Error in library(pscl): there is no package called 'pscl'
::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) knitr
Steph Roberts
October 9, 2022
Error in library(pscl): there is no package called 'pscl'
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 537 million people worldwide are living with diabetes. It is a leading cause of health complications and even death. The WHO states close to 1.5 million people died due to diabetes and its complication in 2019 alone. It is a growing problem that requires dedicated research to aim at the slowdown and prevention of future cases.
Research on Diabetes is ongoing and in-depth within the medical field. The prevalence and incidence of diabetes mellitus type 2 (DQ2) have increased consistently for decades, giving way to an increase in mortality related to diabetes. Commonly in the medical field, many risk factors are used to measure a patient’s risk of developing DM2, such as obesity, family history, hypertension and changes in fasting blood sugar levels. Moreno et al. (2018) studied risk parameters for diabetes and concluded “risk of being diabetic rises in patients whose father has suffered an acute myocardial infarction, in those whose mother or father is diabetic and in patients with a high waist perimeter.” Their focus on family history leaves room for studies more focused on individual medical factors, such as blood pressure, BMI, number of pregnancies, etc. That is the aim of this project.
M. L. M. V. J. A. (2018, June 11). Predictive risk model for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus type 2 in a follow-up study 15 Years on: Prodi2 study. European journal of public health. Retrieved October 9, 2022, from
Other research, such as a Edlitz & Segal (2022) study titled Prediction of type 2 diabetes mellitus onset using logistic regression-based scorecards, does focus on using individual medical factors to predict risk of diabetes through regression. This project aims to conduct similar analysis on different data.
E. Y. S. E. (2022, June 22). Prediction of type 2 diabetes mellitus onset using logistic regression-based scorecards. eLife. Retrieved October 9, 2022, from
Body mass index (BMI), glucose, and age are positive predictors of diabetes mellitus type 2.
Both hypothesis have been tested in the above mentioned studies. The contribution from this project will be the additional support for or against the hypotheses from the analysis of different data.
The data was collected by the “National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases” as part of the Pima Indians Diabetes Database (PIDD). A total of 768 cases are available in PIDD. However, 5 patients had a glucose of 0, 11 patients had a body mass index of 0, 28 others had a diastolic blood pressure of 0, 192 others had skin fold thickness readings of 0, and 140 others had serum insulin levels of 0. After cleaning the data by removing the cases with numbers that are incompatible with life, 392 cases remained. All patients belong to the Pima Indian heritage (subgroup of Native Americans), and are females aged 21 years and above.
The datasets consists of 9 medical predictor (independent) variables and one target (dependent) variable, outcome.
Pregnancies: Number of times a woman has been pregnant Glucose: Plasma Glucose concentration of 2 hours in an oral glucose tolerance test BloodPressure: Diastolic Blood Pressure (mm hg) SkinThickness: Triceps skin fold thickness(mm) Insulin: 2 hour serum insulin(mu U/ml) BMI: Body Mass Index ((weight in kg/height in m)^2) Age: Age(years) DiabetesPedigreeFunction: scores likelihood of diabetes based on family history Outcome: 0(doesn’t have diabetes) or 1 (has diabetes)
Error: 'diabetes2.csv' does not exist in current working directory ('C:/Users/srika/OneDrive/Desktop/DACSS/603_Fall_2022/posts').
Error in object[[i]]: object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
1 function (x, df1, df2, ncp, log = FALSE)
2 {
3 if (missing(ncp))
4 .Call(C_df, x, df1, df2, log)
5 else .Call(C_dnf, x, df1, df2, ncp, log)
6 }
Error in df == 0: comparison (1) is possible only for atomic and list types
Glucose, blood pressure, skin thickness, insulin, BMI and Age are not variables that should logically have 0s. Those values, if true, are likely incompatible with life. To reduce the amount of data we exclude, we will only remove observations that have 0s for our explanatory variables. We will remove those cases from analysis.
