Visualizing time and groups

Visualizing Time and Relationships

Susmita Madineni


August 23, 2022

Error in contrib.url(repos, "source"): trying to use CRAN without setting a mirror

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)

Challenge Overview

Today’s challenge is to:

  1. read in a data set, and describe the data set using both words and any supporting information (e.g., tables, etc)
  2. tidy data (as needed, including sanity checks)
  3. mutate variables as needed (including sanity checks)
  4. create at least one graph including time (evolution)
  • try to make them “publication” ready (optional)
  • Explain why you choose the specific graph type
  1. Create at least one graph depicting part-whole or flow relationships
  • try to make them “publication” ready (optional)
  • Explain why you choose the specific graph type

R Graph Gallery is a good starting point for thinking about what information is conveyed in standard graph types, and includes example R code.

(be sure to only include the category tags for the data you use!)

Read in data

Read in one (or more) of the following datasets, using the correct R package and command.

  • fed_rate ⭐⭐
fed_data <- read_csv("_data/FedFundsRate.csv")
# Preview the first few rows of the dataset
# A tibble: 6 × 10
   Year Month   Day Federal Fu…¹ Feder…² Feder…³ Effec…⁴ Real …⁵ Unemp…⁶ Infla…⁷
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>        <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
1  1954     7     1           NA      NA      NA    0.8      4.6     5.8      NA
2  1954     8     1           NA      NA      NA    1.22    NA       6        NA
3  1954     9     1           NA      NA      NA    1.06    NA       6.1      NA
4  1954    10     1           NA      NA      NA    0.85     8       5.7      NA
5  1954    11     1           NA      NA      NA    0.83    NA       5.3      NA
6  1954    12     1           NA      NA      NA    1.28    NA       5        NA
# … with abbreviated variable names ¹​`Federal Funds Target Rate`,
#   ²​`Federal Funds Upper Target`, ³​`Federal Funds Lower Target`,
#   ⁴​`Effective Federal Funds Rate`, ⁵​`Real GDP (Percent Change)`,
#   ⁶​`Unemployment Rate`, ⁷​`Inflation Rate`
# Understanding the dimensions of the dataset 
[1] 904  10
# Identifying the column names of the dataset 
 [1] "Year"                         "Month"                       
 [3] "Day"                          "Federal Funds Target Rate"   
 [5] "Federal Funds Upper Target"   "Federal Funds Lower Target"  
 [7] "Effective Federal Funds Rate" "Real GDP (Percent Change)"   
 [9] "Unemployment Rate"            "Inflation Rate"              
# Identifying the data types of the columns
sapply(fed_data, class)
                        Year                        Month 
                   "numeric"                    "numeric" 
                         Day    Federal Funds Target Rate 
                   "numeric"                    "numeric" 
  Federal Funds Upper Target   Federal Funds Lower Target 
                   "numeric"                    "numeric" 
Effective Federal Funds Rate    Real GDP (Percent Change) 
                   "numeric"                    "numeric" 
           Unemployment Rate               Inflation Rate 
                   "numeric"                    "numeric" 
table(sapply(fed_data, function(x) typeof(x)))

sapply(fed_data, function(x) n_distinct(x))
                        Year                        Month 
                          64                           12 
                         Day    Federal Funds Target Rate 
                          29                           64 
  Federal Funds Upper Target   Federal Funds Lower Target 
                           5                            5 
Effective Federal Funds Rate    Real GDP (Percent Change) 
                         467                          114 
           Unemployment Rate               Inflation Rate 
                          72                          107 

Briefly describe the data

This dataset gives the information about federal funds rate from 1954 to 2017. The dataset has 904 rows and 10 columns. Based on the above, we can infer that there are 10 columns(variables) are of double datatype. All the columns are readable for the user. Each observation in the dataset provides information of Year, Month, Day, Federal Funds Target Rate, Federal Funds Upper and lower Target, Effective Federal Funds Rate, Real GDP (Percent Change), Unemployment Rate, Inflation Rate.

Tidy Data (as needed)

Is your data already tidy, or is there work to be done? Be sure to anticipate your end result to provide a sanity check, and document your work here.

The data does not look tidy enough to use for various analyses and data visualizations. The columns-Year, Month, Day can be combined into one column-date and use it for visualizations.

fed_data_m <- fed_data %>%
  mutate(date = str_c(Month,Day,Year, sep = "/"), 
        date = mdy(date)) %>%
        select(-c(Month, Day, Year))

