Final Project Assignment #2: Nanci Kopecky

Boston 311 Service Requests for 2023

Nanci Kopecky


May 3, 2023


knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)

Part 1. Introduction

  1. Data set(s) Introduction:

311 Service Requests is a data set on Analyze Boston, an open-source data website run by the City of Boston. Residents and city employees can make service requests through various means, such as by phone, with an app, and online. In April 2023, there are 74,930 service requests at that point. Each row represents a service request. There are 29 columns. Each column contains detailed information on each service request including the description, time, date, location, and city department/domain. Service requests are about maintenance, repair, cleaning, and policy. Note: As of May 3, 2021, there are now 91,254 service requests.

  1. What questions do you like to answer with this data set?

Questions that could inform city officials could be the following:

Which city department receives the most service requests? Do residents and city employees use or prefer making service requests by the phone, app, or some other format? Does certain time of the day, week, or month receive more requests? What type of service requests are made in each neighborhood? Are the proportions of On Time service requests the same for each neighborhood? For each city department?

Part 2. Describe the data set(s)

  1. Read the data set.

This data set is read in with a url.

Boston311 <- read.csv(url(""))
Bos311 <-
  1. Descriptive information of the data set. As of May 3, 2023, there are 91,255 service requests. Each row represents a service request. There are 29 columns where each variable gives a detail of the service request. 28 of the variables are collected as categorical/character data. The only numerical variable is the case_enquiry_id, identifying each individual service request. The other variables provide information about the following: case status as open, target, close dates; descriptions the request with the title, subject, reason, and type; which department; location information including address, fire, city council and police districts, and latitude and longitude coordinates; and how the service request was reported.
[1] 92176    29
#Lists the structure of each variable. 
'data.frame':   92176 obs. of  29 variables:
 $ case_enquiry_id               : num  1.01e+11 1.01e+11 1.01e+11 1.01e+11 1.01e+11 ...
 $ open_dt                       : chr  "2023-01-03 09:39:00" "2023-01-01 15:08:00" "2023-01-01 01:34:42" "2023-01-01 03:55:00" ...
 $ target_dt                     : chr  "2023-01-04 09:39:29" "2023-01-06 08:30:00" "" "2023-01-04 08:30:00" ...
 $ closed_dt                     : chr  "" "" "2023-01-01 07:41:03" "2023-01-01 04:49:57" ...
 $ ontime                        : chr  "OVERDUE" "OVERDUE" "ONTIME" "ONTIME" ...
 $ case_status                   : chr  "Open" "Open" "Closed" "Closed" ...
 $ closure_reason                : chr  " " " " "Case Closed. Closed date : Sun Jan 01 07:41:03 EST 2023 Resolved 3 syringe recovered dw  " "Case Closed. Closed date : Sun Jan 01 04:49:57 EST 2023 Resolved Mva cleared  " ...
 $ case_title                    : chr  "Request for Pothole Repair" "Building Inspection Request" "Needle Pickup" "Requests for Street Cleaning" ...
 $ subject                       : chr  "Public Works Department" "Inspectional Services" "Mayor's 24 Hour Hotline" "Public Works Department" ...
 $ reason                        : chr  "Highway Maintenance" "Building" "Needle Program" "Street Cleaning" ...
 $ type                          : chr  "Request for Pothole Repair" "Building Inspection Request" "Needle Pickup" "Requests for Street Cleaning" ...
 $ queue                         : chr  "BWSC_Pothole" "ISD_Building (INTERNAL)" "GEN_Needle_Pickup" "PWDx_District 07: South Dorchester" ...
 $ department                    : chr  "BWSC" "ISD" "GEN_" "PWDx" ...
 $ submittedphoto                : chr  "" "" "" "" ...
 $ closedphoto                   : chr  "" "" "" ""| __truncated__ ...
 $ location                      : chr  "INTERSECTION of Huckins St & Lagrange Pl  Roxbury  MA  " "1515 River St  Hyde Park  MA  02136" "INTERSECTION of Pompeii St & Theodore A Glynn Way  Roxbury  MA  " "INTERSECTION of Beach St & Park St  Dorchester  MA  " ...
 $ fire_district                 : int  7 12 7 7 4 3 1 6 7 11 ...
 $ pwd_district                  : chr  "10B" "08" "10B" "07" ...
 $ city_council_district         : int  9 5 3 3 2 2 1 2 4 8 ...
 $ police_district               : chr  "B2" "E18" "C6" "C11" ...
 $ neighborhood                  : chr  "Roxbury" "Hyde Park" "South Boston / South Boston Waterfront" "Dorchester" ...
 $ neighborhood_services_district: int  13 10 13 7 6 3 1 5 13 15 ...
 $ ward                          : chr  "8" "Ward 18" "8" "16" ...
 $ precinct                      : chr  "0805" "1819" "0806" "1602" ...
 $ location_street_name          : chr  "INTERSECTION Huckins St & Lagrange Pl" "1515 River St" "INTERSECTION Pompeii St & Theodore A Glynn Way" "INTERSECTION Beach St & Park St" ...
 $ location_zipcode              : int  NA 2136 NA NA NA 2110 2128 2127 NA NA ...
 $ latitude                      : num  42.4 42.3 42.4 42.4 42.4 ...
 $ longitude                     : num  -71.1 -71.1 -71.1 -71.1 -71.1 ...
 $ source                        : chr  "Citizens Connect App" "Constituent Call" "Citizens Connect App" "Constituent Call" ...
  1. Summary statistics of the dataset(s).

