Challenge 6

Visualizing Time and Relationships

Linda Humphrey


April 1, 2023


knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)

Read in data

#Load data 
abc_poll_2021 <- read.csv("~/Desktop/601_Spring_2023/posts/_data/abc_poll_2021.csv")
       id xspanish complete_status ppage
1 7230001  English       qualified    68
2 7230002  English       qualified    85
3 7230003  English       qualified    69
4 7230004  English       qualified    74
5 7230005  English       qualified    77
6 7230006  English       qualified    70
1 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
2                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
3 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
4                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
5 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
6                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
                    ppeducat ppgender              ppethm pphhsize
1                High school   Female White, Non-Hispanic        2
2 Bachelors degree or higher     Male White, Non-Hispanic        2
3                High school     Male White, Non-Hispanic        2
4 Bachelors degree or higher   Female White, Non-Hispanic        1
5                High school     Male White, Non-Hispanic        3
6 Bachelors degree or higher     Male White, Non-Hispanic        2
                ppinc7    ppmarit5   ppmsacat    ppreg4
1   $25,000 to $49,999 Now Married Metro area     South
2     $150,000 or more Now Married Metro area     South
3 $100,000 to $149,999 Now Married Metro area     South
4   $25,000 to $49,999    Divorced Metro area NorthEast
5   $10,000 to $24,999 Now Married Metro area   MidWest
6   $75,000 to $99,999 Now Married Metro area   MidWest
                                                     pprent     ppstaten
1 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household      Florida
2 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household     Kentucky
3 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household      Florida
4 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household Pennsylvania
5 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household     Michigan
6 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household     Missouri
                               PPWORKA          ppemploy       Q1_a       Q1_b
1                              Retired       Not working    Approve    Approve
2                              Retired       Not working    Approve    Approve
3                              Retired       Not working Disapprove Disapprove
4                              Retired       Not working    Approve    Approve
5                              Retired       Not working    Approve    Approve
6 Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time    Approve    Approve
        Q1_c       Q1_d       Q1_e       Q1_f                 Q2  Q3        Q4
1 Disapprove    Approve    Approve Disapprove   Not so concerned Yes      Good
2    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Somewhat concerned Yes      Good
3 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve     Very concerned Yes      Poor
4    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Somewhat concerned Yes Excellent
5    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Somewhat concerned Yes Excellent
6    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve   Not so concerned Yes Excellent
           Q5           QPID ABCAGE                                Contact
1  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+ No, I am not willing to be interviewed
2  Optimistic An Independent    65+ No, I am not willing to be interviewed
3 Pessimistic Something else    65+ No, I am not willing to be interviewed
4 Pessimistic An Independent    65+    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed
5  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+ No, I am not willing to be interviewed
6  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+ No, I am not willing to be interviewed
1      0.6382
2      0.5493
3      0.8488
4      0.8126
5      0.4994
6      0.4043

Pivot Longer function

'data.frame':   527 obs. of  31 variables:
 $ id             : int  7230001 7230002 7230003 7230004 7230005 7230006 7230007 7230008 7230009 7230010 ...
 $ xspanish       : chr  "English" "English" "English" "English" ...
 $ complete_status: chr  "qualified" "qualified" "qualified" "qualified" ...
 $ ppage          : int  68 85 69 74 77 70 26 76 78 47 ...
 $ ppeduc5        : chr  "High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)" "Bachelor\x92s degree" "High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)" "Bachelor\x92s degree" ...
 $ ppeducat       : chr  "High school" "Bachelors degree or higher" "High school" "Bachelors degree or higher" ...
 $ ppgender       : chr  "Female" "Male" "Male" "Female" ...
 $ ppethm         : chr  "White, Non-Hispanic" "White, Non-Hispanic" "White, Non-Hispanic" "White, Non-Hispanic" ...
 $ pphhsize       : chr  "2" "2" "2" "1" ...
 $ ppinc7         : chr  "$25,000 to $49,999" "$150,000 or more" "$100,000 to $149,999" "$25,000 to $49,999" ...
 $ ppmarit5       : chr  "Now Married" "Now Married" "Now Married" "Divorced" ...
 $ ppmsacat       : chr  "Metro area" "Metro area" "Metro area" "Metro area" ...
 $ ppreg4         : chr  "South" "South" "South" "NorthEast" ...
 $ pprent         : chr  "Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household" "Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household" "Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household" "Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household" ...
 $ ppstaten       : chr  "Florida" "Kentucky" "Florida" "Pennsylvania" ...
 $ PPWORKA        : chr  "Retired" "Retired" "Retired" "Retired" ...
 $ ppemploy       : chr  "Not working" "Not working" "Not working" "Not working" ...
 $ Q1_a           : chr  "Approve" "Approve" "Disapprove" "Approve" ...
 $ Q1_b           : chr  "Approve" "Approve" "Disapprove" "Approve" ...
 $ Q1_c           : chr  "Disapprove" "Approve" "Disapprove" "Approve" ...
 $ Q1_d           : chr  "Approve" "Approve" "Disapprove" "Approve" ...
 $ Q1_e           : chr  "Approve" "Approve" "Disapprove" "Approve" ...
 $ Q1_f           : chr  "Disapprove" "Approve" "Approve" "Approve" ...
 $ Q2             : chr  "Not so concerned" "Somewhat concerned" "Very concerned" "Somewhat concerned" ...
 $ Q3             : chr  "Yes" "Yes" "Yes" "Yes" ...
 $ Q4             : chr  "Good" "Good" "Poor" "Excellent" ...
 $ Q5             : chr  "Optimistic" "Optimistic" "Pessimistic" "Pessimistic" ...
 $ QPID           : chr  "A Democrat" "An Independent" "Something else" "An Independent" ...
 $ ABCAGE         : chr  "65+" "65+" "65+" "65+" ...
 $ Contact        : chr  "No, I am not willing to be interviewed" "No, I am not willing to be interviewed" "No, I am not willing to be interviewed" "Yes, I am willing to be interviewed" ...
 $ weights_pid    : num  0.638 0.549 0.849 0.813 0.499 ...
 pivot_longer(abc_poll_2021, cols = ppstaten, names_to = "variable", values_to = "ppstaten")
# A tibble: 527 × 32
        id xspanish comple…¹ ppage ppeduc5 ppedu…² ppgen…³ ppethm pphhs…⁴ ppinc7
     <int> <chr>    <chr>    <int> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  <chr>   <chr> 
 1 7230001 English  qualifi…    68 "High … High s… Female  White… 2       $25,0…
 2 7230002 English  qualifi…    85 "Bache… Bachel… Male    White… 2       $150,…
 3 7230003 English  qualifi…    69 "High … High s… Male    White… 2       $100,…
 4 7230004 English  qualifi…    74 "Bache… Bachel… Female  White… 1       $25,0…
 5 7230005 English  qualifi…    77 "High … High s… Male    White… 3       $10,0…
 6 7230006 English  qualifi…    70 "Bache… Bachel… Male    White… 2       $75,0…
 7 7230007 English  qualifi…    26 "Maste… Bachel… Male    Other… 3       $150,…
 8 7230008 English  qualifi…    76 "Bache… Bachel… Male    Black… 2       $50,0…
 9 7230009 English  qualifi…    78 "Bache… Bachel… Female  White… 2       $150,…
10 7230010 English  qualifi…    47 "Maste… Bachel… Male    Other… 4       $150,…
# … with 517 more rows, 22 more variables: ppmarit5 <chr>, ppmsacat <chr>,
#   ppreg4 <chr>, pprent <chr>, PPWORKA <chr>, ppemploy <chr>, Q1_a <chr>,
#   Q1_b <chr>, Q1_c <chr>, Q1_d <chr>, Q1_e <chr>, Q1_f <chr>, Q2 <chr>,
#   Q3 <chr>, Q4 <chr>, Q5 <chr>, QPID <chr>, ABCAGE <chr>, Contact <chr>,
#   weights_pid <dbl>, variable <chr>, ppstaten <chr>, and abbreviated variable
#   names ¹​complete_status, ²​ppeducat, ³​ppgender, ⁴​pphhsize

Pivot wider function from ppeducat from abcage.

pivot_wider(abc_poll_2021, names_from = 'ppeducat', values_from = "ABCAGE" )
# A tibble: 527 × 33
        id xspanish comple…¹ ppage ppeduc5 ppgen…² ppethm pphhs…³ ppinc7 ppmar…⁴
     <int> <chr>    <chr>    <int> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  <chr>   <chr>  <chr>  
 1 7230001 English  qualifi…    68 "High … Female  White… 2       $25,0… Now Ma…
 2 7230002 English  qualifi…    85 "Bache… Male    White… 2       $150,… Now Ma…
 3 7230003 English  qualifi…    69 "High … Male    White… 2       $100,… Now Ma…
 4 7230004 English  qualifi…    74 "Bache… Female  White… 1       $25,0… Divorc…
 5 7230005 English  qualifi…    77 "High … Male    White… 3       $10,0… Now Ma…
 6 7230006 English  qualifi…    70 "Bache… Male    White… 2       $75,0… Now Ma…
 7 7230007 English  qualifi…    26 "Maste… Male    Other… 3       $150,… Never …
 8 7230008 English  qualifi…    76 "Bache… Male    Black… 2       $50,0… Now Ma…
 9 7230009 English  qualifi…    78 "Bache… Female  White… 2       $150,… Now Ma…
10 7230010 English  qualifi…    47 "Maste… Male    Other… 4       $150,… Now Ma…
# … with 517 more rows, 23 more variables: ppmsacat <chr>, ppreg4 <chr>,
#   pprent <chr>, ppstaten <chr>, PPWORKA <chr>, ppemploy <chr>, Q1_a <chr>,
#   Q1_b <chr>, Q1_c <chr>, Q1_d <chr>, Q1_e <chr>, Q1_f <chr>, Q2 <chr>,
#   Q3 <chr>, Q4 <chr>, Q5 <chr>, QPID <chr>, Contact <chr>, weights_pid <dbl>,
#   `High school` <chr>, `Bachelors degree or higher` <chr>,
#   `Some college` <chr>, `Less than high school` <chr>, and abbreviated
#   variable names ¹​complete_status, ²​ppgender, ³​pphhsize, ⁴​ppmarit5

We mutate(row=row_number()) to give each row unique identification.

abc_poll_2021 %>%
  mutate(row=row_number()) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = ppreg4, values_from = ABCAGE)
# A tibble: 527 × 34
        id xspanish comple…¹ ppage ppeduc5 ppedu…² ppgen…³ ppethm pphhs…⁴ ppinc7
     <int> <chr>    <chr>    <int> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  <chr>   <chr> 
 1 7230001 English  qualifi…    68 "High … High s… Female  White… 2       $25,0…
 2 7230002 English  qualifi…    85 "Bache… Bachel… Male    White… 2       $150,…
 3 7230003 English  qualifi…    69 "High … High s… Male    White… 2       $100,…
 4 7230004 English  qualifi…    74 "Bache… Bachel… Female  White… 1       $25,0…
 5 7230005 English  qualifi…    77 "High … High s… Male    White… 3       $10,0…
 6 7230006 English  qualifi…    70 "Bache… Bachel… Male    White… 2       $75,0…
 7 7230007 English  qualifi…    26 "Maste… Bachel… Male    Other… 3       $150,…
 8 7230008 English  qualifi…    76 "Bache… Bachel… Male    Black… 2       $50,0…
 9 7230009 English  qualifi…    78 "Bache… Bachel… Female  White… 2       $150,…
10 7230010 English  qualifi…    47 "Maste… Bachel… Male    Other… 4       $150,…
# … with 517 more rows, 24 more variables: ppmarit5 <chr>, ppmsacat <chr>,
#   pprent <chr>, ppstaten <chr>, PPWORKA <chr>, ppemploy <chr>, Q1_a <chr>,
#   Q1_b <chr>, Q1_c <chr>, Q1_d <chr>, Q1_e <chr>, Q1_f <chr>, Q2 <chr>,
#   Q3 <chr>, Q4 <chr>, Q5 <chr>, QPID <chr>, Contact <chr>, weights_pid <dbl>,
#   row <int>, South <chr>, NorthEast <chr>, MidWest <chr>, West <chr>, and
#   abbreviated variable names ¹​complete_status, ²​ppeducat, ³​ppgender,
#   ⁴​pphhsize
  select(abc_poll_2021, 'ppage', 'id') %>%
    summarize_all(mean, na.rm = TRUE)
    ppage      id
1 53.3871 7230264

