Challenge 5 Instructions

Introduction to Visualization

Linda Humphrey


March 22, 2023


knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)

Read in data

Reading AB_NYC_2019


# Load the data set
data <- read.csv("~/Desktop/601_Spring_2023/posts/_data/AB_NYC_2019.csv")

Briefly describe the data

AB_NYC_2019.csv is a dataset containing information about Airbnb listings in New York City in 2019. It can be used to analyze various aspects of the Airbnb market.

Tidy Data (as needed)

Inspecting the dataset to get an idea of its structure and contents using functions such as head(), tail(), str(), and summary():

df <- read.csv("~/Desktop/601_Spring_2023/posts/_data/AB_NYC_2019.csv")

    id                                             name host_id   host_name
1 2539               Clean & quiet apt home by the park    2787        John
2 2595                            Skylit Midtown Castle    2845    Jennifer
3 3647              THE VILLAGE OF HARLEM....NEW YORK !    4632   Elisabeth
4 3831                  Cozy Entire Floor of Brownstone    4869 LisaRoxanne
5 5022 Entire Apt: Spacious Studio/Loft by central park    7192       Laura
6 5099        Large Cozy 1 BR Apartment In Midtown East    7322       Chris
  neighbourhood_group neighbourhood latitude longitude       room_type price
1            Brooklyn    Kensington 40.64749 -73.97237    Private room   149
2           Manhattan       Midtown 40.75362 -73.98377 Entire home/apt   225
3           Manhattan        Harlem 40.80902 -73.94190    Private room   150
4            Brooklyn  Clinton Hill 40.68514 -73.95976 Entire home/apt    89
5           Manhattan   East Harlem 40.79851 -73.94399 Entire home/apt    80
6           Manhattan   Murray Hill 40.74767 -73.97500 Entire home/apt   200
  minimum_nights number_of_reviews last_review reviews_per_month
1              1                 9  2018-10-19              0.21
2              1                45  2019-05-21              0.38
3              3                 0                            NA
4              1               270  2019-07-05              4.64
5             10                 9  2018-11-19              0.10
6              3                74  2019-06-22              0.59
  calculated_host_listings_count availability_365
1                              6              365
2                              2              355
3                              1              365
4                              1              194
5                              1                0
6                              1              129
            id                                              name   host_id
48890 36484363                                QUIT PRIVATE HOUSE 107716952
48891 36484665   Charming one bedroom - newly renovated rowhouse   8232441
48892 36485057     Affordable room in Bushwick/East Williamsburg   6570630
48893 36485431           Sunny Studio at Historical Neighborhood  23492952
48894 36485609              43rd St. Time Square-cozy single bed  30985759
48895 36487245 Trendy duplex in the very heart of Hell's Kitchen  68119814
          host_name neighbourhood_group      neighbourhood latitude longitude
48890       Michael              Queens            Jamaica 40.69137 -73.80844
48891       Sabrina            Brooklyn Bedford-Stuyvesant 40.67853 -73.94995
48892       Marisol            Brooklyn           Bushwick 40.70184 -73.93317
48893 Ilgar & Aysel           Manhattan             Harlem 40.81475 -73.94867
48894           Taz           Manhattan     Hell's Kitchen 40.75751 -73.99112
48895    Christophe           Manhattan     Hell's Kitchen 40.76404 -73.98933
            room_type price minimum_nights number_of_reviews last_review
48890    Private room    65              1                 0            
48891    Private room    70              2                 0            
48892    Private room    40              4                 0            
48893 Entire home/apt   115             10                 0            
48894     Shared room    55              1                 0            
48895    Private room    90              7                 0            
      reviews_per_month calculated_host_listings_count availability_365
48890                NA                              2              163
48891                NA                              2                9