This data set does not have numerical data so frequencies and percentages will summarize the categorical variables. Below the counts and proportions of some of the variables.

#Frequency and Proportions of Service Requests by Department

                   Animal Control          Boston Police Department 
                     0.0124652838                      0.0026796563 
  Boston Water & Sewer Commission             Inspectional Services 
                     0.0044263149                      0.0621745357 
          Mayor's 24 Hour Hotline             Neighborhood Services 
                     0.0348789273                      0.0001301857 
    Parks & Recreation Department               Property Management 
                     0.0424730949                      0.0077568998 
          Public Works Department Transportation - Traffic Division 
                     0.5682932651                      0.2647218365 

                   Animal Control          Boston Police Department 
                             1149                               247 
  Boston Water & Sewer Commission             Inspectional Services 
                              408                              5731 
          Mayor's 24 Hour Hotline             Neighborhood Services 
                             3215                                12 
    Parks & Recreation Department               Property Management 
                             3915                               715 
          Public Works Department Transportation - Traffic Division 
                            52383                             24401 
#Counts and percentages of on-time and overdue service requests for each department.
                                    ONTIME OVERDUE
  Animal Control                      1149       0
  Boston Police Department             247       0
  Boston Water & Sewer Commission      408       0
  Inspectional Services               4628    1103
  Mayor's 24 Hour Hotline             3043     172
  Neighborhood Services                 12       0
  Parks & Recreation Department       3323     592
  Property Management                  429     286
  Public Works Department            43968    8415
  Transportation - Traffic Division  19382    5019
                                          ONTIME      OVERDUE
  Animal Control                    0.0124652838 0.0000000000
  Boston Police Department          0.0026796563 0.0000000000
  Boston Water & Sewer Commission   0.0044263149 0.0000000000
  Inspectional Services             0.0502082972 0.0119662385
  Mayor's 24 Hour Hotline           0.0330129318 0.0018659955
  Neighborhood Services             0.0001301857 0.0000000000
  Parks & Recreation Department     0.0360505989 0.0064224961
  Property Management               0.0046541399 0.0031027599
  Public Works Department           0.4770005207 0.0912927443
  Transportation - Traffic Division 0.2102716542 0.0544501823
#Removing the row with missing values for neighborhood. 
Bos311_Neighbor <- Bos311[!($neighborhood) | Bos311$neighborhood==" "| Bos311$neighborhood==""), ]
 [1] "Roxbury"                                     
 [2] "Hyde Park"                                   
 [3] "South Boston / South Boston Waterfront"      
 [4] "Dorchester"                                  
 [5] "Back Bay"                                    
 [6] "Boston"                                      
 [7] "East Boston"                                 
 [8] "Allston / Brighton"                          
 [9] "Charlestown"                                 
[10] "Beacon Hill"                                 
[11] "West Roxbury"                                
[12] "Allston"                                     
[13] "Jamaica Plain"                               
[14] "South End"                                   
[15] "South Boston"                                
[16] "Mission Hill"                                
[17] "Roslindale"                                  
[18] "Downtown / Financial District"               
[19] "Fenway / Kenmore / Audubon Circle / Longwood"
[20] "Greater Mattapan"                            
[21] "Mattapan"                                    
[22] "Brighton"                                    
[23] "Chestnut Hill"                               
#Counts and percentages of on-time and overdue service requests for each neighborhood.
                                               ONTIME OVERDUE
  Allston                                         293      38
  Allston / Brighton                             5335     975
  Back Bay                                       3389     762
  Beacon Hill                                    2333     393
  Boston                                         2550     561
  Brighton                                        501      88
  Charlestown                                    2183     809
  Chestnut Hill                                     1       0
  Dorchester                                    11984    2073
  Downtown / Financial District                  3558     906
  East Boston                                    6040    1173
  Fenway / Kenmore / Audubon Circle / Longwood   1210     441
  Greater Mattapan                               4053     619
  Hyde Park                                      3078     761
  Jamaica Plain                                  4138    1107
  Mattapan                                        210      36
  Mission Hill                                   1345     282
  Roslindale                                     2696     598
  Roxbury                                        6882    1213
  South Boston                                    709     122
  South Boston / South Boston Waterfront         5808    1057
  South End                                      5012     786
  West Roxbury                                   2504     565
                                                     ONTIME      OVERDUE
  Allston                                      3.213530e-03 4.167718e-04
  Allston / Brighton                           5.851256e-02 1.069349e-02
  Back Bay                                     3.716946e-02 8.357371e-03
  Beacon Hill                                  2.558759e-02 4.310298e-03
