::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE) knitr
Justine Shakespeare
March 7, 2023
First we’ll load the tidyverse package and read in the data. We’ll focus on the FAOStat data on cattle and dairy.
This data includes information about quantities related to cattle and dairy products organized by geographical region (including countries, regions, and continents) and year. A more detailed description of the variables in this dataset is provided below.
Let’s take a look at the dataset with the head() and dim() functions.
[1] 36449 14
# A tibble: 6 × 14
`Domain Code` Domain `Area Code` Area `Element Code` Element `Item Code`
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
1 QL Livestock … 2 Afgh… 5318 Milk A… 882
2 QL Livestock … 2 Afgh… 5420 Yield 882
3 QL Livestock … 2 Afgh… 5510 Produc… 882
4 QL Livestock … 2 Afgh… 5318 Milk A… 882
5 QL Livestock … 2 Afgh… 5420 Yield 882
6 QL Livestock … 2 Afgh… 5510 Produc… 882
# ℹ 7 more variables: Item <chr>, `Year Code` <dbl>, Year <dbl>, Unit <chr>,
# Value <dbl>, Flag <chr>, `Flag Description` <chr>
We have a dataset with over 36,000 observations (rows) and 14 variables (columns). It looks like some of these columns contain redundant information (such as many of the columns with “Code” in the name) and/or they have the same value for all observations (indicating that they were likely taken from a larger dataset). Let’s use the unique() function to confirm that some of these variables hold just one value, in which case we can remove them for our analysis and keep this information as metadata for this dataset.
[1] "Livestock Primary"
[1] "Milk, whole fresh cow"
Both of these columns contain just one value for all observations, so we can remove them.
Let’s use the select()
and contain()
functions to create a new dataframe that removes all of the columns we have decided we don’t need: the columns with “Code” in the name and the columns with only one value throughout the dataset.
# A tibble: 36,449 × 7
Area Element Year Unit Value Flag `Flag Description`
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
1 Afghanistan Milk Animals 1961 Head 700000 F FAO estimate
2 Afghanistan Yield 1961 hg/An 5000 Fc Calculated data
3 Afghanistan Production 1961 tonnes 350000 F FAO estimate
4 Afghanistan Milk Animals 1962 Head 700000 F FAO estimate
5 Afghanistan Yield 1962 hg/An 5000 Fc Calculated data
6 Afghanistan Production 1962 tonnes 350000 F FAO estimate
7 Afghanistan Milk Animals 1963 Head 780000 F FAO estimate
8 Afghanistan Yield 1963 hg/An 5128 Fc Calculated data
9 Afghanistan Production 1963 tonnes 400000 F FAO estimate
10 Afghanistan Milk Animals 1964 Head 780000 F FAO estimate
# ℹ 36,439 more rows
Let’s take a closer look at this data now that we have updated dataframe with the glimpse()
Rows: 36,449
Columns: 7
$ Area <chr> "Afghanistan", "Afghanistan", "Afghanistan", "Afgha…
$ Element <chr> "Milk Animals", "Yield", "Production", "Milk Animal…
$ Year <dbl> 1961, 1961, 1961, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1963, 1963, 196…
$ Unit <chr> "Head", "hg/An", "tonnes", "Head", "hg/An", "tonnes…
$ Value <dbl> 700000, 5000, 350000, 700000, 5000, 350000, 780000,…
$ Flag <chr> "F", "Fc", "F", "F", "Fc", "F", "F", "Fc", "F", "F"…
$ `Flag Description` <chr> "FAO estimate", "Calculated data", "FAO estimate", …
It looks as though this data includes information about the Value of a variety of cattle and dairy related products (in the column Element) organized by geographical region (in the column Area) and Year.
We have two double (numeric) variables, including Value and Year. The former variable looks to be related to the variable Unit, which is a character variable. Let’s use the range()
function to take a closer look at the Year variable and see what time period this data covers.
This data dates back to 1961 and goes up to 2018.
This dataframe also includes five character variables: The Area column includes primarily countries and some larger regions and groupings of countries. The Element variable includes three quantities relates to cattle and dairy products: Milk Animals, Yield, and Production. The Unit column, as mentioned above, looks to describe the unit of the values in the Value column. Finally, Flag and Flag Description seem to include information about the data source for each observation in this dataframe. Since we’re interested in comparing across countries and regions, let’s use the unique()
function to see what is in the Area column.