Filter rows by age greater than 30

filter(abc_poll_2021, ABCAGE > 30 )
         id xspanish complete_status ppage
1   7230001  English       qualified    68
2   7230002  English       qualified    85
3   7230003  English       qualified    69
4   7230004  English       qualified    74
5   7230005  English       qualified    77
6   7230006  English       qualified    70
7   7230008  English       qualified    76
8   7230009  English       qualified    78
9   7230010  English       qualified    47
10  7230011  English       qualified    58
11  7230012  English       qualified    50
12  7230013  English       qualified    84
13  7230014  English       qualified    61
14  7230015  English       qualified    77
15  7230016  English       qualified    55
16  7230017  English       qualified    64
17  7230018  English       qualified    48
18  7230019  English       qualified    78
19  7230020  English       qualified    72
20  7230021  English       qualified    55
21  7230022  English       qualified    44
22  7230023  English       qualified    61
23  7230024  English       qualified    73
24  7230025  English       qualified    66
25  7230026  English       qualified    42
26  7230027  English       qualified    47
27  7230028  English       qualified    65
28  7230029  English       qualified    74
29  7230030  English       qualified    84
30  7230031  English       qualified    59
31  7230032  English       qualified    66
32  7230033  English       qualified    76
33  7230034  English       qualified    44
34  7230035  English       qualified    32
35  7230036  English       qualified    55
36  7230037  English       qualified    53
37  7230038  English       qualified    44
38  7230039  English       qualified    37
39  7230040  English       qualified    67
40  7230041  English       qualified    31
41  7230042  English       qualified    58
42  7230043  English       qualified    60
43  7230044  English       qualified    69
44  7230045  English       qualified    52
45  7230046  English       qualified    52
46  7230047  English       qualified    72
47  7230048  English       qualified    80
48  7230049  English       qualified    69
49  7230050  English       qualified    76
50  7230051  English       qualified    75
51  7230052  English       qualified    74
52  7230053  English       qualified    64
53  7230054  English       qualified    74
54  7230055  English       qualified    74
55  7230057  English       qualified    56
56  7230058  English       qualified    64
57  7230059  English       qualified    70
58  7230060  English       qualified    62
59  7230061  English       qualified    43
60  7230062  English       qualified    67
61  7230063  English       qualified    65
62  7230064  English       qualified    71
63  7230065  English       qualified    74
64  7230066  English       qualified    69
65  7230067  English       qualified    63
66  7230068  English       qualified    81
67  7230069  English       qualified    82
68  7230070  English       qualified    69
69  7230071  English       qualified    73
70  7230072  English       qualified    74
71  7230073  English       qualified    56
72  7230074  English       qualified    68
73  7230075  English       qualified    59
74  7230076  English       qualified    84
75  7230077  English       qualified    83
76  7230078  English       qualified    68
77  7230079  English       qualified    58
78  7230081  English       qualified    57
79  7230082  English       qualified    52
80  7230083  English       qualified    80
81  7230084  English       qualified    50
82  7230085  English       qualified    58
83  7230086  English       qualified    74
84  7230087  English       qualified    56
85  7230088  English       qualified    70
86  7230089  English       qualified    44
87  7230090  English       qualified    50
88  7230091  English       qualified    63
89  7230092  English       qualified    78
90  7230093  English       qualified    55
91  7230094  English       qualified    66
92  7230095  English       qualified    70
93  7230096  English       qualified    65
94  7230097  English       qualified    76
95  7230098  English       qualified    42
96  7230099  English       qualified    58
97  7230100  English       qualified    66
98  7230101  English       qualified    54
99  7230102  English       qualified    43
100 7230103  English       qualified    61
101 7230104  English       qualified    82
102 7230105  English       qualified    70
103 7230106  English       qualified    88
104 7230107  English       qualified    68
105 7230108  English       qualified    40
106 7230109  English       qualified    53
107 7230110  English       qualified    61
108 7230111  English       qualified    51
109 7230112  English       qualified    58
110 7230113  English       qualified    73
111 7230114  English       qualified    60
112 7230115  English       qualified    70
113 7230116  English       qualified    72
114 7230117  English       qualified    78
115 7230118  English       qualified    40
116 7230119  English       qualified    37
117 7230120  English       qualified    43
118 7230121  English       qualified    31
119 7230122  Spanish       qualified    37
120 7230123  English       qualified    76
121 7230124  English       qualified    58
122 7230125  English       qualified    45
123 7230126  English       qualified    51
124 7230127  English       qualified    49
125 7230128  English       qualified    80
126 7230129  English       qualified    74
127 7230131  English       qualified    76
128 7230132  English       qualified    55
129 7230133  English       qualified    57
130 7230134  English       qualified    51
131 7230135  English       qualified    91
132 7230136  English       qualified    67
133 7230138  English       qualified    62
134 7230139  English       qualified    31
135 7230140  English       qualified    59
136 7230141  English       qualified    31
137 7230142  English       qualified    44
138 7230143  English       qualified    56
139 7230144  English       qualified    52
140 7230145  English       qualified    37
141 7230146  English       qualified    66
142 7230147  English       qualified    62
143 7230148  English       qualified    74
144 7230149  English       qualified    52
145 7230151  English       qualified    36
146 7230152  English       qualified    71
147 7230153  English       qualified    70
148 7230154  English       qualified    35
149 7230155  English       qualified    53
150 7230156  English       qualified    34
151 7230157  English       qualified    32
152 7230158  English       qualified    65
153 7230159  English       qualified    40
154 7230160  English       qualified    32
155 7230161  English       qualified    36
156 7230162  English       qualified    58
157 7230164  English       qualified    33
158 7230165  English       qualified    57
159 7230166  English       qualified    70
160 7230167  English       qualified    48
161 7230168  English       qualified    84
162 7230169  English       qualified    54
163 7230170  English       qualified    41
164 7230171  English       qualified    46
165 7230172  English       qualified    68
166 7230173  English       qualified    59
167 7230174  English       qualified    58
168 7230175  English       qualified    54
169 7230176  English       qualified    60
170 7230177  English       qualified    59
171 7230178  English       qualified    39
172 7230179  English       qualified    66
173 7230180  English       qualified    36
174 7230182  English       qualified    82
175 7230183  English       qualified    60
176 7230184  English       qualified    42
177 7230185  English       qualified    40
178 7230186  English       qualified    76
179 7230187  English       qualified    60
180 7230188  English       qualified    67
181 7230189  English       qualified    65
182 7230190  English       qualified    63
183 7230191  English       qualified    52
184 7230192  English       qualified    55
185 7230193  English       qualified    61
186 7230194  English       qualified    79
187 7230195  English       qualified    46
188 7230196  English       qualified    54
189 7230197  English       qualified    55
190 7230198  English       qualified    72
191 7230199  English       qualified    77
192 7230200  English       qualified    32
193 7230201  English       qualified    75
194 7230202  English       qualified    63
195 7230203  English       qualified    33
196 7230204  English       qualified    81
197 7230205  English       qualified    56
198 7230206  English       qualified    41
199 7230207  English       qualified    30
200 7230209  English       qualified    65
201 7230210  English       qualified    40
202 7230211  English       qualified    59
203 7230212  English       qualified    54
204 7230213  English       qualified    50
205 7230214  English       qualified    45
206 7230215  English       qualified    65
207 7230217  English       qualified    63
208 7230218  English       qualified    88
209 7230219  English       qualified    35
210 7230220  English       qualified    72
211 7230221  English       qualified    43
212 7230222  English       qualified    46
213 7230223  English       qualified    45
214 7230225  English       qualified    84
215 7230226  English       qualified    81
216 7230227  English       qualified    46
217 7230229  English       qualified    50
218 7230230  English       qualified    68
219 7230231  English       qualified    73
220 7230232  English       qualified    74
221 7230233  English       qualified    54
222 7230234  English       qualified    87
223 7230235  Spanish       qualified    50
224 7230237  English       qualified    67
225 7230238  English       qualified    65
226 7230239  English       qualified    54
227 7230240  English       qualified    40
228 7230241  English       qualified    44
229 7230242  English       qualified    58
230 7230243  English       qualified    39
231 7230245  English       qualified    40
232 7230246  English       qualified    68
233 7230247  English       qualified    54
234 7230248  English       qualified    61
235 7230249  English       qualified    62
236 7230250  English       qualified    73
237 7230251  English       qualified    68
238 7230252  English       qualified    56
239 7230253  English       qualified    74
240 7230254  English       qualified    31
241 7230255  English       qualified    42
242 7230256  English       qualified    76
243 7230257  English       qualified    85
244 7230258  English       qualified    67
245 7230259  English       qualified    81
246 7230260  English       qualified    58
247 7230261  English       qualified    40
248 7230262  English       qualified    46
249 7230263  English       qualified    41
250 7230264  English       qualified    61
251 7230265  English       qualified    40
252 7230266  English       qualified    33
253 7230267  English       qualified    66
254 7230268  English       qualified    41
255 7230269  Spanish       qualified    40
256 7230270  English       qualified    60
257 7230271  English       qualified    58
258 7230273  Spanish       qualified    46
259 7230274  English       qualified    74
260 7230275  English       qualified    51
261 7230276  English       qualified    74
262 7230277  English       qualified    52
263 7230278  English       qualified    52
264 7230279  English       qualified    67
265 7230280  English       qualified    41
266 7230281  English       qualified    76
267 7230282  English       qualified    48
268 7230283  English       qualified    59
269 7230284  English       qualified    41
270 7230285  English       qualified    42
271 7230286  English       qualified    64
272 7230287  English       qualified    51
273 7230289  Spanish       qualified    55
274 7230291  English       qualified    75
275 7230292  English       qualified    72
276 7230293  English       qualified    60
277 7230294  English       qualified    70
278 7230295  English       qualified    50
279 7230297  English       qualified    70
280 7230299  English       qualified    48
281 7230300  English       qualified    51
282 7230301  English       qualified    40
283 7230302  English       qualified    66
284 7230303  English       qualified    67
285 7230304  English       qualified    47
286 7230305  English       qualified    67
287 7230306  English       qualified    58
288 7230308  English       qualified    71
289 7230309  English       qualified    60
290 7230310  English       qualified    56
291 7230312  English       qualified    47
292 7230313  English       qualified    50
293 7230314  English       qualified    70
294 7230315  English       qualified    42
295 7230316  English       qualified    71
296 7230317  English       qualified    49
297 7230318  English       qualified    43
298 7230319  English       qualified    41
299 7230320  English       qualified    57
300 7230321  English       qualified    61
301 7230322  English       qualified    70
302 7230323  English       qualified    70
303 7230324  English       qualified    67
304 7230326  English       qualified    89
305 7230327  English       qualified    34
306 7230328  English       qualified    32
307 7230330  English       qualified    73
308 7230331  English       qualified    32
309 7230332  English       qualified    63
310 7230333  English       qualified    70
311 7230334  English       qualified    40
312 7230335  English       qualified    53
313 7230337  English       qualified    38
314 7230338  Spanish       qualified    53
315 7230339  English       qualified    59
316 7230340  English       qualified    59
317 7230341  English       qualified    55
318 7230342  English       qualified    71
319 7230343  English       qualified    47
320 7230344  English       qualified    49
321 7230345  English       qualified    83
322 7230348  English       qualified    47
323 7230350  English       qualified    64
324 7230351  English       qualified    56
325 7230352  English       qualified    74
326 7230353  English       qualified    54
327 7230354  English       qualified    31
328 7230355  Spanish       qualified    52
329 7230356  English       qualified    81
330 7230359  English       qualified    63
331 7230360  English       qualified    33
332 7230362  English       qualified    31
333 7230363  English       qualified    70
334 7230364  English       qualified    53
335 7230365  English       qualified    69
336 7230366  English       qualified    30
337 7230367  English       qualified    43
338 7230368  English       qualified    55
339 7230369  English       qualified    36
340 7230370  English       qualified    46
341 7230371  English       qualified    34
342 7230380  English       qualified    59
343 7230383  English       qualified    88
344 7230385  English       qualified    43
345 7230386  English       qualified    74
346 7230387  English       qualified    38
347 7230388  English       qualified    53
348 7230390  English       qualified    30
349 7230392  English       qualified    61
350 7230393  English       qualified    59
351 7230394  English       qualified    59
352 7230396  English       qualified    50
353 7230397  English       qualified    57
354 7230398  English       qualified    34
355 7230400  Spanish       qualified    32
356 7230403  English       qualified    69
357 7230404  English       qualified    69
358 7230405  English       qualified    71
359 7230406  English       qualified    37
360 7230407  English       qualified    62
361 7230408  English       qualified    30
362 7230410  English       qualified    36
363 7230411  English       qualified    39
364 7230412  English       qualified    44
365 7230413  English       qualified    66
366 7230414  English       qualified    56
367 7230415  English       qualified    53
368 7230416  English       qualified    60
369 7230417  English       qualified    34
370 7230418  English       qualified    42
371 7230419  English       qualified    47
372 7230420  English       qualified    66
373 7230421  English       qualified    34
374 7230422  English       qualified    64
375 7230423  English       qualified    44
376 7230424  English       qualified    58
377 7230425  English       qualified    46
378 7230426  English       qualified    33
379 7230427  English       qualified    74
380 7230428  English       qualified    35
381 7230429  English       qualified    39
382 7230430  English       qualified    75
383 7230432  English       qualified    31
384 7230433  English       qualified    39
385 7230434  English       qualified    57
386 7230435  English       qualified    43
387 7230436  English       qualified    39
388 7230438  English       qualified    65
389 7230439  English       qualified    59
390 7230440  English       qualified    30
391 7230441  English       qualified    57
392 7230442  English       qualified    82
393 7230444  English       qualified    32
394 7230445  English       qualified    60
395 7230446  English       qualified    55
396 7230447  English       qualified    65
397 7230448  English       qualified    74
398 7230449  Spanish       qualified    37
399 7230450  English       qualified    46
400 7230451  English       qualified    59
401 7230452  English       qualified    41
402 7230453  English       qualified    47
403 7230454  English       qualified    56
404 7230455  English       qualified    46
405 7230456  English       qualified    73
406 7230457  English       qualified    58
407 7230458  English       qualified    32
408 7230459  English       qualified    69
409 7230461  English       qualified    57
410 7230462  English       qualified    40
411 7230463  English       qualified    61
412 7230464  English       qualified    66
413 7230465  English       qualified    73
414 7230467  English       qualified    47
415 7230469  English       qualified    66
416 7230470  English       qualified    83
417 7230471  English       qualified    60
418 7230472  English       qualified    66
419 7230473  English       qualified    62
420 7230474  English       qualified    52
421 7230475  English       qualified    42
422 7230476  English       qualified    56
423 7230478  English       qualified    67
424 7230479  English       qualified    64
425 7230480  English       qualified    57
426 7230481  English       qualified    44
427 7230482  Spanish       qualified    55
428 7230483  English       qualified    53
429 7230484  English       qualified    36
430 7230485  English       qualified    70
431 7230486  Spanish       qualified    45
432 7230487  English       qualified    54
433 7230488  English       qualified    79
434 7230489  English       qualified    34
435 7230490  English       qualified    44
436 7230491  Spanish       qualified    39
437 7230492  English       qualified    54
438 7230493  English       qualified    44
439 7230494  English       qualified    30
440 7230495  English       qualified    63
441 7230496  English       qualified    65
442 7230497  English       qualified    59
443 7230498  English       qualified    49
444 7230499  English       qualified    68
445 7230500  English       qualified    41
446 7230502  English       qualified    49
447 7230503  English       qualified    39
448 7230505  English       qualified    36
449 7230506  English       qualified    49
450 7230507  English       qualified    68
451 7230508  English       qualified    41
452 7230509  English       qualified    44
453 7230510  English       qualified    73
454 7230511  English       qualified    56
455 7230512  English       qualified    55
456 7230513  English       qualified    68
457 7230514  English       qualified    30
458 7230515  English       qualified    59
459 7230516  English       qualified    62
460 7230517  English       qualified    68
461 7230518  Spanish       qualified    53
462 7230519  English       qualified    70
463 7230520  English       qualified    42
464 7230522  English       qualified    32
465 7230524  English       qualified    58
466 7230525  English       qualified    64
467 7230527  English       qualified    56
1   High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
2                                               Bachelor\x92s degree
3   High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
4                                               Bachelor\x92s degree
5   High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
6                                               Bachelor\x92s degree
7                                               Bachelor\x92s degree
8                                               Bachelor\x92s degree
9                                        Master\x92s degree or above
10  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
11                                       Master\x92s degree or above
12                                       Master\x92s degree or above
13  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
14  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
15  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
16                                  Some college or Associate degree
17                                  Some college or Associate degree
18  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
19  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
20                                       Master\x92s degree or above
21                                       Master\x92s degree or above
22                                  Some college or Associate degree
23                                  Some college or Associate degree
24  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
25                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
26                                       Master\x92s degree or above
27                                       Master\x92s degree or above
28                                       Master\x92s degree or above
29  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
30                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
31                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
32                                  Some college or Associate degree
33                                       Master\x92s degree or above
34                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
35                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
36  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
37                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
38                                  Some college or Associate degree
39  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
40                                  Some college or Associate degree
41                                       Master\x92s degree or above
42                                  Some college or Associate degree
43                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
44                                  Some college or Associate degree
45                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
46                                       Master\x92s degree or above
47                                       Master\x92s degree or above
48                                  Some college or Associate degree
49  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
50                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
51  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
52                                  Some college or Associate degree
53                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
54  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
55                                       Master\x92s degree or above
56  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
57  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
58                                       Master\x92s degree or above
59                                  Some college or Associate degree
60                                  Some college or Associate degree
61                                  Some college or Associate degree
62  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
63                                  Some college or Associate degree
64                                  Some college or Associate degree
65                                       Master\x92s degree or above
66                                  Some college or Associate degree
67  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
68                                  Some college or Associate degree
69                                  Some college or Associate degree
70  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
71                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
72  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
73  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
74  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
75  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
76                                  Some college or Associate degree
77                                  Some college or Associate degree
78                                  Some college or Associate degree
79                                  Some college or Associate degree
80  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
81                                       Master\x92s degree or above
82  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
83                                     No high school diploma or GED
84                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
85                                       Master\x92s degree or above
86                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
87                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
88                                       Master\x92s degree or above
89                                  Some college or Associate degree
90                                       Master\x92s degree or above
91  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
92                                  Some college or Associate degree
93                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
94                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
95                                       Master\x92s degree or above
96                                  Some college or Associate degree
97                                     No high school diploma or GED
98  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
99                                     No high school diploma or GED
100                                 Some college or Associate degree
101                                 Some college or Associate degree
102                                 Some college or Associate degree
103 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
104                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
105                                      Master\x92s degree or above
106 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
107                                      Master\x92s degree or above
108 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
109 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
110                                 Some college or Associate degree
111 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
112                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
113                                      Master\x92s degree or above
114                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
115                                 Some college or Associate degree
116                                      Master\x92s degree or above
117                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
118                                 Some college or Associate degree
119                                    No high school diploma or GED
120 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
121                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
122                                 Some college or Associate degree
123 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
124 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
125                                 Some college or Associate degree
126 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
127 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
128                                 Some college or Associate degree
129                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
130 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
131                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
132 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
133                                      Master\x92s degree or above
134                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
135                                      Master\x92s degree or above
136                                      Master\x92s degree or above
137                                      Master\x92s degree or above
138                                      Master\x92s degree or above
139 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
140                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
141                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
142                                 Some college or Associate degree
143                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
144                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
145                                 Some college or Associate degree
146                                 Some college or Associate degree
147 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
148 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
149                                 Some college or Associate degree
150 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
151                                    No high school diploma or GED
152 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
153                                      Master\x92s degree or above
154                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
155                                      Master\x92s degree or above
156                                 Some college or Associate degree
157                                      Master\x92s degree or above
158                                 Some college or Associate degree
159 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
160                                 Some college or Associate degree
161                                 Some college or Associate degree
162                                      Master\x92s degree or above
163                                      Master\x92s degree or above
164                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
165                                 Some college or Associate degree
166                                 Some college or Associate degree
167                                      Master\x92s degree or above
168                                 Some college or Associate degree
169                                      Master\x92s degree or above
170                                 Some college or Associate degree
171 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
172                                 Some college or Associate degree
173                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
174                                      Master\x92s degree or above
175 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
176                                    No high school diploma or GED
177                                 Some college or Associate degree
178                                      Master\x92s degree or above
179                                 Some college or Associate degree
180 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
181                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
182                                      Master\x92s degree or above
183 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
184                                 Some college or Associate degree
185                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
186 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
187                                 Some college or Associate degree
188                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
189                                 Some college or Associate degree
190 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
191                                 Some college or Associate degree
192                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
193                                 Some college or Associate degree
194                                      Master\x92s degree or above
195                                      Master\x92s degree or above
196                                 Some college or Associate degree
197                                 Some college or Associate degree
198                                      Master\x92s degree or above
199 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
200                                 Some college or Associate degree
201                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
202                                      Master\x92s degree or above
203                                    No high school diploma or GED
204 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
205                                 Some college or Associate degree
206                                      Master\x92s degree or above
207                                 Some college or Associate degree
208                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
209                                 Some college or Associate degree
210                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
211 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
212                                      Master\x92s degree or above
213 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
214                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
215 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
216 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
217 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
218                                 Some college or Associate degree
219                                      Master\x92s degree or above
220                                 Some college or Associate degree
221                                      Master\x92s degree or above
222 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
223                                    No high school diploma or GED
224                                 Some college or Associate degree
225                                      Master\x92s degree or above
226                                 Some college or Associate degree
227 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
228                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
229                                      Master\x92s degree or above
230                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
231                                      Master\x92s degree or above
232                                 Some college or Associate degree
233 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
234 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
235                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
236 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
237                                 Some college or Associate degree
238                                 Some college or Associate degree
239                                 Some college or Associate degree
240                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
241                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
242                                      Master\x92s degree or above
243                                      Master\x92s degree or above
244                                 Some college or Associate degree
245                                 Some college or Associate degree
246 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
247                                 Some college or Associate degree
248                                 Some college or Associate degree
249                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
250                                    No high school diploma or GED
251                                    No high school diploma or GED
252                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
253 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
254                                 Some college or Associate degree
255 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
256 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
257                                 Some college or Associate degree
258                                 Some college or Associate degree
259                                 Some college or Associate degree
260 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
261                                      Master\x92s degree or above
262                                 Some college or Associate degree
263                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
264                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
265                                      Master\x92s degree or above
266 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
267                                      Master\x92s degree or above
268 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
269                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
270                                 Some college or Associate degree
271 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
272                                 Some college or Associate degree
273                                    No high school diploma or GED
274                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
275                                 Some college or Associate degree
276                                      Master\x92s degree or above
277 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
278                                    No high school diploma or GED
279                                 Some college or Associate degree
280 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
281                                      Master\x92s degree or above
282 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
283                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
284                                 Some college or Associate degree
285                                 Some college or Associate degree
286                                 Some college or Associate degree
287 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
288                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
289 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
290 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
291                                 Some college or Associate degree
292                                 Some college or Associate degree
293                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
294 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
295 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
296                                 Some college or Associate degree
297 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
298                                      Master\x92s degree or above
299                                      Master\x92s degree or above
300 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
301                                      Master\x92s degree or above
302                                 Some college or Associate degree
303                                      Master\x92s degree or above
304                                 Some college or Associate degree
305                                 Some college or Associate degree
306                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
307 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
308                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
309                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
310                                 Some college or Associate degree
311                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
312 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
313                                      Master\x92s degree or above
314                                    No high school diploma or GED
315                                 Some college or Associate degree
316                                 Some college or Associate degree
317                                 Some college or Associate degree
318                                      Master\x92s degree or above
319 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
320 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
321                                 Some college or Associate degree
322                                 Some college or Associate degree
323                                 Some college or Associate degree
324                                 Some college or Associate degree
325 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
326                                 Some college or Associate degree
327                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
328                                    No high school diploma or GED
329                                      Master\x92s degree or above
330                                 Some college or Associate degree
331                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
332                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
333 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
334                                 Some college or Associate degree
335                                 Some college or Associate degree
336                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
337                                 Some college or Associate degree
338                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
339                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
340                                      Master\x92s degree or above
341                                 Some college or Associate degree
342                                 Some college or Associate degree
343                                    No high school diploma or GED
344                                    No high school diploma or GED
345                                 Some college or Associate degree
346 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
347                                 Some college or Associate degree
348                                      Master\x92s degree or above
349                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
350 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
351                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
352                                 Some college or Associate degree
353                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
354                                      Master\x92s degree or above
355                                      Master\x92s degree or above
356                                 Some college or Associate degree
357 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
358                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
359                                      Master\x92s degree or above
360                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
361                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
362                                      Master\x92s degree or above
363                                    No high school diploma or GED
364                                 Some college or Associate degree
365                                      Master\x92s degree or above
366                                      Master\x92s degree or above
367                                    No high school diploma or GED
368                                 Some college or Associate degree
369                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
370                                 Some college or Associate degree
371                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
372                                 Some college or Associate degree
373                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
374                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
375 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
376                                      Master\x92s degree or above
377 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
378                                      Master\x92s degree or above
379                                      Master\x92s degree or above
380                                 Some college or Associate degree
381                                 Some college or Associate degree
382                                      Master\x92s degree or above
383 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
384                                      Master\x92s degree or above
385                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
386                                      Master\x92s degree or above
387 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
388                                      Master\x92s degree or above
389                                      Master\x92s degree or above
390                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
391                                    No high school diploma or GED
392                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
393 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
394                                      Master\x92s degree or above
395                                 Some college or Associate degree
396 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
397                                 Some college or Associate degree
398 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
399                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
400                                 Some college or Associate degree
401                                      Master\x92s degree or above
402                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
403 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
404                                 Some college or Associate degree
405                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
406                                 Some college or Associate degree
407                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
408                                 Some college or Associate degree
409                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
410                                 Some college or Associate degree
411                                 Some college or Associate degree
412                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
413                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
414                                      Master\x92s degree or above
415                                 Some college or Associate degree
416                                      Master\x92s degree or above
417 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
418                                    No high school diploma or GED
419                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
420 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
421                                    No high school diploma or GED
422                                 Some college or Associate degree
423                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
424                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
425                                      Master\x92s degree or above
426                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
427                                    No high school diploma or GED
428                                      Master\x92s degree or above
429                                 Some college or Associate degree
430                                      Master\x92s degree or above
431                                    No high school diploma or GED
432                                      Master\x92s degree or above
433 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
434                                 Some college or Associate degree
435                                 Some college or Associate degree
436 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
437                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
438                                    No high school diploma or GED
439                                 Some college or Associate degree
440 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
441                                 Some college or Associate degree
442 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
443                                 Some college or Associate degree
444 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
445                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
446                                      Master\x92s degree or above
447 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
448                                      Master\x92s degree or above
449                                      Master\x92s degree or above
450 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
451                                 Some college or Associate degree
452                                 Some college or Associate degree
453                                      Master\x92s degree or above
454                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
455 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
456                                 Some college or Associate degree
457 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
458                                 Some college or Associate degree
459                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
460 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
461 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
462 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
463                                 Some college or Associate degree
464                                      Master\x92s degree or above
465                                    No high school diploma or GED
466 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
467                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
                      ppeducat ppgender                 ppethm  pphhsize
1                  High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
2   Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
3                  High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
4   Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
5                  High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
6   Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
7   Bachelors degree or higher     Male    Black, Non-Hispanic         2
8   Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
9   Bachelors degree or higher     Male    Other, Non-Hispanic         4
10                 High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
11  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
12  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
13                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
14                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
15                 High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
16                Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
17                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
18                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
19                 High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
20  Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
21  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
22                Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
23                Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
24                 High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
25  Bachelors degree or higher   Female               Hispanic         1
26  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    Other, Non-Hispanic         1
27  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
28  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
29                 High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
30  Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
31  Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
32                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
33  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         5
34  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
35  Bachelors degree or higher     Male               Hispanic         2
36                 High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
37  Bachelors degree or higher   Female    Other, Non-Hispanic         5
38                Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic 6 or more
39                 High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
40                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
41  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
42                Some college   Female    Black, Non-Hispanic         2
43  Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
44                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
45  Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
46  Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
47  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
48                Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
49                 High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
50  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
51                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
52                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
53  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
54                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
55  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    Other, Non-Hispanic         4
56                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
57                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
58  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    Other, Non-Hispanic         2
59                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
60                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
61                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
62                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
63                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
64                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
65  Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
66                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
67                 High school     Male    Other, Non-Hispanic         5
68                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
69                Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
70                 High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
71  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
72                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
73                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
74                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
75                 High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
76                Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
77                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
78                Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
79                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         5
80                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
81  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
82                 High school     Male    Black, Non-Hispanic         2
83       Less than high school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
84  Bachelors degree or higher   Female    Other, Non-Hispanic         3
85  Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
86  Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
87  Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
88  Bachelors degree or higher     Male               Hispanic         2
89                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
90  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
91                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
92                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
93  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
94  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
95  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
96                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
97       Less than high school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic 6 or more
98                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
99       Less than high school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
100               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
101               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
102               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
103                High school   Female 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         2
104 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
105 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
106                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
107 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
108                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
109                High school   Female               Hispanic         3
110               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
111                High school     Male 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic 6 or more
112 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
113 Bachelors degree or higher     Male               Hispanic         2
114 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
115               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic 6 or more
116 Bachelors degree or higher     Male               Hispanic         1
117 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
118               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
119      Less than high school   Female               Hispanic         5
120                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
121 Bachelors degree or higher     Male               Hispanic         3
122               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
123                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
124                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
125               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
126                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
127                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
128               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         5
129 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
130                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
131 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
132                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
133 Bachelors degree or higher   Female 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         3
134 Bachelors degree or higher   Female 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         1
135 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
136 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
137 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         5
138 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    Other, Non-Hispanic         2
139                High school     Male    Black, Non-Hispanic         5
140 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
141 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    Other, Non-Hispanic         2
142               Some college     Male    Other, Non-Hispanic         1
143 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         5
144 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
145               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
146               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
147                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
148                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic 6 or more
149               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
150                High school   Female    Black, Non-Hispanic         2
151      Less than high school     Male               Hispanic         2
152                High school     Male    Black, Non-Hispanic         4
153 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
154 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
155 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic 6 or more
156               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
157 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
158               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
159                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
160               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
161               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
162 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
163 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic 6 or more
164 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
165               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
166               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
167 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic 6 or more
168               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
169 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
170               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
171                High school   Female               Hispanic         3
172               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
173 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
174 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
175                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
176      Less than high school     Male               Hispanic         2
177               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
178 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
179               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
180                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
181 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
182 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         5
183                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
184               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
185 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    Black, Non-Hispanic         4
186                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
187               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
188 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
189               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
190                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
191               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         5
192 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         5
193               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
194 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    Black, Non-Hispanic         1
195 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
196               Some college   Female 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         3
197               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
198 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
199                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
200               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
201 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    Other, Non-Hispanic         4
202 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
203      Less than high school     Male    Black, Non-Hispanic         3
204                High school   Female    Black, Non-Hispanic         2
205               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
206 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
207               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
208 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
209               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic 6 or more
210 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    Other, Non-Hispanic         1
211                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
212 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    Black, Non-Hispanic         1
213                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
214 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
215                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
216                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
217                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
218               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
219 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
220               Some college     Male    Black, Non-Hispanic         2
221 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
222                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
223      Less than high school     Male               Hispanic         4
224               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
225 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
226               Some college   Female 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         3