Error in df[c(2, 6, 8)]: object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
Error in df == 0: comparison (1) is possible only for atomic and list types
At a glance, this summary is more fitting after having cleaned our data. An average of 3 pregnancies, considering our 21+ female population, makes sense. A mean glucose of 122, blood pressure of 70.66, a BMI of 33, and age of 30.86 are reasonably accurate of our population. The data is clean and ready for analysis.
Error in `colnames<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c("pregnancies", "glucose", "bp", : attempt to set 'colnames' on an object with less than two dimensions
We have 752 observations and 9 variables with which to work.
Let’s get familiar with the data set by observing the scatterplot matrix and histograms for each variable.
Error in cannot coerce class '"function"' to a data.frame
Error in for (v in x) {: invalid for() loop sequence
The scatterplot matix shows that our variables generally lack linear relationships. Logistics regression may be best for analyzing this type of data.
The histograms show us the distribution of all our variables. Pregnancies is right skewed with more women having a smaller number of pregnancies and a small number having over 10. Glucose appears to follow a close-to-normal distribution with the mean just over 100. BMI follows a similar pattern with a central value of just over 30. Age is right skewed with the majority of the sample appearing to be in their 20s and slower tapering off to ages in their 50s. This is a good place to start. The only variable we cannot view in a histogram is the outcome variable due to its binary nature as a dummy variable.
Error in df[, c(1, 2, 6, 8, 9)]: object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
Error in pairs(bgap): object 'bgap' not found
Error in `ggplot()`:
! You're passing a function as global data.
Have you misspelled the `data` argument in `ggplot()`
About a third of our sample have diabetes.
Error in nrow(.): object 'bgap' not found
Error in 1:nrow(df): argument of length 0
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'bgap' not found
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'bgap' not found
Error in nrow(train): object 'train' not found
Error in nrow(test): object 'test' not found
Error in head(train): object 'train' not found
As a reminder, pregnancies, age, and BMI are all right skewed. So, we will use the logarithm of those variables in our regressions.
Error in object 'train' not found
Error in object 'train' not found
Error in object 'train' not found
Error in object 'train' not found
Error in object 'train' not found
Our hypothesis involves the BMI, glucose, and age variables. First we can take a look at them individually.
Error in object 'train' not found
Error in summary(mbmi): object 'mbmi' not found
Error in ggplot(data = train, aes(x = bmi, y = diabetes)): object 'train' not found
Interpretation: The residuals are relatively small. The coefficient estimate suggests that for every 1 unit increase of BMI, the chance of diabetes increases 0.019. The standard errors are small. Our t-values are large compared to our standard error and relatively far from 0. All that, combined with a very small p-value of < 5.15e-11, indicate we can reject the null hypothesis and conclude a relationship between BMI and diabetes.
Error in object 'train' not found
Error in summary(mgluc): object 'mgluc' not found
Error in ggplot(data = train, aes(x = glucose, y = diabetes)): object 'train' not found
Interpretation: Interestingly, the values of this regression mirror that of the BMI regression. With a very small p-value, < 2e-16, we can see that the plasma glucose concentrations of the 2 hour oral glucose tolerance test (GGT) are related to our outcome variable, diabetes. This makes sense as GGT is sometimes used as a diagnostic tool for diabetes.
The similarities is regression model values between BMI and glucose sparked a curiosity. Let’s see if BMI and glucose are specifically correlated to one another.
Error in cor.test(train$bmi, train$glucose, method = "pearson"): object 'train' not found
This shows a very small p-value of 8.477e-09, which is well under the significance level alpha = 0.5. However, the correlation coefficient suggests a weak positive correlation. This suggests the variables are only weakly related.
Let’s continue with our regression model hypothesis testing of individual variables.
Error in object 'train' not found
Error in summary(mage): object 'mage' not found
Error in ggplot(data = train, aes(x = age, y = diabetes)): object 'train' not found
Interpretation: Similar to the previous variable, age also has small residuals and standard error. It shows a p-value of 1.12e-06, indicating a relationship between age and diabetes.
The hypothesis that BMI, glucose tolerance results, and age are positively associated with diabetes is true. Next, we can investigate models that could help predict the outcome using these variables.
