Challenge 7

Harsha Kanaka Eswar Gudidpudi
Visualizing Multiple Dimensions

Harsha Kanaka Eswar Gudipudi


May 18, 2023


knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)

Challenge Overview

Today’s challenge is to:

  1. read in a data set, and describe the data set using both words and any supporting information (e.g., tables, etc)
  2. tidy data (as needed, including sanity checks)
  3. mutate variables as needed (including sanity checks)
  4. Recreate at least two graphs from previous exercises, but introduce at least one additional dimension that you omitted before using ggplot functionality (color, shape, line, facet, etc) The goal is not to create unneeded chart ink (Tufte), but to concisely capture variation in additional dimensions that were collapsed in your earlier 2 or 3 dimensional graphs.
  • Explain why you choose the specific graph type
  1. If you haven’t tried in previous weeks, work this week to make your graphs “publication” ready with titles, captions, and pretty axis labels and other viewer-friendly features

R Graph Gallery is a good starting point for thinking about what information is conveyed in standard graph types, and includes example R code. And anyone not familiar with Edward Tufte should check out his fantastic books and courses on data visualizaton.

(be sure to only include the category tags for the data you use!)

Read in data

Read in one (or more) of the following datasets, using the correct R package and command.

  • eggs ⭐
  • abc_poll ⭐⭐
  • australian_marriage ⭐⭐
  • hotel_bookings ⭐⭐⭐
  • air_bnb ⭐⭐⭐
  • us_hh ⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • faostat ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
# Read in the data
df <- read.csv("_data/abc_poll_2021.csv")
       id xspanish complete_status ppage
1 7230001  English       qualified    68
2 7230002  English       qualified    85
3 7230003  English       qualified    69
4 7230004  English       qualified    74
5 7230005  English       qualified    77
6 7230006  English       qualified    70
1 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
2                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
3 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
4                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
5 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
6                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
                    ppeducat ppgender              ppethm pphhsize
1                High school   Female White, Non-Hispanic        2
2 Bachelors degree or higher     Male White, Non-Hispanic        2
3                High school     Male White, Non-Hispanic        2
4 Bachelors degree or higher   Female White, Non-Hispanic        1
5                High school     Male White, Non-Hispanic        3
6 Bachelors degree or higher     Male White, Non-Hispanic        2
                ppinc7    ppmarit5   ppmsacat    ppreg4
1   $25,000 to $49,999 Now Married Metro area     South
2     $150,000 or more Now Married Metro area     South
3 $100,000 to $149,999 Now Married Metro area     South
4   $25,000 to $49,999    Divorced Metro area NorthEast
5   $10,000 to $24,999 Now Married Metro area   MidWest
6   $75,000 to $99,999 Now Married Metro area   MidWest
                                                     pprent     ppstaten
1 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household      Florida
2 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household     Kentucky
3 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household      Florida
4 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household Pennsylvania
5 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household     Michigan
6 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household     Missouri
                               PPWORKA          ppemploy       Q1_a       Q1_b
1                              Retired       Not working    Approve    Approve
2                              Retired       Not working    Approve    Approve
3                              Retired       Not working Disapprove Disapprove
4                              Retired       Not working    Approve    Approve
5                              Retired       Not working    Approve    Approve
6 Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time    Approve    Approve
        Q1_c       Q1_d       Q1_e       Q1_f                 Q2  Q3        Q4
1 Disapprove    Approve    Approve Disapprove   Not so concerned Yes      Good
2    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Somewhat concerned Yes      Good
3 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve     Very concerned Yes      Poor
4    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Somewhat concerned Yes Excellent
5    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Somewhat concerned Yes Excellent
6    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve   Not so concerned Yes Excellent
           Q5           QPID ABCAGE                                Contact
1  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+ No, I am not willing to be interviewed
2  Optimistic An Independent    65+ No, I am not willing to be interviewed
3 Pessimistic Something else    65+ No, I am not willing to be interviewed
4 Pessimistic An Independent    65+    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed
5  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+ No, I am not willing to be interviewed
6  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+ No, I am not willing to be interviewed
1      0.6382
2      0.5493
3      0.8488
4      0.8126
5      0.4994
6      0.4043

Briefly describe the data

The dataset consists of 527 observations, each representing an individual. The variables in the dataset include demographic information such as age, gender, ethnicity, education level, household size, income range, marital status, and region of residence. The dataset also includes variables related to work status, employment, and political affiliation. Additionally, there are multiple-choice questions and responses, along with measures of concern, self-perceived quality of life, and optimism/pessimism about the future. The dataset also contains information about the individual’s willingness to be interviewed and weights assigned to each observation. The dataset provides a comprehensive overview of various demographic and socio-political factors for a sample of individuals. It offers valuable insights into the characteristics and perspectives of the respondents, making it suitable for analyzing relationships and patterns among the variables and drawing conclusions about the population they represent.

