::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE) knitr
Kevin Martell Luya
April 21, 2023
Today’s challenge is to:
Read in one (or more) of the following datasets, using the correct R package and command.
Describe the data, and be sure to comment on why you are planning to pivot it to make it “tidy”
The first step in pivoting the data is to try to come up with a concrete vision of what the end product should look like - that way you will know whether or not your pivoting was successful.
One easy way to do this is to think about the dimensions of your current data (tibble, dataframe, or matrix), and then calculate what the dimensions of the pivoted data should be.
Suppose you have a dataset with \(n\) rows and \(k\) variables. In our example, 3 of the variables are used to identify a case, so you will be pivoting \(k-3\) variables into a longer format where the \(k-3\) variable names will move into the names_to
variable and the current values in each of those columns will move into the values_to
variable. Therefore, we would expect \(n * (k-3)\) rows in the pivoted dataframe!
Lets see if this works with a simple example.
# A tibble: 6 × 5
country year trade outgoing incoming
<chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Mexico 1980 NAFTA 909. -511.
2 USA 1990 NAFTA 491. 1248.
3 France 1980 EU 1133. 1311.
4 Mexico 1990 NAFTA 1190. 1417.
5 USA 1980 NAFTA 807. 1726.
6 France 1990 EU 1139. 848.
[1] 6
[1] 5
[1] 12
[1] 5
Or simple example has \(n = 6\) rows and \(k - 3 = 2\) variables being pivoted, so we expect a new dataframe to have \(n * 2 = 12\) rows x \(3 + 2 = 5\) columns.
Document your work here.
Any additional comments?
Now we will pivot the data, and compare our pivoted data dimensions to the dimensions calculated above as a “sanity” check.
# A tibble: 12 × 5
country year trade trade_direction trade_value
<chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 Mexico 1980 NAFTA outgoing 909.
2 Mexico 1980 NAFTA incoming -511.
3 USA 1990 NAFTA outgoing 491.
4 USA 1990 NAFTA incoming 1248.
5 France 1980 EU outgoing 1133.
6 France 1980 EU incoming 1311.
7 Mexico 1990 NAFTA outgoing 1190.
8 Mexico 1990 NAFTA incoming 1417.
9 USA 1980 NAFTA outgoing 807.
10 USA 1980 NAFTA incoming 1726.
11 France 1990 EU outgoing 1139.
12 France 1990 EU incoming 848.
Yes, once it is pivoted long, our resulting data are \(12x5\) - exactly what we expected!
Document your work here. What will a new “case” be once you have pivoted the data? How does it meet requirements for tidy data?
It is evident that certain columns derive from another ( percentages and total columns which can be obtained from the other columns.We also notice that there are rows with empty values and rows with strings “<
data <- read_excel("_data/australian_marriage_law_postal_survey_2017_-_response_final.xls",
sheet="Table 2",
col_names = c("DISTRICT","YES","_trash","NO",rep("_trash",6),"RESPONSE_NOT_CLEAR","_trash","NO_RESPONSE",rep("_trash",3)))%>%
# A tibble: 159 × 5
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 New South Wales Divisions NA NA NA NA
2 Banks 37736 46343 247 20928
3 Barton 37153 47984 226 24008
4 Bennelong 42943 43215 244 19973
5 Berowra 48471 40369 212 16038
6 Blaxland 20406 57926 220 25883
7 Bradfield 53681 34927 202 17261
8 Calare 54091 35779 285 25342
9 Chifley 32871 46702 263 28180
10 Cook 47505 38804 229 18713
# … with 149 more rows
Next, let’s add a new column called Division and set each row value according to the District division name until we find a new one. Then we repeat the process of setting the District divisions name to the rows that are below.
# A tibble: 150 × 6
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
1 Banks 37736 46343 247 20928 New South Wales Divisio…
2 Barton 37153 47984 226 24008 New South Wales Divisio…
3 Bennelong 42943 43215 244 19973 New South Wales Divisio…
4 Berowra 48471 40369 212 16038 New South Wales Divisio…
5 Blaxland 20406 57926 220 25883 New South Wales Divisio…
6 Bradfield 53681 34927 202 17261 New South Wales Divisio…
7 Calare 54091 35779 285 25342 New South Wales Divisio…
8 Chifley 32871 46702 263 28180 New South Wales Divisio…
9 Cook 47505 38804 229 18713 New South Wales Divisio…
10 Cowper 57493 38317 315 25197 New South Wales Divisio…
# … with 140 more rows
Let’s pivot the data to get all the response types in one column per district with its respective counts
# A tibble: 600 × 4
<chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 Banks New South Wales Divisions YES 37736
2 Banks New South Wales Divisions NO 46343
3 Banks New South Wales Divisions RESPONSE_NOT_CLEAR 247
4 Banks New South Wales Divisions NO_RESPONSE 20928
5 Barton New South Wales Divisions YES 37153
6 Barton New South Wales Divisions NO 47984
7 Barton New South Wales Divisions RESPONSE_NOT_CLEAR 226
8 Barton New South Wales Divisions NO_RESPONSE 24008
9 Bennelong New South Wales Divisions YES 42943
10 Bennelong New South Wales Divisions NO 43215
# … with 590 more rows
As a result we pivoted the dataset, but one step is missing if we want to visualize a barchat. Let’s mutate Responses and get the 4 categories by using factor.