  Boston                                       2.796758e-02 6.152867e-03
  Brighton                                     5.494807e-03 9.651557e-04
  Charlestown                                  2.394244e-02 8.872852e-03
  Chestnut Hill                                1.096768e-05 0.000000e+00
  Dorchester                                   1.314367e-01 2.273600e-02
  Downtown / Financial District                3.902300e-02 9.936716e-03
  East Boston                                  6.624478e-02 1.286509e-02
  Fenway / Kenmore / Audubon Circle / Longwood 1.327089e-02 4.836746e-03
  Greater Mattapan                             4.445200e-02 6.788993e-03
  Hyde Park                                    3.375851e-02 8.346403e-03
  Jamaica Plain                                4.538425e-02 1.214122e-02
  Mattapan                                     2.303212e-03 3.948364e-04
  Mission Hill                                 1.475153e-02 3.092885e-03
  Roslindale                                   2.956886e-02 6.558672e-03
  Roxbury                                      7.547956e-02 1.330379e-02
  South Boston                                 7.776084e-03 1.338057e-03
  South Boston / South Boston Waterfront       6.370028e-02 1.159284e-02
  South End                                    5.497000e-02 8.620595e-03
  West Roxbury                                 2.746307e-02 6.196738e-03
#Counts and percents of how residents and city employees make service for each neighborhood. 
table(Bos311_Neighbor$neighborhood, Bos311_Neighbor$source)
                                               Citizens Connect App
  Allston                                                       161
  Allston / Brighton                                           3151
  Back Bay                                                     2394
  Beacon Hill                                                  1456
  Boston                                                       1733
  Brighton                                                      282
  Charlestown                                                  1661
  Chestnut Hill                                                   0
  Dorchester                                                   5608
  Downtown / Financial District                                2413
  East Boston                                                  3863
  Fenway / Kenmore / Audubon Circle / Longwood                 1038
  Greater Mattapan                                             1322
  Hyde Park                                                     883
  Jamaica Plain                                                2275
  Mattapan                                                       52
  Mission Hill                                                  749
  Roslindale                                                   1223
  Roxbury                                                      2760
  South Boston                                                  472
  South Boston / South Boston Waterfront                       4334
  South End                                                    3899
  West Roxbury                                                  824
                                               City Worker App Constituent Call
  Allston                                                   25              131
  Allston / Brighton                                       455             2378
  Back Bay                                                 587             1020
  Beacon Hill                                              645              586
  Boston                                                   295              991
  Brighton                                                  25              240
  Charlestown                                              275              930
  Chestnut Hill                                              0                1
  Dorchester                                               848             6969
  Downtown / Financial District                            744             1157
  East Boston                                              799             2427
  Fenway / Kenmore / Audubon Circle / Longwood             126              431
  Greater Mattapan                                         469             2652
  Hyde Park                                                686             2067
  Jamaica Plain                                            317             2336
  Mattapan                                                  26              158
  Mission Hill                                             170              622
  Roslindale                                               277             1594
  Roxbury                                                  913             4116
  South Boston                                              53              281
  South Boston / South Boston Waterfront                   392             1975
  South End                                                734             1057
  West Roxbury                                             481             1521
                                               Employee Generated Self Service
  Allston                                                      10            4
  Allston / Brighton                                          109          217
  Back Bay                                                     69           81
  Beacon Hill                                                  14           25
  Boston                                                       64           28
  Brighton                                                     20           22
  Charlestown                                                  67           59
  Chestnut Hill                                                 0            0
  Dorchester                                                  284          348
  Downtown / Financial District                                60           90
  East Boston                                                  41           83
  Fenway / Kenmore / Audubon Circle / Longwood                 33           23
  Greater Mattapan                                            115          114
  Hyde Park                                                    69          134