227                High school   Female 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         5
228 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
229 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
230 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    Other, Non-Hispanic         3
231 Bachelors degree or higher     Male               Hispanic         2
232               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
233                High school   Female    Black, Non-Hispanic         4
234                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
235 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
236                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
237               Some college     Male    Black, Non-Hispanic         2
238               Some college     Male               Hispanic         3
239               Some college   Female               Hispanic         3
240 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
241 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
242 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
243 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
244               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
245               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
246                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
247               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
248               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         5
249 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic 6 or more
250      Less than high school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
251      Less than high school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
252 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
253                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
254               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
255                High school   Female               Hispanic         2
256                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
257               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
258               Some college     Male               Hispanic         5
259               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
260                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
261 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
262               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
263 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         5
264 Bachelors degree or higher     Male 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         2
265 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
266                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
267 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    Other, Non-Hispanic         4
268                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
269 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
270               Some college   Female    Black, Non-Hispanic         4
271                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
272               Some college   Female    Black, Non-Hispanic         2
273      Less than high school     Male               Hispanic         2
274 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
275               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
276 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
277                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
278      Less than high school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
279               Some college     Male    Black, Non-Hispanic         2
280                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
281 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    Other, Non-Hispanic         1
282                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         5
283 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
284               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
285               Some college     Male               Hispanic         4
286               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
287                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
288 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
289                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
290                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
291               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
292               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
293 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
294                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
295                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
296               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
297                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
298 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         5
299 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
300                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
301 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
302               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
303 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
304               Some college   Female    Black, Non-Hispanic         2
305               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
306 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
307                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
308 Bachelors degree or higher   Female               Hispanic         3
309 Bachelors degree or higher   Female 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         2
310               Some college     Male               Hispanic         3
311 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    Other, Non-Hispanic         4
312                High school   Female 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         5
313 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         5
314      Less than high school     Male               Hispanic         3
315               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
316               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
317               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
318 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
319                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
320                High school     Male 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         2
321               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
322               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
323               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
324               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic 6 or more
325                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
326               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
327 Bachelors degree or higher     Male               Hispanic         1
328      Less than high school   Female               Hispanic         2
329 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
330               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
331 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    Other, Non-Hispanic         4
332 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    Other, Non-Hispanic         2
333                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
334               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
335               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
336 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    Other, Non-Hispanic         5
337               Some college     Male               Hispanic         3
338 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
339 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
340 Bachelors degree or higher   Female 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         5
341               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
342               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         5
343      Less than high school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
344      Less than high school     Male               Hispanic         1
345               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
346                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
347               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
348 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
349 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
350                High school   Female               Hispanic         1
351 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
352               Some college   Female 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic 6 or more
353 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
354 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         5
355 Bachelors degree or higher     Male               Hispanic         5
356               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
357                High school   Female               Hispanic         2
358 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
359 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    Other, Non-Hispanic         1
360 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
361 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
362 Bachelors degree or higher     Male               Hispanic         3
363      Less than high school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
364               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
365 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
366 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
367      Less than high school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
368               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
369 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    Other, Non-Hispanic         2
370               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         5
371 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
372               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
373 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
374 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
375                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
376 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
377                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
378 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
379 Bachelors degree or higher     Male               Hispanic         2
380               Some college     Male 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         2
381               Some college     Male    Black, Non-Hispanic         4
382 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
383                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         5
384 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
385 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
386 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    Other, Non-Hispanic         3
387                High school   Female               Hispanic         4
388 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
389 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
390 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
391      Less than high school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
392 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
393                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
394 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
395               Some college   Female               Hispanic         3
396                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
397               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
398                High school   Female               Hispanic         5
399 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
400               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
401 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
402 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
403                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
404               Some college   Female               Hispanic         4
405 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
406               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
407 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
408               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
409 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    Black, Non-Hispanic         2
410               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         5
411               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
412 Bachelors degree or higher     Male 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         2
413 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
414 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
415               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic 6 or more
416 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
417                High school   Female    Black, Non-Hispanic         2
418      Less than high school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
419 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
420                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
421      Less than high school     Male               Hispanic         5
422               Some college   Female               Hispanic         4
423 Bachelors degree or higher     Male               Hispanic         2
424 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
425 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
426 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
427      Less than high school     Male               Hispanic         1
428 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
429               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
430 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
431      Less than high school     Male               Hispanic         4
432 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
433                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
434               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
435               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
436                High school   Female               Hispanic         2
437 Bachelors degree or higher   Female 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         3
438      Less than high school   Female    Black, Non-Hispanic         3
439               Some college   Female               Hispanic         2
440                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
441               Some college   Female 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         2
442                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
443               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
444                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
445 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
446 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
447                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         5
448 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
449 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         5
450                High school   Female    Black, Non-Hispanic         2
451               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
452               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
453 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
454 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
455                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
456               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
457                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
458               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
459 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
460                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
461                High school   Female               Hispanic         2
462                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
463               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
464 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
465      Less than high school   Female 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         2
466                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
467 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
                  ppinc7      ppmarit5       ppmsacat    ppreg4
1     $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
2       $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
3   $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
4     $25,000 to $49,999      Divorced     Metro area NorthEast
5     $10,000 to $24,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
6     $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
7     $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
8       $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
9       $150,000 or more   Now Married Non-metro area NorthEast
10    $25,000 to $49,999 Never married     Metro area NorthEast
11  $100,000 to $149,999      Divorced     Metro area     South
12  $100,000 to $149,999       Widowed     Metro area      West
13    $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
14    $75,000 to $99,999       Widowed     Metro area     South
15  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
16    $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
17    $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
18    $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
19    $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
20      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
21      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
22    $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
23  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
24    $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married Non-metro area     South
25  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
26  $100,000 to $149,999 Never married     Metro area   MidWest
27    $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
28      $150,000 or more   Now Married Non-metro area     South
29    $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
30      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
31    $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
32  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
33      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
34      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
35      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
36  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
37      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
38    $25,000 to $49,999 Never married     Metro area NorthEast
39      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
40    $10,000 to $24,999 Never married     Metro area      West
41      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
42  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
43    $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
44      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
45      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
46      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
47      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
48    $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area NorthEast
49    $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
50      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
51    $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
52      $150,000 or more   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
53  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
54    $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
55  $100,000 to $149,999      Divorced     Metro area NorthEast
56    $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
57    $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
58      $150,000 or more      Divorced     Metro area      West
59    $50,000 to $74,999 Never married     Metro area NorthEast
60    $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
61  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
62    $10,000 to $24,999      Divorced     Metro area      West
63    $25,000 to $49,999       Widowed     Metro area     South
64    $75,000 to $99,999 Never married     Metro area NorthEast
65      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
66    $50,000 to $74,999       Widowed Non-metro area   MidWest
67      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
68    $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area      West
69    $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
70    $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
71  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
72    $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married Non-metro area     South
73      $150,000 or more   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
74    $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
75    $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
76    $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area     South
77     Less than $10,000      Divorced Non-metro area     South
78  $100,000 to $149,999 Never married     Metro area     South
79      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
80  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
81    $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
82    $10,000 to $24,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
83    $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
84    $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
85  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
86    $25,000 to $49,999 Never married     Metro area NorthEast
87      $150,000 or more Never married     Metro area   MidWest
88      $150,000 or more Never married     Metro area   MidWest
89    $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area      West
90      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
91  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
92    $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area      West
93    $75,000 to $99,999      Divorced     Metro area      West
94    $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
95      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
96      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
97    $50,000 to $74,999       Widowed Non-metro area   MidWest
98      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
99      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
100 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
101 $100,000 to $149,999       Widowed     Metro area     South
102   $50,000 to $74,999      Divorced     Metro area     South
103   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
104   $75,000 to $99,999 Never married     Metro area      West
105   $10,000 to $24,999      Divorced     Metro area   MidWest
106 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
107     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
108   $10,000 to $24,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
109 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
110   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area NorthEast
111 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
112 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
113 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
114   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
115   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
116   $75,000 to $99,999 Never married     Metro area     South
117     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
118   $10,000 to $24,999 Never married Non-metro area   MidWest
119   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
120   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
121     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
122   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
123   $75,000 to $99,999      Divorced Non-metro area      West
124     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
125   $10,000 to $24,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
126   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
127   $25,000 to $49,999      Divorced     Metro area   MidWest
128   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
129     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
130 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married Non-metro area     South
131   $25,000 to $49,999       Widowed Non-metro area   MidWest
132   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
133     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
134   $50,000 to $74,999 Never married     Metro area NorthEast
135     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
136     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
137   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
138     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
139 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
140     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
141 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
142 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married Non-metro area     South
143     $150,000 or more       Widowed     Metro area NorthEast
144     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
145   $10,000 to $24,999 Never married     Metro area   MidWest
146   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
147 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
148 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
149 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
150    Less than $10,000 Never married     Metro area     South
151   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
152   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
153   $75,000 to $99,999 Never married     Metro area      West
154 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
155     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
156 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
157 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
158 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
159   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married Non-metro area      West
160   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
161   $75,000 to $99,999       Widowed Non-metro area   MidWest
162 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
163 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
164     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
165   $10,000 to $24,999      Divorced     Metro area     South
166   $50,000 to $74,999 Never married     Metro area     South
167     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
168   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married Non-metro area     South
169     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
170     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
171   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
172     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
173   $25,000 to $49,999 Never married     Metro area NorthEast
174 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
175    Less than $10,000 Never married Non-metro area   MidWest
176   $10,000 to $24,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
177   $25,000 to $49,999      Divorced Non-metro area   MidWest
178   $75,000 to $99,999 Never married     Metro area     South
179    Less than $10,000      Divorced Non-metro area      West
180   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
181    Less than $10,000   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
182     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
183   $25,000 to $49,999      Divorced     Metro area     South
184   $25,000 to $49,999      Divorced     Metro area NorthEast
185 $100,000 to $149,999      Divorced     Metro area      West
186   $50,000 to $74,999       Widowed     Metro area      West
187 $100,000 to $149,999 Never married     Metro area NorthEast
188     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
189     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
190   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
191   $50,000 to $74,999      Divorced     Metro area     South
192   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
193     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
194   $75,000 to $99,999      Divorced     Metro area     South
195     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
196   $50,000 to $74,999      Divorced     Metro area      West
197     $150,000 or more   Now Married Non-metro area     South
198 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
199    Less than $10,000 Never married Non-metro area     South
200   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
201     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
202 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
203   $75,000 to $99,999 Never married     Metro area      West
204   $50,000 to $74,999 Never married     Metro area NorthEast
205   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
206     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
207   $10,000 to $24,999 Never married     Metro area NorthEast
208   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
209 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
210 $100,000 to $149,999      Divorced     Metro area NorthEast
211   $10,000 to $24,999      Divorced     Metro area     South
212   $75,000 to $99,999 Never married     Metro area     South
213     $150,000 or more Never married     Metro area      West
214   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
215   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
216     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
217   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
218   $50,000 to $74,999      Divorced     Metro area     South
219     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
220 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
221 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
222 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
223   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
224   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
225     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
226     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
227   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
228   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
229     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
230   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
231 $100,000 to $149,999      Divorced     Metro area      West
232 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
233   $25,000 to $49,999 Never married     Metro area     South
234   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
235     $150,000 or more Never married     Metro area     South
236   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area     South
237   $50,000 to $74,999      Divorced Non-metro area     South
238     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
239   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
240 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
241     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
242   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married Non-metro area      West
243   $75,000 to $99,999      Divorced     Metro area      West
244   $25,000 to $49,999 Never married     Metro area   MidWest
245   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
246     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
247 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
248   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
249   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
250   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
251   $10,000 to $24,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
252     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
253   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
254   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
255 $100,000 to $149,999     Separated Non-metro area     South
256   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
257   $25,000 to $49,999       Widowed Non-metro area     South
258   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
259 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
260 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
261 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
262 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
263     $150,000 or more     Separated     Metro area     South
264   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area     South
265 $100,000 to $149,999       Widowed     Metro area      West
266   $10,000 to $24,999      Divorced     Metro area   MidWest
267     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
268 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
269   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
270   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
271    Less than $10,000       Widowed Non-metro area     South
272   $25,000 to $49,999 Never married     Metro area NorthEast
273 $100,000 to $149,999     Separated     Metro area      West
274 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
275   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area NorthEast
276 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
277 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
278   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married Non-metro area     South
279   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
280 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
281   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
282   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
283 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
284   $50,000 to $74,999     Separated     Metro area      West
285   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
286   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
287   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
288   $10,000 to $24,999 Never married     Metro area   MidWest
289   $25,000 to $49,999       Widowed     Metro area     South
290   $50,000 to $74,999 Never married     Metro area   MidWest
291 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
292   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
293   $25,000 to $49,999 Never married Non-metro area   MidWest
294   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area     South
295   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
296   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
297 $100,000 to $149,999      Divorced     Metro area      West
298     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
299     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
300   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
301     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
302     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
303     $150,000 or more      Divorced     Metro area NorthEast
304   $10,000 to $24,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
305   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
306     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
307   $10,000 to $24,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
308     $150,000 or more Never married     Metro area      West
309 $100,000 to $149,999       Widowed     Metro area      West
310 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
311     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
312   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
313     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
314   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
315 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
316     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
317 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married Non-metro area     South
318   $25,000 to $49,999      Divorced Non-metro area      West
319 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
320 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
321   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
322   $10,000 to $24,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
323   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
324 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
325     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
326   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
327   $50,000 to $74,999 Never married     Metro area     South
328   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
329   $50,000 to $74,999       Widowed Non-metro area NorthEast
330   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
331     $150,000 or more Never married     Metro area      West
332     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
333   $25,000 to $49,999       Widowed     Metro area NorthEast
334   $75,000 to $99,999      Divorced     Metro area     South
335 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
336 $100,000 to $149,999 Never married     Metro area     South
337     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
338     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
339     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
340     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
341   $10,000 to $24,999   Now Married Non-metro area     South
342   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
343   $75,000 to $99,999       Widowed     Metro area   MidWest
344   $10,000 to $24,999 Never married     Metro area NorthEast
345   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
346    Less than $10,000 Never married     Metro area     South
347   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
348     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
349   $25,000 to $49,999       Widowed     Metro area NorthEast
350   $10,000 to $24,999      Divorced     Metro area     South
351   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
352   $10,000 to $24,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
353     $150,000 or more   Now Married Non-metro area      West
354   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
355   $75,000 to $99,999     Separated     Metro area NorthEast
356     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
357     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
358   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
359     $150,000 or more Never married     Metro area      West
360   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
361 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
362     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
363   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
364     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
365     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
366     $150,000 or more Never married     Metro area     South
367   $25,000 to $49,999 Never married     Metro area   MidWest
368   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
369     $150,000 or more Never married     Metro area NorthEast
370 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
371     $150,000 or more      Divorced     Metro area NorthEast
372   $25,000 to $49,999      Divorced     Metro area     South
373   $50,000 to $74,999 Never married     Metro area     South
374     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
375    Less than $10,000 Never married     Metro area     South
376     $150,000 or more   Now Married Non-metro area     South
377   $25,000 to $49,999      Divorced Non-metro area     South
378     $150,000 or more Never married     Metro area   MidWest
379     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
380   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
381   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
382     $150,000 or more      Divorced     Metro area     South
383   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
384   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
385 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
386   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
387   $25,000 to $49,999     Separated     Metro area NorthEast
388 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
389   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
390     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
391   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
392   $25,000 to $49,999       Widowed     Metro area      West
393 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
394   $50,000 to $74,999       Widowed Non-metro area     South
395     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
396   $75,000 to $99,999 Never married     Metro area NorthEast
397 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
398   $25,000 to $49,999 Never married     Metro area   MidWest
399   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
400   $50,000 to $74,999 Never married     Metro area     South
401 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
402     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
403   $25,000 to $49,999      Divorced     Metro area   MidWest
404   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
405   $25,000 to $49,999       Widowed     Metro area     South
406     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
407     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
408 $100,000 to $149,999 Never married     Metro area      West
409   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
410   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married Non-metro area     South
411 $100,000 to $149,999      Divorced     Metro area NorthEast
412   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
413     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
414     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
415     $150,000 or more       Widowed     Metro area      West
416     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
417   $25,000 to $49,999       Widowed     Metro area     South
418   $10,000 to $24,999     Separated     Metro area     South
419 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
420 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
421   $25,000 to $49,999     Separated     Metro area     South
422   $50,000 to $74,999 Never married     Metro area      West
423 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
424   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
425     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
426     $150,000 or more   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
427   $50,000 to $74,999      Divorced     Metro area     South
428     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
429   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
430 $100,000 to $149,999 Never married     Metro area      West
431   $10,000 to $24,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
432   $50,000 to $74,999      Divorced     Metro area      West
433   $10,000 to $24,999       Widowed     Metro area      West
434     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
435     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
436    Less than $10,000   Now Married     Metro area     South
437 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
438   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
439   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
440   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
441   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
442   $50,000 to $74,999 Never married     Metro area      West
443     $150,000 or more   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
444   $25,000 to $49,999       Widowed Non-metro area   MidWest
445   $50,000 to $74,999      Divorced Non-metro area NorthEast
446 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
447   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
448     $150,000 or more Never married     Metro area     South
449     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
450    Less than $10,000 Never married     Metro area     South
451   $10,000 to $24,999 Never married Non-metro area     South
452   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
453     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
454   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area      West
455     $150,000 or more      Divorced     Metro area   MidWest
456   $50,000 to $74,999       Widowed     Metro area      West
457   $25,000 to $49,999 Never married Non-metro area     South
458 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married Non-metro area NorthEast
459     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
460   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
461   $10,000 to $24,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
462   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
463 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
464 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
465   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
466     $150,000 or more Never married     Metro area     South
467   $75,000 to $99,999      Divorced     Metro area NorthEast
1   Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
2   Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
3   Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
4   Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
5   Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
6   Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
7   Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
8   Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
9   Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
10                      Occupied without payment of cash rent
11                                            Rented for cash
12  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
13                                            Rented for cash
14  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
15  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
16  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
17  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
18  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
19  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
20  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
21                                            Rented for cash
22  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
23  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
24  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
25  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
26  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
27  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
28  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
29  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
30  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
31  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
32  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
33  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
34  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
35  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
36  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
37  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
38                                            Rented for cash
39  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
40                                            Rented for cash
41  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
42                                            Rented for cash
43  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
44                                            Rented for cash
45  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
46  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
47  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
48  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
49  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
50  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
51  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
52                                            Rented for cash
53  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
54  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
55  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
56  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
57  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
58  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
59  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
60  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
61                      Occupied without payment of cash rent
62                                            Rented for cash
63  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
64  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
65  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
66  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
67  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
68  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
69  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
70  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
71  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
72  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
73  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
74  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
75  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
76  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
77                      Occupied without payment of cash rent
78  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
79  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
80  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
81                                            Rented for cash
82  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
83  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
84  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
85  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
86                      Occupied without payment of cash rent
87  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
88  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
89  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
90  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
91  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
92  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
93                                            Rented for cash
94  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
95  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
96  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
97  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
98  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
99  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
100 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
101                                           Rented for cash
102 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
103 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
104                                           Rented for cash
105                                           Rented for cash
106 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
107 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
108 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
109 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
110 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
111 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
112 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
113 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
114 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
115 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
116 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
117 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
118 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
119                                           Rented for cash
120 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
121 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
122 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
123 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
124 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
125                                           Rented for cash
126 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
127 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
128 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
129 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
130 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
131 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
132 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
133 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
134                                           Rented for cash
135 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
136 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
137 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
138 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
139 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
140 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
141 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
142                                           Rented for cash
143 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
144 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
145 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
146 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
147 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
148                                           Rented for cash
149 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
150                                           Rented for cash
151 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
152 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
153 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
154 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
155 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
156                     Occupied without payment of cash rent
157 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
158 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
159 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
160 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
161 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
162 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
163 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
164 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
165 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
166 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
167 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
168 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
169 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
170 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
171 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
172 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
173 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
174 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
175                     Occupied without payment of cash rent
176 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
177                                           Rented for cash
178 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
179                                           Rented for cash
180 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
181 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
182 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
183                                           Rented for cash
184                                           Rented for cash
185                                           Rented for cash
186 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
187 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
188 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
189 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
190 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
191 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
192 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
193 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
194 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
195 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
196                                           Rented for cash
197 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
198 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
199 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
200 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
201 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
202 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
203 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
204                                           Rented for cash
205 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
206 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
207                                           Rented for cash
208 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
209 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
210 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
211                                           Rented for cash
212 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
213                                           Rented for cash
214 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
215 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
216 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
217 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
218 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
219 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
220 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
221 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
222 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
223                                           Rented for cash
224 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
225 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
226 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
227 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
228 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
229 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
230 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
231 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
232 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
233                                           Rented for cash
234 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
235 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
236 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
237 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
238 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
239 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
240 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
241 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
242                                           Rented for cash
243 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
244                                           Rented for cash
245 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
246 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
247                                           Rented for cash
248 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
249 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
250 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
251                                           Rented for cash
252 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
253                                           Rented for cash
254                                           Rented for cash
255 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
256 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
257 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
258 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
259 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
260 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
261                                           Rented for cash
262 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
263 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
264 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
265 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
266 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
267 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
268 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
269 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
270                                           Rented for cash
271                                           Rented for cash
272 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
273                                           Rented for cash
274 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
275 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
276 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
277 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
278 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
279 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
280                                           Rented for cash
281                                           Rented for cash
282 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
283 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
284 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
285 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
286 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
287 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
288                                           Rented for cash
289 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
290 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
291 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
292                                           Rented for cash
293 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
294 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
295 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
296 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
297 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
298 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
299 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
300 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
301 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
302 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
303                                           Rented for cash
304 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
305                                           Rented for cash
306 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
307 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
308 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
309 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
310 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
311 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
312                                           Rented for cash
313 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
314 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
315                                           Rented for cash
316 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
317 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
318 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
319                                           Rented for cash
320 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
321 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
322                                           Rented for cash
323 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
324 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
325 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
326 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
327                                           Rented for cash
328                                           Rented for cash
329 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
330                                           Rented for cash
331 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
332 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
333 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
334 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
335 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
336 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
337 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
338 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
339 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
340 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
341                                           Rented for cash
342 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
343 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
344                                           Rented for cash
345 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
346                                           Rented for cash
347 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
348                     Occupied without payment of cash rent
349 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
350                                           Rented for cash
351 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
352 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
353 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