Error in summary(all_var): object 'all_var' not found
We can see with the all variable model that collectively, independent variables including pregnancies, glucose, bmi, dpf and even blood pressure have low p-values. That suggests those variables have a relationship with the outcome variable. We can use AIC as an indicator of model fitness, with this model being 517.97. Let’s compare this with the following models.
Error in summary(bga): object 'bga' not found
Error in ggplot(train, aes(x = age, y = bmi, color = glucose)): object 'train' not found
The model looking at BMI, age, and glucose as explanatory variables for diabetes has an AIC of 526.6, which is a worse fit than the all variables model.
Error in summary(bg): object 'bg' not found
Error in ggplot(train, aes(x = glucose, y = bmi, color = diabetes)): object 'train' not found
This BMI and glucose only model has a worse (higher) AIC, with 536.8, than the 2 previous models. So far, the all variable model appears the best fit.
Error in summary(ia): object 'ia' not found
Error in ggplot(train, aes(x = age, y = bmi, color = pregnancies)): object 'train' not found
With an AIC of 510.41, this model appears to be the best fit model of those we have compared. This indicated there is an interaction between age and pregnancies that has a relationship with the outcome variable.
Error in summary(bgp): object 'bgp' not found
Error in ggplot(train, aes(x = pregnancies, y = bmi, color = glucose)): object 'train' not found
Removing age entirely increased the AIC of this model. So, the interaction model seems to be the best fit. That is, the model including BMI and glucose and controlling for an interaction between age and pregnancy has the best fit of all models tested.
We can use ANOVA to analyze the table of deviance of our regression model.
Error in anova(ia, test = "Chisq"): object 'ia' not found
All of our variables have small p-values and appear good predictors of the diabetes outcome, with the exception of age. However, age is needed for the interaction variable.
Let’s check one more thing to ensure we have a good fit.
With a McFadden R-squared of 0.27, this model can be considered an excellent fit.
Error in predict(ia, test, type = "response"): object 'ia' not found
Error in ifelse(fitted.results > 0.5, 1, 0): object 'fitted.results' not found
Error in mean(fitted.results != test$diabetes): object 'fitted.results' not found
Error in cbind(test, fitted.results): object 'test' not found
Error in paste("Accuracy", 1 - pred): object 'pred' not found
Error in head(output): object 'output' not found
Testing the interaction model on the test data produces the correct outcome 79% of the time.
Residuals vs Fitted: The residuals have 2 distinct patterns of behavior. They start at close to 0 and taper off to a negative slope. Another group of residuals starts large and tapers on a negative slope toward 0.
Normal Q-Q: The Q-Q plot, which indicates level of asymmetry, tells us our data is not a normal distribution. It appears to have a right tail (see the points drifting from the line at the top), which aligns with our individual variable histogram interpretations. It follows that a model combining variables with right skews may also be skewed to the right. However, it also has values away from the line on the bottom left, away from the intercept. This suggests our model also includes a left tail. This distribution seems to have “fat tails.”
Scale-Location: This plots the fitted values of the model along the x-axis and the square root of the standardized residuals along the y-axis. The red line does roughly travel horizontal across the plot. However, there is a clear X pattern among residuals. This suggests our model has heteroscedasticity, which is not ideal.
Residuals vs Leverage: The points on this graph all fall within Cook’s distance, indicating there are not any influential points in our regression model.
title: "Final Project: Diabetes Prediction - Part 2"
author: "Steph Roberts"
desription: "Final Project Draft 2"
date: "10/9/2022"
toc: true
code-fold: true
code-copy: true
code-tools: true
- finalproject
- Steph Roberts
- dataset
- ggplot2
#| label: setup
#| warning: false
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
### Diabetes risk factors
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 537 million people worldwide are living with diabetes. It is a leading cause of health complications and even death. The WHO states close to 1.5 million people died due to diabetes and its complication in 2019 alone. It is a growing problem that requires dedicated research to aim at the slowdown and prevention of future cases.
