I will import and combine the federate fund rate and debt datasets to evaluate the relationship between GDP and debt by type throughout calendar year 2003.
The FedFundRates data set provides different measures of economic conditions in the US between July 1, 1954 and March 16, 2017. After tidying, each observation will represent a measurement type, value, and date of collection.
The debts data set provides debt in trillions in the United States between Q1 2003 and Q2 2021. In this data set, a case will represent a single measure of debt by type and quarter/year of collection.
Generated by summarytools 1.0.1 (R version 4.2.2) 2023-04-27
Mutate variables and tidy data as needed
Since the plan is to join data sets by the measurement date variables will need to be created in both datasets.
Since I am only going to retain a single variable from the debt dataset, I will not tidy at this point in code
# Update and tidy fed funds# Mutate to create new date variables fedfundrate_mutate <- fedfundrate_raw %>%mutate('measure_date'=make_date(year = year, month = month, day = day),'quarter'=quarter(measure_date),'quarter'=as.double(quarter) ) %>%select( -day)# Pivot to one row per measure per measure date fedfundrate_tidy <- fedfundrate_mutate %>%pivot_longer(cols =c("unemployment_rate", "inflation_rate"), names_to ="measure_type" )head(fedfundrate_tidy)
# A tibble: 6 × 6
year month measure_date quarter measure_type value
<dbl> <dbl> <date> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
1 1954 7 1954-07-01 3 unemployment_rate 5.8
2 1954 7 1954-07-01 3 inflation_rate NA
3 1954 8 1954-08-01 3 unemployment_rate 6
4 1954 8 1954-08-01 3 inflation_rate NA
5 1954 9 1954-09-01 3 unemployment_rate 6.1
6 1954 9 1954-09-01 3 inflation_rate NA
# Update and tidy debt# Mutate to create new date variables debt_mutate <- debt_raw %>%separate('Year and Quarter', c("year", "quarter"), sep =":Q") %>%mutate_at(c('year', 'quarter'), as.numeric)%>%mutate( year = year +2000 , month = quarter*3 ,'measure_date'=make_date(year = year, month = month, day =1)) head(debt_mutate)
I will utilize a left join, post filtering by year. I only want to retain records in debt or debt and federal funds
I’ll generate a quick scatter plot to see if there’s a correlation between debt and unemployment rating. Depending on these results, I’ll make a decision on next steps for tidying and graphing.
# Prep for merge, filtering to desired records and summarizing to get mean unemployment ratefedfundrate_qtr <- fedfundrate_tidy %>%filter(year>2002& measure_type =="unemployment_rate")%>%group_by(year, quarter)%>%summarise(mean_unemployment_rate=mean(value)) # Prep debt for merge, limiting to select variables and renaming to clearly represent value variable debt_qtr <- debt_mutate %>%select(year, quarter, Total) %>%rename(total_debt = Total)head(fedfundrate_qtr)
# A tibble: 6 × 3
# Groups: year [2]
year quarter mean_unemployment_rate
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2003 1 5.87
2 2003 2 NA
3 2003 3 6.13
4 2003 4 5.83
5 2004 1 5.7
6 2004 2 NA
#Left join fed fun to qtr - expect the rowname of resulting dataset to be same as table debt that is being left joined to rate_debt <-left_join( debt_qtr , fedfundrate_qtr , by =c("year", "quarter"))# Sanity check nrow(debt_mutate)
[1] 74
[1] 74
# A tibble: 74 × 4
year quarter total_debt mean_unemployment_rate
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2003 1 7.23 5.87
2 2003 2 7.38 NA
3 2003 3 7.56 6.13
4 2003 4 8.07 5.83
5 2004 1 8.29 5.7
6 2004 2 8.46 NA
7 2004 3 8.83 NA
8 2004 4 9.04 NA
9 2005 1 9.21 NA
10 2005 2 9.49 NA
# … with 64 more rows
# Scatter plot - noting lots of missing unemployment rate for select spans of time. Results will likely be weirdggplot(rate_debt, aes(x=total_debt, y=mean_unemployment_rate)) +geom_point()
In this exercise, I wanted to try a join by, rather than stacking datasets. However, if I were focused on interpretting the data sources better, I would likely stack tidy versions of these data and plot faceted line graphs by type of measure to look at trends over time and compare the two
Source Code