48892                NA                              2               36
48893                NA                              1               27
48894                NA                              6                2
48895                NA                              1               23
'data.frame':   48895 obs. of  16 variables:
 $ id                            : int  2539 2595 3647 3831 5022 5099 5121 5178 5203 5238 ...
 $ name                          : chr  "Clean & quiet apt home by the park" "Skylit Midtown Castle" "THE VILLAGE OF HARLEM....NEW YORK !" "Cozy Entire Floor of Brownstone" ...
 $ host_id                       : int  2787 2845 4632 4869 7192 7322 7356 8967 7490 7549 ...
 $ host_name                     : chr  "John" "Jennifer" "Elisabeth" "LisaRoxanne" ...
 $ neighbourhood_group           : chr  "Brooklyn" "Manhattan" "Manhattan" "Brooklyn" ...
 $ neighbourhood                 : chr  "Kensington" "Midtown" "Harlem" "Clinton Hill" ...
 $ latitude                      : num  40.6 40.8 40.8 40.7 40.8 ...
 $ longitude                     : num  -74 -74 -73.9 -74 -73.9 ...
 $ room_type                     : chr  "Private room" "Entire home/apt" "Private room" "Entire home/apt" ...
 $ price                         : int  149 225 150 89 80 200 60 79 79 150 ...
 $ minimum_nights                : int  1 1 3 1 10 3 45 2 2 1 ...
 $ number_of_reviews             : int  9 45 0 270 9 74 49 430 118 160 ...
 $ last_review                   : chr  "2018-10-19" "2019-05-21" "" "2019-07-05" ...
 $ reviews_per_month             : num  0.21 0.38 NA 4.64 0.1 0.59 0.4 3.47 0.99 1.33 ...
 $ calculated_host_listings_count: int  6 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 ...
 $ availability_365              : int  365 355 365 194 0 129 0 220 0 188 ...
       id               name              host_id           host_name        
 Min.   :    2539   Length:48895       Min.   :     2438   Length:48895      
 1st Qu.: 9471945   Class :character   1st Qu.:  7822033   Class :character  
 Median :19677284   Mode  :character   Median : 30793816   Mode  :character  
 Mean   :19017143                      Mean   : 67620011                     
 3rd Qu.:29152178                      3rd Qu.:107434423                     
 Max.   :36487245                      Max.   :274321313                     
 neighbourhood_group neighbourhood         latitude       longitude     
 Length:48895        Length:48895       Min.   :40.50   Min.   :-74.24  
 Class :character    Class :character   1st Qu.:40.69   1st Qu.:-73.98  
 Mode  :character    Mode  :character   Median :40.72   Median :-73.96  
                                        Mean   :40.73   Mean   :-73.95  
                                        3rd Qu.:40.76   3rd Qu.:-73.94  
                                        Max.   :40.91   Max.   :-73.71  
  room_type             price         minimum_nights    number_of_reviews
 Length:48895       Min.   :    0.0   Min.   :   1.00   Min.   :  0.00   
 Class :character   1st Qu.:   69.0   1st Qu.:   1.00   1st Qu.:  1.00   
 Mode  :character   Median :  106.0   Median :   3.00   Median :  5.00   
                    Mean   :  152.7   Mean   :   7.03   Mean   : 23.27   
                    3rd Qu.:  175.0   3rd Qu.:   5.00   3rd Qu.: 24.00   
                    Max.   :10000.0   Max.   :1250.00   Max.   :629.00   
 last_review        reviews_per_month calculated_host_listings_count
 Length:48895       Min.   : 0.010    Min.   :  1.000               
 Class :character   1st Qu.: 0.190    1st Qu.:  1.000               
 Mode  :character   Median : 0.720    Median :  1.000               
                    Mean   : 1.373    Mean   :  7.144               
                    3rd Qu.: 2.020    3rd Qu.:  2.000               
                    Max.   :58.500    Max.   :327.000               
                    NA's   :10052                                   
 Min.   :  0.0   
 1st Qu.:  0.0   
 Median : 45.0   
 Mean   :112.8   
 3rd Qu.:227.0   
 Max.   :365.0   

Checking for missing values and handle them if necessary using functions such as, sum(), na.omit().

# Check for missing values
[1] 10052
# Remove rows with missing values
df <- na.omit(df)

Cleaning and transforming the data as needed using functions such as, as.numeric(), and rename().