## Research Question
1. What risk factors are most predictive of diabetes?
Research on Diabetes is ongoing and in-depth within the medical field. The prevalence and incidence of diabetes mellitus type 2 (DQ2) have increased consistently for decades, giving way to an increase in mortality related to diabetes. Commonly in the medical field, many risk factors are used to measure a patient’s risk of developing DM2, such as obesity, family history, hypertension and changes in fasting blood sugar levels.
Moreno et al. (2018) studied risk parameters for diabetes and concluded "risk of being diabetic rises in patients whose father has suffered an acute myocardial infarction, in those whose mother or father is diabetic and in patients with a high waist perimeter."
Their focus on family history leaves room for studies more focused on individual medical factors, such as blood pressure, BMI, number of pregnancies, etc. That is the aim of this project.
M. L. M. V. J. A. (2018, June 11). Predictive risk model for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus type 2 in a follow-up study 15 Years on: Prodi2 study. European journal of public health. Retrieved October 9, 2022, from
2. Can the use of regression analysis help predict risk of diabetes based on several medical variables?
Other research, such as a Edlitz & Segal (2022) study titled Prediction of type 2 diabetes mellitus onset using logistic regression-based scorecards, does focus on using individual medical factors to predict risk of diabetes through regression. This project aims to conduct similar analysis on different data.
E. Y. S. E. (2022, June 22). Prediction of type 2 diabetes mellitus onset using logistic regression-based scorecards. eLife. Retrieved October 9, 2022, from
## Hypothesis
Body mass index (BMI), glucose, and age are positive predictors of diabetes mellitus type 2.
This hypothesis has been tested in the above mentioned studies. The contribution from this project will be the additional support for or against the hypotheses from the analysis of different data.
## Descriptive Statistics
The data was collected by the “National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases” as part of the Pima Indians Diabetes Database (PIDD). A total of 768 cases are available in PIDD. However, 5 patients had a glucose of 0 and 11 patients had a body mass index of 0. After cleaning the data by removing the cases with numbers that are incompatible with life in categories important to the current research, 752 cases remained. All patients belong to the Pima Indian heritage (subgroup of Native Americans), and are females aged 21 years and above.
The datasets consists of 9 medical predictor (independent) variables and one target (dependent) variable, outcome.
**Pregnancies:** Number of times a woman has been pregnant
**Glucose:** Plasma Glucose concentration of 2 hours in an oral glucose tolerance test
**BloodPressure:** Diastolic Blood Pressure (mm hg)
**SkinThickness:** Triceps skin fold thickness(mm)
**Insulin:** 2 hour serum insulin(mu U/ml)
**BMI:** Body Mass Index ((weight in kg/height in m)^2)
**Age:** Age(years)
**DiabetesPedigreeFunction:** scores likelihood of diabetes based on family history
**Outcome:** 0 (doesn't have diabetes) or 1 (has diabetes)
df<- read_csv("_data/diabetes2.csv")
#check for null entries
#Check number of 0s in each column
Glucose, blood pressure, skin thickness, insulin, BMI and Age are not variables that should logically have 0s. Those values, if true, are likely incompatible with life. To reduce the amount of data we exclude, we will only remove observations that have 0s for our explanatory variables. We will remove those cases from analysis.
#Remove rows with 0 in respective columns
df <- df[apply(df[c(2,6)],1,function(z) !any(z==0)),]
#Verify 0s are gone in selected rows
#Check cleaned data frame
#Summarize df
At a glance, this summary is more fitting after having cleaned our data. An average of 3 pregnancies, considering our 21+ female population, makes sense. A mean glucose of 122, blood pressure of 70, a BMI of 33, and age of 33 are reasonably accurate for our population.
#Rename columns
colnames(df) <- c("pregnancies", "glucose", "bp", "skin_thickness", "insulin", "bmi", "dpf", "age", "diabetes")
We have 752 observations and 9 variables with which to work. The data is clean and ready for analysis.
Let's get familiar with the data set by observing the histograms for each variable.