[1] "Afghanistan"
[2] "Albania"
[3] "Algeria"
[4] "American Samoa"
[5] "Angola"
[6] "Antigua and Barbuda"
[7] "Argentina"
[8] "Armenia"
[9] "Australia"
[10] "Austria"
[11] "Azerbaijan"
[12] "Bahamas"
[13] "Bahrain"
[14] "Bangladesh"
[15] "Barbados"
[16] "Belarus"
[17] "Belgium"
[18] "Belgium-Luxembourg"
[19] "Belize"
[20] "Benin"
[21] "Bermuda"
[22] "Bhutan"
[23] "Bolivia (Plurinational State of)"
[24] "Bosnia and Herzegovina"
[25] "Botswana"
[26] "Brazil"
[27] "British Virgin Islands"
[28] "Brunei Darussalam"
[29] "Bulgaria"
[30] "Burkina Faso"
[31] "Burundi"
[32] "Cabo Verde"
[33] "Cambodia"
[34] "Cameroon"
[35] "Canada"
[36] "Central African Republic"
[37] "Chad"
[38] "Chile"
[39] "China, Hong Kong SAR"
[40] "China, mainland"
[41] "China, Taiwan Province of"
[42] "Colombia"
[43] "Comoros"
[44] "Congo"
[45] "Costa Rica"
[46] "Côte d'Ivoire"
[47] "Croatia"
[48] "Cuba"
[49] "Cyprus"
[50] "Czechia"
[51] "Czechoslovakia"
[52] "Democratic People's Republic of Korea"
[53] "Democratic Republic of the Congo"
[54] "Denmark"
[55] "Djibouti"
[56] "Dominica"
[57] "Dominican Republic"
[58] "Ecuador"
[59] "Egypt"
[60] "El Salvador"
[61] "Eritrea"
[62] "Estonia"
[63] "Eswatini"
[64] "Ethiopia"
[65] "Ethiopia PDR"
[66] "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"
[67] "Fiji"
[68] "Finland"
[69] "France"
[70] "French Guyana"
[71] "French Polynesia"
[72] "Gabon"
[73] "Gambia"
[74] "Georgia"
[75] "Germany"
[76] "Ghana"
[77] "Greece"
[78] "Grenada"
[79] "Guadeloupe"
[80] "Guatemala"
[81] "Guinea"
[82] "Guinea-Bissau"
[83] "Guyana"
[84] "Haiti"
[85] "Honduras"
[86] "Hungary"
[87] "Iceland"
[88] "India"
[89] "Indonesia"
[90] "Iran (Islamic Republic of)"
[91] "Iraq"
[92] "Ireland"
[93] "Israel"
[94] "Italy"
[95] "Jamaica"
[96] "Japan"
[97] "Jordan"
[98] "Kazakhstan"
[99] "Kenya"
[100] "Kuwait"
[101] "Kyrgyzstan"
[102] "Lao People's Democratic Republic"
[103] "Latvia"
[104] "Lebanon"
[105] "Lesotho"
[106] "Liberia"
[107] "Libya"
[108] "Liechtenstein"
[109] "Lithuania"
[110] "Luxembourg"
[111] "Madagascar"
[112] "Malawi"
[113] "Malaysia"
[114] "Mali"
[115] "Malta"
[116] "Martinique"
[117] "Mauritania"
[118] "Mauritius"
[119] "Mexico"
[120] "Mongolia"
[121] "Montenegro"
[122] "Montserrat"
[123] "Morocco"
[124] "Mozambique"
[125] "Myanmar"
[126] "Namibia"
[127] "Nepal"
[128] "Netherlands"
[129] "Netherlands Antilles (former)"
[130] "New Caledonia"
[131] "New Zealand"
[132] "Nicaragua"
[133] "Niger"
[134] "Nigeria"
[135] "Niue"
[136] "North Macedonia"
[137] "Norway"
[138] "Oman"
[139] "Pakistan"
[140] "Palestine"
[141] "Panama"
[142] "Papua New Guinea"
[143] "Paraguay"
[144] "Peru"
[145] "Philippines"
[146] "Poland"
[147] "Portugal"
[148] "Puerto Rico"
[149] "Qatar"
[150] "Republic of Korea"
[151] "Republic of Moldova"
[152] "Réunion"
[153] "Romania"
[154] "Russian Federation"
[155] "Rwanda"
[156] "Saint Lucia"
[157] "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"
[158] "Samoa"
[159] "Sao Tome and Principe"
[160] "Saudi Arabia"
[161] "Senegal"
[162] "Serbia"
[163] "Serbia and Montenegro"
[164] "Seychelles"
[165] "Sierra Leone"
[166] "Slovakia"
[167] "Slovenia"
[168] "Solomon Islands"
[169] "Somalia"
[170] "South Africa"
[171] "South Sudan"
[172] "Spain"
[173] "Sri Lanka"
[174] "Sudan"
[175] "Sudan (former)"
[176] "Suriname"
[177] "Sweden"
[178] "Switzerland"
[179] "Syrian Arab Republic"
[180] "Tajikistan"
[181] "Thailand"
[182] "Togo"
[183] "Tonga"
[184] "Trinidad and Tobago"
[185] "Tunisia"
[186] "Turkey"
[187] "Turkmenistan"
[188] "Uganda"
[189] "Ukraine"
[190] "United Arab Emirates"
[191] "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"
[192] "United Republic of Tanzania"
[193] "United States of America"
[194] "United States Virgin Islands"
[195] "Uruguay"
[196] "USSR"
[197] "Uzbekistan"
[198] "Vanuatu"
[199] "Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)"
[200] "Viet Nam"
[201] "Wallis and Futuna Islands"
[202] "Yemen"
