<- -10536 + 53.8*(1240) + 2.84*(18000))
(pred_1 ## [1] 107296
<- 145000 - pred_1)
(resid_1 ## [1] 37704
Dane Shelton
November 14, 2022
The model provided predicts the selling price of a 1,240-sqft house build on a 18,000-sqft lot to be $107,296.
The residual (Actual-Predicted) for this prediction is $37,704. The large positive value indicated the model under-predicts selling price for this house.
The high residual could be due to a competitive market (cash offers, bidding, etc.), location, or even amenities/renovations within the house, all confounders the model doesn’t account for.
salary <- alr4::salary
(by_sex <- t.test(formula=`salary`~`sex`, data=salary))
## Welch Two Sample t-test
## data: salary by sex
## t = 1.7744, df = 21.591, p-value = 0.09009
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group Male and group Female is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## -567.8539 7247.1471
## sample estimates:
## mean in group Male mean in group Female
## 24696.79 21357.14
At alpha=0.05
we do not have sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis, H0: There is no difference in Male and Female mean salaries. We cannot conclude a difference exists between male and female salaries.
salary_1 <- lm(salary ~.,
data = salary)
## Call:
## lm(formula = salary ~ ., data = salary)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -4045.2 -1094.7 -361.5 813.2 9193.1
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 15746.05 800.18 19.678 < 2e-16 ***
## degreePhD 1388.61 1018.75 1.363 0.180
## rankAssoc 5292.36 1145.40 4.621 3.22e-05 ***
## rankProf 11118.76 1351.77 8.225 1.62e-10 ***
## sexFemale 1166.37 925.57 1.260 0.214
## year 476.31 94.91 5.018 8.65e-06 ***
## ysdeg -124.57 77.49 -1.608 0.115
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 2398 on 45 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.855, Adjusted R-squared: 0.8357
## F-statistic: 44.24 on 6 and 45 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
print('95% Confidence Interval:')
## [1] "95% Confidence Interval:"
(confint.lm(salary_1, level = 0.95))
## 2.5 % 97.5 %
## (Intercept) 14134.4059 17357.68946
## degreePhD -663.2482 3440.47485
## rankAssoc 2985.4107 7599.31080
## rankProf 8396.1546 13841.37340
## sexFemale -697.8183 3030.56452
## year 285.1433 667.47476
## ysdeg -280.6397 31.49105
We can see the results of our hypothesis test in (a) are confirmed by the confidence interval for sexFemale
which contains 0.
degreePhD: 1388.61, p-value 0.180
is a categorical variable with 2 levels: Masters and PhD. Our coefficient of 1388.61 suggests that with all other variables held constant, the model finds the difference in mean salary between PhD recipients and Masters recipients at the university to be $1388.61, with faculty holding a PhD earning more.
The p-value of 0.180 indicates that the variable is not significant at the alpha= .05
level, we cannot conclude that degree level is useful in predicting salary
at the university (H0: B slope degreePhD = 0). There is not a significant difference between salary of Masters and Phd faculty.
rankAssoc: 5292.36, p-value .00003
is a categorical variable with 3 levels: Asst
, Prof
, representing the rank of a faculty member. Asst
is the base category in this model, so our coefficient of 5292.36 suggests that with all other variables held constant, there is a $5,292.36 difference in mean salary between Assistant and Associate professors on campus, with associate professors earning more.
the p-value is far below our default alpha=0.05
. We can reject the null hypothesis that the effect is 0, and conclude that there is a difference between the salaries of the groups Asst
and Assoc
, the variable is significant in predicting salary
rankProf: 11118.76, p-value: < 0.005
A coefficient of 11118.76 suggests that with all other variables held constant, there is a $11,118.76 difference in mean salary between Assistant and full Professors on campus, with full Professors earning more.
the p-value is far below our default alpha=0.05
. We can reject the null hypothesis that the effect is 0, and conclude that there is a difference between the salaries of the groups Asst
and Prof
, the variable is significant in predicting salary
sexFemale: 1166.37, p-value 0.214
is a categorical varible with two levels: Male
and Female
. A coefficient of 1166.37 indicated that with all other variables held constant, the model observed a $1,166.37 difference in mean salary between males and females, with females earning more.
the p-value of 0.214 is greater than our alpha value, indicating this variable is not useful in predicting salary
of faculty members. We cannot conclude there is a significant difference between earnings of different sex
year: 476.31, p-value < .0005
is a continuous variable describing the number of years a faculty member has spent at their current rank. A coefficient of 476.31 suggests that with all other variables held constant, a 1 year increase in experience at a particular rank
will result in a $476.31 increase in predicted salary.
