::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) knitr
Daniel Hannon
March 12, 2023
state_and_territory <-readxl::read_excel("_data/australian_marriage_law_postal_survey_2017_-_response_final.xls", sheet= "Table 1", skip=7, n_max= 9, col_names = c("Division", "Yes Count", "Yes %", "No Count", "No %", "Clear Total Count", "Clear Count %", "White Space", "Clear Count", "Clear %", "Unclear Count", "Unclear %", "Non-response Count", "Non-response %", "Total Count", "Total %"))
federal_electoral_divison <-readxl::read_excel("_data/australian_marriage_law_postal_survey_2017_-_response_final.xls", sheet= "Table 2", skip=7, n_max= 173, col_names = c("Zone", "Yes Count", "Yes %", "No Count", "No %", "Clear Total Count", "Clear Count %", "White Space", "Clear Count", "Clear %", "Unclear Count", "Unclear %", "Non-response Count", "Non-response %", "Total Count", "Total %"))
The data table is a collection of responses to a mailed out survey question to Australians who were registered to vote in 2017. One table is the responses for particular territories and states, while one is the responses for each voting district within each state and territory. Each row shows the number and percent of Yes and No votes of the clear responses. It then breaks down the number and percent of clear responses, the number and percent of unclear responses, and the number and percent of non-responses, or people who didn’t respond at all.
This data has very unclear columns, with many data points per row and many rows that provide no information. Before I plan the final shape of the tibble I will first remove unnecessary rows and redundant columns. This means removing the column of white space on both sheets, all of the total percentages (its always 100) and the rows showing total counts per division from the second sheet because they are shown on the first sheet. Also removing the rows that show percentages, because they are easy to recover given the Counts and removing the Clear Total number because that can be found by adding the yes and no votes.
#A clean version of the federal_electoral_division data
clean_fed <- federal_electoral_divison %>%
select(!c("White Space", "Clear Count", "Clear Total Count") & !contains("%")) %>%
filter(!grepl("(Total)", Zone)) %>%
mutate(Division = case_when(str_ends(Zone, "Divisions") ~ Zone,
TRUE ~ NA_character_ )) %>%
fill(Division, .direction = "down") %>%
filter(!`Total Count`))
# A tibble: 150 × 7
Zone `Yes Count` `No Count` `Unclear Count` Non-respon…¹ Total…² Divis…³
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
1 Banks 37736 46343 247 20928 105254 New So…
2 Barton 37153 47984 226 24008 109371 New So…
3 Bennelong 42943 43215 244 19973 106375 New So…
4 Berowra 48471 40369 212 16038 105090 New So…
5 Blaxland 20406 57926 220 25883 104435 New So…
6 Bradfield 53681 34927 202 17261 106071 New So…
7 Calare 54091 35779 285 25342 115497 New So…
8 Chifley 32871 46702 263 28180 108016 New So…
9 Cook 47505 38804 229 18713 105251 New So…
10 Cowper 57493 38317 315 25197 121322 New So…
# … with 140 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹`Non-response Count`,
# ²`Total Count`, ³Division
# A tibble: 9 × 6
Division `Yes Count` `No Count` Uncle…¹ Non-r…² Total…³
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 New South Wales 2374362 1736838 11036 1065445 5.19e6
2 Victoria 2145629 1161098 11028 743634 4.06e6
3 Queensland 1487060 961015 7088 695710 3.15e6
4 South Australia 592528 356247 2778 242027 1.19e6
5 Western Australia 801575 455924 3188 346333 1.61e6
6 Tasmania 191948 109655 805 77020 3.79e5
7 Northern Territory(b) 48686 31690 229 57496 1.38e5
8 Australian Capital Territory(c) 175459 61520 534 50595 2.88e5
9 Australia 7817247 4873987 36686 3278260 1.60e7
# … with abbreviated variable names ¹`Unclear Count`, ²`Non-response Count`,
# ³`Total Count`
With the data frames clean we can see our starting tibble dimensions are 9x12 for the states and territories (S.a.T.) table and 150x12 for the federal electoral division (F.E.D.) table. For the S.a.T. table in order to make it tidy We want each row to contain one observation. I plan on pivoting the table longer so that each observation consist of the count for one type of response, with 4 responses total (Yes, No, Unclear, Unresponsive, or total) for each Division. This will leave me with 3 total columns and 45 rows.
For the F.E.D. table we will do the same pivot except we will add an extra column for division, so that each electoral zone can be group by which territory division they fall into. This should leave the F.E.D table with dimensions 750x4.