354 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
355                                           Rented for cash
356                                           Rented for cash
357 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
358 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
359                                           Rented for cash
360 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
361 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
362 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
363 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
364                                           Rented for cash
365 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
366 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
367                                           Rented for cash
368 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
369                                           Rented for cash
370 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
371                                           Rented for cash
372 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
373 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
374 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
375 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
376 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
377 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
378                                           Rented for cash
379 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
380 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
381                                           Rented for cash
382 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
383 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
384 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
385 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
386                                           Rented for cash
387                                           Rented for cash
388 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
389 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
390 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
391 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
392 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
393 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
394 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
395 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
396 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
397 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
398                                           Rented for cash
399 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
400 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
401 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
402                     Occupied without payment of cash rent
403                                           Rented for cash
404                                           Rented for cash
405 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
406 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
407 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
408 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
409                                           Rented for cash
410                                           Rented for cash
411                                           Rented for cash
412 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
413 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
414 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
415 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
416 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
417                                           Rented for cash
418                                           Rented for cash
419 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
420 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
421                                           Rented for cash
422 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
423 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
424 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
425 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
426 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
427 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
428 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
429                                           Rented for cash
430 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
431                                           Rented for cash
432 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
433 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
434 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
435 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
436                                           Rented for cash
437 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
438                                           Rented for cash
439                                           Rented for cash
440 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
441 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
442 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
443 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
444 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
445                                           Rented for cash
446 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
447 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
448 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
449 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
450                                           Rented for cash
451                     Occupied without payment of cash rent
452 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
453 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
454 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
455 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
456 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
457                                           Rented for cash
458 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
459 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
460 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
461 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
462 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
463 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
464 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
465 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
466 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
467 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
                ppstaten                              PPWORKA          ppemploy
1                Florida                              Retired       Not working
2               Kentucky                              Retired       Not working
3                Florida                              Retired       Not working
4           Pennsylvania                              Retired       Not working
5               Michigan                              Retired       Not working
6               Missouri Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
7                Georgia                              Retired       Not working
8             Washington                            Homemaker       Not working
9          New Hampshire Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
10          Pennsylvania                                Other       Not working
11              Maryland Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
12            California                              Retired       Not working
13               Arizona Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
14                 Texas                              Retired       Not working
15            New Jersey Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
16          North Dakota Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
17           Connecticut Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
18              Michigan                              Retired       Not working
19              Michigan                              Retired       Not working
20         Massachusetts Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
21            California Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
22                Oregon Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
23            California                              Retired       Not working
24                 Texas                              Retired       Not working
25            California Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
26              Illinois Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
27              Arkansas                              Retired       Not working
28        South Carolina                              Retired       Not working
29          Pennsylvania                              Retired       Not working
30             Tennessee Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
31               Arizona                            Homemaker       Not working
32                Hawaii                              Retired       Not working
33                Kansas Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
34          Pennsylvania                              Retired Working full-time
35                 Texas Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
36          Pennsylvania Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
37            California                            Homemaker       Not working
38          Pennsylvania Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
39              Colorado                        Self-employed Working full-time
40            Washington Employed full-time (by someone else) Working part-time
41             Louisiana Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
42               Georgia                            Homemaker       Not working
43                 Texas                              Retired       Not working
44              Virginia                                Other Working full-time
45               Georgia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
46             Wisconsin                              Retired       Not working
47             Wisconsin                              Retired       Not working
48               Vermont                              Retired       Not working
49               Florida                              Retired       Not working
50                  Ohio                        Self-employed Working full-time
51          Pennsylvania                              Retired       Not working
52              Missouri                              Retired       Not working
53        North Carolina                              Retired       Not working
54            New Jersey                              Retired       Not working
55              New York Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
56              Kentucky                              Retired       Not working
57                 Texas                              Retired       Not working
58                Nevada Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
59          Pennsylvania                        Self-employed Working full-time
60                  Ohio                              Retired       Not working
61              Michigan                              Retired       Not working
62               Arizona                              Retired       Not working
63                 Texas                              Retired       Not working
64              New York                              Retired       Not working
65               Florida                              Retired Working part-time
66              Nebraska                              Retired       Not working
67                Hawaii                              Retired       Not working
68                 Idaho                              Retired       Not working
69           Connecticut                              Retired       Not working
70                  Ohio                              Retired       Not working
71             Louisiana Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
72        South Carolina                              Retired       Not working
73             Wisconsin Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
74              Kentucky                              Retired       Not working
75          Pennsylvania                              Retired       Not working
76               Florida                              Retired       Not working
77             Louisiana                              Retired       Not working
78               Florida Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
79          Pennsylvania Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
80                  Ohio                            Homemaker       Not working
81              New York                        Self-employed Working full-time
82                 Texas                              Retired       Not working
83               Alabama                              Retired       Not working
84            California                            Homemaker       Not working
85             Minnesota                              Retired       Not working
86          Pennsylvania                            Homemaker       Not working
87              Illinois Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
88              Illinois                        Self-employed Working part-time
89              Colorado                              Retired       Not working
90              Illinois Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
91            New Jersey                              Retired       Not working
92               Montana                              Retired       Not working
93                  Utah Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
94            New Mexico                              Retired       Not working
95            California Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
96                Nevada                              Retired       Not working
97              Michigan                            Homemaker       Not working
98                  Ohio Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
99               Florida Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
100              Florida Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
101             Maryland                              Retired       Not working
102              Florida Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
103             Arkansas Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
104           California                              Retired Working part-time
105               Kansas                   Currently laid off       Not working
106             Oklahoma                   Currently laid off       Not working
107             New York                              Retired       Not working
108                 Ohio Employed part-time (by someone else) Working full-time
109           New Mexico Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
110         Pennsylvania                              Retired       Not working
111                Texas Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
112             Michigan                              Retired       Not working
113                 Ohio                              Retired       Not working
114             Illinois                              Retired       Not working
115             Illinois Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
116              Florida Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
117                 Ohio Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
118            Wisconsin Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
119                Texas                            Homemaker       Not working
120           California                              Retired       Not working
121           California                        Self-employed Working full-time
122              Florida Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
123               Oregon                                Other Working full-time
124        New Hampshire Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
125                 Ohio                              Retired       Not working
126           Washington                              Retired       Not working
127            Wisconsin                                Other Working part-time
128        Massachusetts Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
129           New Jersey Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
130              Georgia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
131                 Ohio                              Retired       Not working
132             Michigan                              Retired       Not working
133              Alabama Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
134         Pennsylvania Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
135              Arizona Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
136            Tennessee Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
137              Florida Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
138           California Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
139              Georgia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
140                Texas Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
141           California                              Retired       Not working
142             Oklahoma                              Retired Working full-time
143           New Jersey                              Retired       Not working
144              Arizona Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
145               Kansas Employed full-time (by someone else) Working part-time
146              Florida                              Retired       Not working
147              Florida                              Retired       Not working
148                 Ohio Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
149                 Utah Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
150                Texas                                Other       Not working
151             Maryland Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
152            Louisiana Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
153               Oregon Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
154            Minnesota Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
155              Florida Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
156           California Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
157           New Jersey Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
158              Georgia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
159               Oregon                              Retired       Not working
160            Wisconsin Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
161              Indiana                              Retired       Not working
162       North Carolina Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
163             Illinois Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
164                Texas                            Homemaker       Not working
165                Texas                              Retired       Not working
166              Georgia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
167               Hawaii Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
168       North Carolina Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
169           Washington Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
170            Tennessee                              Retired       Not working
171             Colorado Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
172             Missouri                              Retired       Not working
173         Pennsylvania Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
174       South Carolina                        Self-employed Working part-time
175             Missouri                        Self-employed       Not working
176                Texas                              Retired       Not working
177             Illinois Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
178              Florida                              Retired       Not working
179           California Employed part-time (by someone else)       Not working
180            Wisconsin                              Retired       Not working
181        Massachusetts                              Retired       Not working
182             Kentucky                        Self-employed Working full-time
183                Texas Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
184         Pennsylvania Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
185           California                              Retired Working full-time
186           Washington                              Retired       Not working
187        Massachusetts                        Self-employed Working full-time
188                Texas                              Retired       Not working
189             Illinois Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
190             Michigan                              Retired       Not working
191              Florida                              Retired       Not working
192             Illinois Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
193                 Utah                        Self-employed Working part-time
194              Florida Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
195             Maryland Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
196               Oregon                              Retired       Not working
197              Alabama Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
198       North Carolina Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
199             Arkansas                                Other       Not working
200             Kentucky                              Retired       Not working
201             Illinois Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
202             Virginia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
203              Arizona                            Homemaker Working full-time
204           New Jersey Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
205             Illinois Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
206           California                              Retired Working part-time
207         Pennsylvania Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
208                 Ohio                              Retired       Not working
209         South Dakota Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
210         Pennsylvania                              Retired       Not working
211            Tennessee                                Other       Not working
212       North Carolina Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
213               Oregon Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
214          Mississippi                              Retired       Not working
215             Nebraska                              Retired       Not working
216             Maryland Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
217        Massachusetts                            Homemaker Working full-time
218              Florida                              Retired       Not working
219                Texas                              Retired Working part-time
220        Massachusetts                              Retired       Not working
221             Illinois Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
222       North Carolina                              Retired       Not working
223           California Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
224                Texas                              Retired       Not working
225             Virginia                              Retired       Not working
226         Pennsylvania                              Retired       Not working
227         Pennsylvania                        Self-employed Working part-time
228                 Utah Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
229        Massachusetts                        Self-employed Working part-time
230        Massachusetts Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
231               Nevada                        Self-employed Working full-time
232             Illinois Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
233             Arkansas                              Retired Working part-time
234             Arkansas Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
235            Tennessee Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
236             Kentucky                              Retired       Not working
237              Georgia                              Retired       Not working
238               Nevada                              Retired       Not working
239           California                              Retired       Not working
240             Kentucky Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
241             Missouri                        Self-employed Working full-time
242               Oregon                              Retired       Not working
243           California                              Retired       Not working
244             Michigan                              Retired       Not working
245         Pennsylvania                              Retired       Not working
246                Texas Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
247       South Carolina                          On furlough Working part-time
248           Washington Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
249                 Utah Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
250           Washington                            Homemaker       Not working
251             Michigan                            Homemaker       Not working
252                 Ohio Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
253             Delaware                              Retired       Not working
254              Georgia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
255                Texas Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
256           New Jersey                            Homemaker       Not working
257             Virginia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
258             New York Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
259       North Carolina                              Retired       Not working
260           New Jersey Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
261             Virginia                              Retired Working part-time
262       South Carolina Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
263             Virginia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
264             Oklahoma                              Retired Working part-time
265           Washington Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
266                 Ohio                              Retired       Not working
267           California Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
268            Wisconsin Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
269          Connecticut Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
270          Mississippi                            Homemaker       Not working
271                Texas                              Retired       Not working
272           New Jersey                   Currently laid off       Not working
273           California Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
274           New Jersey                              Retired       Not working
275         Pennsylvania                              Retired       Not working
276        Massachusetts Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
277           California                              Retired       Not working
278       North Carolina Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
279              Florida                              Retired       Not working
280         Pennsylvania Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
281           California Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
282             Kentucky                            Homemaker       Not working
283 District of Columbia                              Retired       Not working
284           California                                Other Working full-time
285               Oregon Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
286       South Carolina                              Retired       Not working
287         South Dakota Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
288             Illinois                   Currently laid off       Not working
289        West Virginia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
290             Illinois                        Self-employed Working full-time
291              Arizona Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
292              Arizona Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
293             Michigan                              Retired       Not working
294             Virginia                                Other       Not working
295              Florida                              Retired       Not working
296             Kentucky Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
297              Wyoming                                Other Working full-time
298                 Utah Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
299             Illinois Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
300             New York                              Retired       Not working
301             New York                              Retired       Not working
302              Georgia                            Homemaker       Not working
303           New Jersey                        Self-employed Working full-time
304       South Carolina                              Retired       Not working
305             Maryland Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
306         North Dakota Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
307             Missouri                            Homemaker       Not working
308                 Utah Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
309               Oregon                        Self-employed Working full-time
310           California                              Retired       Not working
311                Texas Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
312           California                            Homemaker       Not working
313           Washington Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
314              Florida                        Self-employed Working part-time
315                 Ohio Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
316        Massachusetts                              Retired Working part-time
317       North Carolina Employed full-time (by someone else)       Not working
318              Montana                              Retired       Not working
319                Texas                        Self-employed Working full-time
320                Maine Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
321              Georgia                              Retired       Not working
322                 Iowa Employed part-time (by someone else) Working full-time
323             Michigan                              Retired       Not working
324             Maryland Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
325         Pennsylvania                        Self-employed Working full-time
326        Massachusetts Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
327                Texas                   Currently laid off       Not working
328           California                            Homemaker       Not working
329                Maine                              Retired       Not working
330           California                              Retired Working full-time
331           California Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
332             Missouri Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
333        Massachusetts                              Retired       Not working
334              Florida Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
335              Arizona                              Retired       Not working
336                Texas Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
337           New Jersey                        Self-employed Working full-time
338             Michigan Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
339                 Utah Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
340                 Ohio Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
341                Texas Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
342               Kansas                        Self-employed Working full-time
343         North Dakota                              Retired       Not working
344             New York                                Other       Not working
345             Illinois                              Retired       Not working
346       North Carolina Employed full-time (by someone else)       Not working
347                 Ohio Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
348             Colorado Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
349           New Jersey Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
350              Florida                   Currently laid off       Not working
351                 Iowa Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
352       North Carolina                            Homemaker Working part-time
353           California Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
354             Missouri Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
355           New Jersey Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
356             Illinois                              Retired       Not working
357           California                              Retired       Not working
358              Arizona                              Retired Working part-time
359           California Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
360              Indiana                            Homemaker       Not working
361               Kansas                            Homemaker       Not working
362             Michigan Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
363               Oregon                        Self-employed Working part-time
364               Oregon Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
365           California                        Self-employed Working full-time
366             Virginia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
367              Indiana Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
368              Florida                              Retired       Not working
369             New York                   Currently laid off       Not working
370           California Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
371        Massachusetts Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
372                Texas                              Retired       Not working
373             Virginia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
374       North Carolina                        Self-employed Working part-time
375                Texas                                Other       Not working
376                Texas Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
377                Texas Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
378             Illinois Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
379             New York                              Retired       Not working
380                 Ohio Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
381             New York Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
382             Virginia                              Retired       Not working
383            Wisconsin Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
384             Virginia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
385             Michigan Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
386         Pennsylvania Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
387           New Jersey Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
388             Michigan                              Retired       Not working
389             Virginia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
390           Washington                            Homemaker Working part-time
391             Virginia                                Other       Not working
392              Arizona                              Retired       Not working
393       North Carolina Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
394             Arkansas Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
395           California                            Homemaker       Not working
396         Pennsylvania                              Retired       Not working
397           New Jersey                              Retired       Not working
398            Wisconsin                            Homemaker       Not working
399                Texas Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
400              Florida Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
401            Louisiana Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
402              Georgia                        Self-employed Working full-time
403             Nebraska                                Other       Not working
404           California Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
405                Texas                              Retired       Not working
406       South Carolina Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
407            Minnesota                            Homemaker       Not working
408           California                              Retired       Not working
409             Virginia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
410            Tennessee                            Homemaker       Not working
411             New York Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
412                Idaho                              Retired       Not working
413                 Ohio                              Retired       Not working
414              Florida Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
415           California Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
416          Connecticut                              Retired       Not working
417              Georgia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
418              Florida                              Retired       Not working
419             New York Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
420                Texas                   Currently laid off Working full-time
421              Florida                            Homemaker Working part-time
422           California                                Other       Not working
423                Texas                              Retired       Not working
424            Minnesota                              Retired       Not working
425           Washington Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
426            Minnesota Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
427                Texas Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
428           Washington Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
429           Washington Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
430           Washington                              Retired       Not working
431           California Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
432           Washington Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
433              Arizona                              Retired       Not working
434           Washington Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
435              Arizona Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
436       South Carolina                                Other Working full-time
437           California                        Self-employed Working part-time
438                Texas                            Homemaker       Not working
439           California Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
440       South Carolina                              Retired       Not working
441             Oklahoma                              Retired       Not working
442             Colorado                                Other       Not working
443                 Ohio Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
444                 Iowa                              Retired Working part-time
445              Vermont Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
446       South Carolina                              Retired       Not working
447             Missouri Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
448            Tennessee Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
449              Indiana Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
450            Louisiana                              Retired       Not working
451          Mississippi                   Currently laid off Working part-time
452       North Carolina                            Homemaker       Not working
453             Maryland                              Retired       Not working
454           New Mexico                              Retired Working part-time
455            Minnesota Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
456           California Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
457            Tennessee Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
458         Pennsylvania Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
459           Washington Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
460         North Dakota                              Retired       Not working
461           California Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
462             Kentucky                              Retired       Not working
463              Montana Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
464              Arizona Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
465          Connecticut                              Retired       Not working
466              Florida Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
467        New Hampshire Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
          Q1_a       Q1_b       Q1_c       Q1_d       Q1_e       Q1_f
1      Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve Disapprove
2      Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
3   Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
4      Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
5      Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
6      Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve
7      Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
8      Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove
9   Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
10  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
11     Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove
12     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
13  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
14  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
15  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
16  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
17  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
18  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
19  Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve
20     Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
21     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
22     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
23  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
24     Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
25     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
26     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
27  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
28  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
29  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
30  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
31  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
32  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
33     Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
34     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
35  Disapprove Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
36     Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
37  Disapprove Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
38     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
39     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
40     Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
41     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
42     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
43  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
44     Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
45     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
46     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
47     Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
48  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
49     Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
50     Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
51  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
52  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
53     Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
54     Approve    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped
55     Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
56  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
57  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
58     Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
59     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
60     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
61     Skipped Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
62  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
63     Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove
64  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
65     Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve
66  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
67  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
68  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
69     Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
70     Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
71  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
72     Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
73  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
74     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
75     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
76  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
77  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
78  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
79  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
80     Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
81     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
82  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
83  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
84  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
85     Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
86     Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
87     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
88     Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
89  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
90     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
91     Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
92     Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
93  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
94  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
95     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
96  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
97     Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
98  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
99  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
100 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
101    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
102 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
103    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
104 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
105    Approve    Skipped    Approve    Skipped    Approve    Skipped
106 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
107    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove
108 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
109    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
110    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve
111    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
112 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
113 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
114    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
115    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
116    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
117    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
118    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
119 Disapprove    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
120 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
121    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
122    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
123    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
124 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
125    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve Disapprove
126    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
127    Approve    Skipped    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
128    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
129    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
130 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
131    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve
132    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
133    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
134    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
135    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
136    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
137 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
138    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
139    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
140    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
141    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
142    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
143    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
144    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve    Approve
145 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve
146    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
147    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
148 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
149    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
150    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
151    Approve    Skipped    Approve    Approve    Skipped    Skipped
152    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve
153    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
154 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
155 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
156 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
157    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
158 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
159    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
160 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
161    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
162    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped
163 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
164    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve
165    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
166 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
167    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
168    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
169 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
170    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
171    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove
172    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
173 Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
174 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
175    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
176 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
177    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
178    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
179    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
180 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
181 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
182 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
183 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
184 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
185    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
186 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
187    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve
188    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
189    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
190 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve
191    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
192    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
193 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
194    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
195    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve
196    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
197    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
198    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
199 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
200 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
201    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
202    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
203 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
204    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
205 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
206    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
207    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
208    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Skipped    Approve
209 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
210    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Skipped Disapprove
211 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
212    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
213    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
214 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
215    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove
216    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
217 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
218    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve
219    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
220    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
221    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
222 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
223    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
224 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
225    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
226 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
227    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
228 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
229    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
230    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
231    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
232    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
233    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
234    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
235 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
236 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
237    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
238 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
239    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve
240 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
241 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
242 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
243    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
244    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve
245    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
246 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
247 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
248 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
249 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
250    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped
251    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve    Approve Disapprove
252    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove
253 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
254 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
255    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve
256    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
257 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
258    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
259    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
260 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
261    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
262    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
263    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
264 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
265    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
266    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
267    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
268    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
269    Approve    Approve    Approve    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped
270    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
271    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
272    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
273    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
274 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
275 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
276    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
277    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve
278 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
279    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
280    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
281    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
282    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
283    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
284    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
285 Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve
286 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
287 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
288 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
289 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
290 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
291 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
292    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove
293    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
294 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
295    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
296    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
297    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
298 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
299    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
300 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
301 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
302 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
303    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
304    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
305 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
306 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
307    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
308    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
309    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Skipped    Approve    Approve
310    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve
311    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
312 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
313    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove
314    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
315 Disapprove Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
316    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
317    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
318    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve
319 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
320 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
321    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
322    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
323    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
324    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
325 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
326    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
327    Approve    Skipped    Approve    Approve    Skipped    Skipped
328    Approve    Approve    Approve    Skipped    Approve Disapprove
329 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
330 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
331    Approve    Skipped    Approve    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped
332    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
333 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
334 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
335 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
336    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
337    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
338 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
339 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
340    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove
341 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
342 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
343 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
344    Approve    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped
345 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
346    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
347 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
348    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
349 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
350    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
351    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
352    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
353 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
354    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
355    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Skipped
356    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
357    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
358    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
359    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
360    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
361    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
362 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
363 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Skipped    Skipped
364    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
365    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Skipped    Approve Disapprove
366    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
367    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
368 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
369    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
370    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
371 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
372 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
373    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
374    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
375    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
376    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
377 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
378    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve
379    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
380    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
381    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
382    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
383    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
384    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
385    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
386    Approve    Skipped    Approve    Skipped    Approve    Skipped
387    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
388    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
389    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped
390 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
391 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
392    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
393 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
394    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve Disapprove
395 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
396 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
397    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
398    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
399 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
400    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
401    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
402 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
403    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
404    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve
405    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
406    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
407    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove
408    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
409    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
410 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
411 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
412 Disapprove Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
413    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
414 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
415    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
416    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
417    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
418    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
419 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
420 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
421    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve
422    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
423    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
424    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
425 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
426 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
427    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
428    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
429    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
430    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
431 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
432    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
433    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped
434    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
435    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
436    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
437    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
438    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
439 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
440 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
441    Approve    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped Disapprove    Skipped
442    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
443 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
444    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
445    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve    Approve
446    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
447    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve Disapprove
448    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
449    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
450    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Skipped    Approve
451 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
452 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
453    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
454    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
455 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
456    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
457 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Skipped
458    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
459 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
460 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
461    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
462 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
463    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
464 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
465    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
466 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
467    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove
                      Q2      Q3          Q4          Q5           QPID ABCAGE
1       Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
2     Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
3         Very concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic Something else    65+
4     Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent Pessimistic An Independent    65+
5     Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
6       Not so concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
7         Very concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat    65+
8     Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic An Independent    65+
9         Very concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
10    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
11      Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
12        Very concerned      No        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat    65+
13  Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
14      Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
15        Very concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
16    Somewhat concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
17    Somewhat concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
18    Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
19      Not so concerned      No        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
20    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
21      Not so concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat  30-49
22        Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
23      Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
24    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
25    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  30-49
26    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  30-49
27    Somewhat concerned      No        Good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
28      Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
29      Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
30    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
31      Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic Something else    65+
32    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
33      Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  30-49
34      Not so concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
35    Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
36    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic   A Republican  50-64
37      Not so concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
38    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
39      Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
40        Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
41        Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
42        Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
43    Somewhat concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
44      Not so concerned      No        Good Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
45    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
46    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
47      Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
48      Not so concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
49      Not so concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
50      Not so concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic An Independent    65+
51    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
52      Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
53    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
54    Somewhat concerned     Yes     Skipped     Skipped        Skipped    65+
55        Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
56        Very concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
57    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
58        Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
59    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
60        Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
61    Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
62      Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
63    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic   A Republican    65+
64    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
65  Not concerned at all     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
66    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
67    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
68      Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
69    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
70    Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
71    Somewhat concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
72    Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic     A Democrat    65+
73      Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
74    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic   A Republican    65+
75        Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
76      Not so concerned Skipped        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
77  Not concerned at all      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
78      Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
79      Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
80    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic   A Republican    65+
81        Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
82  Not concerned at all      No        Poor Pessimistic     A Democrat  50-64
83        Very concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
84      Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
85        Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic   A Republican    65+
86    Somewhat concerned      No Not so good Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
87    Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
88      Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic   A Republican  50-64
89    Somewhat concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
90    Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
91    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
92      Not so concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
93  Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
94  Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
95      Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
96    Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
97    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
98      Not so concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
99  Not concerned at all      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
100     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
101   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
102     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
103       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
104 Not concerned at all      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
105       Very concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat  30-49
106       Very concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
107     Not so concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
108   Somewhat concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
109   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
110   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
111     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic Something else  50-64
112     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
113 Not concerned at all     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
114   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
115   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
116       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
117 Not concerned at all     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  30-49
118   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
119   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
120   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
121     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
122     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
123   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
124     Not so concerned      No        Good Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
125   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
126   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
127       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
128       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
129   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent Pessimistic     A Democrat  50-64
130   Somewhat concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
131   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
132   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
133       Very concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
134 Not concerned at all      No Not so good Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
135     Not so concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
136     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  30-49
137     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
138   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
139       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
140     Not so concerned     Yes   Excellent Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
141       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
142   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
143     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
144     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
145   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good  Optimistic   A Republican  30-49
146       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
147   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
148 Not concerned at all      No        Poor Pessimistic Something else  30-49
149   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
150     Not so concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat  30-49
151     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
152   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
153   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
154 Not concerned at all      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
155 Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
156   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
157       Very concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat  30-49
158     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
159     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
160 Not concerned at all      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
161   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
162     Not so concerned     Yes     Skipped  Optimistic   A Republican  50-64
163   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
164       Very concerned     Yes Not so good  Optimistic   A Republican  30-49
165   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic   A Republican    65+
166   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
167   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
168   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat  50-64
169     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
170     Not so concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
171       Very concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
172   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
173 Not concerned at all     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
174 Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
175   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic     A Democrat  50-64
176 Not concerned at all      No        Poor  Optimistic   A Republican  30-49
177   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
178   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
179 Not concerned at all      No        Good Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
180     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
181       Very concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
182     Not so concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
183 Not concerned at all      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
184     Not so concerned      No Not so good Pessimistic Something else  50-64
185   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
186 Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
187   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
188       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic   A Republican  50-64
189     Not so concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
190     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor  Optimistic Something else    65+
191       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
192   Somewhat concerned      No        Good Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
193   Somewhat concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
194     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
195   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
196   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
197       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
198   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
199     Not so concerned      No Not so good Pessimistic Something else  30-49
200   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
201   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
202     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
203   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
204       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
205 Not concerned at all Skipped        Poor Pessimistic        Skipped  30-49
206       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic An Independent    65+
207   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat  50-64
208   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
209 Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
210   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
211   Somewhat concerned      No Not so good Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
212   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
213   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
214     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
215   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic   A Republican    65+
216 Not concerned at all     Yes        Good  Optimistic   A Republican  30-49
217   Somewhat concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
218   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
219   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
220   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
221     Not so concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
222 Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
223   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
224       Very concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic     A Democrat    65+
225     Not so concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
226 Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
227   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  30-49
228 Not concerned at all      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
229   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
230   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
231   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
232       Very concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
233       Very concerned      No   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
234   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
235   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
236     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor  Optimistic   A Republican    65+
237       Very concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat    65+
238     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
239   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
240     Not so concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
241 Not concerned at all      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
242   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
243     Not so concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
244   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic Something else    65+
245 Not concerned at all     Yes Not so good  Optimistic   A Republican    65+
246     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
247 Not concerned at all      No Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
248     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
249     Not so concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
250       Very concerned      No     Skipped Pessimistic Something else  50-64
251   Somewhat concerned      No Not so good  Optimistic   A Republican  30-49
252 Not concerned at all     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
253   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic Something else    65+
254 Not concerned at all     Yes        Good Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
255 Not concerned at all      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
256       Very concerned     Yes Not so good  Optimistic   A Republican  50-64
257     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
258     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
259       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
260     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
261   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
262     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
263   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
264 Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
265       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
266   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
267     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  30-49
268   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
269       Very concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
270   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic     A Democrat  30-49
271   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
272       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
273   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
274 Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
275   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
276       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
277   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
278     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
279   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
280     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic     A Democrat  30-49
281   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
282   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
283       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic An Independent    65+
284   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
285     Not so concerned      No Not so good Pessimistic     A Democrat  30-49
286   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
287   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
288 Not concerned at all      No Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
289   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
290     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
291   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
292   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
293   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
294       Very concerned     Yes        Poor  Optimistic An Independent  30-49
295       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
296 Not concerned at all      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
297     Not so concerned      No        Good Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
298     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
299       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
300 Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
301     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
302     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
303     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
304       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic Something else    65+
305     Not so concerned      No Not so good Pessimistic     A Democrat  30-49
306     Not so concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
307   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic     A Democrat    65+
308   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
309     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
310   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
311   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  30-49
312       Very concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
313   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
314       Very concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat  50-64
315   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good  Optimistic   A Republican  50-64
316       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
317       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
318   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
319     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
320       Very concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
321   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
322       Very concerned      No Not so good Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
323   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
324     Not so concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
325 Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
326     Not so concerned     Yes Not so good  Optimistic   A Republican  50-64
327     Not so concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
328     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic   A Republican  50-64
329   Somewhat concerned Skipped        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
330     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
331   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
332   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat  30-49
333     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
334     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic Something else  50-64
335 Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
336     Not so concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat  30-49
337       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  30-49
338     Not so concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
339   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
340       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  30-49
341     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
342     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
343   Somewhat concerned Skipped        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
344   Somewhat concerned      No Not so good Pessimistic     A Democrat  30-49
345     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
346       Very concerned     Yes Not so good  Optimistic An Independent  30-49
347 Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
348       Very concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic     A Democrat  30-49
349   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
350   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic Something else  50-64
351   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
352   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
353     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
354     Not so concerned      No Not so good  Optimistic   A Republican  30-49
355   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
356   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
357       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
358       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
359   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
360   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
361   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat  30-49
362     Not so concerned      No Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
363 Not concerned at all      No Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
364   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic Something else  30-49
365       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
366       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
367     Not so concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat  50-64
368     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
369       Very concerned     Yes Not so good  Optimistic Something else  30-49
370     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
371     Not so concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic Something else  30-49
372     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
373       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  30-49
374       Very concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat  50-64
375 Not concerned at all     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
376     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
377 Not concerned at all      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
378 Not concerned at all     Yes        Good Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
379     Not so concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
380       Very concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat  30-49
381   Somewhat concerned      No        Good  Optimistic An Independent  30-49
382   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
383   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent Pessimistic     A Democrat  30-49
384   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
385 Not concerned at all     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
386   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  30-49
387       Very concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat  30-49
388     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
389     Not so concerned     Yes     Skipped Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
390   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
391   Somewhat concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
392   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
393     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
394   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic Something else  50-64
395 Not concerned at all      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
396       Very concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
397   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat    65+
398   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good  Optimistic An Independent  30-49
399   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
400   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
401   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
402     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic Something else  30-49
403   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
404   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
405       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
406   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
407       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
408   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
409     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
410     Not so concerned      No Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
411     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
412     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
413     Not so concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
414     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
415   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat    65+
416     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
417   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat  50-64
418       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
419 Not concerned at all      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
420     Not so concerned      No Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
421       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
422   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
423   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
424 Not concerned at all     Yes        Good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
425   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
426 Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
427 Not concerned at all      No        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
428   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
429 Not concerned at all     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
430   Somewhat concerned      No   Excellent Pessimistic     A Democrat    65+
431       Very concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
432   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
433       Very concerned     Yes Not so good     Skipped Something else    65+
434   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat  30-49
435   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
436   Somewhat concerned     Yes     Skipped  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
437     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
438   Somewhat concerned      No        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat  30-49
439   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic     A Democrat  30-49
440     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
441   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
442       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
443 Not concerned at all      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
444     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
445 Not concerned at all     Yes Not so good  Optimistic   A Republican  30-49
446     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic Something else  30-49
447   Somewhat concerned      No Not so good Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
448   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
449   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
450       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent     Skipped     A Democrat    65+
451   Somewhat concerned      No        Good Pessimistic Something else  30-49
452     Not so concerned      No Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
453     Not so concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
454   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
455     Not so concerned      No     Skipped Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
456   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic Something else    65+
457     Not so concerned      No Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  30-49
458     Not so concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
459 Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
460       Very concerned      No Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
461   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
462   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
463   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  30-49
464       Very concerned     Yes        Poor  Optimistic An Independent  30-49
465   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
466 Not concerned at all     Yes Not so good  Optimistic   A Republican  50-64
467   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
                                   Contact weights_pid
1   No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6382
2   No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5493
3   No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8488
4      Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.8126
5   No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4994
6   No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4043
7      Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.3350
8      Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6686
9      Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7541
10  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9802
11     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.4312
12  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.3791
13  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7806
14  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9526
15  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6934
16  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7116
17  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1178
18  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0967
19  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5569
20     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7256
21  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5788
22  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4520
23  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5786
24  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8143
25  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      2.1221
26  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9763
27  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6996
28     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.4123
29  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6217
30  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7486
31  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9896
32  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6934
33     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9793
34  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5524
35  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.2767
36  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6934
37  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.2446
38  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8098
39     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6980
40  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7557
41     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6346
42  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.5368
43  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8383
44  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8617
45  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4555
46  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4188
47  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.3495
48     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7631
49  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9196
50     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5744
51  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8202
52     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5948
53     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6133
54  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0215
55     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5507
56     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.8891
57  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0489
58     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7350
59  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8451
60     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5577
61  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8848
62     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7707
63  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7786
64  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8497
65  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4005
66     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9865
67  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9196
68     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9582
69  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5720
70  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8515
71  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5717
72  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5938
73  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9111
74  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8891
75  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5162
76  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6351
77     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9157
78  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6582
79     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6739
80  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7758
81     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.4330
82     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.6470
83  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8462
84  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1587
85     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6201
86  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1483
87  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4763
88     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9322
89  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9582
90     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.4038
91     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.8914
92  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9582
93  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5206
94     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6023
95  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5788
96  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7061
97     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.0721
98  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7901
99  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9453
100    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6826
101    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.8461
102 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8181
103 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8408
104    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6453
105    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6759
106 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8437
107    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5324
108    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.0406
109    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.3002
110 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4643
111 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1183
112    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6413
113 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0409
114 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5769
115 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.3358
116    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.3260
117    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9793
118 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7239
119 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.9060
120 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7535
121 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0462
122    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6818
123 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8259
124 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6210
125 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9049
126 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5683
127    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6673
128 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0638
129    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.3743
130 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8249
131 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6580
132 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6061
133 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8672
134 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.5895
135    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.3922
136 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9301
137    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.8740
138 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8493
139    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.6103
140    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9365
141 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5985
142 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5266
143 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5324
144 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6446
145    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.0316
146    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6170
147 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9196
148 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.5133
149 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7885
150 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      2.4138
151 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.6590
152 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.5897
153 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6649
154 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8152
155 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9365
156 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9773
157    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6126
158 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6582
159 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6673
160 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9258
161    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.4330
162 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6743
163 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0174
164 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6039
165 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5826
166 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7887
167    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7603
168 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5643
169    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.4501
170    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.8617
171 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      3.0282
172    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.4023
173    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9328
174 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4948
175 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4646
176 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      2.1718
177 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8072
178 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6143
179 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8178
180 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8848
181 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6081
182 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6582
183 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1928
184    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9977
185    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.1315
186 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1193
187    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6380
188 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6039
189 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7640
190 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0124
191    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5148
192 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9076
193    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6423
194 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      2.2728
195    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5659
196 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8256
197 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4878
198 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0386
199 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.3772
200 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6826
201 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7797
202    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5717
203 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      2.2466
204 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      2.2064
205 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1530
206 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5579
207 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4259
208 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5334
209 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9449
210 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5712
211 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.3290
212 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.5727
213    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.8065
214 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5126
215 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7218
216 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7556
217 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1562
218 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0140
219 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4005
220    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      2.0430
221 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5318
222    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7419
223 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.3210
224 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5148
225 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5493
226 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8879
227    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.9886
228    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.2728
229 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4415
230 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8360
231    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.3001
232 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5957
233    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      2.1664
234 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8752
235 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5311
236 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8272
237    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.4298
238 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.2043
239 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.5909
240 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8437
241    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7901
242 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6611
243    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5206
244 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1163
245 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6298
246 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6406
247    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9646
248    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.8011
249 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8816
250 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0703
251 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1212
252 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9793
253 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1602
254    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.0061
255    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.9621
256 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8618
257 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0211
258    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.1040
259 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5148
260    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6934
261 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.3732
262 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8158
263 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6039
264    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7269
265    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6419
266    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9835
267 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8493
268 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5641
269 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1562
270 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      2.2496
271 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8751
272 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.9322
273    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.8116
274    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.4797
275 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7378
276 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.3618
277 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9340
278 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7591
279    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.5368
280    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6168
281 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8156
282    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9080
283 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6133
284 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6267
285 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1568
286 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5901
287 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9604
288 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5292
289 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8462
290 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1110
291 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7885
292 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9451
293    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.4962
294    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.4488
295 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5595
296 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8451
297 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.3289
298 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7622
299 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4038
300 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8618
301    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.4296
302 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7578
303    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5324
304 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      2.8575
305    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7588
306 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7846
307 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5568
308 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1564
309    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9836
310 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8778
311 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.2338
312 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.3530
313    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5788
314 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.2378
315    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6882
316    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5083
317    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7590
318    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7922
319    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.8866
320    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.1323
321 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6826
322    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.8118
323    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7116
324    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6582
325 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5374
326    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6609
327    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.5339
328    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.9662
329 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6409
330 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7183
331 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7573
332 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7850
333 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8484
334 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1026
335 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7172
336    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.8383
337 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      2.1023
338 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6315
339    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9512
340 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0312
341    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9179
342    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7303
343 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6706
344 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.5878
345    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7648
346    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.3290
347 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0223
348 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5788
349 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6556
350 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      2.3801
351    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5126
352    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7889
353 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4838
354    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9139
355 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.2854
356 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4821
357 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0239
358    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.4542
359 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7573
360 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7962
361 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6190
362 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.5893
363 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.2848
364 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.2113
365 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4068
366    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.3862
367    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6434
368    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9651
369 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.3139
370 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.2227
371    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6805
372    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6497
373 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.2532
374 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4005
375 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8142
376    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5905
377 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8953
378    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7901
379 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0711
380 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.2093
381    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      3.6085
382    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5493
383 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9907
384 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7625
385    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5318
386 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.5232
387 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.7585
388    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5174
389 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6986
390 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7622
391 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8158
392 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8515
393 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0555
394 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9065
395 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.4205
396    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6217
397 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4165
398 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      3.1176
399 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5923
400    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9776
401    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6319
402    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.8280
403    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6434
404 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.4336
405    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5101
406    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.8617
407    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5918
408 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4364
409    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.3333
410 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9297
411 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5522
412    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9361
413 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5744
414    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5120
415    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.4683
416    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.3240
417 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.9050
418    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7849
419    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7125
420 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7153
421 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.8266
422 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.4336
423    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7508
424 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5901
425    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5200
426 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7300
427    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.3005
428    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.3922
429    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.2667
430 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4542
431 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.8529
432 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0174
433 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0567
434 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6663
435 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0875
436 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.6268
437 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6806
438 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      2.6918
439    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.5398
440    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.0489
441    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.8129
442 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7745
443 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5734
444 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6209
445 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9056
446 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9246
447 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.5253
448    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5659
449 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4038
450 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.7083
451    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.2585
452 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1559
453 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4431
454 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9466
455 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7901
456    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.1392
457    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.1124
458 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5280
459 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5579
460 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7218
461    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.3298
462 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9196
463 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7389
464 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0621
465    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9738
466    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5544
467 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8393