the p-value is far below our default alpha=0.05
. We can reject the null hypothesis that the effect is 0, and conclude the variable is significant in predicting salary
ysdeg: -124.57, p-value 0.115
is a continuous variable describing the number of years since a faculty member earned their highest degree. A coefficient of -124.57 suggests that with all other variables held constant, a 1 year increase in years since highest degree earned will result in a $124.57 decrease in predicted salary.
the p-value of 0.115 is greater than our alpha value, indicating this variable is not useful in predicting salary
of faculty members. We cannot conclude there is a significant relationship between salary
and ysdeg
rank_redo<- salary %>%
mutate(rank=relevel(rank, ref = 'Prof'))
# refit model
salary_2 <- lm(salary ~.,
data = rank_redo)
## Call:
## lm(formula = salary ~ ., data = rank_redo)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -4045.2 -1094.7 -361.5 813.2 9193.1
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 26864.81 1375.29 19.534 < 2e-16 ***
## degreePhD 1388.61 1018.75 1.363 0.180
## rankAsst -11118.76 1351.77 -8.225 1.62e-10 ***
## rankAssoc -5826.40 1012.93 -5.752 7.28e-07 ***
## sexFemale 1166.37 925.57 1.260 0.214
## year 476.31 94.91 5.018 8.65e-06 ***
## ysdeg -124.57 77.49 -1.608 0.115
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 2398 on 45 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.855, Adjusted R-squared: 0.8357
## F-statistic: 44.24 on 6 and 45 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
remains the same for the Assist
group, after changing the reference level of the variable from Assistant
to Professor
, the relationship between full professors and associate professors has changed. Associate professors are seen to make $5,826.40 less than full professors, a 534 dollar increase (in value) from the model where Assistants
are used the point of reference.salary_3 <- lm(salary ~ . - rank,
data = salary)
## Call:
## lm(formula = salary ~ . - rank, data = salary)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -8146.9 -2186.9 -491.5 2279.1 11186.6
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 17183.57 1147.94 14.969 < 2e-16 ***
## degreePhD -3299.35 1302.52 -2.533 0.014704 *
## sexFemale -1286.54 1313.09 -0.980 0.332209
## year 351.97 142.48 2.470 0.017185 *
## ysdeg 339.40 80.62 4.210 0.000114 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 3744 on 47 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.6312, Adjusted R-squared: 0.5998
## F-statistic: 20.11 on 4 and 47 DF, p-value: 1.048e-09
While sex
is still insignificant in the model for predicting salary, we see the value of the coefficient change sign, along with ysdeg
Two variables are now considered significant that were previously in predicting salary
when rank
was included in the model, ysdeg
and degree
dean_edit <- salary %>%
mutate(dean =
case_when(`ysdeg` > 15 ~ 'Old',
`ysdeg` <= 15 ~ 'New'))
salary_4 <- lm(salary ~ . - rank - ysdeg,
data = dean_edit)
## Call:
## lm(formula = salary ~ . - rank - ysdeg, data = dean_edit)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -10740.1 -2550.1 -3.3 1942.4 11718.3
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 18148.9 1188.2 15.274 < 2e-16 ***
## degreePhD -1186.6 1191.2 -0.996 0.324267
## sexFemale -523.5 1355.1 -0.386 0.701017
## year 531.4 130.2 4.082 0.000172 ***
## deanOld 4449.8 1347.2 3.303 0.001834 **
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 3958 on 47 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.5878, Adjusted R-squared: 0.5527
## F-statistic: 16.75 on 4 and 47 DF, p-value: 1.338e-08
I removed rank
and ysdeg
as both could exhibit multicollinearity with the hiring of the new Dean. Knowing the dean
appointed newer graduates upon their appointment would allow ysdeg
to predict dean
for those with under 15 years of their degree; also one can progress through ranks
within 15 years so this could correlate with dean
With a coefficient for deanOld
of around 4500, the model predicts that those hired by the Old
dean have a higher mean salary
as a group compared to those hired by the New
dean, contrary to the suggested hypothesis.
