::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE) knitr
Saksham Kumar
March 20, 2023
Today’s challenge is to
read in a dataset, and
describe the dataset using both words and any supporting information (e.g., tables, etc)
Read in one (or more) of the following data sets, using the correct R package and command.
Find the _data
folder, located inside the posts
folder. Then you can read in the data, using either one of the readr
standard tidy read commands, or a specialized package such as readxl
# A tibble: 30,977 × 14
Domain Cod…¹ Domain Area …² Area Eleme…³ Element Item …⁴ Item Year …⁵ Year
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 QA Live … 2 Afgh… 5112 Stocks 1057 Chic… 1961 1961
2 QA Live … 2 Afgh… 5112 Stocks 1057 Chic… 1962 1962
3 QA Live … 2 Afgh… 5112 Stocks 1057 Chic… 1963 1963
4 QA Live … 2 Afgh… 5112 Stocks 1057 Chic… 1964 1964
5 QA Live … 2 Afgh… 5112 Stocks 1057 Chic… 1965 1965
6 QA Live … 2 Afgh… 5112 Stocks 1057 Chic… 1966 1966
7 QA Live … 2 Afgh… 5112 Stocks 1057 Chic… 1967 1967
8 QA Live … 2 Afgh… 5112 Stocks 1057 Chic… 1968 1968
9 QA Live … 2 Afgh… 5112 Stocks 1057 Chic… 1969 1969
10 QA Live … 2 Afgh… 5112 Stocks 1057 Chic… 1970 1970
# … with 30,967 more rows, 4 more variables: Unit <chr>, Value <dbl>,
# Flag <chr>, `Flag Description` <chr>, and abbreviated variable names
# ¹`Domain Code`, ²`Area Code`, ³`Element Code`, ⁴`Item Code`, ⁵`Year Code`
Add any comments or documentation as needed. More challenging data sets may require additional code chunks and documentation.
Using a combination of words and results of R commands, can you provide a high level description of the data? Describe as efficiently as possible where/how the data was (likely) gathered, indicate the cases and variables (both the interpretation and any details you deem useful to the reader to fully understand your chosen data).
The data has 30977 rows and 14 columns (variables)
[1] "Domain Code" "Domain" "Area Code" "Area"
[5] "Element Code" "Element" "Item Code" "Item"
[9] "Year Code" "Year" "Unit" "Value"
[13] "Flag" "Flag Description"
The columns (variables) in our data are listed above.
`Domain Code` = col_character(),
Domain = col_character(),
`Area Code` = col_double(),
Area = col_character(),
`Element Code` = col_double(),
Element = col_character(),
`Item Code` = col_double(),
Item = col_character(),
`Year Code` = col_double(),
Year = col_double(),
Unit = col_character(),
Value = col_double(),
Flag = col_character(),
`Flag Description` = col_character()
This helps us understand the datatype of the variables we have.
[1] 5
# A tibble: 5 × 1
1 Chickens
2 Ducks
3 Geese and guinea fowls
4 Turkeys
5 Pigeons, other birds
The dataset contains 5 unique values in the variable ‘Items’. These seem to poultry birds from a first glance.
[1] 248
# A tibble: 248 × 1
1 Afghanistan
2 Albania
3 Algeria
4 American Samoa
5 Angola
6 Antigua and Barbuda
7 Argentina
8 Armenia
9 Aruba
10 Australia
# … with 238 more rows
The dataset contains 248 unique values in the variable ‘Area’ i.e. it contains data from across 248 countries
This graph helps us understand the distribution of birds in our dataset. As we can see, chicken is the most popular bird in our dataset.
title: "Exploring the Birds dataset"
author: "Saksham Kumar"
description: "Reading in data and creating a post"
date: "03/20/2023"
toc: true
code-fold: true
code-copy: true
code-tools: true
- challenge_1
- birds
- Saksham Kumar
#| label: setup
#| warning: false
#| message: false
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)
## Challenge Overview
Today's challenge is to
1) read in a dataset, and
2) describe the dataset using both words and any supporting information (e.g., tables, etc)
## Read in the Data
Read in one (or more) of the following data sets, using the correct R package and command.
- railroad_2012_clean_county.csv ⭐
- birds.csv ⭐⭐
- FAOstat\*.csv ⭐⭐
- wild_bird_data.xlsx ⭐⭐⭐
- StateCounty2012.xls ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Find the `_data` folder, located inside the `posts` folder. Then you can read in the data, using either one of the `readr` standard tidy read commands, or a specialized package such as `readxl`.
birds <- read_csv('_data/birds.csv', show_col_types = FALSE)
Add any comments or documentation as needed. More challenging data sets may require additional code chunks and documentation.
## Describe the data
Using a combination of words and results of R commands, can you provide a high level description of the data? Describe as efficiently as possible where/how the data was (likely) gathered, indicate the cases and variables (both the interpretation and any details you deem useful to the reader to fully understand your chosen data).
The data has 30977 rows and 14 columns (variables)
The columns (variables) in our data are listed above.
#| label: summary
This helps us understand the datatype of the variables we have.
The dataset contains 5 unique values in the variable 'Items'. These seem to poultry birds from a first glance.
The dataset contains 248 unique values in the variable 'Area' i.e. it contains data from across 248 countries
ggplot(data = birds, aes(x = Item)) +
This graph helps us understand the distribution of birds in our dataset. As we can see, chicken is the most popular bird in our dataset.