---title: "Challenge 8"author: "Lauren Zichittella"description: "Joining Data"date: "04/25/2023"format: html: toc: true code-copy: true code-tools: truecategories: - challenge_8 - debt - fed_rates - laurenzichittella---```{r}#| label: setup#| warning: false#| message: falselibrary(tidyverse)library(ggplot2)library(readxl)knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo =TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)```## Read in dataI will import and combine the federate fund rate and debt datasets to evaluate the relationship between GDP and debt by type throughout calendar year 2003. The FedFundRates data set provides different measures of economic conditions in the US between July 1, 1954 and March 16, 2017. After tidying, each observation will represent a measurement type, value, and date of collection. The debts data set provides debt in trillions in the United States between Q1 2003 and Q2 2021. In this data set, a case will represent a single measure of debt by type and quarter/year of collection. ```{r}# Create raw dataframes fedfundrate_raw <-read_csv("_data/FedFundsRate.csv" , skip =1 , col_names =c("year", "month", "day", "del_fedfunds_targetrate", "del_fedfunds_targetupper", "del_fedfunds_targetlower","del_fedfunds_effectiverate", "del_realgdp_percentchange", "unemployment_rate", "inflation_rate")) %>%select(!contains("del")) print(summarytools::dfSummary(fedfundrate_raw,varnumbers =FALSE,plain.ascii =FALSE, style ="grid", graph.magnif =0.70, valid.col =FALSE),method ='render',table.classes ='table-condensed') #debt debt_raw<-read_excel("_data/debt_in_trillions.xlsx")print(summarytools::dfSummary(debt_raw,varnumbers =FALSE,plain.ascii =FALSE, style ="grid", graph.magnif =0.70, valid.col =FALSE),method ='render',table.classes ='table-condensed') ```## Mutate variables and tidy data as needed Since the plan is to join data sets by the measurement date variables will need to be created in both datasets. Since I am only going to retain a single variable from the debt dataset, I will not tidy at this point in code ```{r}# Update and tidy fed funds# Mutate to create new date variables fedfundrate_mutate <- fedfundrate_raw %>%mutate('measure_date'=make_date(year = year, month = month, day = day),'quarter'=quarter(measure_date),'quarter'=as.double(quarter) ) %>%select( -day)# Pivot to one row per measure per measure date fedfundrate_tidy <- fedfundrate_mutate %>%pivot_longer(cols =c("unemployment_rate", "inflation_rate"), names_to ="measure_type" )head(fedfundrate_tidy)# Update and tidy debt# Mutate to create new date variables debt_mutate <- debt_raw %>%separate('Year and Quarter', c("year", "quarter"), sep =":Q") %>%mutate_at(c('year', 'quarter'), as.numeric)%>%mutate( year = year +2000 , month = quarter*3 ,'measure_date'=make_date(year = year, month = month, day =1)) head(debt_mutate) ```## Join DataI will utilize a left join, post filtering by year. I only want to retain records in debt or debt and federal funds I'll generate a quick scatter plot to see if there's a correlation between debt and unemployment rating. Depending on these results, I'll make a decision on next steps for tidying and graphing.```{r}# Prep for merge, filtering to desired records and summarizing to get mean unemployment ratefedfundrate_qtr <- fedfundrate_tidy %>%filter(year>2002& measure_type =="unemployment_rate")%>%group_by(year, quarter)%>%summarise(mean_unemployment_rate=mean(value)) # Prep debt for merge, limiting to select variables and renaming to clearly represent value variable debt_qtr <- debt_mutate %>%select(year, quarter, Total) %>%rename(total_debt = Total)head(fedfundrate_qtr)#Left join fed fun to qtr - expect the rowname of resulting dataset to be same as table debt that is being left joined to rate_debt <-left_join( debt_qtr , fedfundrate_qtr , by =c("year", "quarter"))# Sanity check nrow(debt_mutate)nrow(rate_debt) rate_debt# Scatter plot - noting lots of missing unemployment rate for select spans of time. Results will likely be weirdggplot(rate_debt, aes(x=total_debt, y=mean_unemployment_rate)) +geom_point()```## ConclusionIn this exercise, I wanted to try a join by, rather than stacking datasets. However, if I were focused on interpretting the data sources better, I would likely stack tidy versions of these data and plot faceted line graphs by type of measure to look at trends over time and compare the two