Rows: 119390 Columns: 32
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr (13): hotel, arrival_date_month, meal, country, market_segment, distrib...
dbl (18): is_canceled, lead_time, arrival_date_year, arrival_date_week_numb...
date (1): reservation_status_date
ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
The ‘hotel_bookings’ dataset contains 119,390 rows and 32 columns. Each observation is that of a single hotel booking between 2015 and 2017 and provides information on type of resort, arrival date, number of nights/people, room type, country, market segment, etc.
Fall Spring Summer Winter
28462 32674 37477 20777
Create crosstabs of Total number of guests by Season. Summer bookings tend to have higher guest totals possibly because families travel more when kids are on summer break.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'hotel'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 6 × 5
# Groups: hotel [1]
hotel arrival_date_month minADR maxADR meanADR
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Resort Hotel June 0 319. 110.
2 Resort Hotel March -6.38 194. 57.5
3 Resort Hotel May 0 226. 78.8
4 Resort Hotel November 0 175 48.3
5 Resort Hotel October 0 246. 62.1
6 Resort Hotel September 0 308. 93.3
# A tibble: 119,390 × 2
hotel adr
<chr> <dbl>
1 City Hotel 5400
2 City Hotel 510
3 Resort Hotel 508
4 City Hotel 452.
5 Resort Hotel 450
6 Resort Hotel 437
7 Resort Hotel 426.
8 Resort Hotel 402
9 Resort Hotel 397.
10 Resort Hotel 392
# … with 119,380 more rows
One hotel had an average daily rate of -6.4 and another of 5400 (the next highest adr is 510).Re-run bar chart with these two outliers excluded, summarize by season instead of month, and add title/axis labels.
hotel_bookings %>%filter(adr >0& adr <600) %>%ggplot(aes(fill=hotel, x=season, y=adr)) +geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity") +labs(title ="Hotel Average Daily Rate by Type of Hotel and Season", y ="Avg Daily Rate", x ="Season")
Graph adr by market segment and type of hotel.
hotel_bookings %>%filter(adr >0& adr <600) %>%ggplot(aes(fill=hotel, x=market_segment, y=adr)) +geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity") +labs(title ="Hotel Average Daily Rate by Type of Hotel and Market Segment", y ="Avg Daily Rate", x ="Market Segment") +scale_x_discrete(guide =guide_axis(
Aviation and Undefined don’t appear to have any Resort Hotel data. Run crosstabs to verify.
How do I leave empty space for teal column instead of red taking over width of both columns?
xtabs(~ market_segment + hotel, hotel_bookings)
market_segment City Hotel Resort Hotel
Aviation 237 0
Complementary 542 201
Corporate 2986 2309
Direct 6093 6513
Groups 13975 5836
Offline TA/TO 16747 7472
Online TA 38748 17729
Undefined 2 0
Source Code
---title: "Global Hotel Bookings: 2015-2017"author: "Michele Carlin"desription: "Exploring, data wrangling, and summarizing hotel bookings data"date: "02/28/2023"format: html: toc: true code-fold: true code-copy: true code-tools: truecategories: - challenge_2 - Michele Carlin - hotel_bookings---```{r}#| label: setup#| warning: falselibrary(tidyverse)knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo =TRUE)install.packages(summarytools)library(summarytools)install.packages(dplyr)library(dplyr)```## Read in and view 'hotel bookings' dataset.```{r}library(readr)hotel_bookings <-read_csv ("_data/hotel_bookings.csv")View(hotel_bookings)```## List of variables in dataset.```{r}str(hotel_bookings)```## dfSummary```{r}view(dfSummary(hotel_bookings))```## Describing dataset## The 'hotel_bookings' dataset contains 119,390 rows and 32 columns. Each observation is that of a single hotel booking between 2015 and 2017 and provides information on type of resort, arrival date, number of nights/people, room type, country, market segment, etc.#Create new variable for total number of guests.```{r}hotel_bookings <- hotel_bookings %>%mutate (guests = adults + children + babies)select(hotel_bookings, "adults", "children", "babies", "guests")```## Create a new 'season' variable using 'case_when'.```{r}hotel_bookings <- hotel_bookings %>%mutate(season =case_when( arrival_date_month =="December"| arrival_date_month =="January"| arrival_date_month =="February"~"Winter", arrival_date_month =="March"| arrival_date_month =="April"| arrival_date_month =="May"~"Spring", arrival_date_month =="June"| arrival_date_month =="July"| arrival_date_month =="August"~"Summer", arrival_date_month =="September"| arrival_date_month =="October"| arrival_date_month =="November"~"Fall") )table(select(hotel_bookings, season))```## Create crosstabs of Total number of guests by Season. Summer bookings tend to have higher guest totals possibly because families travel more when kids are on summer break.```{r}xtabs(~ guests + season, hotel_bookings)```## Calculate min/max/mean average daily rate (adr) and group data by hotel type and arrival month.```{r}GrpByHotelType <- hotel_bookings %>%group_by(hotel, arrival_date_month) %>%summarise(minADR =min(adr), maxADR =max(adr), meanADR =mean(adr)) tail(GrpByHotelType)```## Graph adr by type of hotel and arrival month.```{r}ggplot(hotel_bookings, aes(fill=hotel, x=arrival_date_month, y=adr)) +geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity")```## Sort data to find outlier(s). ```{r}hotel_bookings %>%arrange(desc(adr)) %>%select(hotel, adr)```## One hotel had an average daily rate of -6.4 and another of 5400 (the next highest adr is 510).Re-run bar chart with these two outliers excluded, summarize by season instead of month, and add title/axis labels.```{r}hotel_bookings %>%filter(adr >0& adr <600) %>%ggplot(aes(fill=hotel, x=season, y=adr)) +geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity") +labs(title ="Hotel Average Daily Rate by Type of Hotel and Season", y ="Avg Daily Rate", x ="Season")```## Graph adr by market segment and type of hotel.```{r}hotel_bookings %>%filter(adr >0& adr <600) %>%ggplot(aes(fill=hotel, x=market_segment, y=adr)) +geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity") +labs(title ="Hotel Average Daily Rate by Type of Hotel and Market Segment", y ="Avg Daily Rate", x ="Market Segment") +scale_x_discrete(guide =guide_axis(```## Aviation and Undefined don't appear to have any Resort Hotel data. Run crosstabs to verify.## How do I leave empty space for teal column instead of red taking over width of both columns?```{r}xtabs(~ market_segment + hotel, hotel_bookings)```