house <- house.selling.price
house_1 <- lm(Price ~ Size+New, data=house)
## Call:
## lm(formula = Price ~ Size + New, data = house)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -205102 -34374 -5778 18929 163866
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -40230.867 14696.140 -2.738 0.00737 **
## Size 116.132 8.795 13.204 < 2e-16 ***
## New 57736.283 18653.041 3.095 0.00257 **
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 53880 on 97 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.7226, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7169
## F-statistic: 126.3 on 2 and 97 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Size: 116.132, p-value < .005
is a continuous variable with a positive coefficient of 116.132 suggesting that for every one sqft increase, predicted Price
will increase by $116.13, New
held constant.New: 57736.28, p-value < .005
is a categorical variable with two levels, new=1
and old=0
. The coefficient of 57736.28 suggests that as a group, our model predicts new houses to have a mean selling price that is $57,736.28 greater than old houses of the same size.Both variables are significant at alpha=0.05
, indicating that they are useful in predicting price
for our data, their effect has a magnitude different from zero.
The full prediction equation follows the form \(Price = -40230.867 + 116.132*Size + 57736.28*New\)
Interpretation of variables, coefficients, and p-values are in (a).
New Homes: \(Price = -40230.867 + 116.132*Size + 57736.28\)
Old Homes: \(Price = -40230.867 + 116.132*Size\)
new_3000 <- data.frame(`Size`=3000,`New`=1)
new_pred <- predict(house_1, newdata=new_3000)
print(c('New 3000 sqft House:',new_pred))
## 1
## "New 3000 sqft House:" "365900.183656625"
old_3000 <- data.frame(`Size`=3000,`New`=0)
old_pred <- predict(house_1, newdata=old_3000)
print(c('Old 3000 sqft House:',old_pred))
## 1
## "Old 3000 sqft House:" "308163.900855831"
house_2 <- lm(Price ~ Size+New+ Size*New, data=house)
## Call:
## lm(formula = Price ~ Size + New + Size * New, data = house)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -175748 -28979 -6260 14693 192519
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -22227.808 15521.110 -1.432 0.15536
## Size 104.438 9.424 11.082 < 2e-16 ***
## New -78527.502 51007.642 -1.540 0.12697
## Size:New 61.916 21.686 2.855 0.00527 **
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 52000 on 96 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.7443, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7363
## F-statistic: 93.15 on 3 and 96 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
The full prediction equation follows the form \(Price = -22227.808 + 104.438*Size -78527.502*New + 61.916*Size:New\)
Interpretation of variables, coefficients, and p-values are in (a).
New Homes: \(Price = -22227.808 + 104.438*Size -78527.502 + 61.916*Size\)
Old Homes: \(Price = -22227.808 + 104.438*Size\)
new_3000_int <- data.frame(`Size`=3000,`New`=1)
new_pred_int <- predict(house_2, newdata=new_3000_int)
print(c('New 3000 sqft House:',new_pred_int))
## 1
## "New 3000 sqft House:" "398307.512638058"
old_3000_int <- data.frame(`Size`=3000,`New`=0)
old_pred_int <- predict(house_2, newdata=old_3000_int)
print(c('Old 3000 sqft House:',old_pred_int))
## 1
## "Old 3000 sqft House:" "291087.363770394"
new_1500_int <- data.frame(`Size`=1500,`New`=1)
new_pred_int2 <- predict(house_2, newdata=new_1500_int)
print(c('New 1500 sqft House:',new_pred_int2))
## 1
## "New 1500 sqft House:" "148776.101180188"
old_1500_int <- data.frame(`Size`=1500,`New`=0)
old_pred_int2 <- predict(house_2, newdata=old_1500_int)
print(c('Old 1500 sqft House:',old_pred_int2))
## 1
## "Old 1500 sqft House:" "134429.777919781"
title: "Homework 4 Solution"
author: "Dane Shelton"
desription: "Multiple Linear Regression"
date: "11/14/2022"
toc: true
code-fold: true
code-copy: true
code-tools: true
- hw4
- shelton
#| label: setup
#| include: false
#| warning: false
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning = FALSE, message=FALSE)
## Homework 4
## Q1
### (a)
#| label: (1a)
#| collapse: true
#| echo: true
(pred_1 <- -10536 + 53.8*(1240) + 2.84*(18000))
(resid_1 <- 145000 - pred_1)
- The model provided predicts the selling price of a 1,240-sqft house build on a 18,000-sqft lot to be $107,296.
- The residual **(Actual-Predicted)** for this prediction is $37,704. The large positive value indicated the model under-predicts selling price for this house.
- The high residual could be due to a competitive market (cash offers, bidding, etc.), location, or even amenities/renovations within the house, all confounders the model doesn't account for.