Filter ppinc7 earnings that are above 50

filter(abc_poll_2021, ppinc7 < 65000 & ABCAGE > 50)
         id xspanish complete_status ppage
1   7230001  English       qualified    68
2   7230002  English       qualified    85
3   7230003  English       qualified    69
4   7230004  English       qualified    74
5   7230005  English       qualified    77
6   7230006  English       qualified    70
7   7230008  English       qualified    76
8   7230009  English       qualified    78
9   7230011  English       qualified    58
10  7230012  English       qualified    50
11  7230013  English       qualified    84
12  7230014  English       qualified    61
13  7230015  English       qualified    77
14  7230016  English       qualified    55
15  7230017  English       qualified    64
16  7230019  English       qualified    78
17  7230020  English       qualified    72
18  7230021  English       qualified    55
19  7230023  English       qualified    61
20  7230024  English       qualified    73
21  7230025  English       qualified    66
22  7230028  English       qualified    65
23  7230029  English       qualified    74
24  7230030  English       qualified    84
25  7230031  English       qualified    59
26  7230032  English       qualified    66
27  7230033  English       qualified    76
28  7230036  English       qualified    55
29  7230037  English       qualified    53
30  7230040  English       qualified    67
31  7230042  English       qualified    58
32  7230043  English       qualified    60
33  7230044  English       qualified    69
34  7230045  English       qualified    52
35  7230046  English       qualified    52
36  7230047  English       qualified    72
37  7230048  English       qualified    80
38  7230049  English       qualified    69
39  7230050  English       qualified    76
40  7230051  English       qualified    75
41  7230052  English       qualified    74
42  7230053  English       qualified    64
43  7230054  English       qualified    74
44  7230055  English       qualified    74
45  7230057  English       qualified    56
46  7230058  English       qualified    64
47  7230059  English       qualified    70
48  7230060  English       qualified    62
49  7230062  English       qualified    67
50  7230063  English       qualified    65
51  7230064  English       qualified    71
52  7230065  English       qualified    74
53  7230066  English       qualified    69
54  7230067  English       qualified    63
55  7230068  English       qualified    81
56  7230069  English       qualified    82
57  7230070  English       qualified    69
58  7230071  English       qualified    73
59  7230072  English       qualified    74
60  7230073  English       qualified    56
61  7230074  English       qualified    68
62  7230075  English       qualified    59
63  7230076  English       qualified    84
64  7230077  English       qualified    83
65  7230078  English       qualified    68
66  7230081  English       qualified    57
67  7230082  English       qualified    52
68  7230083  English       qualified    80
69  7230084  English       qualified    50
70  7230085  English       qualified    58
71  7230086  English       qualified    74
72  7230087  English       qualified    56
73  7230088  English       qualified    70
74  7230090  English       qualified    50
75  7230091  English       qualified    63
76  7230092  English       qualified    78
77  7230093  English       qualified    55
78  7230094  English       qualified    66
79  7230095  English       qualified    70
80  7230096  English       qualified    65
81  7230097  English       qualified    76
82  7230099  English       qualified    58
83  7230100  English       qualified    66
84  7230101  English       qualified    54
85  7230103  English       qualified    61
86  7230104  English       qualified    82
87  7230105  English       qualified    70
88  7230106  English       qualified    88
89  7230107  English       qualified    68
90  7230109  English       qualified    53
91  7230110  English       qualified    61
92  7230111  English       qualified    51
93  7230112  English       qualified    58
94  7230113  English       qualified    73
95  7230114  English       qualified    60
96  7230115  English       qualified    70
97  7230116  English       qualified    72
98  7230117  English       qualified    78
99  7230123  English       qualified    76
100 7230124  English       qualified    58
101 7230126  English       qualified    51
102 7230128  English       qualified    80
103 7230129  English       qualified    74
104 7230131  English       qualified    76
105 7230132  English       qualified    55
106 7230133  English       qualified    57
107 7230134  English       qualified    51
108 7230135  English       qualified    91
109 7230136  English       qualified    67
110 7230138  English       qualified    62
111 7230140  English       qualified    59
112 7230143  English       qualified    56
113 7230144  English       qualified    52
114 7230146  English       qualified    66
115 7230147  English       qualified    62
116 7230148  English       qualified    74
117 7230149  English       qualified    52
118 7230152  English       qualified    71
119 7230153  English       qualified    70
120 7230155  English       qualified    53
121 7230158  English       qualified    65
122 7230162  English       qualified    58
123 7230165  English       qualified    57
124 7230166  English       qualified    70
125 7230168  English       qualified    84
126 7230169  English       qualified    54
127 7230172  English       qualified    68
128 7230173  English       qualified    59
129 7230174  English       qualified    58
130 7230175  English       qualified    54
131 7230176  English       qualified    60
132 7230177  English       qualified    59
133 7230179  English       qualified    66
134 7230182  English       qualified    82
135 7230186  English       qualified    76
136 7230188  English       qualified    67
137 7230190  English       qualified    63
138 7230191  English       qualified    52
139 7230192  English       qualified    55
140 7230193  English       qualified    61
141 7230194  English       qualified    79
142 7230196  English       qualified    54
143 7230197  English       qualified    55
144 7230198  English       qualified    72
145 7230199  English       qualified    77
146 7230201  English       qualified    75
147 7230202  English       qualified    63
148 7230204  English       qualified    81
149 7230205  English       qualified    56
150 7230209  English       qualified    65
151 7230211  English       qualified    59
152 7230212  English       qualified    54
153 7230213  English       qualified    50
154 7230215  English       qualified    65
155 7230217  English       qualified    63
156 7230218  English       qualified    88
157 7230220  English       qualified    72
158 7230225  English       qualified    84
159 7230226  English       qualified    81
160 7230229  English       qualified    50
161 7230230  English       qualified    68
162 7230231  English       qualified    73
163 7230232  English       qualified    74
164 7230233  English       qualified    54
165 7230234  English       qualified    87
166 7230235  Spanish       qualified    50
167 7230237  English       qualified    67
168 7230238  English       qualified    65
169 7230239  English       qualified    54
170 7230242  English       qualified    58
171 7230246  English       qualified    68
172 7230247  English       qualified    54
173 7230248  English       qualified    61
174 7230249  English       qualified    62
175 7230250  English       qualified    73
176 7230251  English       qualified    68
177 7230252  English       qualified    56
178 7230253  English       qualified    74
179 7230256  English       qualified    76
180 7230257  English       qualified    85
181 7230258  English       qualified    67
182 7230259  English       qualified    81
183 7230260  English       qualified    58
184 7230264  English       qualified    61
185 7230267  English       qualified    66
186 7230270  English       qualified    60
187 7230271  English       qualified    58
188 7230274  English       qualified    74
189 7230275  English       qualified    51
190 7230276  English       qualified    74
191 7230277  English       qualified    52
192 7230278  English       qualified    52
193 7230279  English       qualified    67
194 7230281  English       qualified    76
195 7230283  English       qualified    59
196 7230287  English       qualified    51
197 7230289  Spanish       qualified    55
198 7230291  English       qualified    75
199 7230292  English       qualified    72
200 7230293  English       qualified    60
201 7230294  English       qualified    70
202 7230295  English       qualified    50
203 7230297  English       qualified    70
204 7230300  English       qualified    51
205 7230302  English       qualified    66
206 7230303  English       qualified    67
207 7230305  English       qualified    67
208 7230306  English       qualified    58
209 7230308  English       qualified    71
210 7230309  English       qualified    60
211 7230310  English       qualified    56
212 7230313  English       qualified    50
213 7230314  English       qualified    70
214 7230316  English       qualified    71
215 7230320  English       qualified    57
216 7230321  English       qualified    61
217 7230322  English       qualified    70
218 7230323  English       qualified    70
219 7230324  English       qualified    67
220 7230326  English       qualified    89
221 7230330  English       qualified    73
222 7230332  English       qualified    63
223 7230333  English       qualified    70
224 7230335  English       qualified    53
225 7230338  Spanish       qualified    53
226 7230339  English       qualified    59
227 7230340  English       qualified    59
228 7230341  English       qualified    55
229 7230342  English       qualified    71
230 7230345  English       qualified    83
231 7230350  English       qualified    64
232 7230351  English       qualified    56
233 7230352  English       qualified    74
234 7230353  English       qualified    54
235 7230355  Spanish       qualified    52
236 7230356  English       qualified    81
237 7230359  English       qualified    63
238 7230363  English       qualified    70
239 7230364  English       qualified    53
240 7230365  English       qualified    69
241 7230368  English       qualified    55
242 7230380  English       qualified    59
243 7230383  English       qualified    88
244 7230386  English       qualified    74
245 7230388  English       qualified    53
246 7230392  English       qualified    61
247 7230393  English       qualified    59
248 7230394  English       qualified    59
249 7230396  English       qualified    50
250 7230397  English       qualified    57
251 7230403  English       qualified    69
252 7230404  English       qualified    69
253 7230405  English       qualified    71
254 7230407  English       qualified    62
255 7230413  English       qualified    66
256 7230414  English       qualified    56
257 7230415  English       qualified    53
258 7230416  English       qualified    60
259 7230420  English       qualified    66
260 7230422  English       qualified    64
261 7230424  English       qualified    58
262 7230427  English       qualified    74
263 7230430  English       qualified    75
264 7230434  English       qualified    57
265 7230438  English       qualified    65
266 7230439  English       qualified    59
267 7230441  English       qualified    57
268 7230442  English       qualified    82
269 7230445  English       qualified    60
270 7230446  English       qualified    55
271 7230447  English       qualified    65
272 7230448  English       qualified    74
273 7230451  English       qualified    59
274 7230454  English       qualified    56
275 7230456  English       qualified    73
276 7230457  English       qualified    58
277 7230459  English       qualified    69
278 7230461  English       qualified    57
279 7230463  English       qualified    61
280 7230464  English       qualified    66
281 7230465  English       qualified    73
282 7230469  English       qualified    66
283 7230470  English       qualified    83
284 7230471  English       qualified    60
285 7230472  English       qualified    66
286 7230473  English       qualified    62
287 7230474  English       qualified    52
288 7230476  English       qualified    56
289 7230478  English       qualified    67
290 7230479  English       qualified    64
291 7230480  English       qualified    57
292 7230482  Spanish       qualified    55
293 7230483  English       qualified    53
294 7230485  English       qualified    70
295 7230487  English       qualified    54
296 7230488  English       qualified    79
297 7230492  English       qualified    54
298 7230495  English       qualified    63
299 7230496  English       qualified    65
300 7230497  English       qualified    59
301 7230499  English       qualified    68
302 7230510  English       qualified    73
303 7230511  English       qualified    56
304 7230512  English       qualified    55
305 7230513  English       qualified    68
306 7230515  English       qualified    59
307 7230516  English       qualified    62
308 7230517  English       qualified    68
309 7230518  Spanish       qualified    53
310 7230519  English       qualified    70
311 7230524  English       qualified    58
312 7230525  English       qualified    64
313 7230527  English       qualified    56
1   High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
2                                               Bachelor\x92s degree
3   High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
4                                               Bachelor\x92s degree
5   High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
6                                               Bachelor\x92s degree
7                                               Bachelor\x92s degree
8                                               Bachelor\x92s degree
9   High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
10                                       Master\x92s degree or above
11                                       Master\x92s degree or above
12  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
13  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
14  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
15                                  Some college or Associate degree
16  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
17  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
18                                       Master\x92s degree or above
19                                  Some college or Associate degree
20                                  Some college or Associate degree
21  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
22                                       Master\x92s degree or above
23                                       Master\x92s degree or above
24  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
25                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
26                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
27                                  Some college or Associate degree
28                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
29  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
30  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
31                                       Master\x92s degree or above
32                                  Some college or Associate degree
33                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
34                                  Some college or Associate degree
35                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
36                                       Master\x92s degree or above
37                                       Master\x92s degree or above
38                                  Some college or Associate degree
39  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
40                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
41  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
42                                  Some college or Associate degree
43                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
44  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
45                                       Master\x92s degree or above
46  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
47  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
48                                       Master\x92s degree or above
49                                  Some college or Associate degree
50                                  Some college or Associate degree
51  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
52                                  Some college or Associate degree
53                                  Some college or Associate degree
54                                       Master\x92s degree or above
55                                  Some college or Associate degree
56  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
57                                  Some college or Associate degree
58                                  Some college or Associate degree
59  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
60                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
61  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
62  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
63  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
64  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
65                                  Some college or Associate degree
66                                  Some college or Associate degree
67                                  Some college or Associate degree
68  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
69                                       Master\x92s degree or above
70  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
71                                     No high school diploma or GED
72                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
73                                       Master\x92s degree or above
74                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
75                                       Master\x92s degree or above
76                                  Some college or Associate degree
77                                       Master\x92s degree or above
78  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
79                                  Some college or Associate degree
80                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
81                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
82                                  Some college or Associate degree
83                                     No high school diploma or GED
84  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
85                                  Some college or Associate degree
86                                  Some college or Associate degree
87                                  Some college or Associate degree
88  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
89                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
90  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
91                                       Master\x92s degree or above
92  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
93  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
94                                  Some college or Associate degree
95  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
96                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
97                                       Master\x92s degree or above
98                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
99  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
100                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
101 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
102                                 Some college or Associate degree
103 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
104 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
105                                 Some college or Associate degree
106                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
107 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
108                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
109 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
110                                      Master\x92s degree or above
111                                      Master\x92s degree or above
112                                      Master\x92s degree or above
113 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
114                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
115                                 Some college or Associate degree
116                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
117                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
118                                 Some college or Associate degree
119 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
120                                 Some college or Associate degree
121 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
122                                 Some college or Associate degree
123                                 Some college or Associate degree
124 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
125                                 Some college or Associate degree
126                                      Master\x92s degree or above
127                                 Some college or Associate degree
128                                 Some college or Associate degree
129                                      Master\x92s degree or above
130                                 Some college or Associate degree
131                                      Master\x92s degree or above
132                                 Some college or Associate degree
133                                 Some college or Associate degree
134                                      Master\x92s degree or above
135                                      Master\x92s degree or above
136 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
137                                      Master\x92s degree or above
138 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
139                                 Some college or Associate degree
140                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
141 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
142                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
143                                 Some college or Associate degree
144 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
145                                 Some college or Associate degree
146                                 Some college or Associate degree
147                                      Master\x92s degree or above
148                                 Some college or Associate degree
149                                 Some college or Associate degree
150                                 Some college or Associate degree
151                                      Master\x92s degree or above
152                                    No high school diploma or GED
153 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
154                                      Master\x92s degree or above
155                                 Some college or Associate degree
156                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
157                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
158                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
159 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
160 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
161                                 Some college or Associate degree
162                                      Master\x92s degree or above
163                                 Some college or Associate degree
164                                      Master\x92s degree or above
165 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
166                                    No high school diploma or GED
167                                 Some college or Associate degree
168                                      Master\x92s degree or above
169                                 Some college or Associate degree
170                                      Master\x92s degree or above
171                                 Some college or Associate degree
172 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
173 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
174                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
175 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
176                                 Some college or Associate degree
177                                 Some college or Associate degree
178                                 Some college or Associate degree
179                                      Master\x92s degree or above
180                                      Master\x92s degree or above
181                                 Some college or Associate degree
182                                 Some college or Associate degree
183 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
184                                    No high school diploma or GED
185 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
186 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
187                                 Some college or Associate degree
188                                 Some college or Associate degree
189 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
190                                      Master\x92s degree or above
191                                 Some college or Associate degree
192                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
193                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
194 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
195 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
196                                 Some college or Associate degree
197                                    No high school diploma or GED
198                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
199                                 Some college or Associate degree
200                                      Master\x92s degree or above
201 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
202                                    No high school diploma or GED
203                                 Some college or Associate degree
204                                      Master\x92s degree or above
205                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
206                                 Some college or Associate degree
207                                 Some college or Associate degree
208 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
209                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
210 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
211 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
212                                 Some college or Associate degree
213                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
214 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
215                                      Master\x92s degree or above
216 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
217                                      Master\x92s degree or above
218                                 Some college or Associate degree
219                                      Master\x92s degree or above
220                                 Some college or Associate degree
221 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
222                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
223                                 Some college or Associate degree
224 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
225                                    No high school diploma or GED
226                                 Some college or Associate degree
227                                 Some college or Associate degree
228                                 Some college or Associate degree
229                                      Master\x92s degree or above
230                                 Some college or Associate degree
231                                 Some college or Associate degree
232                                 Some college or Associate degree
233 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
234                                 Some college or Associate degree
235                                    No high school diploma or GED
236                                      Master\x92s degree or above
237                                 Some college or Associate degree
238 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
239                                 Some college or Associate degree
240                                 Some college or Associate degree
241                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
242                                 Some college or Associate degree
243                                    No high school diploma or GED
244                                 Some college or Associate degree
245                                 Some college or Associate degree
246                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
247 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
248                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
249                                 Some college or Associate degree
250                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
251                                 Some college or Associate degree
252 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
253                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
254                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
255                                      Master\x92s degree or above
256                                      Master\x92s degree or above
257                                    No high school diploma or GED
258                                 Some college or Associate degree
259                                 Some college or Associate degree
260                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
261                                      Master\x92s degree or above
262                                      Master\x92s degree or above
263                                      Master\x92s degree or above
264                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
265                                      Master\x92s degree or above
266                                      Master\x92s degree or above
267                                    No high school diploma or GED
268                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
269                                      Master\x92s degree or above
270                                 Some college or Associate degree
271 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
272                                 Some college or Associate degree
273                                 Some college or Associate degree
274 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
275                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
276                                 Some college or Associate degree
277                                 Some college or Associate degree
278                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
279                                 Some college or Associate degree
280                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
281                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
282                                 Some college or Associate degree
283                                      Master\x92s degree or above
284 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
285                                    No high school diploma or GED
286                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
287 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
288                                 Some college or Associate degree
289                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
290                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
291                                      Master\x92s degree or above
292                                    No high school diploma or GED
293                                      Master\x92s degree or above
294                                      Master\x92s degree or above
295                                      Master\x92s degree or above
296 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
297                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
298 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
299                                 Some college or Associate degree
300 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
301 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
302                                      Master\x92s degree or above
303                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
304 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
305                                 Some college or Associate degree
306                                 Some college or Associate degree
307                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
308 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
309 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
310 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
311                                    No high school diploma or GED
312 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
313                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
                      ppeducat ppgender                 ppethm  pphhsize
1                  High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
2   Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
3                  High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
4   Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
5                  High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
6   Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
7   Bachelors degree or higher     Male    Black, Non-Hispanic         2
8   Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
9                  High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
10  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
11  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
12                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
13                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
14                 High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
15                Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
16                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
17                 High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
18  Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
19                Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
20                Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
21                 High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
22  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
23  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
24                 High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
25  Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
26  Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
27                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
28  Bachelors degree or higher     Male               Hispanic         2
29                 High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
30                 High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
31  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
32                Some college   Female    Black, Non-Hispanic         2
33  Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
34                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
35  Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
36  Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
37  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
38                Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
39                 High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
40  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
41                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
42                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
43  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
44                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
45  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    Other, Non-Hispanic         4
46                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
47                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
48  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    Other, Non-Hispanic         2
49                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
50                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
51                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
52                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
53                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
54  Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
55                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
56                 High school     Male    Other, Non-Hispanic         5
57                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
58                Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
59                 High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
60  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
61                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
62                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
63                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
64                 High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
65                Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
66                Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
67                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         5
68                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
69  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
70                 High school     Male    Black, Non-Hispanic         2
71       Less than high school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
72  Bachelors degree or higher   Female    Other, Non-Hispanic         3
73  Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
74  Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
75  Bachelors degree or higher     Male               Hispanic         2
76                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
77  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
78                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
79                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
80  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
81  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
82                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
83       Less than high school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic 6 or more
84                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
85                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
86                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
87                Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
88                 High school   Female 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         2
89  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
90                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
91  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
92                 High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
93                 High school   Female               Hispanic         3
94                Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
95                 High school     Male 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic 6 or more
96  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
97  Bachelors degree or higher     Male               Hispanic         2
98  Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
99                 High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
100 Bachelors degree or higher     Male               Hispanic         3
101                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
102               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
103                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
104                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
105               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         5
106 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
107                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
108 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
109                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
110 Bachelors degree or higher   Female 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         3
111 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
112 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    Other, Non-Hispanic         2
113                High school     Male    Black, Non-Hispanic         5
114 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    Other, Non-Hispanic         2
115               Some college     Male    Other, Non-Hispanic         1
116 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         5
117 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
118               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
119                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
120               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
121                High school     Male    Black, Non-Hispanic         4
122               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
123               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
124                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
125               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
126 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
127               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
128               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
129 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic 6 or more
130               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
131 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
132               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
133               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
134 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
135 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
136                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
137 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         5
138                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
139               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
140 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    Black, Non-Hispanic         4
141                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
142 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
143               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
144                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
145               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         5
146               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
147 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    Black, Non-Hispanic         1
148               Some college   Female 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         3
149               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
150               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
151 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
152      Less than high school     Male    Black, Non-Hispanic         3
153                High school   Female    Black, Non-Hispanic         2
154 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
155               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
156 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
157 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    Other, Non-Hispanic         1
158 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
159                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
160                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
161               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
162 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
163               Some college     Male    Black, Non-Hispanic         2
164 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
165                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
166      Less than high school     Male               Hispanic         4
167               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
168 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
169               Some college   Female 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         3
170 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
171               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
172                High school   Female    Black, Non-Hispanic         4
173                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
174 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
175                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
176               Some college     Male    Black, Non-Hispanic         2
177               Some college     Male               Hispanic         3
178               Some college   Female               Hispanic         3
179 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
180 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
181               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
182               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
183                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
184      Less than high school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
185                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
186                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
187               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
188               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
189                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
190 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
191               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
192 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         5
193 Bachelors degree or higher     Male 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         2
194                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
195                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
196               Some college   Female    Black, Non-Hispanic         2
197      Less than high school     Male               Hispanic         2
198 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
199               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
200 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
201                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
202      Less than high school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
203               Some college     Male    Black, Non-Hispanic         2
204 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    Other, Non-Hispanic         1
205 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
206               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
207               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
208                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
209 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
210                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
211                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
212               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
213 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
214                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
215 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
216                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
217 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
218               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
219 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
220               Some college   Female    Black, Non-Hispanic         2
221                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
222 Bachelors degree or higher   Female 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         2
223               Some college     Male               Hispanic         3
224                High school   Female 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         5
225      Less than high school     Male               Hispanic         3
226               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
227               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
228               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
229 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
230               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
231               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
232               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic 6 or more
233                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
234               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
235      Less than high school   Female               Hispanic         2
236 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
237               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
238                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
239               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
240               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
241 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
242               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         5
243      Less than high school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
244               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
245               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
246 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
247                High school   Female               Hispanic         1
248 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
249               Some college   Female 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic 6 or more
250 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
251               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
252                High school   Female               Hispanic         2
253 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
254 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
255 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
256 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
257      Less than high school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
258               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
259               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
260 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
261 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
262 Bachelors degree or higher     Male               Hispanic         2
263 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
264 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
265 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
266 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
267      Less than high school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
268 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
269 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
270               Some college   Female               Hispanic         3
271                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
272               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
273               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         1
274                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
275 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
276               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
277               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
278 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    Black, Non-Hispanic         2
279               Some college     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
280 Bachelors degree or higher     Male 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         2
281 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
282               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic 6 or more
283 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
284                High school   Female    Black, Non-Hispanic         2
285      Less than high school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
286 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         1
287                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
288               Some college   Female               Hispanic         4
289 Bachelors degree or higher     Male               Hispanic         2
290 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
291 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
292      Less than high school     Male               Hispanic         1
293 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         4
294 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
295 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
296                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         3
297 Bachelors degree or higher   Female 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         3
298                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
299               Some college   Female 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         2
300                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
301                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
302 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
303 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
304                High school   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
305               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
306               Some college   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         2
307 Bachelors degree or higher     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
308                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
309                High school   Female               Hispanic         2
310                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         2
311      Less than high school   Female 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic         2
312                High school     Male    White, Non-Hispanic         3
313 Bachelors degree or higher   Female    White, Non-Hispanic         4
                  ppinc7      ppmarit5       ppmsacat    ppreg4
1     $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
2       $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
3   $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
4     $25,000 to $49,999      Divorced     Metro area NorthEast
5     $10,000 to $24,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
6     $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
7     $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
8       $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
9     $25,000 to $49,999 Never married     Metro area NorthEast
10  $100,000 to $149,999      Divorced     Metro area     South
11  $100,000 to $149,999       Widowed     Metro area      West
12    $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
13    $75,000 to $99,999       Widowed     Metro area     South
14  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
15    $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
16    $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
17    $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
18      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
19    $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
20  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
21    $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married Non-metro area     South
22    $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
23      $150,000 or more   Now Married Non-metro area     South
24    $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
25      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
26    $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
27  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
28      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
29  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
30      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
31      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
32  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
33    $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
34      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
35      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
36      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
37      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
38    $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area NorthEast
39    $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
40      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
41    $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
42      $150,000 or more   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
43  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
44    $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
45  $100,000 to $149,999      Divorced     Metro area NorthEast
46    $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
47    $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
48      $150,000 or more      Divorced     Metro area      West
49    $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
50  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
51    $10,000 to $24,999      Divorced     Metro area      West
52    $25,000 to $49,999       Widowed     Metro area     South
53    $75,000 to $99,999 Never married     Metro area NorthEast
54      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
55    $50,000 to $74,999       Widowed Non-metro area   MidWest
56      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
57    $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area      West
58    $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
59    $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
60  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
61    $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married Non-metro area     South
62      $150,000 or more   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
63    $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
64    $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
65    $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area     South
66  $100,000 to $149,999 Never married     Metro area     South
67      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
68  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
69    $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
70    $10,000 to $24,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
71    $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
72    $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
73  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
74      $150,000 or more Never married     Metro area   MidWest
75      $150,000 or more Never married     Metro area   MidWest
76    $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area      West
77      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
78  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
79    $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area      West
80    $75,000 to $99,999      Divorced     Metro area      West
81    $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
82      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
83    $50,000 to $74,999       Widowed Non-metro area   MidWest
84      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
85  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
86  $100,000 to $149,999       Widowed     Metro area     South
87    $50,000 to $74,999      Divorced     Metro area     South
88    $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
89    $75,000 to $99,999 Never married     Metro area      West
90  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
91      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
92    $10,000 to $24,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
93  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
94    $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area NorthEast
95  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
96  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
97  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
98    $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
99    $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
100     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
101   $75,000 to $99,999      Divorced Non-metro area      West
102   $10,000 to $24,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
103   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
104   $25,000 to $49,999      Divorced     Metro area   MidWest
105   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
106     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
107 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married Non-metro area     South
108   $25,000 to $49,999       Widowed Non-metro area   MidWest
109   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
110     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
111     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
112     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
113 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
114 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
115 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married Non-metro area     South
116     $150,000 or more       Widowed     Metro area NorthEast
117     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
118   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
119 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
120 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
121   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
122 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
123 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
124   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married Non-metro area      West
125   $75,000 to $99,999       Widowed Non-metro area   MidWest
126 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
127   $10,000 to $24,999      Divorced     Metro area     South
128   $50,000 to $74,999 Never married     Metro area     South
129     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
130   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married Non-metro area     South
131     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
132     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
133     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
134 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
135   $75,000 to $99,999 Never married     Metro area     South
136   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
137     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
138   $25,000 to $49,999      Divorced     Metro area     South
139   $25,000 to $49,999      Divorced     Metro area NorthEast
140 $100,000 to $149,999      Divorced     Metro area      West
141   $50,000 to $74,999       Widowed     Metro area      West
142     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
143     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
144   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
145   $50,000 to $74,999      Divorced     Metro area     South
146     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
147   $75,000 to $99,999      Divorced     Metro area     South
148   $50,000 to $74,999      Divorced     Metro area      West
149     $150,000 or more   Now Married Non-metro area     South
150   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
151 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
152   $75,000 to $99,999 Never married     Metro area      West
153   $50,000 to $74,999 Never married     Metro area NorthEast
154     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
155   $10,000 to $24,999 Never married     Metro area NorthEast
156   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
157 $100,000 to $149,999      Divorced     Metro area NorthEast
158   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
159   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
160   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
161   $50,000 to $74,999      Divorced     Metro area     South
162     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
163 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
164 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
165 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
166   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
167   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
168     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
169     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
170     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
171 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
172   $25,000 to $49,999 Never married     Metro area     South
173   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
174     $150,000 or more Never married     Metro area     South
175   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area     South
176   $50,000 to $74,999      Divorced Non-metro area     South
177     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
178   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
179   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married Non-metro area      West
180   $75,000 to $99,999      Divorced     Metro area      West
181   $25,000 to $49,999 Never married     Metro area   MidWest
182   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
183     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
184   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
185   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
186   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
187   $25,000 to $49,999       Widowed Non-metro area     South
188 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
189 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
190 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
191 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
192     $150,000 or more     Separated     Metro area     South
193   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area     South
194   $10,000 to $24,999      Divorced     Metro area   MidWest
195 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
196   $25,000 to $49,999 Never married     Metro area NorthEast
197 $100,000 to $149,999     Separated     Metro area      West
198 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
199   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area NorthEast
200 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
201 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
202   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married Non-metro area     South
203   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
204   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
205 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
206   $50,000 to $74,999     Separated     Metro area      West
207   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
208   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
209   $10,000 to $24,999 Never married     Metro area   MidWest
210   $25,000 to $49,999       Widowed     Metro area     South
211   $50,000 to $74,999 Never married     Metro area   MidWest
212   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
213   $25,000 to $49,999 Never married Non-metro area   MidWest
214   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
215     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
216   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
217     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
218     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
219     $150,000 or more      Divorced     Metro area NorthEast
220   $10,000 to $24,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
221   $10,000 to $24,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
222 $100,000 to $149,999       Widowed     Metro area      West
223 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
224   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
225   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
226 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
227     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
228 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married Non-metro area     South
229   $25,000 to $49,999      Divorced Non-metro area      West
230   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
231   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
232 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
233     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
234   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
235   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
236   $50,000 to $74,999       Widowed Non-metro area NorthEast
237   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
238   $25,000 to $49,999       Widowed     Metro area NorthEast
239   $75,000 to $99,999      Divorced     Metro area     South
240 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
241     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
242   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
243   $75,000 to $99,999       Widowed     Metro area   MidWest
244   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
245   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
246   $25,000 to $49,999       Widowed     Metro area NorthEast
247   $10,000 to $24,999      Divorced     Metro area     South
248   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
249   $10,000 to $24,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
250     $150,000 or more   Now Married Non-metro area      West
251     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
252     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
253   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
254   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
255     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
256     $150,000 or more Never married     Metro area     South
257   $25,000 to $49,999 Never married     Metro area   MidWest
258   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
259   $25,000 to $49,999      Divorced     Metro area     South
260     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
261     $150,000 or more   Now Married Non-metro area     South
262     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
263     $150,000 or more      Divorced     Metro area     South
264 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
265 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
266   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
267   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
268   $25,000 to $49,999       Widowed     Metro area      West
269   $50,000 to $74,999       Widowed Non-metro area     South
270     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
271   $75,000 to $99,999 Never married     Metro area NorthEast
272 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
273   $50,000 to $74,999 Never married     Metro area     South
274   $25,000 to $49,999      Divorced     Metro area   MidWest
275   $25,000 to $49,999       Widowed     Metro area     South
276     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
277 $100,000 to $149,999 Never married     Metro area      West
278   $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
279 $100,000 to $149,999      Divorced     Metro area NorthEast
280   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
281     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
282     $150,000 or more       Widowed     Metro area      West
283     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
284   $25,000 to $49,999       Widowed     Metro area     South
285   $10,000 to $24,999     Separated     Metro area     South
286 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
287 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
288   $50,000 to $74,999 Never married     Metro area      West
289 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
290   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
291     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
292   $50,000 to $74,999      Divorced     Metro area     South
293     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
294 $100,000 to $149,999 Never married     Metro area      West
295   $50,000 to $74,999      Divorced     Metro area      West
296   $10,000 to $24,999       Widowed     Metro area      West
297 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
298   $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
299   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
300   $50,000 to $74,999 Never married     Metro area      West
301   $25,000 to $49,999       Widowed Non-metro area   MidWest
302     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
303   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area      West
304     $150,000 or more      Divorced     Metro area   MidWest
305   $50,000 to $74,999       Widowed     Metro area      West
306 $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married Non-metro area NorthEast
307     $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
308   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married Non-metro area   MidWest
309   $10,000 to $24,999   Now Married     Metro area      West
310   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
311   $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area NorthEast
312     $150,000 or more Never married     Metro area     South
313   $75,000 to $99,999      Divorced     Metro area NorthEast
1   Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
2   Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
3   Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
4   Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
5   Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
6   Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
7   Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
8   Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
9                       Occupied without payment of cash rent
10                                            Rented for cash
11  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
12                                            Rented for cash
13  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
14  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
15  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
16  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
17  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
18  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
19  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
20  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
21  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
22  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
23  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
24  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
25  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
26  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
27  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
28  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
29  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
30  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
31  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
32                                            Rented for cash
33  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
34                                            Rented for cash
35  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
36  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
37  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
38  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
39  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
40  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
41  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
42                                            Rented for cash
43  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
44  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
45  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
46  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
47  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
48  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
49  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
50                      Occupied without payment of cash rent
51                                            Rented for cash
52  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
53  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
54  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
55  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
56  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
57  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
58  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
59  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
60  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
61  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
62  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
63  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
64  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
65  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
66  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
67  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
68  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
69                                            Rented for cash
70  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
71  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
72  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
73  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
74  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
75  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
76  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
77  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
78  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
79  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
80                                            Rented for cash
81  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
82  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
83  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
84  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
85  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
86                                            Rented for cash
87  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
88  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
89                                            Rented for cash
90  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
91  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
92  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
93  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
94  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
95  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
96  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
97  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
98  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
99  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
100 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
101 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
102                                           Rented for cash
103 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
104 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
105 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
106 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
107 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
108 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
109 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
110 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
111 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
112 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
113 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
114 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
115                                           Rented for cash
116 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
117 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
118 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
119 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
120 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
121 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
122                     Occupied without payment of cash rent
123 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
124 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
125 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
126 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
127 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
128 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
129 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
130 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
131 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
132 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
133 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
134 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
135 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
136 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
137 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
138                                           Rented for cash
139                                           Rented for cash
140                                           Rented for cash
141 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
142 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
143 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
144 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
145 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
146 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
147 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
148                                           Rented for cash
149 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
150 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
151 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
152 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
153                                           Rented for cash
154 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
155                                           Rented for cash
156 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
157 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
158 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
159 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
160 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
161 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
162 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
163 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
164 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
165 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
166                                           Rented for cash
167 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
168 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
169 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
170 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
171 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
172                                           Rented for cash
173 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
174 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
175 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
176 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
177 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
178 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
179                                           Rented for cash
180 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
181                                           Rented for cash
182 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
183 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
184 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
185                                           Rented for cash
186 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
187 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
188 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
189 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
190                                           Rented for cash
191 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
192 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
193 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
194 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
195 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
196 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
197                                           Rented for cash
198 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
199 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
200 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
201 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
202 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
203 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
204                                           Rented for cash
205 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
206 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
207 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
208 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
209                                           Rented for cash
210 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
211 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
212                                           Rented for cash
213 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
214 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
215 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
216 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
217 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
218 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
219                                           Rented for cash
220 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
221 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
222 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
223 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
224                                           Rented for cash
225 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
226                                           Rented for cash
227 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
228 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
229 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
230 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
231 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
232 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
233 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