# A tibble: 45 × 3
Division `Vote Type` Count
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 New South Wales Yes 2374362
2 New South Wales No 1736838
3 New South Wales Unclear 11036
4 New South Wales Non-response 1065445
5 New South Wales Total 5187681
6 Victoria Yes 2145629
7 Victoria No 1161098
8 Victoria Unclear 11028
9 Victoria Non-response 743634
10 Victoria Total 4061389
# … with 35 more rows
# A tibble: 750 × 4
Zone Division `Vote Type` Count
<chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 Banks New South Wales Divisions Yes 37736
2 Banks New South Wales Divisions No 46343
3 Banks New South Wales Divisions Unclear 247
4 Banks New South Wales Divisions Non-response 20928
5 Banks New South Wales Divisions Total 105254
6 Barton New South Wales Divisions Yes 37153
7 Barton New South Wales Divisions No 47984
8 Barton New South Wales Divisions Unclear 226
9 Barton New South Wales Divisions Non-response 24008
10 Barton New South Wales Divisions Total 109371
# … with 740 more rows
title: "Challenge 3: Australian Marriages "
author: "Daniel Hannon"
desription: "Described and Made Tidy the Australian Marriage Dataset"
date: "03/12/2023"
toc: true
code-fold: true
code-copy: true
code-tools: true
- challenge_3
- Daniel Hannon
- australian_marriage
#| label: setup
#| warning: false
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
## Read in the Data
```{r messages = FALSE}
#| label: read in the data, renaming the columns to meaningful names
state_and_territory <-readxl::read_excel("_data/australian_marriage_law_postal_survey_2017_-_response_final.xls", sheet= "Table 1", skip=7, n_max= 9, col_names = c("Division", "Yes Count", "Yes %", "No Count", "No %", "Clear Total Count", "Clear Count %", "White Space", "Clear Count", "Clear %", "Unclear Count", "Unclear %", "Non-response Count", "Non-response %", "Total Count", "Total %"))
federal_electoral_divison <-readxl::read_excel("_data/australian_marriage_law_postal_survey_2017_-_response_final.xls", sheet= "Table 2", skip=7, n_max= 173, col_names = c("Zone", "Yes Count", "Yes %", "No Count", "No %", "Clear Total Count", "Clear Count %", "White Space", "Clear Count", "Clear %", "Unclear Count", "Unclear %", "Non-response Count", "Non-response %", "Total Count", "Total %"))
The data table is a collection of responses to a mailed out survey question to Australians who were registered to vote in 2017. One table is the responses for particular territories and states, while one is the responses for each voting district within each state and territory. Each row shows the number and percent of Yes and No votes of the clear responses. It then breaks down the number and percent of clear responses, the number and percent of unclear responses, and the number and percent of non-responses, or people who didn't respond at all.
## Clean the Data
This data has very unclear columns, with many data points per row and many rows that provide no information.
Before I plan the final shape of the tibble I will first remove unnecessary rows and redundant columns. This means removing the column of white space on both sheets, all of the total percentages (its always 100) and the rows showing total counts per division from the second sheet because they are shown on the first sheet. Also removing the rows that show percentages, because they are easy to recover given the Counts and removing the Clear Total number because that can be found by adding the yes and no votes.
#| label: Remove useless rows and redundant columns from tibbles
#A clean version of the federal_electoral_division data
clean_fed <- federal_electoral_divison %>%
select(!c("White Space", "Clear Count", "Clear Total Count") & !contains("%")) %>%
filter(!grepl("(Total)", Zone)) %>%
mutate(Division = case_when(str_ends(Zone, "Divisions") ~ Zone,
TRUE ~ NA_character_ )) %>%
fill(Division, .direction = "down") %>%
filter(!`Total Count`))
#A clean version of the state_and_territory data
clean_sat <- state_and_territory %>%
select(!c("White Space", "Clear Count", "Clear Total Count") & !contains("%"))
## Reshape the Data
With the data frames clean we can see our starting tibble dimensions are 9x12 for the states and territories (S.a.T.) table and 150x12 for the federal electoral division (F.E.D.) table. For the S.a.T. table in order to make it tidy We want each row to contain one observation. I plan on pivoting the table longer so that each observation consist of the count for one type of response, with 4 responses total (Yes, No, Unclear, Unresponsive, or total) for each Division. This will leave me with 3 total columns and 45 rows.
For the F.E.D. table we will do the same pivot except we will add an extra column for division, so that each electoral zone can be group by which territory division they fall into. This should leave the F.E.D table with dimensions 750x4.
#| label: reshape the data to be tidy following the procedure described above
tidy_sat <- clean_sat %>%
names_to = c('Vote Type', '.value'),
names_sep = ('\\s')
tidy_fed <- clean_fed %>%
pivot_longer(-c(`Zone`, `Division`),
names_to = c('Vote Type', '.value'),
names_sep = ('\\s')