[1] 527  31
       id            xspanish         complete_status        ppage      
 Min.   :7230001   Length:527         Length:527         Min.   :18.00  
 1st Qu.:7230132   Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.:40.00  
 Median :7230264   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median :55.00  
 Mean   :7230264                                         Mean   :53.39  
 3rd Qu.:7230396                                         3rd Qu.:67.00  
 Max.   :7230527                                         Max.   :91.00  
   ppeduc5            ppeducat           ppgender            ppethm         
 Length:527         Length:527         Length:527         Length:527        
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
   pphhsize            ppinc7            ppmarit5           ppmsacat        
 Length:527         Length:527         Length:527         Length:527        
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
    ppreg4             pprent            ppstaten           PPWORKA         
 Length:527         Length:527         Length:527         Length:527        
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
   ppemploy             Q1_a               Q1_b               Q1_c          
 Length:527         Length:527         Length:527         Length:527        
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
     Q1_d               Q1_e               Q1_f                Q2           
 Length:527         Length:527         Length:527         Length:527        
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
      Q3                 Q4                 Q5                QPID          
 Length:527         Length:527         Length:527         Length:527        
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
    ABCAGE            Contact           weights_pid    
 Length:527         Length:527         Min.   :0.3240  
 Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.:0.6332  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median :0.8451  
                                       Mean   :1.0000  
                                       3rd Qu.:1.1516  
                                       Max.   :6.2553  
# Get unique values for the ppstaten column
unique_ppstaten <- unique(df$ppstaten)
cat(paste(unique_ppstaten, collapse = ", "))
Florida, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, Georgia, Washington, New Hampshire, Maryland, California, Arizona, Texas, North Dakota, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Oregon, Illinois, Arkansas, South Carolina, Tennessee, Hawaii, Kansas, Colorado, Louisiana, Virginia, Wisconsin, Vermont, Ohio, North Carolina, New York, Nevada, Nebraska, Idaho, Alabama, Minnesota, Montana, Utah, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Indiana, South Dakota, Mississippi, Delaware, District of Columbia, West Virginia, Wyoming, Maine, Iowa
'data.frame':   527 obs. of  31 variables:
 $ id             : int  7230001 7230002 7230003 7230004 7230005 7230006 7230007 7230008 7230009 7230010 ...
 $ xspanish       : chr  "English" "English" "English" "English" ...
 $ complete_status: chr  "qualified" "qualified" "qualified" "qualified" ...
 $ ppage          : int  68 85 69 74 77 70 26 76 78 47 ...
 $ ppeduc5        : chr  "High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)" "Bachelor\x92s degree" "High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)" "Bachelor\x92s degree" ...
 $ ppeducat       : chr  "High school" "Bachelors degree or higher" "High school" "Bachelors degree or higher" ...
 $ ppgender       : chr  "Female" "Male" "Male" "Female" ...
 $ ppethm         : chr  "White, Non-Hispanic" "White, Non-Hispanic" "White, Non-Hispanic" "White, Non-Hispanic" ...
 $ pphhsize       : chr  "2" "2" "2" "1" ...
 $ ppinc7         : chr  "$25,000 to $49,999" "$150,000 or more" "$100,000 to $149,999" "$25,000 to $49,999" ...
 $ ppmarit5       : chr  "Now Married" "Now Married" "Now Married" "Divorced" ...
 $ ppmsacat       : chr  "Metro area" "Metro area" "Metro area" "Metro area" ...
 $ ppreg4         : chr  "South" "South" "South" "NorthEast" ...
 $ pprent         : chr  "Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household" "Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household" "Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household" "Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household" ...
 $ ppstaten       : chr  "Florida" "Kentucky" "Florida" "Pennsylvania" ...
 $ PPWORKA        : chr  "Retired" "Retired" "Retired" "Retired" ...
 $ ppemploy       : chr  "Not working" "Not working" "Not working" "Not working" ...
 $ Q1_a           : chr  "Approve" "Approve" "Disapprove" "Approve" ...
 $ Q1_b           : chr  "Approve" "Approve" "Disapprove" "Approve" ...
 $ Q1_c           : chr  "Disapprove" "Approve" "Disapprove" "Approve" ...
 $ Q1_d           : chr  "Approve" "Approve" "Disapprove" "Approve" ...
 $ Q1_e           : chr  "Approve" "Approve" "Disapprove" "Approve" ...
 $ Q1_f           : chr  "Disapprove" "Approve" "Approve" "Approve" ...
 $ Q2             : chr  "Not so concerned" "Somewhat concerned" "Very concerned" "Somewhat concerned" ...
 $ Q3             : chr  "Yes" "Yes" "Yes" "Yes" ...
 $ Q4             : chr  "Good" "Good" "Poor" "Excellent" ...
 $ Q5             : chr  "Optimistic" "Optimistic" "Pessimistic" "Pessimistic" ...
 $ QPID           : chr  "A Democrat" "An Independent" "Something else" "An Independent" ...
 $ ABCAGE         : chr  "65+" "65+" "65+" "65+" ...
 $ Contact        : chr  "No, I am not willing to be interviewed" "No, I am not willing to be interviewed" "No, I am not willing to be interviewed" "Yes, I am willing to be interviewed" ...
 $ weights_pid    : num  0.638 0.549 0.849 0.813 0.499 ...

