Challenge 10 Submission


Tanmay Agrawal


February 1, 2023


knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)

Challenge Overview

The purrr package is a powerful tool for functional programming. It allows the user to apply a single function across multiple objects. It can replace for loops with a more readable (and often faster) simple function call.

For example, we can draw n random samples from 10 different distributions using a vector of 10 means.

n <- 100 # sample size
m <- seq(1,10) # means 
samps <- map(m,rnorm,n=n) 

We can then use map_dbl to verify that this worked correctly by computing the mean for each sample.

samps %>%
 [1] 1.045109 2.118810 2.943366 3.907274 4.925509 5.753940 6.998604 8.095275
 [9] 8.979529 9.778266

purrr is tricky to learn (but beyond useful once you get a handle on it). Therefore, it’s imperative that you complete the purr and map readings before attempting this challenge.

The challenge

Use purrr with a function to perform some data science task. What this task is is up to you. It could involve computing summary statistics, reading in multiple datasets, running a random process multiple times, or anything else you might need to do in your work as a data analyst. You might consider using purrr with a function you wrote for challenge 9.

# Read our dataset, cereal
cereal_data = read_csv("_data/cereal.csv")

We can use the purrr package in various ways, I will use the purrr::do() to calculate the ratio of Sodium and Sugar in cereals marketed to Adults (Type : A) and to Children (Type : B)

# Filter rows where the Sodium column is greater than 200
cereal_high_sodium <- cereal_data %>% filter(Sodium > 200)

aggregate_data <- cereal_data %>% group_by(Type) %>% summarise(avg_sodium = mean(Sodium), avg_sugar = mean(Sugar))

calculate_ratio <- function(data) {
  data %>%
  filter(Sugar > 0) %>%
  summarise(ratio = mean(Sodium / Sugar, na.rm = TRUE))

# Use purrr::map_dbl (which has been replaced by purrr::do()) to apply the function to each group of the cereal dataset
ratios <- cereal_data %>%
  group_by(Type) %>%
  do(calculate_ratio(.)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%

[1] 26.44202 41.20354
#cereal_data$ratio <- cereal_data %>% map_dbl(calculate_ratio)