# Load the data set
data <- read.csv("~/Desktop/601_Spring_2023/posts/_data/AB_NYC_2019.csv",stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# check for missing values
[1] 10052
# if there are missing values, remove the rows with missing values
data <- data[complete.cases(data), ]

# check for duplicates
[1] 0
# remove duplicates
data <- data[!duplicated(data), ]

# visualize the price column using a boxplot

# remove outliers (in this case, we will remove prices above $1,000 per night)
data <- data[data$price <= 1000, ]

# rename columns
colnames(data)[1] <- "id"
colnames(data)[2] <- "name"
colnames(data)[3] <- "host_id"
colnames(data)[4] <- "host_name"
colnames(data)[5] <- "neighbourhood_group"
colnames(data)[6] <- "neighbourhood"
colnames(data)[7] <- "latitude"
colnames(data)[8] <- "longitude"
colnames(data)[9] <- "room_type"
colnames(data)[10] <- "price"
colnames(data)[11] <- "minimum_nights"
colnames(data)[12] <- "number_of_reviews"
colnames(data)[13] <- "last_review"
colnames(data)[14] <- "reviews_per_month"
colnames(data)[15] <- "calculated_host_listings_count"
colnames(data)[16] <- "availability_365"

# remove unnecessary columns (in this case, we will remove the id, host_name, and last_review columns)
data <- subset(data, select = -c(id, host_name, last_review))

# convert data types (in this case, we will convert the price and minimum_nights columns to numeric)
data$price <- as.numeric(data$price)
data$minimum_nights <- as.numeric(data$minimum_nights)

Save the cleaned data

# Load the data set
data <- read.csv("~/Desktop/601_Spring_2023/posts/_data/AB_NYC_2019.csv",stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# save the cleaned dataset to a new file
write.csv(data, "~/Desktop/601_Spring_2023/posts/_data/cleaned_airbnb.csv", row.names = FALSE)

The resulting dataset will have a row for each date where the availability of the listing is “available” or “not available”, and a new column for the month of the date.

# Load the data set
data <- read.csv("~/Desktop/601_Spring_2023/posts/_data/AB_NYC_2019.csv")

AB_NYC_2019_long <- pivot_longer(AB_NYC_2019, cols = c("availability_365"), names_to = "date", values_to = "availability")
Error in pivot_longer(AB_NYC_2019, cols = c("availability_365"), names_to = "date", : object 'AB_NYC_2019' not found
AB_NYC_2019_long <- mutate(AB_NYC_2019_long, month = substr(date, 6, 7))
Error in mutate(AB_NYC_2019_long, month = substr(date, 6, 7)): object 'AB_NYC_2019_long' not found
Error in head(AB_NYC_2019_long): object 'AB_NYC_2019_long' not found

Rename variables if necessary using the rename() function from the dplyr package:


# Rename the neighbourhood variable to neighborhood
df <- rename(df, neighborhood = neighbourhood)

Convert variables to appropriate data types if necessary using functions such as as.Date(), as.POSIXct(), and as.factor():

# Convert the last_review variable to a date
df$last_review <- as.Date(df$last_review, format='%Y-%m-%d')

Mutate() and head() are used to create a new variable named “total_price”.

# Load the required packages

# Load the data set
data <- read.csv("~/Desktop/601_Spring_2023/posts/_data/AB_NYC_2019.csv")

# Mutate the data set
data <- data %>% 
  mutate(total_price = price * minimum_nights) # Create a new variable named "total_price" that multiplies "price" and "minimum_nights"

# View the mutated data set
    id                                             name host_id   host_name
1 2539               Clean & quiet apt home by the park    2787        John
2 2595                            Skylit Midtown Castle    2845    Jennifer
3 3647              THE VILLAGE OF HARLEM....NEW YORK !    4632   Elisabeth
4 3831                  Cozy Entire Floor of Brownstone    4869 LisaRoxanne
5 5022 Entire Apt: Spacious Studio/Loft by central park    7192       Laura
6 5099        Large Cozy 1 BR Apartment In Midtown East    7322       Chris
  neighbourhood_group neighbourhood latitude longitude       room_type price
1            Brooklyn    Kensington 40.64749 -73.97237    Private room   149
2           Manhattan       Midtown 40.75362 -73.98377 Entire home/apt   225
3           Manhattan        Harlem 40.80902 -73.94190    Private room   150
4            Brooklyn  Clinton Hill 40.68514 -73.95976 Entire home/apt    89
5           Manhattan   East Harlem 40.79851 -73.94399 Entire home/apt    80
6           Manhattan   Murray Hill 40.74767 -73.97500 Entire home/apt   200
  minimum_nights number_of_reviews last_review reviews_per_month
1              1                 9  2018-10-19              0.21
2              1                45  2019-05-21              0.38
3              3                 0                            NA
4              1               270  2019-07-05              4.64
5             10                 9  2018-11-19              0.10
6              3                74  2019-06-22              0.59
  calculated_host_listings_count availability_365 total_price
1                              6              365         149
2                              2              355         225
3                              1              365         450
4                              1              194          89
5                              1                0         800
6                              1              129         600