  Jamaica Plain                                               183          134
  Mattapan                                                      5            5
  Mission Hill                                                 43           43
  Roslindale                                                   66          134
  Roxbury                                                     182          124
  South Boston                                                 13           12
  South Boston / South Boston Waterfront                       91           73
  South End                                                    44           64
  West Roxbury                                                 51          192
prop.table(table(Bos311_Neighbor$neighborhood, Bos311_Neighbor$source))
                                               Citizens Connect App
  Allston                                              1.765796e-03
  Allston / Brighton                                   3.455915e-02
  Back Bay                                             2.625662e-02
  Beacon Hill                                          1.596894e-02
  Boston                                               1.900699e-02
  Brighton                                             3.092885e-03
  Charlestown                                          1.821731e-02
  Chestnut Hill                                        0.000000e+00
  Dorchester                                           6.150674e-02
  Downtown / Financial District                        2.646501e-02
  East Boston                                          4.236814e-02
  Fenway / Kenmore / Audubon Circle / Longwood         1.138445e-02
  Greater Mattapan                                     1.449927e-02
  Hyde Park                                            9.684460e-03
  Jamaica Plain                                        2.495147e-02
  Mattapan                                             5.703193e-04
  Mission Hill                                         8.214791e-03
  Roslindale                                           1.341347e-02
  Roxbury                                              3.027079e-02
  South Boston                                         5.176744e-03
  South Boston / South Boston Waterfront               4.753392e-02
  South End                                            4.276298e-02
  West Roxbury                                         9.037367e-03
                                               City Worker App Constituent Call
  Allston                                         2.741920e-04     1.436766e-03
  Allston / Brighton                              4.990294e-03     2.608114e-02
  Back Bay                                        6.438027e-03     1.118703e-02
  Beacon Hill                                     7.074152e-03     6.427059e-03
  Boston                                          3.235465e-03     1.086897e-02
  Brighton                                        2.741920e-04     2.632243e-03
  Charlestown                                     3.016112e-03     1.019994e-02
  Chestnut Hill                                   0.000000e+00     1.096768e-05
  Dorchester                                      9.300591e-03     7.643375e-02
  Downtown / Financial District                   8.159953e-03     1.268960e-02
  East Boston                                     8.763175e-03     2.661856e-02
  Fenway / Kenmore / Audubon Circle / Longwood    1.381927e-03     4.727069e-03
  Greater Mattapan                                5.143841e-03     2.908628e-02
  Hyde Park                                       7.523827e-03     2.267019e-02
  Jamaica Plain                                   3.476754e-03     2.562050e-02
  Mattapan                                        2.851596e-04     1.732893e-03
  Mission Hill                                    1.864505e-03     6.821896e-03
  Roslindale                                      3.038047e-03     1.748248e-02
  Roxbury                                         1.001349e-02     4.514296e-02
  South Boston                                    5.812869e-04     3.081918e-03
  South Boston / South Boston Waterfront          4.299330e-03     2.166116e-02
  South End                                       8.050276e-03     1.159284e-02
  West Roxbury                                    5.275453e-03     1.668184e-02
                                               Employee Generated Self Service
  Allston                                            1.096768e-04 4.387071e-05
  Allston / Brighton                                 1.195477e-03 2.379986e-03
  Back Bay                                           7.567698e-04 8.883819e-04
  Beacon Hill                                        1.535475e-04 2.741920e-04
  Boston                                             7.019314e-04 3.070950e-04
  Brighton                                           2.193536e-04 2.412889e-04
  Charlestown                                        7.348344e-04 6.470930e-04
  Chestnut Hill                                      0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
  Dorchester                                         3.114821e-03 3.816752e-03
  Downtown / Financial District                      6.580607e-04 9.870910e-04
  East Boston                                        4.496748e-04 9.103173e-04
  Fenway / Kenmore / Audubon Circle / Longwood       3.619334e-04 2.522566e-04
  Greater Mattapan                                   1.261283e-03 1.250315e-03
  Hyde Park                                          7.567698e-04 1.469669e-03
  Jamaica Plain                                      2.007085e-03 1.469669e-03
  Mattapan                                           5.483839e-05 5.483839e-05
  Mission Hill                                       4.716102e-04 4.716102e-04
  Roslindale                                         7.238668e-04 1.469669e-03
  Roxbury                                            1.996117e-03 1.359992e-03
  South Boston                                       1.425798e-04 1.316121e-04
  South Boston / South Boston Waterfront             9.980587e-04 8.006405e-04
  South End                                          4.825778e-04 7.019314e-04
  West Roxbury                                       5.593516e-04 2.105794e-03