#Scatterplot matrix
#Histograms of each variable
The scatterplot matix shows that our variables generally lack linear relationships. Logistics regression may be best for analyzing this type of data.
The histograms show us the distribution of all our variables. Pregnancies is right skewed with more women having a smaller number of pregnancies and a small number having over 10. Glucose appears to follow a close-to-normal distribution with the mean just over 100. BMI follows a similar pattern with a central value of just over 30. Age is right skewed with the majority of the sample appearing to be in their 20s and slower tapering off to ages in their 50s. This is a good place to start. The only variable we cannot view in a histogram is the outcome variable due to its binary nature as a dummy variable.
#Visualize relationship of variables
bgap <-[, c(1,2,6,8,9)])
#Plot outcome variable
ggplot(df, aes(x=factor(diabetes))) +
geom_bar(fill = "#0073C2FF")+
scale_x_discrete(labels=c('No Diabetes','Diabetes'))+
geom_text(aes(label = ..count..), stat = "count", vjust = 1.5, colour = "white")
About a third of our sample have diabetes, with 264 cases with diabetes and 488 without.
#Boxplot of BMI vs. diabetes
boxplot(bmi~diabetes, df, names=c("No Diabetes", "Diabetes"), col=c("darkolivegreen2", "tomato"), ylab="Body Mass Index", xlab=" ")
The interquartile range(IQR) for BMI between those without and those with diabetes is roughly the same size. However, the diabetes IQR and median is distinctly higher on the BMI range than for those without the disease.
#Boxplot of glucose vs. diabetes
boxplot(glucose~diabetes, df, names=c("No Diabetes", "Diabetes"), col=c("darkolivegreen2", "tomato"), ylab="Plasma Glucose", xlab=" ")
The difference in IQR for plasma glucose measured against diabetes is remarkable. The median for those with diabetes exceeds the upper quartile of those without.
#Boxplot of age vs. diabetes
boxplot(age~diabetes, df, names=c("No Diabetes", "Diabetes"), col=c("darkolivegreen2", "tomato"), ylab="age", xlab=" ")
Not as starkly different as the previous variable, but age also has an IQR difference where diabetes is higher on the range. All 3 of these boxplots tend to suggest those with diabetes have higher values in the variables in question. Let's take a closer look at the stats to measure our hypothesis.
## Hypothesis Testing
To test our hypothesis we could use either linear regression or logistics regression. Considering the outcome variable is binary, logistics regression is likely going to be best. First, though, let's try to plot a linear regression as a type of diagnostics test.
### Diagnostics
dlm <- lm(diabetes ~ bmi + glucose + age, data = df)
#Diagnostic plot of model
**Residuals vs Fitted**: The residuals have 2 distinct patterns of behavior. This is likely due to our model representing two distinct outcomes. It therefore breaks normality.
**Normal Q-Q**: The Q-Q plot, which indicates level of asymmetry, tells us our data is not a normal distribution. It appears to have a right tail (see the points drifting from the line at the top). It also has values away from the line on the bottom left, away from the intercept. This suggests our model also includes a left tail. This distribution seems to have "fat tails."
**Scale-Location**: This plots the fitted values of the model along the x-axis and the square root of the standardized residuals along the y-axis. There is a clear X pattern among residuals. This suggests our model has heteroscedasticity, which is not ideal.
**Residuals vs Leverage**: The points on this graph all fall within Cook's distance, indicating there are not any influential points in our regression model.
**Conclusion**: A linear regression does not appear to be the best regression analysis to use for this data. Instead, we will work with logistics regression to test our hypothesis, then train and test the data.
#Create training and test data
bgap %>%
nrow() %>%
multiply_by(0.7) %>%
round() -> training_set_size
train_indices <- sample(1:nrow(df), training_set_size)
train <- bgap[train_indices,]
test <- bgap[-train_indices,]
Our hypothesis involves the BMI, glucose, and age variables. First we can take a look at them individually.