234 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
235                                           Rented for cash
236 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
237                                           Rented for cash
238 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
239 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
240 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
241 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
242 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
243 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
244 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
245 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
246 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
247                                           Rented for cash
248 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
249 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
250 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
251                                           Rented for cash
252 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
253 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
254 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
255 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
256 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
257                                           Rented for cash
258 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
259 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
260 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
261 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
262 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
263 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
264 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
265 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
266 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
267 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
268 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
269 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
270 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
271 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
272 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
273 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
274                                           Rented for cash
275 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
276 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
277 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
278                                           Rented for cash
279                                           Rented for cash
280 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
281 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
282 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
283 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
284                                           Rented for cash
285                                           Rented for cash
286 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
287 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
288 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
289 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
290 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
291 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
292 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
293 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
294 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
295 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
296 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
297 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
298 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
299 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
300 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
301 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
302 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
303 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
304 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
305 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
306 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
307 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
308 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
309 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
310 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
311 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
312 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
313 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household
                ppstaten                              PPWORKA          ppemploy
1                Florida                              Retired       Not working
2               Kentucky                              Retired       Not working
3                Florida                              Retired       Not working
4           Pennsylvania                              Retired       Not working
5               Michigan                              Retired       Not working
6               Missouri Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
7                Georgia                              Retired       Not working
8             Washington                            Homemaker       Not working
9           Pennsylvania                                Other       Not working
10              Maryland Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
11            California                              Retired       Not working
12               Arizona Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
13                 Texas                              Retired       Not working
14            New Jersey Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
15          North Dakota Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
16              Michigan                              Retired       Not working
17              Michigan                              Retired       Not working
18         Massachusetts Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
19                Oregon Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
20            California                              Retired       Not working
21                 Texas                              Retired       Not working
22              Arkansas                              Retired       Not working
23        South Carolina                              Retired       Not working
24          Pennsylvania                              Retired       Not working
25             Tennessee Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
26               Arizona                            Homemaker       Not working
27                Hawaii                              Retired       Not working
28                 Texas Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
29          Pennsylvania Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
30              Colorado                        Self-employed Working full-time
31             Louisiana Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
32               Georgia                            Homemaker       Not working
33                 Texas                              Retired       Not working
34              Virginia                                Other Working full-time
35               Georgia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
36             Wisconsin                              Retired       Not working
37             Wisconsin                              Retired       Not working
38               Vermont                              Retired       Not working
39               Florida                              Retired       Not working
40                  Ohio                        Self-employed Working full-time
41          Pennsylvania                              Retired       Not working
42              Missouri                              Retired       Not working
43        North Carolina                              Retired       Not working
44            New Jersey                              Retired       Not working
45              New York Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
46              Kentucky                              Retired       Not working
47                 Texas                              Retired       Not working
48                Nevada Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
49                  Ohio                              Retired       Not working
50              Michigan                              Retired       Not working
51               Arizona                              Retired       Not working
52                 Texas                              Retired       Not working
53              New York                              Retired       Not working
54               Florida                              Retired Working part-time
55              Nebraska                              Retired       Not working
56                Hawaii                              Retired       Not working
57                 Idaho                              Retired       Not working
58           Connecticut                              Retired       Not working
59                  Ohio                              Retired       Not working
60             Louisiana Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
61        South Carolina                              Retired       Not working
62             Wisconsin Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
63              Kentucky                              Retired       Not working
64          Pennsylvania                              Retired       Not working
65               Florida                              Retired       Not working
66               Florida Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
67          Pennsylvania Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
68                  Ohio                            Homemaker       Not working
69              New York                        Self-employed Working full-time
70                 Texas                              Retired       Not working
71               Alabama                              Retired       Not working
72            California                            Homemaker       Not working
73             Minnesota                              Retired       Not working
74              Illinois Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
75              Illinois                        Self-employed Working part-time
76              Colorado                              Retired       Not working
77              Illinois Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
78            New Jersey                              Retired       Not working
79               Montana                              Retired       Not working
80                  Utah Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
81            New Mexico                              Retired       Not working
82                Nevada                              Retired       Not working
83              Michigan                            Homemaker       Not working
84                  Ohio Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
85               Florida Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
86              Maryland                              Retired       Not working
87               Florida Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
88              Arkansas Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
89            California                              Retired Working part-time
90              Oklahoma                   Currently laid off       Not working
91              New York                              Retired       Not working
92                  Ohio Employed part-time (by someone else) Working full-time
93            New Mexico Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
94          Pennsylvania                              Retired       Not working
95                 Texas Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
96              Michigan                              Retired       Not working
97                  Ohio                              Retired       Not working
98              Illinois                              Retired       Not working
99            California                              Retired       Not working
100           California                        Self-employed Working full-time
101               Oregon                                Other Working full-time
102                 Ohio                              Retired       Not working
103           Washington                              Retired       Not working
104            Wisconsin                                Other Working part-time
105        Massachusetts Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
106           New Jersey Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
107              Georgia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
108                 Ohio                              Retired       Not working
109             Michigan                              Retired       Not working
110              Alabama Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
111              Arizona Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
112           California Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
113              Georgia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
114           California                              Retired       Not working
115             Oklahoma                              Retired Working full-time
116           New Jersey                              Retired       Not working
117              Arizona Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
118              Florida                              Retired       Not working
119              Florida                              Retired       Not working
120                 Utah Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
121            Louisiana Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
122           California Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
123              Georgia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
124               Oregon                              Retired       Not working
125              Indiana                              Retired       Not working
126       North Carolina Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
127                Texas                              Retired       Not working
128              Georgia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
129               Hawaii Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
130       North Carolina Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
131           Washington Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
132            Tennessee                              Retired       Not working
133             Missouri                              Retired       Not working
134       South Carolina                        Self-employed Working part-time
135              Florida                              Retired       Not working
136            Wisconsin                              Retired       Not working
137             Kentucky                        Self-employed Working full-time
138                Texas Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
139         Pennsylvania Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
140           California                              Retired Working full-time
141           Washington                              Retired       Not working
142                Texas                              Retired       Not working
143             Illinois Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
144             Michigan                              Retired       Not working
145              Florida                              Retired       Not working
146                 Utah                        Self-employed Working part-time
147              Florida Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
148               Oregon                              Retired       Not working
149              Alabama Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
150             Kentucky                              Retired       Not working
151             Virginia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
152              Arizona                            Homemaker Working full-time
153           New Jersey Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
154           California                              Retired Working part-time
155         Pennsylvania Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
156                 Ohio                              Retired       Not working
157         Pennsylvania                              Retired       Not working
158          Mississippi                              Retired       Not working
159             Nebraska                              Retired       Not working
160        Massachusetts                            Homemaker Working full-time
161              Florida                              Retired       Not working
162                Texas                              Retired Working part-time
163        Massachusetts                              Retired       Not working
164             Illinois Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
165       North Carolina                              Retired       Not working
166           California Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
167                Texas                              Retired       Not working
168             Virginia                              Retired       Not working
169         Pennsylvania                              Retired       Not working
170        Massachusetts                        Self-employed Working part-time
171             Illinois Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
172             Arkansas                              Retired Working part-time
173             Arkansas Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
174            Tennessee Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
175             Kentucky                              Retired       Not working
176              Georgia                              Retired       Not working
177               Nevada                              Retired       Not working
178           California                              Retired       Not working
179               Oregon                              Retired       Not working
180           California                              Retired       Not working
181             Michigan                              Retired       Not working
182         Pennsylvania                              Retired       Not working
183                Texas Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
184           Washington                            Homemaker       Not working
185             Delaware                              Retired       Not working
186           New Jersey                            Homemaker       Not working
187             Virginia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
188       North Carolina                              Retired       Not working
189           New Jersey Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
190             Virginia                              Retired Working part-time
191       South Carolina Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
192             Virginia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
193             Oklahoma                              Retired Working part-time
194                 Ohio                              Retired       Not working
195            Wisconsin Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
196           New Jersey                   Currently laid off       Not working
197           California Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
198           New Jersey                              Retired       Not working
199         Pennsylvania                              Retired       Not working
200        Massachusetts Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
201           California                              Retired       Not working
202       North Carolina Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
203              Florida                              Retired       Not working
204           California Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
205 District of Columbia                              Retired       Not working
206           California                                Other Working full-time
207       South Carolina                              Retired       Not working
208         South Dakota Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
209             Illinois                   Currently laid off       Not working
210        West Virginia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
211             Illinois                        Self-employed Working full-time
212              Arizona Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
213             Michigan                              Retired       Not working
214              Florida                              Retired       Not working
215             Illinois Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
216             New York                              Retired       Not working
217             New York                              Retired       Not working
218              Georgia                            Homemaker       Not working
219           New Jersey                        Self-employed Working full-time
220       South Carolina                              Retired       Not working
221             Missouri                            Homemaker       Not working
222               Oregon                        Self-employed Working full-time
223           California                              Retired       Not working
224           California                            Homemaker       Not working
225              Florida                        Self-employed Working part-time
226                 Ohio Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
227        Massachusetts                              Retired Working part-time
228       North Carolina Employed full-time (by someone else)       Not working
229              Montana                              Retired       Not working
230              Georgia                              Retired       Not working
231             Michigan                              Retired       Not working
232             Maryland Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
233         Pennsylvania                        Self-employed Working full-time
234        Massachusetts Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
235           California                            Homemaker       Not working
236                Maine                              Retired       Not working
237           California                              Retired Working full-time
238        Massachusetts                              Retired       Not working
239              Florida Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
240              Arizona                              Retired       Not working
241             Michigan Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
242               Kansas                        Self-employed Working full-time
243         North Dakota                              Retired       Not working
244             Illinois                              Retired       Not working
245                 Ohio Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
246           New Jersey Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
247              Florida                   Currently laid off       Not working
248                 Iowa Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
249       North Carolina                            Homemaker Working part-time
250           California Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
251             Illinois                              Retired       Not working
252           California                              Retired       Not working
253              Arizona                              Retired Working part-time
254              Indiana                            Homemaker       Not working
255           California                        Self-employed Working full-time
256             Virginia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
257              Indiana Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
258              Florida                              Retired       Not working
259                Texas                              Retired       Not working
260       North Carolina                        Self-employed Working part-time
261                Texas Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
262             New York                              Retired       Not working
263             Virginia                              Retired       Not working
264             Michigan Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
265             Michigan                              Retired       Not working
266             Virginia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
267             Virginia                                Other       Not working
268              Arizona                              Retired       Not working
269             Arkansas Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
270           California                            Homemaker       Not working
271         Pennsylvania                              Retired       Not working
272           New Jersey                              Retired       Not working
273              Florida Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
274             Nebraska                                Other       Not working
275                Texas                              Retired       Not working
276       South Carolina Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
277           California                              Retired       Not working
278             Virginia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
279             New York Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
280                Idaho                              Retired       Not working
281                 Ohio                              Retired       Not working
282           California Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
283          Connecticut                              Retired       Not working
284              Georgia Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
285              Florida                              Retired       Not working
286             New York Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
287                Texas                   Currently laid off Working full-time
288           California                                Other       Not working
289                Texas                              Retired       Not working
290            Minnesota                              Retired       Not working
291           Washington Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
292                Texas Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
293           Washington Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
294           Washington                              Retired       Not working
295           Washington Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
296              Arizona                              Retired       Not working
297           California                        Self-employed Working part-time
298       South Carolina                              Retired       Not working
299             Oklahoma                              Retired       Not working
300             Colorado                                Other       Not working
301                 Iowa                              Retired Working part-time
302             Maryland                              Retired       Not working
303           New Mexico                              Retired Working part-time
304            Minnesota Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
305           California Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
306         Pennsylvania Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
307           Washington Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
308         North Dakota                              Retired       Not working
309           California Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time
310             Kentucky                              Retired       Not working
311          Connecticut                              Retired       Not working
312              Florida Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
313        New Hampshire Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time
          Q1_a       Q1_b       Q1_c       Q1_d       Q1_e       Q1_f
1      Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve Disapprove
2      Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
3   Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
4      Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
5      Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
6      Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve
7      Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
8      Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove
9   Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
10     Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove
11     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
12  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
13  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
14  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
15  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
16  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
17  Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve
18     Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
19     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
20  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
21     Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
22  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
23  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
24  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
25  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
26  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
27  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
28  Disapprove Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
29     Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
30     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
31     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
32     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
33  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
34     Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
35     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
36     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
37     Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
38  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
39     Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
40     Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
41  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
42  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
43     Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
44     Approve    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped
45     Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
46  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
47  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
48     Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
49     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
50     Skipped Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
51  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
52     Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove
53  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
54     Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve
55  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
56  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
57  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
58     Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
59     Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
60  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
61     Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
62  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
63     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
64     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
65  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
66  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
67  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
68     Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
69     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
70  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
71  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
72  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
73     Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
74     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
75     Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
76  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
77     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
78     Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
79     Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
80  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
81  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
82  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
83     Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
84  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
85  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
86     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
87  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
88     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
89  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
90  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
91     Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove
92  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
93     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
94     Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve
95     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
96  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
97  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
98     Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
99  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
100    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
101    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
102    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve Disapprove
103    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
104    Approve    Skipped    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
105    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
106    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
107 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
108    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve
109    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
110    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
111    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
112    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
113    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
114    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
115    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
116    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
117    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve    Approve
118    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
119    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
120    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
121    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve
122 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
123 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
124    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
125    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
126    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped
127    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
128 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
129    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
130    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
131 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
132    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
133    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
134 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
135    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
136 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
137 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
138 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
139 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
140    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
141 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
142    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
143    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
144 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve
145    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
146 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
147    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
148    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
149    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
150 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
151    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
152 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
153    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
154    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
155    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
156    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Skipped    Approve
157    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Skipped Disapprove
158 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
159    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove
160 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
161    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve
162    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
163    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
164    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
165 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
166    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
167 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
168    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
169 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
170    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
171    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
172    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
173    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
174 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
175 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
176    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
177 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
178    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve
179 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
180    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
181    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve
182    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
183 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
184    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped
185 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
186    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
187 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
188    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
189 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
190    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
191    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
192    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
193 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
194    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
195    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
196    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
197    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
198 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
199 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
200    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
201    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve
202 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
203    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
204    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
205    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
206    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
207 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
208 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
209 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
210 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
211 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
212    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove
213    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
214    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
215    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
216 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
217 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
218 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
219    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
220    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
221    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
222    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Skipped    Approve    Approve
223    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve
224 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
225    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
226 Disapprove Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
227    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
228    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
229    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve
230    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
231    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
232    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
233 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
234    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
235    Approve    Approve    Approve    Skipped    Approve Disapprove
236 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
237 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
238 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
239 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
240 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
241 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
242 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
243 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
244 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
245 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
246 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
247    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
248    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
249    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove
250 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
251    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
252    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
253    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
254    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
255    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Skipped    Approve Disapprove
256    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
257    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
258 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
259 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
260    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
261    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
262    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
263    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
264    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
265    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
266    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped
267 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
268    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
269    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve Disapprove
270 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
271 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
272    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
273    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
274    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
275    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
276    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
277    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
278    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
279 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
280 Disapprove Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
281    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
282    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
283    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
284    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
285    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
286 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
287 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
288    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
289    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
290    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
291 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
292    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve
293    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
294    Approve Disapprove    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
295    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
296    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped
297    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
298 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
299    Approve    Skipped    Skipped    Skipped Disapprove    Skipped
300    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
301    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
302    Approve Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
303    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
304 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
305    Approve    Approve    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
306    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve
307 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
308 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
309    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
310 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
311    Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve
312 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove
313    Approve Disapprove Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Disapprove
                      Q2      Q3          Q4          Q5           QPID ABCAGE
1       Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
2     Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
3         Very concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic Something else    65+
4     Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent Pessimistic An Independent    65+
5     Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
6       Not so concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
7         Very concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat    65+
8     Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic An Independent    65+
9     Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
10      Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
11        Very concerned      No        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat    65+
12  Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
13      Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
14        Very concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
15    Somewhat concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
16    Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
17      Not so concerned      No        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
18    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
19        Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
20      Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
21    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
22    Somewhat concerned      No        Good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
23      Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
24      Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
25    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
26      Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic Something else    65+
27    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
28    Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
29    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic   A Republican  50-64
30      Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
31        Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
32        Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
33    Somewhat concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
34      Not so concerned      No        Good Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
35    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
36    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
37      Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
38      Not so concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
39      Not so concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
40      Not so concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic An Independent    65+
41    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
42      Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
43    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
44    Somewhat concerned     Yes     Skipped     Skipped        Skipped    65+
45        Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
46        Very concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
47    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
48        Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
49        Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
50    Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
51      Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
52    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic   A Republican    65+
53    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
54  Not concerned at all     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
55    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
56    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
57      Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
58    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
59    Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
60    Somewhat concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
61    Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic     A Democrat    65+
62      Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
63    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic   A Republican    65+
64        Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
65      Not so concerned Skipped        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
66      Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
67      Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
68    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic   A Republican    65+
69        Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
70  Not concerned at all      No        Poor Pessimistic     A Democrat  50-64
71        Very concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
72      Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
73        Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic   A Republican    65+
74    Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
75      Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic   A Republican  50-64
76    Somewhat concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
77    Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
78    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
79      Not so concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
80  Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
81  Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
82    Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
83    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
84      Not so concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
85      Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
86    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
87      Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
88        Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
89  Not concerned at all      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
90        Very concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
91      Not so concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
92    Somewhat concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
93    Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
94    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
95      Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic Something else  50-64
96      Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
97  Not concerned at all     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
98    Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
99    Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
100     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
101   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
102   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
103   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
104       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
105       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
106   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent Pessimistic     A Democrat  50-64
107   Somewhat concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
108   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
109   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
110       Very concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
111     Not so concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
112   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
113       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
114       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
115   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
116     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
117     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
118       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
119   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
120   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
121   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
122   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
123     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
124     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
125   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
126     Not so concerned     Yes     Skipped  Optimistic   A Republican  50-64
127   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic   A Republican    65+
128   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
129   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
130   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat  50-64
131     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
132     Not so concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
133   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
134 Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
135   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
136     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
137     Not so concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
138 Not concerned at all      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
139     Not so concerned      No Not so good Pessimistic Something else  50-64
140   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
141 Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
142       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic   A Republican  50-64
143     Not so concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
144     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor  Optimistic Something else    65+
145       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
146   Somewhat concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
147     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
148   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
149       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
150   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
151     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
152   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
153       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
154       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic An Independent    65+
155   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat  50-64
156   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
157   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
158     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
159   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic   A Republican    65+
160   Somewhat concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
161   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
162   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
163   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
164     Not so concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
165 Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
166   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
167       Very concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic     A Democrat    65+
168     Not so concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
169 Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
170   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
171       Very concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
172       Very concerned      No   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
173   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
174   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
175     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor  Optimistic   A Republican    65+
176       Very concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat    65+
177     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
178   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
179   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
180     Not so concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
181   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic Something else    65+
182 Not concerned at all     Yes Not so good  Optimistic   A Republican    65+
183     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
184       Very concerned      No     Skipped Pessimistic Something else  50-64
185   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic Something else    65+
186       Very concerned     Yes Not so good  Optimistic   A Republican  50-64
187     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
188       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
189     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
190   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
191     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
192   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
193 Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
194   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
195   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
196       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
197   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
198 Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
199   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
200       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
201   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
202     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
203   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
204   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
205       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic An Independent    65+
206   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
207   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
208   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
209 Not concerned at all      No Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
210   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
211     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
212   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
213   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
214       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
215       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
216 Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
217     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
218     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
219     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
220       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic Something else    65+
221   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic     A Democrat    65+
222     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
223   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
224       Very concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
225       Very concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat  50-64
226   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good  Optimistic   A Republican  50-64
227       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
228       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
229   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
230   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
231   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
232     Not so concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
233 Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
234     Not so concerned     Yes Not so good  Optimistic   A Republican  50-64
235     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic   A Republican  50-64
236   Somewhat concerned Skipped        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
237     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
238     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
239     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic Something else  50-64
240 Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
241     Not so concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
242     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
243   Somewhat concerned Skipped        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
244     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
245 Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
246   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
247   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic Something else  50-64
248   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
249   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
250     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
251   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
252       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
253       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
254   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
255       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
256       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
257     Not so concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat  50-64
258     Not so concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
259     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
260       Very concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat  50-64
261     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
262     Not so concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
263   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
264 Not concerned at all     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
265     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
266     Not so concerned     Yes     Skipped Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
267   Somewhat concerned      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
268   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
269   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic Something else  50-64
270 Not concerned at all      No        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
271       Very concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
272   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat    65+
273   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
274   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
275       Very concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
276   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
277   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
278     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
279     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
280     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent    65+
281     Not so concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
282   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat    65+
283     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
284   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic     A Democrat  50-64
285       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
286 Not concerned at all      No        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
287     Not so concerned      No Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
288   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
289   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
290 Not concerned at all     Yes        Good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
291   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
292 Not concerned at all      No        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
293   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
294   Somewhat concerned      No   Excellent Pessimistic     A Democrat    65+
295   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic An Independent  50-64
296       Very concerned     Yes Not so good     Skipped Something else    65+
297     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
298     Not so concerned     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
299   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
300       Very concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
301     Not so concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
302     Not so concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
303   Somewhat concerned     Yes   Excellent Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
304     Not so concerned      No     Skipped Pessimistic   A Republican  50-64
305   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good Pessimistic Something else    65+
306     Not so concerned     Yes   Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
307 Not concerned at all     Yes        Poor Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
308       Very concerned      No Not so good Pessimistic   A Republican    65+
309   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
310   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent    65+
311   Somewhat concerned     Yes        Good  Optimistic     A Democrat  50-64
312 Not concerned at all     Yes Not so good  Optimistic   A Republican  50-64
313   Somewhat concerned     Yes Not so good Pessimistic An Independent  50-64
                                   Contact weights_pid
1   No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6382
2   No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5493
3   No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8488
4      Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.8126
5   No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4994
6   No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4043
7      Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.3350
8      Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6686
9   No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9802
10     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.4312
11  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.3791
12  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7806
13  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9526
14  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6934
15  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7116
16  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0967
17  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5569
18     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7256
19  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4520
20  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5786
21  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8143
22  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6996
23     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.4123
24  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6217
25  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7486
26  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9896
27  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6934
28  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.2767
29  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6934
30     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6980
31     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6346
32  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.5368
33  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8383
34  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8617
35  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4555
36  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4188
37  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.3495
38     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7631
39  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9196
40     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5744
41  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8202
42     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5948
43     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6133
44  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0215
45     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5507
46     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.8891
47  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0489
48     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7350
49     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5577
50  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8848
51     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7707
52  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7786
53  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8497
54  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4005
55     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9865
56  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9196
57     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9582
58  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5720
59  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8515
60  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5717
61  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5938
62  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9111
63  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8891
64  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5162
65  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6351
66  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6582
67     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6739
68  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7758
69     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.4330
70     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.6470
71  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8462
72  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1587
73     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6201
74  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4763
75     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9322
76  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9582
77     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.4038
78     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.8914
79  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9582
80  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5206
81     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6023
82  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7061
83     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.0721
84  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7901
85     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6826
86     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.8461
87  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8181
88  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8408
89     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6453
90  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8437
91     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5324
92     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.0406
93     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.3002
94  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4643
95  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1183
96     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6413
97  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0409
98  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5769
99  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7535
100 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0462
101 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8259
102 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9049
103 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5683
104    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6673
105 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0638
106    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.3743
107 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8249
108 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6580
109 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6061
110 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8672
111    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.3922
112 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8493
113    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.6103
114 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5985
115 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5266
116 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5324
117 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6446
118    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6170
119 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9196
120 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7885
121 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.5897
122 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9773
123 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6582
124 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6673
125    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.4330
126 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6743
127 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5826
128 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7887
129    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7603
130 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5643
131    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.4501
132    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.8617
133    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.4023
134 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4948
135 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6143
136 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8848
137 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6582
138 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1928
139    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9977
140    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.1315
141 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1193
142 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6039
143 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7640
144 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0124
145    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5148
146    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6423
147 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      2.2728
148 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8256
149 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4878
150 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6826
151    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5717
152 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      2.2466
153 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      2.2064
154 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5579
155 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4259
156 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5334
157 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5712
158 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5126
159 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7218
160 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1562
161 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0140
162 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4005
163    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      2.0430
164 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5318
165    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7419
166 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.3210
167 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5148
168 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5493
169 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8879
170 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4415
171 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5957
172    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      2.1664
173 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8752
174 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5311
175 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8272
176    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.4298
177 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.2043
178 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.5909
179 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6611
180    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5206
181 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1163
182 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6298
183 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6406
184 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0703
185 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1602
186 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8618
187 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0211
188 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5148
189    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6934
190 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.3732
191 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8158
192 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6039
193    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7269
194    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9835
195 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5641
196 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.9322
197    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.8116
198    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.4797
199 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7378
200 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.3618
201 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9340
202 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7591
203    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.5368
204 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8156
205 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6133
206 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6267
207 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5901
208 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9604
209 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5292
210 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8462
211 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1110
212 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9451
213    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.4962
214 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5595
215 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4038
216 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8618
217    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.4296
218 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7578
219    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5324
220 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      2.8575
221 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5568
222    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9836
223 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8778
224 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.3530
225 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.2378
226    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6882
227    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5083
228    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7590
229    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7922
230 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6826
231    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7116
232    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6582
233 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5374
234    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6609
235    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.9662
236 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6409
237 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7183
238 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8484
239 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.1026
240 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7172
241 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6315
242    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7303
243 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6706
244    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7648
245 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0223
246 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6556
247 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      2.3801
248    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5126
249    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7889
250 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4838
251 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4821
252 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0239
253    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.4542
254 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7962
255 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4068
256    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.3862
257    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6434
258    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9651
259    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6497
260 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4005
261    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5905
262 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0711
263    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5493
264    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5318
265    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5174
266 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6986
267 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8158
268 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8515
269 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9065
270 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.4205
271    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6217
272 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4165
273    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9776
274    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6434
275    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5101
276    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.8617
277 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4364
278    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.3333
279 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5522
280    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9361
281 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5744
282    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.4683
283    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.3240
284 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.9050
285    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7849
286    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7125
287 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7153
288 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.4336
289    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7508
290 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5901
291    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5200
292    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.3005
293    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.3922
294 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4542
295 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0174
296 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      1.0567
297 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6806
298    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.0489
299    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.8129
300 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7745
301 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6209
302 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4431
303 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9466
304 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7901
305    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.1392
306 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5280
307 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5579
308 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.7218
309    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.3298
310 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.9196
311    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9738
312    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.5544
313 No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8393

