The dataset I chose to utilize for this task measures the distribution of household income in the US between 1967 and 2019 by race and Hispanic origin.
During import of this file, I will limit observations to those that represent data by filtering out the header and footer sections. In addition, variables will be renamed from their original form in the xlsx file so new values are easier to understand and program with.
library(readxl)library(stringr)# Import data usa_hh_raw <-read_excel( "_data/USA Households by Total Money Income, Race, and Hispanic Origin of Householder 1967 to 2019.xlsx" , skip =5 , col_names =c("hhorigin_year", "hh_n_k", "del", "pctdis_lt_15k", "pctdis_15_lt_25k", "pctdis_25_lt_35k", "pctdis_35_lt_50k", "pctdis_50_lt_75k", "pctdis_75_lt_100k","pctdis_100_lt_150k", "pctdis_150_lt_200k", "pctdis_ge_200k", "med_income", "me_med_income", "mean_income", "me_mean_income"))%>%select(!contains("del")) # remove footers obs usa_hh_tidier <-head(usa_hh_raw, -31)
Chunk 2: Tidy data
Each observation in this dataset should represent a distinct race and Hispanic status, year of measure collection, and method for measure collection.
Tidying the file wasn’t straight forward because of a few characteristics in the original data including:
Use of a single column to define race and Hispanic origin and year of measure
Heavy utilization of footnotes in the combined race and Hispanic origin and year of measure
Presence of multiple records per single combination of race and Hispanic origin, driven by these footnotes
Steps to resolving data issues 1) Create three new variables from original single column representing “combined race and Hispanic origin and year of measure” to represent race and Hispanic origin, year of measure collection, and footnote for method of measure collection perfectly) 2) Remove columns replaced by new variables
Steps to finalize cleaning of data
Remove records with “header” for race and Hispanic status (measure values missing)
Convert measure values to numeric type columns
Convert year to date field
# mutate to create vars for hhorigin, year, footnotes# define hhorigin usa_hh_tidier <- usa_hh_tidier %>%mutate(temp_hhorigin =case_when( hhorigin_year, TRUE~NA_character_),hhorigin =str_replace(temp_hhorigin, "\\d+", ""))%>%fill(hhorigin, .direction ="down")#define measure year & footnote usa_hh_tidier <- usa_hh_tidier %>%mutate(temp_year=case_when(! hhorigin_year, TRUE~NA_character_), year =substr(temp_year, 1, 4),year_footnote =substr(temp_year, 5, nchar(temp_year)))#remove blank rows without metrics usa_hh_tidy <- usa_hh_tidier %>%filter(! old columns usa_hh_tidy <- usa_hh_tidy %>%select(!contains("hhorigin_year") &!contains("temp"))#convert character metrics to numeric usa_hh_tidy <- usa_hh_tidy %>%mutate_at(c(1:14), as.numeric) %>%mutate('measure_date'=make_date(year = year, month =3, day =1)) %>%select(!contains("year")) %>%filter(!
55 20
20 14
35 20
20 50
35 20
20 30
Generated by summarytools 1.0.1 (R version 4.2.2) 2023-04-04
Chunk 3: Time Dependent Visualization
I would like to look at changes in median income overtime by household origin. This will be difficult to evaluate perfectly per presence of mulitple measures of median income per group when different methods were employed to collect information (see year_footnote). To avoid dealing with this, I will utilize the min value when more than one exists.
Turns out HH origin is a bit much as well. I’m going to simply these values for the sake of a clean plot prior to generating any graphic as well
To clean the display of median outcome, will divide by 1000 and make sure labels reflect this change in unit
# change unit of med income to x 1000# clean up hhorigin # limit to dates after 2000 usa_hh_tidy_g <- usa_hh_tidy %>%mutate(med_incomeK = med_income/1000) %>%mutate(clean_origin =case_when ( str_detect(hhorigin, 'ASIAN') ~"Asian" , str_detect(hhorigin, 'BLACK') ~"Black" , str_detect(hhorigin, 'HISPANIC') ~"Hispanic" , str_detect(hhorigin, 'WHITE') ~"White" ,TRUE~"Other" ))# Select minimum median income, remove reocrds for all origins combined usa_hh_tidy_med_income<- usa_hh_tidy_g %>%group_by(clean_origin, measure_date)%>%summarise(med_income =min(med_incomeK)) %>%arrange(clean_origin, measure_date ) %>%filter(!clean_origin=="Other") usa_hh_tidy_med_income %>%ggplot( aes(x=measure_date, y=med_income, group=clean_origin, color = clean_origin)) +geom_line()+ggtitle("Median Income by Year and Household Race and Hispanic Status")+labs(y ="Median Income * 1000", x ="Year", colour ="Household Race and Hispanic Status")+theme(axis.text.x =element_text(angle =90))
Chunk 4: Time Dependent Visualization (cont)
Weird stuff in the year distribution! Rather than spend a year looking into this, I will limit graph to 2000 forward.