# A tibble: 904 × 8
   Federal Funds Ta…¹ Feder…² Feder…³ Effec…⁴ Real …⁵ Unemp…⁶ Infla…⁷ date      
                <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl> <date>    
 1                 NA      NA      NA    0.8      4.6     5.8      NA 1954-07-01
 2                 NA      NA      NA    1.22    NA       6        NA 1954-08-01
 3                 NA      NA      NA    1.06    NA       6.1      NA 1954-09-01
 4                 NA      NA      NA    0.85     8       5.7      NA 1954-10-01
 5                 NA      NA      NA    0.83    NA       5.3      NA 1954-11-01
 6                 NA      NA      NA    1.28    NA       5        NA 1954-12-01
 7                 NA      NA      NA    1.39    11.9     4.9      NA 1955-01-01
 8                 NA      NA      NA    1.29    NA       4.7      NA 1955-02-01
 9                 NA      NA      NA    1.35    NA       4.6      NA 1955-03-01
10                 NA      NA      NA    1.43     6.7     4.7      NA 1955-04-01
# … with 894 more rows, and abbreviated variable names
#   ¹​`Federal Funds Target Rate`, ²​`Federal Funds Upper Target`,
#   ³​`Federal Funds Lower Target`, ⁴​`Effective Federal Funds Rate`,
#   ⁵​`Real GDP (Percent Change)`, ⁶​`Unemployment Rate`, ⁷​`Inflation Rate`

Are there any variables that require mutation to be usable in your analysis stream? For example, do you need to calculate new values in order to graph them? Can string values be represented numerically? Do you need to turn any variables into factors and reorder for ease of graphics and visualization?

Time Dependent Visualization

select(fed_data_m, c('date', 'Effective Federal Funds Rate'))
# A tibble: 904 × 2
   date       `Effective Federal Funds Rate`
   <date>                              <dbl>
 1 1954-07-01                           0.8 
 2 1954-08-01                           1.22
 3 1954-09-01                           1.06
 4 1954-10-01                           0.85
 5 1954-11-01                           0.83
 6 1954-12-01                           1.28
 7 1955-01-01                           1.39
 8 1955-02-01                           1.29
 9 1955-03-01                           1.35
10 1955-04-01                           1.43
# … with 894 more rows
select(fed_data_m, c('date', 'Unemployment Rate'))
# A tibble: 904 × 2
   date       `Unemployment Rate`
   <date>                   <dbl>
 1 1954-07-01                 5.8
 2 1954-08-01                 6  
 3 1954-09-01                 6.1
 4 1954-10-01                 5.7
 5 1954-11-01                 5.3
 6 1954-12-01                 5  
 7 1955-01-01                 4.9
 8 1955-02-01                 4.7
 9 1955-03-01                 4.6
10 1955-04-01                 4.7
# … with 894 more rows
ggplot(fed_data_m, aes(x=date, y=fed_data_m$`Effective Federal Funds Rate`))+
  theme_minimal() + labs(title = "Date Vs Effective Federal Funds Rate", y = "Effective Federal Funds Rate", x = "Date")

ggplot(fed_data_m, aes(x=date, y=fed_data_m$`Unemployment Rate`))+
  theme_minimal() + labs(title = "Date Vs Unemployment Rate", y = "Unemployment Rate", x = "Date")

# Limiting the unemployment rate from the years 1965 to 2000
ggplot(fed_data_m, aes(x=date, y=fed_data_m$`Unemployment Rate`))+
  scale_x_date(limit=c(as.Date("1965-01-01"),as.Date("2000-01-12"))) +
  theme_minimal() + labs(title = "Date Vs Unemployment Rate", y = "Unemployment Rate", x = "Date")

Visualizing Part-Whole Relationships

fed_filter_data <- fed_data_m %>% 
  filter(date >= '2000-07-01', date <= '2004-07-01')

# A tibble: 63 × 8
   Federal Funds Ta…¹ Feder…² Feder…³ Effec…⁴ Real …⁵ Unemp…⁶ Infla…⁷ date      
                <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl> <date>    
 1                6.5      NA      NA    6.54     0.5     4       2.5 2000-07-01
 2                6.5      NA      NA    6.5     NA       4.1     2.6 2000-08-01
 3                6.5      NA      NA    6.52    NA       3.9     2.6 2000-09-01
 4                6.5      NA      NA    6.51     2.3     3.9     2.5 2000-10-01
 5                6.5      NA      NA    6.51    NA       3.9     2.6 2000-11-01
 6                6.5      NA      NA    6.4     NA       3.9     2.6 2000-12-01
 7                6.5      NA      NA    5.98    -1.1     4.2     2.6 2001-01-01
 8                6        NA      NA   NA       NA      NA      NA   2001-01-03
 9                5.5      NA      NA   NA       NA      NA      NA   2001-01-31
10                5.5      NA      NA    5.49    NA       4.2     2.7 2001-02-01
# … with 53 more rows, and abbreviated variable names
#   ¹​`Federal Funds Target Rate`, ²​`Federal Funds Upper Target`,
#   ³​`Federal Funds Lower Target`, ⁴​`Effective Federal Funds Rate`,
#   ⁵​`Real GDP (Percent Change)`, ⁶​`Unemployment Rate`, ⁷​`Inflation Rate`
        index = c("date"), 
        vSize = "Unemployment Rate",
        type = "index", 