#Logistics regression is best for binomial outcome variables
#Regression model on BMI
mbmi <- glm(diabetes ~ bmi, data = train, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
ggplot(train, aes(x =bmi, y = diabetes)) +
geom_point(alpha=.5, col="steelblue") +
geom_smooth(method = 'glm', se=FALSE, method.args = list(family=binomial))
Interpretation: The exponentiation of the coefficient tells us that a 1-unit increase in BMI multiplies the odds of diabetes by 1.096. The residuals are relatively small. The coefficient estimate suggests that for every 1 unit increase of BMI, the chance of diabetes increases 0.091. The very small p-value of 5.58e-13 indicates we can reject the null hypothesis and conclude a relationship between BMI and diabetes.
#Regression model on glucose
mgluc <- glm(diabetes ~ glucose, data = train, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
ggplot(data = train, aes(x = glucose, y = diabetes)) +
geom_point(alpha=.5, col="darkseagreen") +
geom_smooth(method = 'glm', se=FALSE, method.args = list(family=binomial))
Interpretation: The exponentiation of the coefficient tells us that a 1-unit increase in plasma glucose concentration multiplies the odds of diabetes by 1.040. With a very small p-value, <2e-16, we can see that the plasma glucose concentrations of the 2 hour oral glucose tolerance test (GGT) are related to our outcome variable, diabetes. This makes sense as GGT is sometimes used as a diagnostic tool for diabetes.
#Regression model on age
mage <- glm(diabetes ~ age, data = train, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
ggplot(data = train, aes(x = age, y = diabetes)) +
geom_point(alpha=.5, col="coral") +
geom_smooth(method = 'glm', se=FALSE, method.args = list(family=binomial))
Interpretation: The exponentiation of the coefficient tells us that a 1-unit increase in age (years) multiplies the odds of diabetes by 1.037. The estimate shows us that one unit increase of age (1 year), increases the l Similar to the previous variable, age has a small standard error. It shows a p-value of 2.71e-06, indicating a relationship between age and diabetes.
The hypothesis that BMI, glucose tolerance results, and age are positively associated with diabetes is supported. The small p-values show the variables are significant at 1% level of significance. We are able to reject the null hypothesis. Next, we can investigate models that could help predict the outcome using these variables.
## Model Comparisons
#Model 1 using all independent variables - pregnancies, glucose, bmi, age
all_var <- glm(diabetes ~ ., data = train, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
#Model 2 using BMI, glucose, and age
bga <- glm(diabetes ~ . -pregnancies, data = train, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
#Model 3 using BMI and glucose
bg <- glm(diabetes ~ .-age -pregnancies, data = train, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
#Model 4 using BMI, glucose, age, and an interaction between pregnancies and age.
ia <- glm(diabetes ~ glucose + bmi + age*pregnancies, data = train, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
#Model 5 with BMI, glucose, and pregnancies (without age)
bgp <- glm(diabetes ~ . -age, data = train, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
### Model 1
#Summarize model including BMI, glucose, age, and pregnancies
We can see with the all variable model that pregnancies, glucose, and bmi have low p-values. That suggests those variables have a relationship with the outcome variable.
#Find Odds ratios
The odds ratio for pregnancies, glucose, bmi, and age are 1.130, 1.036, 1.085, and 1.013 respectively. They are all greater than 1, suggesting each variable increases the likelihood of the outcome variable.
#Classify test set
test$pred_prob_mod1 <- predict(all_var, newdata = test, type = "response")
test$pred_class_mod1 <- ifelse(test$pred_prob_mod1 > 0.5, 1, 0)
#Create confusion matrix
cm_mod1 <- table(test$pred_class_mod1, test$diabetes)
The predicted outcomes are in rows and true outcomes in columns.