Tidy Data (as needed)

Is your data already tidy, or is there work to be done? Be sure to anticipate your end result to provide a sanity check, and document your work here.

Taking the selected columns Q1_a, Q1_b, Q1_c, Q1_d, Q1_e, and Q1_f and transforming them into two new columns: Question and Response. The Question column contains the names of the original columns, and the Response column contains the corresponding values. It becomes easier to perform operations such as grouping, filtering, and plotting.

tidy_data <- df %>%
  select(ppgender, ppethm, ppmarit5, ppinc7, ppstaten, Q1_a, Q1_b, Q1_c, Q1_d, Q1_e, Q1_f, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = c(Q1_a, Q1_b, Q1_c, Q1_d, Q1_e, Q1_f),
               names_to = "Question",
               values_to = "Response") %>%
head(tidy_data %>% select(Question, Response))
# A tibble: 6 × 2
  Question Response  
  <chr>    <chr>     
1 Q1_a     Approve   
2 Q1_b     Approve   
3 Q1_c     Disapprove
4 Q1_d     Approve   
5 Q1_e     Approve   
6 Q1_f     Disapprove

Are there any variables that require mutation to be usable in your analysis stream? For example, do you need to calculate new values in order to graph them? Can string values be represented numerically? Do you need to turn any variables into factors and reorder for ease of graphics and visualization?

Creating a new column called “ppage_category” the cut() function. This new column categorizes the values in the “ppage” column into different age groups based on specified intervals. The resulting “ppage_category” column provides a categorical representation of the age groups: “Young”, “Middle-aged”, “Senior”, and “Unknown”.

selected_data <- df[, c("id", "ppage", "ppeducat", "ppgender", "ppethm", "pphhsize", "ppinc7")]

selected_data$ppage_category <- cut(selected_data$ppage,
                                    breaks = c(0, 30, 50, 70, Inf),
                                    labels = c("Young", "Middle-aged", "Senior", "Unknown"))

Document your work here.

Visualization with Multiple Dimensions

creating two visualizations. The first is a bar chart showing the count of responses for each question. The second is a stacked bar chart displaying the count of responses for each question, grouped by gender and ethnicity.These visualizations allow us to explore the distribution of responses across different questions and examine how it varies by gender and ethnicity.

# Create a bar chart of count by Question and Response
ggplot(tidy_data, aes(x = Question, fill = Response)) +
  geom_bar() +
  labs(title = "Count by Question and Response",
       x = "Question",
       y = "Count",
       fill = "Response") +

# Create a stacked bar chart of count by Question response Approve, grouped by Gender and Ethnicity
ggplot(tidy_data %>%filter(Response == "Approve"), aes(x = Question, fill = ppethm)) +
  geom_bar(position = "fill") +
  facet_wrap(~ppgender) +
  labs(title = "Count by Question, Gender, and Ethnicity",
       x = "Question",
       y = "Proportion",
       fill = "Ethnicity") +