### (b)
- When lot size is fixed, the model predicts selling price to increase $53.80 for each 1-sqft increase in house size.
### (c)
- $53.8/2.84 = 18.94$ For fixed home size, lot size would need to increase by 18.94-sqft to have the same effect as a one unit increase in home size.
## Q2
### (a)
#| label: (2a)
#| include: true
#| collapse: true
salary <- alr4::salary
(by_sex <- t.test(formula=`salary`~`sex`, data=salary))
At `alpha=0.05` we do not have sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis, **H0: There is no difference in Male and Female mean salaries**. We cannot conclude a difference exists between male and female salaries.
### (b)
#| label: (2b)
#| include: true
#| collapse: true
salary_1 <- lm(salary ~.,
data = salary)
print('95% Confidence Interval:')
(confint.lm(salary_1, level = 0.95))
We can see the results of our hypothesis test in **(a)** are confirmed by the confidence interval for `sexFemale` which contains 0.
### (c)
**degreePhD: 1388.61, p-value 0.180**
- `degree` is a categorical variable with 2 levels: Masters and PhD. Our coefficient of 1388.61 suggests that with all other variables held constant, the model finds the difference in mean salary between PhD recipients and Masters recipients at the university to be $1388.61, with faculty holding a PhD earning more.
- The p-value of 0.180 indicates that the variable is not significant at the `alpha= .05` level, we cannot conclude that degree level is useful in predicting `salary` at the university *(H0: B slope degreePhD = 0)*. There is not a significant difference between salary of Masters and Phd faculty.
**rankAssoc: 5292.36, p-value .00003**
- `rank` is a categorical variable with 3 levels: `Asst`,`Assoc`, `Prof`, representing the rank of a faculty member. `Asst` is the base category in this model, so our coefficient of 5292.36 suggests that with all other variables held constant, there is a $5,292.36 difference in mean salary between Assistant and Associate professors on campus, with associate professors earning more.
- the p-value is far below our default `alpha=0.05`. We can reject the null hypothesis that the effect is 0, and conclude that there is a difference between the salaries of the groups `Asst` and `Assoc`, the variable is significant in predicting `salary`.
**rankProf: 11118.76, p-value: < 0.005**
- A coefficient of 11118.76 suggests that with all other variables held constant, there is a $11,118.76 difference in mean salary between Assistant and full Professors on campus, with full Professors earning more.
- the p-value is far below our default `alpha=0.05`. We can reject the null hypothesis that the effect is 0, and conclude that there is a difference between the salaries of the groups `Asst` and `Prof`, the variable is significant in predicting `salary`.
**sexFemale: 1166.37, p-value 0.214**
- `sex` is a categorical varible with two levels: `Male` and `Female`. A coefficient of 1166.37 indicated that with all other variables held constant, the model observed a $1,166.37 difference in mean salary between males and females, with females earning more.
- the p-value of 0.214 is greater than our alpha value, indicating this variable is not useful in predicting `salary` of faculty members. We cannot conclude there is a significant difference between earnings of different `sex` levels.
**year: 476.31, p-value < .0005**
- `year` is a continuous variable describing the number of years a faculty member has spent at their current rank. A coefficient of 476.31 suggests that with all other variables held constant, a 1 year increase in experience at a particular `rank` will result in a $476.31 increase in predicted salary.
- the p-value is far below our default `alpha=0.05`. We can reject the null hypothesis that the effect is 0, and conclude the variable is significant in predicting `salary`.
**ysdeg: -124.57, p-value 0.115**
- `ysdeg` is a continuous variable describing the number of years since a faculty member earned their highest degree. A coefficient of -124.57 suggests that with all other variables held constant, a 1 year increase in years since highest degree earned will result in a $124.57 decrease in predicted salary.
- the p-value of 0.115 is greater than our alpha value, indicating this variable is not useful in predicting `salary` of faculty members. We cannot conclude there is a significant relationship between `salary` and `ysdeg`.
### (d)
#| label: rank relevel
#| echo: true
#| collapse: true
#| output: true
rank_redo<- salary %>%
mutate(rank=relevel(rank, ref = 'Prof'))
# refit model
salary_2 <- lm(salary ~.,
data = rank_redo)
- While the difference in predicted mean `salary` remains the same for the `Assist` group, after changing the reference level of the variable from `Assistant` to `Professor`, the relationship between full professors and associate professors has changed. Associate professors are seen to make $5,826.40 less than full professors, a 534 dollar increase (in value) from the model where `Assistants` are used the point of reference.