Length:600 Length:600 NO :150 Min. : 106
Class :character Class :character NO_RESPONSE :150 1st Qu.: 9913
Mode :character Mode :character RESPONSE_NOT_CLEAR:150 Median :25477
YES :150 Mean :26677
3rd Qu.:40019
Max. :89590
This is the final visualization after using pivoting longe.
title: "Challenge 3 Instructions"
author: "Kevin Martell Luya"
description: "Tidy Data: Pivoting"
date: "04/21/2023"
toc: true
code-fold: true
code-copy: true
code-tools: true
- challenge_3
- animal_weights
- eggs
- australian_marriage
- usa_households
- sce_labor
#| label: setup
#| warning: false
#| message: false
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)
## Challenge Overview
Today's challenge is to:
1. read in a data set, and describe the data set using both words and any supporting information (e.g., tables, etc)
2. identify what needs to be done to tidy the current data
3. anticipate the shape of pivoted data
4. pivot the data into tidy format using `pivot_longer`
## Read in data
Read in one (or more) of the following datasets, using the correct R package and command.
- animal_weights.csv ⭐
- eggs_tidy.csv ⭐⭐ or organiceggpoultry.xls ⭐⭐⭐
- australian_marriage\*.xls ⭐⭐⭐
- USA Households\*.xlsx ⭐⭐⭐⭐
- sce_labor_chart_data_public.xlsx 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
### Briefly describe the data
Describe the data, and be sure to comment on why you are planning to pivot it to make it "tidy"
## Anticipate the End Result
The first step in pivoting the data is to try to come up with a concrete vision of what the end product *should* look like - that way you will know whether or not your pivoting was successful.
One easy way to do this is to think about the dimensions of your current data (tibble, dataframe, or matrix), and then calculate what the dimensions of the pivoted data should be.
Suppose you have a dataset with $n$ rows and $k$ variables. In our example, 3 of the variables are used to identify a case, so you will be pivoting $k-3$ variables into a longer format where the $k-3$ variable names will move into the `names_to` variable and the current values in each of those columns will move into the `values_to` variable. Therefore, we would expect $n * (k-3)$ rows in the pivoted dataframe!
### Example: find current and future data dimensions
Lets see if this works with a simple example.
#| tbl-cap: Example
df<-tibble(country = rep(c("Mexico", "USA", "France"),2),
year = rep(c(1980,1990), 3),
trade = rep(c("NAFTA", "NAFTA", "EU"),2),
outgoing = rnorm(6, mean=1000, sd=500),
incoming = rlogis(6, location=1000,
scale = 400))
#existing rows/cases
#existing columns/cases
#expected rows/cases
nrow(df) * (ncol(df)-3)
# expected columns
3 + 2
Or simple example has $n = 6$ rows and $k - 3 = 2$ variables being pivoted, so we expect a new dataframe to have $n * 2 = 12$ rows x $3 + 2 = 5$ columns.
### Challenge: Describe the final dimensions
Document your work here.
Any additional comments?
## Pivot the Data
Now we will pivot the data, and compare our pivoted data dimensions to the dimensions calculated above as a "sanity" check.
### Example
#| tbl-cap: Pivoted Example
df<-pivot_longer(df, col = c(outgoing, incoming),
values_to = "trade_value")
Yes, once it is pivoted long, our resulting data are $12x5$ - exactly what we expected!
### Challenge: Pivot the Chosen Data
Document your work here. What will a new "case" be once you have pivoted the data? How does it meet requirements for tidy data?
It is evident that certain columns derive from another ( percentages and total columns which can be obtained from the other columns.We also notice that there are rows with empty values and rows with strings "<<DISTRICT_NAME>> (Total)". Let's remove them and keep it simple with essential data.
data <- read_excel("_data/australian_marriage_law_postal_survey_2017_-_response_final.xls",
sheet="Table 2",
col_names = c("DISTRICT","YES","_trash","NO",rep("_trash",6),"RESPONSE_NOT_CLEAR","_trash","NO_RESPONSE",rep("_trash",3)))%>%
Next, let's add a new column called Division and set each row value according to
the District division name until we find a new one. Then we repeat the process
of setting the District divisions name to the rows that are below.
data <-data %>%
mutate(DIVISION = case_when(
str_detect(DISTRICT, "Divisions") ~ DISTRICT,
TRUE ~ NA_character_ ))%>%
fill(DIVISION, .direction = "down") %>%
filter(!str_detect(DISTRICT, "Division"))
# remove Australia
data <- filter(data, !str_detect(DISTRICT, "Australia"))
Let's pivot the data to get all the response types in one column per district
with its respective counts
data_longe <- pivot_longer(
names_to = "Response",
values_to = "Count"
As a result we pivoted the dataset, but one step is missing if we want to
visualize a barchat. Let's mutate Responses and get the 4 categories by using
data_visualize <- data_longe%>%
mutate(Response = factor(Response))
barchart( Count ~ Response , group = DIVISION , data = data_visualize)
This is the final visualization after using pivoting longe.