#Calculate precision, recall and F-score
tp1 <- cm_mod1[2,2]
tn1 <- cm_mod1[1,1]
fp1 <- cm_mod1[2,1]
fn1 <- cm_mod1[1,2]
precision1 <- tp1 / (tp1 + fp1)
recall1 <- tp1 / (tp1 + fn1)
f1_score1 <- 2 * ((precision1 * recall1 ) / (precision1 + recall1))
accuracy1 <- (tp1 + tn1) / (tp1 + tn1 + fp1 + fn1)
cat('Precision of Model 1:', precision1,'\n')
cat('Recall of Model 1:', recall1,'\n')
cat('F1 of Model 1:', f1_score1,'\n' )
cat('Accuracy of Model 1:', accuracy1)
#Build ROC curve
plot(roc(test$diabetes ~ test$pred_prob_mod1), print.auc = TRUE, legacy.axes=T)
The ROC curve a decent size with a area under the curve (AUC) of 0.842. Lets compare this model to our others as we go.
### Model 2
#Summarize BMI, glucose, and age model
ggplot(train, aes(x=age, y=bmi, color=glucose)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(~diabetes)
The model looking at BMI, age, and glucose as explanatory variables for diabetes has an AIC of 526.6, which is a worse fit than the all variables model.
#Find Odds ratios
#Classify test set
test$pred_prob_mod2 <- predict(bga, newdata = test, type = "response")
test$pred_class_mod2 <- ifelse(test$pred_prob_mod2 > 0.5, 1, 0)
#Create confusion matrix
cm_mod2 <- table(test$pred_class_mod2, test$diabetes)
#Calculate precision, recall and F-score
tp2 <- cm_mod2[2,2]
tn2 <- cm_mod2[1,1]
fp2 <- cm_mod2[2,1]
fn2 <- cm_mod2[1,2]
precision2 <- tp2 / (tp2 + fp2)
recall2 <- tp2 / (tp2 + fn2)
f1_score2 <- 2 * ((precision2 * recall2 ) / (precision2 + recall2))
accuracy2 <- (tp2 + tn2) / (tp2 + tn2 + fp2 + fn2)
cat('Precision of Model 2:', precision2,'\n')
cat('Recall of Model 2:', recall2,'\n')
cat('F1 of Model 2:', f1_score2,'\n' )
cat('Accuracy of Model 2:', accuracy2)
#Build ROC curve
plot(roc(test$diabetes ~ test$pred_prob_mod2), print.auc = TRUE, legacy.axes=T)
Model 2 presents an AUC of 0.846, slightly bigger than model 1. It does become starkly less smooth around 0.6 on the y axis, sensitivity. Let's see if the any other models present this way.
### Model 3
#Summarize BMI and glucose model
ggplot(train, aes(x=glucose, y=bmi, color=diabetes)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(~diabetes)
This BMI and glucose only model has a worse (higher) AIC, with 536.8, than the 2 previous models. So far, the all variable model appears the best fit.
#Find Odds ratios
#Classify test set
test$pred_prob_mod3 <- predict(bg, newdata = test, type = "response")
test$pred_class_mod3 <- ifelse(test$pred_prob_mod3 > 0.5, 1, 0)
#Create confusion matrix
cm_mod3 <- table(test$pred_class_mod3, test$diabetes)
#Calculate precision, recall and F-score
tp3 <- cm_mod3[2,2]
tn3 <- cm_mod3[1,1]
fp3 <- cm_mod3[2,1]
fn3 <- cm_mod3[1,2]
precision3 <- tp3 / (tp3 + fp3)
recall3 <- tp3 / (tp3 + fn3)
f1_score3 <- 2 * ((precision3 * recall3 ) / (precision3 + recall3))
accuracy3 <- (tp3 + tn3) / (tp3 + tn3 + fp3 + fn3)
cat('Precision of Model 3:', precision3,'\n')
cat('Recall of Model 3:', recall3,'\n')
cat('F1 of Model 3:', f1_score3,'\n' )
cat('Accuracy of Model 3:', accuracy3)
#Build ROC curve
plot(roc(test$diabetes ~ test$pred_prob_mod3), print.auc = TRUE, legacy.axes=T)
Model 3 has a lower AUC (0.840) than model 1 (0.842) and model 2 (0.846).
### Model 4
#Summarize model including interaction between age and pregnancies
#This was chosen to see if the impact of age on diabetes is different depending on the number of pregnancies
ggplot(train, aes(x=age, y=bmi, color=pregnancies)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(~diabetes)
With an AIC of 510.41, this model appears to be the best fit model of those we have compared. This indicated there is an interaction between age and pregnancies that has a relationship with the outcome variable.