### (e)
#| label: (2e)
#| include: true
#| collapse: true
salary_3 <- lm(salary ~ . - rank,
data = salary)
- While `sex` is still insignificant in the model for predicting salary, we see the value of the coefficient change sign, along with `ysdeg`.
- Two variables are now considered significant that were previously in predicting `salary` when `rank` was included in the model, `ysdeg` and `degree`.
### (f)
#| label: (2f)
#| include: true
#| collapse: true
dean_edit <- salary %>%
mutate(dean =
case_when(`ysdeg` > 15 ~ 'Old',
`ysdeg` <= 15 ~ 'New'))
salary_4 <- lm(salary ~ . - rank - ysdeg,
data = dean_edit)
- I removed `rank` and `ysdeg` as both could exhibit multicollinearity with the hiring of the new Dean. Knowing the `dean` appointed newer graduates upon their appointment would allow `ysdeg` to predict `dean` for those with under 15 years of their degree; also one can progress through `ranks` within 15 years so this could correlate with `dean` also.
- With a coefficient for `deanOld` of around 4500, the model predicts that those hired by the `Old` dean have a higher mean `salary` as a group compared to those hired by the `New` dean, contrary to the suggested hypothesis.
## Q3
### (a)
#| label: (3a)
#| include: true
#| collapse: true
house <- house.selling.price
house_1 <- lm(Price ~ Size+New, data=house)
**Size: 116.132, p-value < .005**
- `Size` is a continuous variable with a positive coefficient of 116.132 suggesting that for every one sqft increase, predicted `Price` will increase by $116.13, `New` held constant.
**New: 57736.28, p-value < .005**
- `New` is a categorical variable with two levels, `new=1` and `old=0`. The coefficient of 57736.28 suggests that as a group, our model predicts new houses to have a mean selling price that is $57,736.28 greater than old houses of the same size.
**Both variables are significant at `alpha=0.05`, indicating that they are useful in predicting `price` for our data, their effect has a magnitude different from zero.**
### (b)
The full prediction equation follows the form $Price = -40230.867 + 116.132*Size + 57736.28*New$
Interpretation of variables, coefficients, and p-values are in (a).
**New Homes:** $Price = -40230.867 + 116.132*Size + 57736.28$
**Old Homes:** $Price = -40230.867 + 116.132*Size$
### (c)
#| label: (3c)
#| include: true
#| collapse: true
new_3000 <- data.frame(`Size`=3000,`New`=1)
new_pred <- predict(house_1, newdata=new_3000)
print(c('New 3000 sqft House:',new_pred))
old_3000 <- data.frame(`Size`=3000,`New`=0)
old_pred <- predict(house_1, newdata=old_3000)
print(c('Old 3000 sqft House:',old_pred))
### (d)
#| label: (3d)
#| include: true
#| collapse: true
house_2 <- lm(Price ~ Size+New+ Size*New, data=house)
### (e)
The full prediction equation follows the form $Price = -22227.808 + 104.438*Size -78527.502*New + 61.916*Size:New$
Interpretation of variables, coefficients, and p-values are in (a).
**New Homes:** $Price = -22227.808 + 104.438*Size -78527.502 + 61.916*Size$
**Old Homes:** $Price = -22227.808 + 104.438*Size$
### (f)
#| label: (3f)
#| include: true
#| collapse: true
new_3000_int <- data.frame(`Size`=3000,`New`=1)
new_pred_int <- predict(house_2, newdata=new_3000_int)
print(c('New 3000 sqft House:',new_pred_int))
old_3000_int <- data.frame(`Size`=3000,`New`=0)
old_pred_int <- predict(house_2, newdata=old_3000_int)
print(c('Old 3000 sqft House:',old_pred_int))
### (g)
#| label: (3g)
#| include: true
#| collapse: true
new_1500_int <- data.frame(`Size`=1500,`New`=1)
new_pred_int2 <- predict(house_2, newdata=new_1500_int)
print(c('New 1500 sqft House:',new_pred_int2))
old_1500_int <- data.frame(`Size`=1500,`New`=0)
old_pred_int2 <- predict(house_2, newdata=old_1500_int)
print(c('Old 1500 sqft House:',old_pred_int2))
- The difference in price between old and new homes increases with an increase in size. The impact of New has a different magnitude at different sizes.
### (h)
- I would select the model with an interaction term has it has a larger Adjusted R-sq value as well as a smaller Residual Standard Error value, indicating a slighly better fit than the model without interactions.