# calculate standard errors.SE_B <-10/sqrt(539)SE_A <-9/sqrt(847)# calculate t-values.CL <-0.90TA <- (1-CL)/2tvalue_b <-qt(p =1-TA, df =539-1)tvalue_a <-qt(p =1-TA, df =847-1)# calculate CI for bypass.CIB <-c(19- tvalue_b * SE_B,19+ tvalue_b * SE_B)CIB
[1] 18.29029 19.70971
# calculate CI range for bypass.(19+ tvalue_b * SE_B) - (19- tvalue_b * SE_B)
[1] 1.419421
# calculate CI for angiography.CIA <-c(18- tvalue_a * SE_A,18+ tvalue_a * SE_A)CIA
[1] 17.49078 18.50922
# calculate CI range for angiography.(18+ tvalue_a * SE_A) - (18- tvalue_a * SE_A)
[1] 1.018436
The 90% CI is narrower for angiography.
Qn 2
set.seed(0)prop <-prop.test(x=567, n=1031)prop
1-sample proportions test with continuity correction
data: 567 out of 1031, null probability 0.5
X-squared = 10.091, df = 1, p-value = 0.00149
alternative hypothesis: true p is not equal to 0.5
95 percent confidence interval:
0.5189682 0.5805580
sample estimates:
The 95% CI is [0.5189682, 0.580558], which includes the point estimate 0.5499515 and excludes 0.5. Hence, we can reject the null hypothesis that the true probability is 0.5 at the 5% significance level, p = 0.0014898.
Qn 3
# calculate population SD.PSD <- (200-30)/4# calculate sample size.n <-round(((1.96*PSD)/5)^2)
The minimum required sample size is 278.
Qn 4a
Assumptions: H0 is true, observations are independent of one another, y is continuous and sample is approximately normally distributed. H0: μ = 500 Ha: μ ≠ 500
We can reject the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level, t(8) = 3, p = 0.0170717. Female employees’ mean income significantly differs from $500 per week.
[I have a question - I am confused on whether I was right to use the absolute value here, and when we should use absolute values.]
We can reject the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level, t(8)= -3, p = 0.0085358. Female employees’ mean income is significantly less than $500 per week.
We fail to reject the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level, t(8)= -3, p = 0.9914642. Female employees’ mean income is not significantly more than $500 per week.
Qn 5a
# calculate SD for Jones and Smith.SD <-10*sqrt(1000)# calculate t for Jones.t_j <- ((519.5-500)/SD) *sqrt(1000)t_j
[1] 1.95
# calculate p-value for Jones.p_j <-2*(pt(q=t_j, df=999, lower.tail=FALSE))p_j
[1] 0.05145555
# calculate t for Smith.t_s <- ((519.7-500)/SD) *sqrt(1000)t_s
[1] 1.97
# calculate p-value for Smith.p_s <-2*(pt(q=t_s, df=999, lower.tail=FALSE))p_s
[1] 0.04911426
Qn 5b
The result is statistically significant for Smith, but not Jones.
Qn 5c
It is useful to report the exact p-value in cases like this, when the p-value is very close to alpha. It helps the reader to understand (1) why it was/was not rejected, and (2) how much evidence there is against the null hypothesis.
One Sample t-test
data: gas_taxes
t = -1.8857, df = 17, p-value = 0.03827
alternative hypothesis: true mean is less than 45
95 percent confidence interval:
-Inf 44.67946
sample estimates:
mean of x
The 95% CI is [-, 44.6794598], which includes the estimated mean 40.8627778 and excludes 45. Hence, we can reject the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level, t(17)= -1.8857058, p = 0.0382708. The average tax per gallon in the US in 2005 was significantly less than 45 cents.