[203] "Yugoslav SFR"
[204] "Zambia"
[205] "Zimbabwe"
[206] "World"
[207] "Africa"
[208] "Eastern Africa"
[209] "Middle Africa"
[210] "Northern Africa"
[211] "Southern Africa"
[212] "Western Africa"
[213] "Americas"
[214] "Northern America"
[215] "Central America"
[216] "Caribbean"
[217] "South America"
[218] "Asia"
[219] "Central Asia"
[220] "Eastern Asia"
[221] "Southern Asia"
[222] "South-eastern Asia"
[223] "Western Asia"
[224] "Europe"
[225] "Eastern Europe"
[226] "Northern Europe"
[227] "Southern Europe"
[228] "Western Europe"
[229] "Oceania"
[230] "Australia and New Zealand"
[231] "Melanesia"
[232] "Polynesia"
Without going through this list exhaustively, it looks as if this variable contains all countries in the world, some historic geopolitical areas (such as “Sudan (former)” or “USSR”) and larger regions of the world (such as “World”, “Africa”, and subsets of continents, such as “Caribbean”, “Central Asia”, etc.). If this were a real analysis I would spend the time removing values that were not countries and ensuring that this list was a complete and current list of countries.
Let’s use the group_by()
and summarize()
functions to find the mean, median, and standard deviation of each Element in this dataset.
# A tibble: 3 × 4
Element mean median standard_deviation
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Milk Animals 4205410. 295000 18041595.
2 Production 9001419. 295500 40268994.
3 Yield 19329. 13218 19361.
This gives us a sense of the average quantity of these three elements, but it covers all years in the dataset. To get a sense of how these quantities have changed over time, let’s get averages for a few specific years:
# A tibble: 12 × 5
# Groups: Year [4]
Year Element mean median standard_deviation
<dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2010 Milk Animals 4709434. 344464. 20534043.
2 2000 Milk Animals 3954344. 330000 16993966.
3 1990 Milk Animals 4506236. 292740. 18693594.
4 1980 Milk Animals 4247715. 257500 17844403.
5 2010 Production 10795844. 529600 46966923.
6 2000 Production 8826568. 457892. 38833266.
7 1990 Production 9667473. 238522. 42735363.
8 1980 Production 8532347. 163986. 38216228.
9 2010 Yield 25900. 14582. 24618.
10 2000 Yield 22370. 13875 20921.
11 1990 Yield 17708. 10166. 17587.
12 1980 Yield 15337. 10000 14176.
This data looks at the average and median quantities (along with the standard deviation) for each element in 4 different years, each a decade apart, from the dataset. Since we have it arranged by Element and Year (in descending order) we can see for each Element how the average quantity has changed in the past few decades.
Let’s take a closer look at a particular element here. I’d like to see where the highest average Production is happening. We’ll use the filter()
, group_by()
, summarize()
and arrange()
# A tibble: 232 × 4
Area mean median standard_deviation
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 World 470750957. 464550446. 102711714.
2 Europe 228904979. 220194403 26887876.
3 Americas 123817831. 115606130. 33846762.
4 Eastern Europe 97495137. 92226154 23467137.
5 USSR 87525893. 90300000 13611099.
6 Asia 80628670. 55479513 59049221.
7 Northern America 77052008. 74200213 14132238.
8 Western Europe 75105368. 73757169 6644426.
9 United States of America 69087431. 66390126. 14054757.
10 Southern Asia 39995745. 29330082. 29257149.
# ℹ 222 more rows
Unsurprisingly, the value that tops this list is “World” and larger geographical regions. Since this is an aggregate of all of the countries specified here, it makes sense that this would have the highest average production. This data shows that Europe has the highest average production, followed by the Americas and Eastern Europe. The first country that shows up on this list is the USSR, which is no longer a country. But given this, it makes sense that the next country that shows up on the list is Russia.