# limit to time period starting in 2000 usa_hh_tidy_med_income_2020 <- usa_hh_tidy_med_income %>%filter(measure_date >'1999-01-01') usa_hh_tidy_med_income_2020 %>%ggplot( aes(x=measure_date, y=med_income, group=clean_origin, color = clean_origin)) +geom_line()+ggtitle("Median Income 2000-2020, by Year and Household Race and Hispanic Status")+labs(y ="Median Income, * $1000)", x ="Year", colour ="Household Race and Hispanic Status")+theme(axis.text.x =element_text(angle =90))
Chunk 5: Visualizing Part-Whole Relationships
I’ll try a couple of things to look at differences income by household race and Hispanic status
A stacked bar char showing percent income by race and Hispanic status over time
A pie chart based on mean income over all years, 2000 forward
#try a stacked bar usa_hh_tidy_pct_med_income_2020 <- usa_hh_tidy_med_income_2020 %>%group_by(measure_date)%>%mutate(perc= med_income/sum(med_income))ggplot(usa_hh_tidy_pct_med_income_2020, aes(fill=clean_origin, y=perc, x=measure_date)) +geom_bar(position="stack", stat="identity")+ggtitle("Distribution of Income by Year and Household Race and Hispanic Status")+scale_y_continuous(name="Percent Income", label = scales::percent)
---title: "Challenge 6: Visualizing USA Households Data"author: "Lauren Zichittella"description: "Visualizing Time and Relationships"date: "08/23/2022"format: html: toc: true code-copy: true code-tools: truecategories: - laurenzichittella - challenge_6 - usa_households ---```{r}#| label: setup#| warning: false#| message: falselibrary(tidyverse)library(ggplot2)knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo =TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)```## Chunk 1: Read in data The dataset I chose to utilize for this task measures the distribution of household income in the US between 1967 and 2019 by race and Hispanic origin.During import of this file, I will limit observations to those that represent data by filtering out the header and footer sections. In addition, variables will be renamed from their original form in the xlsx file so new values are easier to understand and program with.```{r}library(readxl)library(stringr)# Import data usa_hh_raw <-read_excel( "_data/USA Households by Total Money Income, Race, and Hispanic Origin of Householder 1967 to 2019.xlsx" , skip =5 , col_names =c("hhorigin_year", "hh_n_k", "del", "pctdis_lt_15k", "pctdis_15_lt_25k", "pctdis_25_lt_35k", "pctdis_35_lt_50k", "pctdis_50_lt_75k", "pctdis_75_lt_100k","pctdis_100_lt_150k", "pctdis_150_lt_200k", "pctdis_ge_200k", "med_income", "me_med_income", "mean_income", "me_mean_income"))%>%select(!contains("del")) # remove footers obs usa_hh_tidier <-head(usa_hh_raw, -31)```## Chunk 2: Tidy dataEach observation in this dataset should represent a distinct race and Hispanic status, year of measure collection, and method for measure collection. Tidying the file wasn't straight forward because of a few characteristics in the original data including: 1) Use of a single column to define race and Hispanic origin and year of measure2) Heavy utilization of footnotes in the combined race and Hispanic origin and year of measure3) Presence of multiple records per single combination of race and Hispanic origin, driven by these footnotesSteps to resolving data issues1) Create three new variables from original single column representing "combined race and Hispanic origin and year of measure" to represent race and Hispanic origin, year of measure collection, and footnote for method of measure collection perfectly)2) Remove columns replaced by new variables Steps to finalize cleaning of data 1) Remove records with "header" for race and Hispanic status (measure values missing)2) Convert measure values to numeric type columns 3) Convert year to date field ```{r}# mutate to create vars for hhorigin, year, footnotes# define hhorigin usa_hh_tidier <- usa_hh_tidier %>%mutate(temp_hhorigin =case_when( hhorigin_year, TRUE~NA_character_),hhorigin =str_replace(temp_hhorigin, "\\d+", ""))%>%fill(hhorigin, .direction ="down")#define measure year & footnote usa_hh_tidier <- usa_hh_tidier %>%mutate(temp_year=case_when(! hhorigin_year, TRUE~NA_character_), year =substr(temp_year, 1, 4),year_footnote =substr(temp_year, 5, nchar(temp_year)))#remove blank rows without metrics usa_hh_tidy <- usa_hh_tidier %>%filter(! old columns usa_hh_tidy <- usa_hh_tidy %>%select(!contains("hhorigin_year") &!contains("temp"))#convert character metrics to numeric usa_hh_tidy <- usa_hh_tidy %>%mutate_at(c(1:14), as.numeric) %>%mutate('measure_date'=make_date(year = year, month =3, day =1)) %>%select(!contains("year")) %>%filter(!