Slice the lowest age values in abc_poll_2021

abc_poll_2021 %>%
  arrange('ABCAGE') %>%
        id xspanish complete_status ppage
1  7230001  English       qualified    68
2  7230002  English       qualified    85
3  7230003  English       qualified    69
4  7230004  English       qualified    74
5  7230005  English       qualified    77
6  7230006  English       qualified    70
7  7230007  English       qualified    26
8  7230008  English       qualified    76
9  7230009  English       qualified    78
10 7230010  English       qualified    47
1  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
2                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
3  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
4                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
5  High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
6                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
7                                       Master\x92s degree or above
8                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
9                                              Bachelor\x92s degree
10                                      Master\x92s degree or above
                     ppeducat ppgender              ppethm pphhsize
1                 High school   Female White, Non-Hispanic        2
2  Bachelors degree or higher     Male White, Non-Hispanic        2
3                 High school     Male White, Non-Hispanic        2
4  Bachelors degree or higher   Female White, Non-Hispanic        1
5                 High school     Male White, Non-Hispanic        3
6  Bachelors degree or higher     Male White, Non-Hispanic        2
7  Bachelors degree or higher     Male Other, Non-Hispanic        3
8  Bachelors degree or higher     Male Black, Non-Hispanic        2
9  Bachelors degree or higher   Female White, Non-Hispanic        2
10 Bachelors degree or higher     Male Other, Non-Hispanic        4
                 ppinc7      ppmarit5       ppmsacat    ppreg4
1    $25,000 to $49,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
2      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area     South
3  $100,000 to $149,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
4    $25,000 to $49,999      Divorced     Metro area NorthEast
5    $10,000 to $24,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
6    $75,000 to $99,999   Now Married     Metro area   MidWest
7      $150,000 or more Never married     Metro area NorthEast
8    $50,000 to $74,999   Now Married     Metro area     South
9      $150,000 or more   Now Married     Metro area      West
10     $150,000 or more   Now Married Non-metro area NorthEast
                                                      pprent      ppstaten
1  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household       Florida
2  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household      Kentucky
3  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household       Florida
4  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household  Pennsylvania
5  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household      Michigan
6  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household      Missouri
7  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household    New Jersey
8  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household       Georgia
9  Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household    Washington
10 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household New Hampshire
                                PPWORKA          ppemploy       Q1_a       Q1_b
1                               Retired       Not working    Approve    Approve
2                               Retired       Not working    Approve    Approve
3                               Retired       Not working Disapprove Disapprove
4                               Retired       Not working    Approve    Approve
5                               Retired       Not working    Approve    Approve
6  Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time    Approve    Approve
7  Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time    Approve Disapprove
8                               Retired       Not working    Approve    Approve
9                             Homemaker       Not working    Approve    Approve
10 Employed full-time (by someone else) Working full-time Disapprove Disapprove
         Q1_c       Q1_d       Q1_e       Q1_f                 Q2  Q3
1  Disapprove    Approve    Approve Disapprove   Not so concerned Yes
2     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Somewhat concerned Yes
3  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve     Very concerned Yes
4     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Somewhat concerned Yes
5     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Somewhat concerned Yes
6     Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve   Not so concerned Yes
7  Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve Somewhat concerned Yes
8     Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve     Very concerned Yes
9     Approve Disapprove    Approve Disapprove Somewhat concerned Yes
10 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve     Very concerned Yes
            Q4          Q5           QPID ABCAGE
1         Good  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
2         Good  Optimistic An Independent    65+
3         Poor Pessimistic Something else    65+
4    Excellent Pessimistic An Independent    65+
5    Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
6    Excellent  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+
7  Not so good Pessimistic     A Democrat  18-29
8         Good Pessimistic     A Democrat    65+
9    Excellent  Optimistic An Independent    65+
10        Good Pessimistic An Independent  30-49
                                  Contact weights_pid
1  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.6382
2  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.5493
3  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.8488
4     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.8126
5  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4994
6  No, I am not willing to be interviewed      0.4043
7     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.9159
8     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      1.3350
9     Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.6686
10    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed      0.7541

Arranging abc_polls based on ppeduc5, Selecting columns ppeduc5 & ppinc7 then slice the top values

abc_poll_2021 %>%
  arrange(desc(ppinc7)) %>%
  select(ppeduc5, ppinc7) %>%
  group_by(ppeduc5) %>%
# A tibble: 5 × 2
# Groups:   ppeduc5 [5]
  ppeduc5                                                            ppinc7     
  <chr>                                                              <chr>      
1 "Bachelor\x92s degree"                                             Less than …
2 "High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)" Less than …
3 "Master\x92s degree or above"                                      $75,000 to…
4 "No high school diploma or GED"                                    $75,000 to…
5 "Some college or Associate degree"                                 Less than …

Briefly describe the data

The abc_poll_2021.csv dataset contains the results of a public opinion poll conducted by ABC News and the Washington Post in January 2021. It consists of 29 variables, including approval ratings for Biden and Harris, measures of public opinion on the pandemic and the economy, and attitudes towards policy proposals.

#Load data 
abc_poll_2021 <- read.csv("~/Desktop/601_Spring_2023/posts/_data/abc_poll_2021.csv")

# This function provides a structure of the data frame, including the number of rows and columns, variable names, and variable types.
'data.frame':   527 obs. of  31 variables:
 $ id             : int  7230001 7230002 7230003 7230004 7230005 7230006 7230007 7230008 7230009 7230010 ...
 $ xspanish       : chr  "English" "English" "English" "English" ...
 $ complete_status: chr  "qualified" "qualified" "qualified" "qualified" ...
 $ ppage          : int  68 85 69 74 77 70 26 76 78 47 ...
 $ ppeduc5        : chr  "High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)" "Bachelor\x92s degree" "High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)" "Bachelor\x92s degree" ...
 $ ppeducat       : chr  "High school" "Bachelors degree or higher" "High school" "Bachelors degree or higher" ...
 $ ppgender       : chr  "Female" "Male" "Male" "Female" ...
 $ ppethm         : chr  "White, Non-Hispanic" "White, Non-Hispanic" "White, Non-Hispanic" "White, Non-Hispanic" ...
 $ pphhsize       : chr  "2" "2" "2" "1" ...
 $ ppinc7         : chr  "$25,000 to $49,999" "$150,000 or more" "$100,000 to $149,999" "$25,000 to $49,999" ...
 $ ppmarit5       : chr  "Now Married" "Now Married" "Now Married" "Divorced" ...
 $ ppmsacat       : chr  "Metro area" "Metro area" "Metro area" "Metro area" ...
 $ ppreg4         : chr  "South" "South" "South" "NorthEast" ...
 $ pprent         : chr  "Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household" "Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household" "Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household" "Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household" ...
 $ ppstaten       : chr  "Florida" "Kentucky" "Florida" "Pennsylvania" ...
 $ PPWORKA        : chr  "Retired" "Retired" "Retired" "Retired" ...
 $ ppemploy       : chr  "Not working" "Not working" "Not working" "Not working" ...
 $ Q1_a           : chr  "Approve" "Approve" "Disapprove" "Approve" ...
 $ Q1_b           : chr  "Approve" "Approve" "Disapprove" "Approve" ...
 $ Q1_c           : chr  "Disapprove" "Approve" "Disapprove" "Approve" ...
 $ Q1_d           : chr  "Approve" "Approve" "Disapprove" "Approve" ...
 $ Q1_e           : chr  "Approve" "Approve" "Disapprove" "Approve" ...
 $ Q1_f           : chr  "Disapprove" "Approve" "Approve" "Approve" ...
 $ Q2             : chr  "Not so concerned" "Somewhat concerned" "Very concerned" "Somewhat concerned" ...
 $ Q3             : chr  "Yes" "Yes" "Yes" "Yes" ...
 $ Q4             : chr  "Good" "Good" "Poor" "Excellent" ...
 $ Q5             : chr  "Optimistic" "Optimistic" "Pessimistic" "Pessimistic" ...
 $ QPID           : chr  "A Democrat" "An Independent" "Something else" "An Independent" ...
 $ ABCAGE         : chr  "65+" "65+" "65+" "65+" ...
 $ Contact        : chr  "No, I am not willing to be interviewed" "No, I am not willing to be interviewed" "No, I am not willing to be interviewed" "Yes, I am willing to be interviewed" ...
 $ weights_pid    : num  0.638 0.549 0.849 0.813 0.499 ...
# This function displays the first few rows of the data frame, giving you a quick overview of what the data looks like.
       id xspanish complete_status ppage
1 7230001  English       qualified    68
2 7230002  English       qualified    85
3 7230003  English       qualified    69
4 7230004  English       qualified    74
5 7230005  English       qualified    77
6 7230006  English       qualified    70
1 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
2                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
3 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
4                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
5 High school graduate (high school diploma or the equivalent GED)
6                                             Bachelor\x92s degree
                    ppeducat ppgender              ppethm pphhsize
1                High school   Female White, Non-Hispanic        2
2 Bachelors degree or higher     Male White, Non-Hispanic        2
3                High school     Male White, Non-Hispanic        2
4 Bachelors degree or higher   Female White, Non-Hispanic        1
5                High school     Male White, Non-Hispanic        3
6 Bachelors degree or higher     Male White, Non-Hispanic        2
                ppinc7    ppmarit5   ppmsacat    ppreg4
1   $25,000 to $49,999 Now Married Metro area     South
2     $150,000 or more Now Married Metro area     South
3 $100,000 to $149,999 Now Married Metro area     South
4   $25,000 to $49,999    Divorced Metro area NorthEast
5   $10,000 to $24,999 Now Married Metro area   MidWest
6   $75,000 to $99,999 Now Married Metro area   MidWest
                                                     pprent     ppstaten
1 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household      Florida
2 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household     Kentucky
3 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household      Florida
4 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household Pennsylvania
5 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household     Michigan
6 Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household     Missouri
                               PPWORKA          ppemploy       Q1_a       Q1_b
1                              Retired       Not working    Approve    Approve
2                              Retired       Not working    Approve    Approve
3                              Retired       Not working Disapprove Disapprove
4                              Retired       Not working    Approve    Approve
5                              Retired       Not working    Approve    Approve
6 Employed part-time (by someone else) Working part-time    Approve    Approve
        Q1_c       Q1_d       Q1_e       Q1_f                 Q2  Q3        Q4
1 Disapprove    Approve    Approve Disapprove   Not so concerned Yes      Good
2    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Somewhat concerned Yes      Good
3 Disapprove Disapprove Disapprove    Approve     Very concerned Yes      Poor
4    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Somewhat concerned Yes Excellent
5    Approve    Approve    Approve    Approve Somewhat concerned Yes Excellent
6    Approve    Approve Disapprove    Approve   Not so concerned Yes Excellent
           Q5           QPID ABCAGE                                Contact
1  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+ No, I am not willing to be interviewed
2  Optimistic An Independent    65+ No, I am not willing to be interviewed
3 Pessimistic Something else    65+ No, I am not willing to be interviewed
4 Pessimistic An Independent    65+    Yes, I am willing to be interviewed
5  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+ No, I am not willing to be interviewed
6  Optimistic     A Democrat    65+ No, I am not willing to be interviewed
1      0.6382
2      0.5493
3      0.8488
4      0.8126
5      0.4994
6      0.4043
# This function provides summary statistics for each variable in the data frame, including the minimum, maximum, mean, and median values.
       id            xspanish         complete_status        ppage      
 Min.   :7230001   Length:527         Length:527         Min.   :18.00  
 1st Qu.:7230132   Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.:40.00  
 Median :7230264   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median :55.00  
 Mean   :7230264                                         Mean   :53.39  
 3rd Qu.:7230396                                         3rd Qu.:67.00  
 Max.   :7230527                                         Max.   :91.00  
   ppeduc5            ppeducat           ppgender            ppethm         
 Length:527         Length:527         Length:527         Length:527        
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
   pphhsize            ppinc7            ppmarit5           ppmsacat        
 Length:527         Length:527         Length:527         Length:527        
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
    ppreg4             pprent            ppstaten           PPWORKA         
 Length:527         Length:527         Length:527         Length:527        
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
   ppemploy             Q1_a               Q1_b               Q1_c          
 Length:527         Length:527         Length:527         Length:527        
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
     Q1_d               Q1_e               Q1_f                Q2           
 Length:527         Length:527         Length:527         Length:527        
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
      Q3                 Q4                 Q5                QPID          
 Length:527         Length:527         Length:527         Length:527        
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
    ABCAGE            Contact           weights_pid    
 Length:527         Length:527         Min.   :0.3240  
 Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.:0.6332  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median :0.8451  
                                       Mean   :1.0000  
                                       3rd Qu.:1.1516  
                                       Max.   :6.2553  
# This function displays the variable names in the data frame.
 [1] "id"              "xspanish"        "complete_status" "ppage"          
 [5] "ppeduc5"         "ppeducat"        "ppgender"        "ppethm"         
 [9] "pphhsize"        "ppinc7"          "ppmarit5"        "ppmsacat"       
[13] "ppreg4"          "pprent"          "ppstaten"        "PPWORKA"        
[17] "ppemploy"        "Q1_a"            "Q1_b"            "Q1_c"           
[21] "Q1_d"            "Q1_e"            "Q1_f"            "Q2"             
[25] "Q3"              "Q4"              "Q5"              "QPID"           
[29] "ABCAGE"          "Contact"         "weights_pid"    
# This function displays the number of rows and columns in the data frame.
[1] 527  31

Tidy Data (as needed)

Remove any unnecessary columns using select() function, keeping only the variables that are needed for analysis.

#Load data 
abc_poll_2021 <- read.csv("~/Desktop/601_Spring_2023/posts/_data/abc_poll_2021.csv")

# Check for missing values and handle them if necessary using functions below:

# Check for missing values
[1] 0
# Remove rows with missing values
df <- na.omit(df)

Tyding steps using Drop variables that are not needed for analysis using the select() function, Clean and transform the data as needed using functions such as gsub(), as.numeric(), and factor() and Rename variables if necessary using the rename() function from the dplyr package.

#Load data 
df <- read.csv("~/Desktop/601_Spring_2023/posts/_data/abc_poll_2021.csv")

# Drop the id and weights_pid variables
df <- select(abc_poll_2021, -c(id, weights_pid))

# Clean the ABCAGE variable
abc_poll_2021$ABCAGE <- as.numeric(gsub('[^0-9]+', '', abc_poll_2021$ABCAGE))


# Rename the ppgender variable to sex
df <- rename(abc_poll_2021, sex = ppgender)

We use the case_when() function to recode the abc_poll_2021.csv dataset into categorical values using logical expressions and a final expression that assigns NA if none are TRUE.

#Load data 
df <- read.csv("~/Desktop/601_Spring_2023/posts/_data/abc_poll_2021.csv")

# Recode the ppeducat variable
df <- mutate(df, education = case_when(
  ppeducat == 1 ~ "Less than high school",
  ppeducat == 2 ~ "High school graduate",
  ppeducat == 3 ~ "Some college/Associate degree",
  ppeducat == 4 ~ "Bachelor's degree",
  ppeducat == 5 ~ "Postgraduate degree",
  TRUE ~ NA_character_

# View the new education variable

We recoded the ppeduc5 variable into categorical values using the case_when() function and view the new education variable using head().


#Load data 
df <- read.csv("~/Desktop/601_Spring_2023/posts/_data/abc_poll_2021.csv")

# Recode the ppeduc5 variable
df <- mutate(df, education = case_when(
  ppeduc5 == 1 ~ "Less than high school",
  ppeduc5 == 2 ~ "High school graduate",
  ppeduc5 == 3 ~ "Some college, no degree",
  ppeduc5 == 4 ~ "Associate degree",
  ppeduc5 %in% c(5, 6) ~ "Bachelor's degree or higher",
  TRUE ~ NA_character_

# View the new education variable

Ethnicity representation, we view the new race_ethnicity variable using head(). The race_ethnicity variable should now contain categorical values that are easier to interpret than the original numeric values in ppethm.


#Load data 
abc_poll_2021 <- read.csv("~/Desktop/601_Spring_2023/posts/_data/abc_poll_2021.csv")

# Recode the ppethm variable
abc_poll_2021 <- mutate(abc_poll_2021, race_ethnicity = case_when(
  ppethm == 1 ~ "White, non-Hispanic",
  ppethm == 2 ~ "Black, non-Hispanic",
  ppethm == 3 ~ "Hispanic",
  ppethm == 4 ~ "Asian, non-Hispanic",
  ppethm == 5 ~ "Other, non-Hispanic",
  TRUE ~ NA_character_

# View the new race_ethnicity variable

Visualizing Part-Whole Relationships


# Load the abc_poll_2021.csv dataset
abc_poll_2021 <- read.csv("~/Desktop/601_Spring_2023/posts/_data/abc_poll_2021.csv")

ggplot(abc_poll_2021, aes(ppgender, ppmarit5)) + geom_point() 

Ethnicity dependant visualization


# Load the abc_poll_2021.csv dataset
abc_poll_2021 <- read.csv("~/Desktop/601_Spring_2023/posts/_data/abc_poll_2021.csv")

# Using geom_histogram we observe count of ethnicity.

ggplot(abc_poll_2021, aes(ppethm)) + geom_bar()