The “AB_NYC_2019.csv” dataset can be transformed into factors and reordered for ease of graphics and visualization, such as the “neighbourhood_group” variable.

# Load the required packages

# Load the data set
data <- read.csv("~/Desktop/601_Spring_2023/posts/_data/AB_NYC_2019.csv")

# Convert the neighbourhood_group variable to a factor with the desired levels
data$neighbourhood_group <- factor(data$neighbourhood_group, levels = c("Manhattan", "Brooklyn", "Queens", "Bronx", "Staten Island"))

# Reorder the levels of the neighbourhood_group factor based on median price
data$neighbourhood_group <- fct_reorder(data$neighbourhood_group, data$price, .fun = median)

# Plot a box plot of price grouped by neighbourhood_group
ggplot(data, aes(x = neighbourhood_group, y = price)) +

Label encoding can be used to represent string values numerically, such as the “room_type” variable in the “AB_NYC_2019.csv” dataset.

# Load the data set
data <- read.csv("~/Desktop/601_Spring_2023/posts/_data/AB_NYC_2019.csv")

# Convert the room_type variable to a factor
data$room_type <- factor(data$room_type)

# Convert the factor levels to integers using as.numeric()
data$room_type_numeric <- as.numeric(data$room_type)

# Display the first few rows of the data
head(data[, c("room_type", "room_type_numeric")])
        room_type room_type_numeric
1    Private room                 2
2 Entire home/apt                 1
3    Private room                 2
4 Entire home/apt                 1
5 Entire home/apt                 1
6 Entire home/apt                 1

Univariate Visualizations

Histogram: to visualize the distribution of continuous variables, such as price or reviews_per_mo.


# Plot the histogram of the price variable
ggplot(data=df, aes(x=price)) + 
  geom_histogram(bins=30) + 
  labs(x='Price', y='Count')

Pie chart: to visualize the proportion of categorical variables, such as room_type.

# Plot the pie chart of the room_type variable
ggplot(data=df, aes(x='', fill=room_type)) + 
  geom_bar(position='fill') + 
  labs(y='Room type')

Scatter plot: to visualize the relationship between two continuous variables, such as price and reviews_per_mo.

# Plot the scatter plot of price and reviews_per_mo

ggplot(data=df, aes(x=price, y = reviews_per_month)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  labs(x='Price', y='Reviews per month')

Box plot: to visualize the distribution of continuous variables and detect outliers, such as min_nights or reviews.

# Plot the box plot of the min_nights variable
ggplot(data = df, aes(x='', y = minimum_nights)) + 
  geom_boxplot() + 
  labs(y='Minimum nights')

Bivariate Visualization(s)

Bar plot: to visualize the relationship between a categorical variable and a count variable, such as neighbourhood_group and the number of listings.

# Plot the bar plot of the number of listings by neighbourhood_group
ggplot(data=df, aes(x=neighbourhood_group, fill=neighbourhood_group)) + 
  geom_bar() + 
  labs(x='Neighbourhood group', y='Number of listings') +
  scale_fill_discrete(name='Neighbourhood group')

Violin plot: to visualize the relationship between two categorical variables and a continuous variable, such as room type, borough, and price.

# Plot the violin plot of price by room type and neighbourhood_group 
ggplot(data=df, aes(x=room_type, y = price, fill = neighbourhood_group)) + 
  geom_violin() + 
  labs(x='Room type', y='Price') +
  scale_fill_discrete(name= 'neighbourhood_group')

Scatter plot: to visualize the relationship between two continuous variables, such as price and minimum nights.

# Plot the scatter plot of price and minimum nights
ggplot(data=df, aes(x=price, y=minimum_nights)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  labs(x='Price', y='Minimum nights')