… 550 391 380 50
3 Africa 275 173 380 28
4 Oceania 500 330 380 45
5 Western Euro… 600 420 380 50
6 Latin America 400 305 380 28
# ℹ 12 more variables: `Swine - breeding` <dbl>, `Chicken - Broilers` <dbl>,
# `Chicken - Layers` <dbl>, Ducks <dbl>, Turkeys <dbl>, Sheep <dbl>,
# Goats <dbl>, Horses <dbl>, Asses <dbl>, Mules <dbl>, Camels <dbl>,
# Llamas <dbl>
Find the number of rows and cols of the dataset
IPCC Area Cattle - dairy Cattle - non-dairy Buffaloes
Length:9 Min. :275.0 Min. :110 Min. :295.0
Class :character 1st Qu.:275.0 1st Qu.:173 1st Qu.:380.0
Mode :character Median :400.0 Median :330 Median :380.0
Mean :425.4 Mean :298 Mean :370.6
3rd Qu.:550.0 3rd Qu.:391 3rd Qu.:380.0
Max. :604.0 Max. :420 Max. :380.0
Swine - market Swine - breeding Chicken - Broilers Chicken - Layers
Min. :28.00 Min. : 28.0 Min. :0.9 Min. :1.8
1st Qu.:28.00 1st Qu.: 28.0 1st Qu.:0.9 1st Qu.:1.8
Median :45.00 Median :180.0 Median :0.9 Median :1.8
Mean :39.22 Mean :116.4 Mean :0.9 Mean :1.8
3rd Qu.:50.00 3rd Qu.:180.0 3rd Qu.:0.9 3rd Qu.:1.8
Max. :50.00 Max. :198.0 Max. :0.9 Max. :1.8
Ducks Turkeys Sheep Goats Horses
Min. :2.7 Min. :6.8 Min. :28.00 Min. :30.00 Min. :238.0
1st Qu.:2.7 1st Qu.:6.8 1st Qu.:28.00 1st Qu.:30.00 1st Qu.:238.0
Median :2.7 Median :6.8 Median :48.50 Median :38.50 Median :377.0
Mean :2.7 Mean :6.8 Mean :39.39 Mean :34.72 Mean :315.2
3rd Qu.:2.7 3rd Qu.:6.8 3rd Qu.:48.50 3rd Qu.:38.50 3rd Qu.:377.0
Max. :2.7 Max. :6.8 Max. :48.50 Max. :38.50 Max. :377.0
Asses Mules Camels Llamas
Min. :130 Min. :130 Min. :217 Min. :217
1st Qu.:130 1st Qu.:130 1st Qu.:217 1st Qu.:217
Median :130 Median :130 Median :217 Median :217
Mean :130 Mean :130 Mean :217 Mean :217
3rd Qu.:130 3rd Qu.:130 3rd Qu.:217 3rd Qu.:217
Max. :130 Max. :130 Max. :217 Max. :217
The dataset contains animal weight data, which indicates the number of various types of livestock (such as buffaloes, chickens, and turkeys) in different regions. The dataset has 9 rows and 17 columns, but the 17 columns make the data difficult to handle or analyze. To make the data more efficient, we can utilize the “pivot_longer()” function to restructure it. This will transform the 17 columns into three columns, including region, cattle type, and weight, resulting in 144 rows (9 rows x 16 variables) of data.
# A tibble: 144 × 3
`IPCC Area` Livestock Weight
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 Indian Subcontinent Cattle - dairy 275
2 Indian Subcontinent Cattle - non-dairy 110
3 Indian Subcontinent Buffaloes 295
4 Indian Subcontinent Swine - market 28
5 Indian Subcontinent Swine - breeding 28
6 Indian Subcontinent Chicken - Broilers 0.9
7 Indian Subcontinent Chicken - Layers 1.8
8 Indian Subcontinent Ducks 2.7
9 Indian Subcontinent Turkeys 6.8
10 Indian Subcontinent Sheep 28
# ℹ 134 more rows
Dimensions of restructured data
As expected, using pivot_longer(), we get a dataset with 144 rows and 3 cols.
title: "Challenge 3"
author: "Anirudh Lakkaraju"
description: "Tidy Data: Pivoting"
date: "05/02/2023"
toc: true
code-fold: true
code-copy: true
code-tools: true
- challenge_3
- Anirudh Lakkaraju
- animal_weights
#| label: setup
#| warning: false
#| message: false
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)
### Reading the data
df <- read_csv("_data/animal_weight.csv")
### Briefly describe the data
Find the number of rows and cols of the dataset
The dataset contains animal weight data, which indicates the number of various types of livestock (such as buffaloes, chickens, and turkeys) in different regions. The dataset has 9 rows and 17 columns, but the 17 columns make the data difficult to handle or analyze. To make the data more efficient, we can utilize the "pivot_longer()" function to restructure it. This will transform the 17 columns into three columns, including region, cattle type, and weight, resulting in 144 rows (9 rows x 16 variables) of data.
### Pivoting the data
data_longer<-pivot_longer(df, col=-`IPCC Area`,
names_to = "Livestock",
values_to = "Weight")
Dimensions of restructured data
As expected, using pivot_longer(), we get a dataset with 144 rows and 3 cols.