3. The Tentative Plan for Visualization

  1. Briefly describe what data analyses (please the special note on statistics in the next section) and visualizations you plan to conduct to answer the research questions you proposed above.

I would like to present bar graphs that can address the questions posed in part one.

#Frequency chart of service requests by department. 
ggplot(Bos311, aes(subject)) + 
  geom_bar() +

#Proportion of on time requests per neighborhood. 
ggplot(Bos311_Neighbor, aes(neighborhood)) +
  geom_bar(aes(fill = ontime), position = "fill") +
  labs(title = "311 Service Requests for 2023", x = "Neighborhood", y = "Percent") + 

#Proportions of the ways residents and city employees make the service request. 
ggplot(Bos311_Neighbor, aes(neighborhood)) +
  geom_bar(aes(fill = source), position = "fill") +
  labs(title = "311 Service Requests for 2023", x = "Neighborhood", y = "Percent") + 

#Counts of the ways residents and city employees make the service request. 
ggplot(Bos311_Neighbor, aes(subject)) +
  geom_bar(aes(fill = source), position = position_dodge())+
  labs(title = "311 Service Requests for 2023", x = "Neighborhood", y = "Frequency") + 

  1. Explain why you choose to conduct these specific data analyses and visualizations.

The bar graphs and tables can show if any variable, such as a type of request, particular department or neighborhoods are unusually high. Understanding the where the demands are can help the city be more efficient in terms of assigning resources, management, and communication.

  1. If you plan to conduct specific data analyses and visualizations, describe how do you need to process and prepare the tidy data.

Special Note on the role of statistics

After more in depth exploratory analysis, I may decide to conduct chi-square tests to see if there is an association between certain variables.