Let’s take a look at the same information but filtered to look at just data from recent years (since 2010).
# A tibble: 226 × 4
Area mean median standard_deviation
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 World 653120252. 658338067 23726344.
2 Europe 215588432. 217574232. 5307525.
3 Asia 189924225. 189471380 14421624.
4 Americas 181531377 182933188. 3334320.
5 Northern America 102217738. 102313027 3168627.
6 Southern Asia 96623566. 95129610 13094625.
7 United States of America 94026020. 94041764. 3455285.
8 Western Europe 80955426. 81439856 3030278.
9 Eastern Europe 72396074 72426114. 545233.
10 India 71425625 70034420 11766081.
# ℹ 216 more rows
We can see here that since 2010 Europe is still the continent with the highest average production value in recent years, but Asia has moved up the list to second. India is the first country to show up on the list and in fact has a higher production average than some larger regions, including South America and Eastern Asia.
Now let’s look at this data from the first 20 years or so of the dataset (before 1980) to get a sense of how things have changed.
# A tibble: 198 × 4
Area mean median standard_deviation
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 World 361627060. 359280844 33639057.
2 Europe 224168181. 223718733 24023230.
3 Eastern Europe 106068121. 107828820 14815809.
4 Americas 88434904. 86307319 4274964.
5 USSR 80172213. 82400000 11510128.
6 Western Europe 69489343. 69892996 5758308.
7 Northern America 62709675. 62469883 1896295.
8 United States of America 54669493. 54442144 1777245.
9 Northern Europe 30329690. 29435040 1860393.
10 Germany 27842541. 28060608 1718558.
# ℹ 188 more rows
This table shows data from 1961 to 1979, more than 30 years earlier than the data from the previous table we looked at (data since 2010). It is interesting to note that Europe still tops the list, but the first countries that show up on this list are the USSR (which no longer exists) and Germany.
As noted earlier in this post, with more time I would more thoroughly clean the Area variable, so that we could more easily create tables focused on just countries, geographical regions, or continents.
There are so many different ways you could explore this data! Another area that would be worth exploring is the change over time of production and how this varies across countries and regions. Visualization could be used to better illustrate any patterns and trends discovered in the data.
title: "Challenge 2 - FAOStat Cattle & Dairy (updated)"
author: "Justine Shakespeare"
desription: "Data wrangling: using group() and summarise()"
date: "03/07/2023"
toc: true
code-fold: true
code-copy: true
code-tools: true
- challenge_2
- faostat
- Justine Shakespeare
#| label: setup
#| warning: false
#| message: false
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)
## Loading and cleaning the data
First we'll load the tidyverse package and read in the data. We'll focus on the FAOStat data on cattle and dairy.
```{r echo=TRUE}
FAOCD <- read_csv("_data/FAOSTAT_cattle_dairy.csv")
This data includes information about quantities related to cattle and dairy products organized by geographical region (including countries, regions, and continents) and year. A more detailed description of the variables in this dataset is provided below.
Let's take a look at the dataset with the head() and dim() functions.
We have a dataset with over 36,000 observations (rows) and 14 variables (columns). It looks like some of these columns contain redundant information (such as many of the columns with "Code" in the name) and/or they have the same value for all observations (indicating that they were likely taken from a larger dataset). Let's use the unique() function to confirm that some of these variables hold just one value, in which case we can remove them for our analysis and keep this information as metadata for this dataset.
Both of these columns contain just one value for all observations, so we can remove them.
Let's use the `select()` and `contain()` functions to create a new dataframe that removes all of the columns we have decided we don't need: the columns with "Code" in the name and the columns with only one value throughout the dataset.
FAOCD_subset <- FAOCD %>%
select(-contains("Code")) %>%
select(-contains("Domain")) %>%
## Data exploration and analysis
Let's take a closer look at this data now that we have updated dataframe with the `glimpse()` function.
It looks as though this data includes information about the *Value* of a variety of cattle and dairy related products (in the column *Element*) organized by geographical region (in the column *Area*) and *Year*.