#Find Odds ratios
#Classify test set
test$pred_prob_mod4 <- predict(ia, newdata = test, type = "response")
test$pred_class_mod4 <- ifelse(test$pred_prob_mod4 > 0.5, 1, 0)
#Create confusion matrix
cm_mod4 <- table(test$pred_class_mod4, test$diabetes)
#Calculate precision, recall and F-score
tp4 <- cm_mod4[2,2]
tn4 <- cm_mod4[1,1]
fp4 <- cm_mod4[2,1]
fn4 <- cm_mod4[1,2]
precision4 <- tp4 / (tp4 + fp4)
recall4 <- tp4 / (tp4 + fn4)
f1_score4 <- 2 * ((precision4 * recall4 ) / (precision4 + recall4))
accuracy4 <- (tp4 + tn4) / (tp4 + tn4 + fp4 + fn4)
cat('Precision of Model 4:', precision4,'\n')
cat('Recall of Model 4:', recall4,'\n')
cat('F1 of Model 4:', f1_score4,'\n' )
cat('Accuracy of Model 4:', accuracy4)
#Build ROC curve
plot(roc(test$diabetes ~ test$pred_prob_mod4), print.auc = TRUE, legacy.axes=T)
Model 4 has similar AUC to 1 and 3.
### Model 5
#Summarize model including without age
ggplot(train, aes(x=pregnancies, y=bmi, color=glucose)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(~diabetes)
Removing age entirely increased the AIC of this model. So, the interaction model seems to be the best fit. That is, model 4 which includes BMI and glucose and controls for an interaction between age and pregnancy has the best fit of all models tested.
#Find Odds ratios
#Classify test set
test$pred_prob_mod5 <- predict(bgp, newdata = test, type = "response")
test$pred_class_mod5 <- ifelse(test$pred_prob_mod5 > 0.5, 1, 0)
#Create confusion matrix
cm_mod5 <- table(test$pred_class_mod5, test$diabetes)
#Calculate precision, recall and F-score
tp5 <- cm_mod5[2,2]
tn5 <- cm_mod5[1,1]
fp5 <- cm_mod5[2,1]
fn5 <- cm_mod5[1,2]
precision5 <- tp5 / (tp5 + fp5)
recall5 <- tp5 / (tp5 + fn5)
f1_score5 <- 2 * ((precision5 * recall5 ) / (precision5 + recall5))
accuracy5 <- (tp5 + tn5) / (tp5 + tn5 + fp5 + fn5)
cat('Precision of Model 5:', precision5,'\n')
cat('Recall of Model5:', recall5,'\n')
cat('F1 of Model 5:', f1_score5,'\n' )
cat('Accuracy of Model 5:', accuracy5)
#Build ROC curve
plot(roc(test$diabetes ~ test$pred_prob_mod5), print.auc = TRUE, legacy.axes=T)
### Choosing a model:
#Create table to compare models
comp_mods <- matrix(c(accuracy1, accuracy2, accuracy3, accuracy4, accuracy5, f1_score1, f1_score2, f1_score3, f1_score4, f1_score5, recall1, recall2, recall3, recall4, recall5, precision1, precision2, precision3, precision4, precision5, auc1, auc2, auc3, auc4, auc5), ncol=5, byrow=TRUE)
colnames(comp_mods) <- c('Model 1','Model 2','Model 3', 'Model4', 'Model5')
rownames(comp_mods) <- c('Accuracy','F1 Score','Recall', 'Prescision', 'AUC')
comp_mods <- as.table(comp_mods)
Model 3 has the highest accuracy, with 2 close behind it. The F1 score, which is the harmonic mean, takes both recall and precision into account. Model 2 has the highest F1 score with Model 3 close behind. Model 2 also has the highest AUC. Model 2, which used BMI, glucose, and age as predictor values for diabetes, looks like the best fit.