::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
Megha joseph
Invalid Date
procedure samplesize meanwait standev
1 Bypass 539 19 10
2 Angiography 847 18 9
1-sample proportions test with continuity correction
data: 567 out of 1031, null probability 0.5
X-squared = 10.091, df = 1, p-value = 0.00149
alternative hypothesis: true p is not equal to 0.5
95 percent confidence interval:
0.5189682 0.5805580
sample estimates:
[1] 277.5556
With an α-level of .05, the p-values that both Jones (P=.051) and Smith (P=.049) found are very close to equivalent. Although Jones’ P-value is slightly greater than α=.05 and Smith’s P-value is slightly less than α=.05, the proximity of the results should yield the same conclusion. Both P-values provide moderate evidence to reject the null hypothesis and indicate that the mean is not equal to 500. If we were to technically interpret the P-values, then Jones’ test would fail to reject the null hypothesis, and Smith’s test would reject the null hypothesis.
If we fail to report the P-value and simply state whether the P-value is less than/equal to or greater than the defined significance level of the test, one cannot determine the strength of the conclusion. For example, a P-value of .009 for a significance level of .05 provides much stronger evidence to reject the null than a P-value of .045, however both values allow for rejection of the null at the significance level .05. In the Jones/Smith example, reporting the results only as “P ≤ 0.05” versus “P > 0.05” will lead to different conclusions about very similar results (rejecting versus failing to reject the null).
One Sample t-test
data: gas_taxes
t = 10.238, df = 17, p-value = 1.095e-08
alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 18.4
95 percent confidence interval:
36.23386 45.49169
sample estimates:
mean of x
title: "Homework 2"
author: "Megha joseph"
desription: "Homework 2 Assignment"
date: "10//2022"
toc: true
code-fold: true
code-copy: true
code-tools: true
- hw2
- challenge1
- my name
- dataset
- ggplot2
#| label: setup
#| warning: false
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
procedure <- c('Bypass', 'Angiography')
samplesize <- c(539, 847)
meanwait <- c(19, 18)
standev <- c(10, 9)
surgdata <- data.frame(procedure, samplesize, meanwait, standev)
prop.test(567, 1031, conf.level = .95)
stdevBooks <- (200-30)/4
margerrorBooks <- (10/2)
zBooks <- 1.96
stdevBooks^2 * (zBooks/margerrorBooks)^2
pt(-3, 8)*2
pt(-3, 8, lower.tail = TRUE)
pt(-3, 8, lower.tail = FALSE)
JonesT <- (519.5-500)/10
JonesP <- pt(1.95, 999, lower.tail = FALSE)*2
SmithT <- (519.7-500)/10
SmithP <- pt(1.97, 999, lower.tail = FALSE)*2
With an α-level of .05, the p-values that both Jones (P=.051) and Smith (P=.049) found are very close to equivalent. Although Jones’ P-value is slightly greater than α=.05 and Smith’s P-value is slightly less than α=.05, the proximity of the results should yield the same conclusion. Both P-values provide moderate evidence to reject the null hypothesis and indicate that the mean is not equal to 500. If we were to technically interpret the P-values, then Jones’ test would fail to reject the null hypothesis, and Smith’s test would reject the null hypothesis.
If we fail to report the P-value and simply state whether the P-value is less than/equal to or greater than the defined significance level of the test, one cannot determine the strength of the conclusion. For example, a P-value of .009 for a significance level of .05 provides much stronger evidence to reject the null than a P-value of .045, however both values allow for rejection of the null at the significance level .05. In the Jones/Smith example, reporting the results only as “P ≤ 0.05” versus “P > 0.05” will lead to different conclusions about very similar results (rejecting versus failing to reject the null).
gas_taxes <- c(51.27, 47.43, 38.89, 41.95, 28.61, 41.29, 52.19, 49.48, 35.02, 48.13, 39.28, 54.41, 41.66, 30.28, 18.49, 38.72, 33.41, 45.02)
t.test(gas_taxes, mu = 18.4, conf.level = .95)