We have two double (numeric) variables, including *Value* and *Year*. The former variable looks to be related to the variable *Unit*, which is a character variable. Let's use the `range()` function to take a closer look at the *Year* variable and see what time period this data covers.
This data dates back to 1961 and goes up to 2018.
This dataframe also includes five character variables: The *Area* column includes primarily countries and some larger regions and groupings of countries. The *Element* variable includes three quantities relates to cattle and dairy products: Milk Animals, Yield, and Production. The *Unit* column, as mentioned above, looks to describe the unit of the values in the *Value* column. Finally, *Flag* and *Flag Description* seem to include information about the data source for each observation in this dataframe. Since we're interested in comparing across countries and regions, let's use the `unique()` function to see what is in the *Area* column.
Without going through this list exhaustively, it looks as if this variable contains all countries in the world, some historic geopolitical areas (such as "Sudan (former)" or "USSR") and larger regions of the world (such as "World", "Africa", and subsets of continents, such as "Caribbean", "Central Asia", etc.). If this were a real analysis I would spend the time removing values that were not countries and ensuring that this list was a complete and current list of countries.
Let's use the `group_by()` and `summarize()` functions to find the mean, median, and standard deviation of each Element in this dataset.
FAOCD_grouped <- FAOCD_subset %>%
group_by(Element) %>%
summarize("mean" = mean(Value, na.rm = TRUE),
"median" = median(Value, na.rm = TRUE),
"standard_deviation" = sd(Value, na.rm = TRUE))
This gives us a sense of the average quantity of these three elements, but it covers all years in the dataset. To get a sense of how these quantities have changed over time, let's get averages for a few specific years:
FAOCD_Comparison <- FAOCD_subset %>%
filter(Year %in% c(1980, 1990, 2000, 2010)) %>%
group_by(Year, Element) %>%
summarize("mean" = mean(Value, na.rm = TRUE),
"median" = median(Value, na.rm = TRUE),
"standard_deviation" = sd(Value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
arrange(Element, desc(Year))
This data looks at the average and median quantities (along with the standard deviation) for each element in 4 different years, each a decade apart, from the dataset. Since we have it arranged by Element and Year (in descending order) we can see for each Element how the average quantity has changed in the past few decades.
Let's take a closer look at a particular element here. I'd like to see where the highest average Production is happening. We'll use the `filter()`, `group_by()`, `summarize()` and `arrange()` functions.
FAOCD_Production <- FAOCD_subset %>%
filter(Element == "Production") %>%
group_by(Area) %>%
summarize("mean" = mean(Value, na.rm = TRUE),
"median" = median(Value, na.rm = TRUE),
"standard_deviation" = sd(Value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
Unsurprisingly, the value that tops this list is "World" and larger geographical regions. Since this is an aggregate of all of the countries specified here, it makes sense that this would have the highest average production. This data shows that Europe has the highest average production, followed by the Americas and Eastern Europe. The first country that shows up on this list is the USSR, which is no longer a country. But given this, it makes sense that the next country that shows up on the list is Russia.
Let's take a look at the same information but filtered to look at just data from recent years (since 2010).
FAOCD_Since2010 <- FAOCD_subset %>%
filter(Year > 2010) %>%
filter(Element == "Production") %>%
group_by(Area) %>%
summarize("mean" = mean(Value, na.rm = TRUE),
"median" = median(Value, na.rm = TRUE),
"standard_deviation" = sd(Value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
We can see here that since 2010 Europe is still the continent with the highest average production value in recent years, but Asia has moved up the list to second. India is the first country to show up on the list and in fact has a higher production average than some larger regions, including South America and Eastern Asia.
Now let's look at this data from the first 20 years or so of the dataset (before 1980) to get a sense of how things have changed.
FAOCD_before1980 <- FAOCD_subset %>%
filter(Year < 1980) %>%
filter(Element == "Production") %>%
group_by(Area) %>%
summarize("mean" = mean(Value, na.rm = TRUE),
"median" = median(Value, na.rm = TRUE),
"standard_deviation" = sd(Value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
This table shows data from 1961 to 1979, more than 30 years earlier than the data from the previous table we looked at (data since 2010). It is interesting to note that Europe still tops the list, but the first countries that show up on this list are the USSR (which no longer exists) and Germany.
## Conclusion and further research
As noted earlier in this post, with more time I would more thoroughly clean the Area variable, so that we could more easily create tables focused on just countries, geographical regions, or continents.
There are so many different ways you could explore this data! Another area that would be worth exploring is the change over time of production and how this varies across countries and regions. Visualization could be used to better illustrate any patterns and trends discovered in the data.