Tidy Data: Pivoting

Rahul Somu


April 10, 2022

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)

Challenge Overview

Read excel and load it to a dataframe

df_ausmarriage <- read_excel("_data/australian_marriage_law_postal_survey_2017_-_response_final.xls",, sheet= "Table 2", skip=7,col_names = c("State", "Yes Count", "Yes %", "No Count", "No %", "Clear Total Count", "Clear Count %", "Blank", "Clear Count", "Clear %", "Not clear Count", "Not clear %", "Non-response Count", "Non-response %", "Total_Count", "Total %"))

Create a column with Division for the respective state

df_ausmarriage_with_div <- df_ausmarriage %>% 
        select(!c("Blank", "Clear Count", "Clear Total Count") & !contains("%")) %>%
        filter(!grepl("(Total)", State)) %>%
        mutate(Division = case_when(str_ends(State, "Divisions") ~ State,
                                    TRUE ~ NA_character_ )) %>%
        fill(Division, .direction = "down") %>%

# A tibble: 150 × 7
   State     `Yes Count` `No Count` `Not clear Count` Non-resp…¹ Total…² Divis…³
   <chr>           <dbl>      <dbl>             <dbl>      <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>  
 1 Banks           37736      46343               247      20928  105254 New So…
 2 Barton          37153      47984               226      24008  109371 New So…
 3 Bennelong       42943      43215               244      19973  106375 New So…
 4 Berowra         48471      40369               212      16038  105090 New So…
 5 Blaxland        20406      57926               220      25883  104435 New So…
 6 Bradfield       53681      34927               202      17261  106071 New So…
 7 Calare          54091      35779               285      25342  115497 New So…
 8 Chifley         32871      46702               263      28180  108016 New So…
 9 Cook            47505      38804               229      18713  105251 New So…
10 Cowper          57493      38317               315      25197  121322 New So…
# … with 140 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹​`Non-response Count`,
#   ²​Total_Count, ³​Division
df_select <- select(df_ausmarriage_with_div, "State", "Yes Count", "No Count", "Total_Count","Division")

Document your work here.

Pivot the data to help fliter based on Divison/state with yes/No count.

df_extend <- df_select %>% 
  pivot_longer(col = c("Yes Count", "No Count"),
               names_to = "Response",
               values_to = "Count") %>% 
  mutate("Percent" = Count/Total_Count)

# A tibble: 300 × 6
   State     Total_Count Division                  Response  Count Percent
   <chr>           <dbl> <chr>                     <chr>     <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 Banks          105254 New South Wales Divisions Yes Count 37736   0.359
 2 Banks          105254 New South Wales Divisions No Count  46343   0.440
 3 Barton         109371 New South Wales Divisions Yes Count 37153   0.340
 4 Barton         109371 New South Wales Divisions No Count  47984   0.439
 5 Bennelong      106375 New South Wales Divisions Yes Count 42943   0.404
 6 Bennelong      106375 New South Wales Divisions No Count  43215   0.406
 7 Berowra        105090 New South Wales Divisions Yes Count 48471   0.461
 8 Berowra        105090 New South Wales Divisions No Count  40369   0.384
 9 Blaxland       104435 New South Wales Divisions Yes Count 20406   0.195
10 Blaxland       104435 New South Wales Divisions No Count  57926   0.555
# … with 290 more rows

The data has been transformed based on the yes/no count to help filter for each category and help in analysis.