$hhorigin) table(usa_hh_tidy$year_footnote) print(summarytools::dfSummary(usa_hh_tidy,varnumbers =FALSE,plain.ascii =FALSE, style ="grid", graph.magnif =0.70, valid.col =FALSE),method ='render',table.classes ='table-condensed')```## Chunk 3: Time Dependent VisualizationI would like to look at changes in median income overtime by household origin. This will be difficult to evaluate perfectly per presence of mulitple measures of median income per group when different methods were employed to collect information (see year_footnote). To avoid dealing with this, I will utilize the min value when more than one exists. Turns out HH origin is a bit much as well. I'm going to simply these values for the sake of a clean plot prior to generating any graphic as well To clean the display of median outcome, will divide by 1000 and make sure labels reflect this change in unit ```{r}# change unit of med income to x 1000# clean up hhorigin # limit to dates after 2000 usa_hh_tidy_g <- usa_hh_tidy %>%mutate(med_incomeK = med_income/1000) %>%mutate(clean_origin =case_when ( str_detect(hhorigin, 'ASIAN') ~"Asian" , str_detect(hhorigin, 'BLACK') ~"Black" , str_detect(hhorigin, 'HISPANIC') ~"Hispanic" , str_detect(hhorigin, 'WHITE') ~"White" ,TRUE~"Other" ))# Select minimum median income, remove reocrds for all origins combined usa_hh_tidy_med_income<- usa_hh_tidy_g %>%group_by(clean_origin, measure_date)%>%summarise(med_income =min(med_incomeK)) %>%arrange(clean_origin, measure_date ) %>%filter(!clean_origin=="Other") usa_hh_tidy_med_income %>%ggplot( aes(x=measure_date, y=med_income, group=clean_origin, color = clean_origin)) +geom_line()+ggtitle("Median Income by Year and Household Race and Hispanic Status")+labs(y ="Median Income * 1000", x ="Year", colour ="Household Race and Hispanic Status")+theme(axis.text.x =element_text(angle =90))```## Chunk 4: Time Dependent Visualization (cont)Weird stuff in the year distribution! Rather than spend a year looking into this, I will limit graph to 2000 forward. ```{r}# limit to time period starting in 2000 usa_hh_tidy_med_income_2020 <- usa_hh_tidy_med_income %>%filter(measure_date >'1999-01-01') usa_hh_tidy_med_income_2020 %>%ggplot( aes(x=measure_date, y=med_income, group=clean_origin, color = clean_origin)) +geom_line()+ggtitle("Median Income 2000-2020, by Year and Household Race and Hispanic Status")+labs(y ="Median Income, * $1000)", x ="Year", colour ="Household Race and Hispanic Status")+theme(axis.text.x =element_text(angle =90))```## Chunk 5: Visualizing Part-Whole RelationshipsI'll try a couple of things to look at differences income by household race and Hispanic status1) A stacked bar char showing percent income by race and Hispanic status over time2) A pie chart based on mean income over all years, 2000 forward ```{r}#try a stacked bar usa_hh_tidy_pct_med_income_2020 <- usa_hh_tidy_med_income_2020 %>%group_by(measure_date)%>%mutate(perc= med_income/sum(med_income))ggplot(usa_hh_tidy_pct_med_income_2020, aes(fill=clean_origin, y=perc, x=measure_date)) +geom_bar(position="stack", stat="identity")+ggtitle("Distribution of Income by Year and Household Race and Hispanic Status")+scale_y_continuous(name="Percent Income", label = scales::percent) # try a basic pie chart usa_hh_tidy_overall<- usa_hh_tidy_g %>%filter(measure_date >'1999-01-01'&!clean_origin=="Other") usa_hh_tidy_overall_g<- usa_hh_tidy_overall %>%group_by(clean_origin)%>%summarise(med_income =min(med_incomeK)) %>%arrange(clean_origin )ggplot(usa_hh_tidy_overall_g, aes(x="", y=med_income, fill=clean_origin)) +geom_bar(stat="identity", width=1, color="white") +coord_polar("y", start=0) +theme_void() ```