Source Code
---title: "Homework 2"author: "Saaradhaa M"date: "10/10/2022"format: html: df-print: paged toc: true code-copy: true code-tools: true css: "styles.css"categories: - hw2---# Qn 1```{r}# calculate standard errors.SE_B <-10/sqrt(539)SE_A <-9/sqrt(847)# calculate t-values.CL <-0.90TA <- (1-CL)/2tvalue_b <-qt(p =1-TA, df =539-1)tvalue_a <-qt(p =1-TA, df =847-1)# calculate CI for bypass.CIB <-c(19- tvalue_b * SE_B,19+ tvalue_b * SE_B)CIB# calculate CI range for bypass.(19+ tvalue_b * SE_B) - (19- tvalue_b * SE_B)# calculate CI for angiography.CIA <-c(18- tvalue_a * SE_A,18+ tvalue_a * SE_A)CIA# calculate CI range for angiography.(18+ tvalue_a * SE_A) - (18- tvalue_a * SE_A)```The 90% CI is narrower for angiography.# Qn 2```{r}set.seed(0)prop <-prop.test(x=567, n=1031)prop```The 95% CI is \[`r prop$conf.int`\], which includes the point estimate `r prop$estimate` and excludes 0.5. Hence, we can reject the null hypothesis that the true probability is 0.5 at the 5% significance level, *p* = `r prop$p.value`.# Qn 3```{r}# calculate population SD.PSD <- (200-30)/4# calculate sample size.n <-round(((1.96*PSD)/5)^2)```The minimum required sample size is `r n`.# Qn 4aAssumptions: H~0~ is true, observations are independent of one another, *y* is continuous and sample is approximately normally distributed. H~0~: μ = 500 H~a~: μ ≠ 500```{r}# calculate t-statistic.t <- (410-500)/(90/sqrt(9))# calculate p-value.p <-2*pt(q=abs(t), df=8, lower.tail=FALSE)p```We can reject the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level, *t*(8) = `r abs(t)`, *p* = `r p`. Female employees' mean income significantly differs from \$500 per week.\[I have a question - I am confused on whether I was right to use the absolute value here, and when we should use absolute values.\]# Qn 4b```{r}# calculate p-value.p2 <-pt(q=t, df=8, lower.tail=TRUE)p2```We can reject the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level, *t*(8)= -3, *p* = `r p2`. Female employees' mean income is significantly less than \$500 per week.# Qn 4c```{r}# calculate p-value.p3 <-pt(q=t, df=8, lower.tail=FALSE)p3```We fail to reject the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level, *t*(8)= -3, *p* = `r p3`. Female employees' mean income is [**not**]{.underline} significantly more than \$500 per week.# Qn 5a```{r}# calculate SD for Jones and Smith.SD <-10*sqrt(1000)# calculate t for Jones.t_j <- ((519.5-500)/SD) *sqrt(1000)t_j# calculate p-value for Jones.p_j <-2*(pt(q=t_j, df=999, lower.tail=FALSE))p_j# calculate t for Smith.t_s <- ((519.7-500)/SD) *sqrt(1000)t_s# calculate p-value for Smith.p_s <-2*(pt(q=t_s, df=999, lower.tail=FALSE))p_s```# Qn 5bThe result is statistically significant for Smith, but not Jones.# Qn 5cIt is useful to report the exact p-value in cases like this, when the p-value is very close to alpha. It helps the reader to understand (1) why it was/was not rejected, and (2) how much evidence there is against the null hypothesis.# Qn 6```{r}#create variable.gas_taxes <-c(51.27, 47.43, 38.89, 41.95, 28.61, 41.29, 52.19, 49.48, 35.02, 48.13, 39.28, 54.41, 41.66, 30.28, 18.49, 38.72, 33.41, 45.02)# do t-test.tax <-t.test(gas_taxes, alternative="less",mu=45)tax```The 95% CI is \[`r tax$conf.int`\], which includes the estimated mean `r tax$estimate` and excludes 45. Hence, we can reject the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level, *t*(`r tax$parameter`)= `r tax$statistic`, *p* = `r tax$p.value`. The average tax per gallon in the US in 2005 was significantly less than 45 cents.