My final project will be a further investigation on digital devices in schools that I have submitted as the final project for DACSS 601. I still explore the data from the survey “Programme for International Student Assessment” in 2018. In this assignment, I will propose my hypothesis, and present the descriptive statistics with minor changes base on my last project.
Attaching package: 'dbplyr'
The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
ident, sql
Please cite as:
Hlavac, Marek (2022). stargazer: Well-Formatted Regression and Summary Statistics Tables.
R package version 5.2.3.
Attaching package: 'MASS'
The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
Attaching package: 'reshape2'
The following object is masked from 'package:tidyr':
pisa <-read_csv('_data/CY07_MSU_SCH_QQQ.csv')
New names:
Rows: 21903 Columns: 198
── Column specification
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Delimiter: "," chr
(189): ...1, CNTRYID, CNTSCHID, Region, OECD, ADMINMODE, LANGTEST, SC001... lgl
ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data. ℹ
Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
• `` -> `...1`
Research Questions
My final project will probe into what factors contribute to the accessibility to and human resources’ support for digital devices in schools. Additionally, I will explore if there is a correlations between career guidance and digital devices? I will conduct this research based on the data “Programme for International Student Assessment” (PISA) collected by the The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 2018.
I propose that the size of urban population primarily contributes to the conditions of digital device. “OECD or Non-OECD” and “public or private schools” may be two cofounders, which is suppose to be incorporated into the regression analysis. Also, I hypothesize that the higher score a school report regarding career guidance, the higher score a school reports in terms of digital divices.
# create a data frame#view(pisa)# select related variablepisa_selected <-select(pisa,starts_with(c("SC001", "SC013", "SC016", "SC161","SC155")))
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'pisa_SC155' not found
Descriptive Statistics
This original OECD PISA 2018 School Questionnaire Dataset is one part of PISA 2018 dataset with a focus on schools. It covers 80 countries and regions all over the world. The dataset documents 21,903 schools’ responses regarding 187 questions.After cleaning the data, the dataset includes 8 variables: CNT identifies countries. STRATUM identifies schools. OECD indicates if a school locates in a OECD country or not. Urban describes different conditions of urban communities where a school locates. Public_or_Private presents if a school is public or private. Career_Guidance demonstrates the score a school reports in terms of career guidance. Accessibility demonstrates the score a school reports in terms of accessibility to digital devices. Human_Resource_Support suggests the score a school reports in terms of human ressource support for digital devices.
After using the summary function and visualization, I have already show the descriptive statistics. A large number of NA stands out. I will figure out how to deal with them properly.
Error in summary(pisa_SC155): object 'pisa_SC155' not found
Error in filter(pisa_SC155, OECD == "0"): object 'pisa_SC155' not found
pisa_SC115_OECD <-filter(pisa_SC155, OECD =="1")
Error in filter(pisa_SC155, OECD == "1"): object 'pisa_SC155' not found
Error in test_if_dataframe(x): object 'pisa_SC155' not found
Error in test_if_dataframe(x): object 'pisa_SC115_nonOECD' not found
Error in test_if_dataframe(x): object 'pisa_SC115_OECD' not found
The graphics have disclose that compared with NON-OECD countries, OECD countries missed more data in terms of school type and career guidance. I believe that missing data are not caused by the poor technological condition in non-OECD countries. So missing data is random.
model evaluation
pisa_SC155_NoNA <-drop_na(pisa_SC155)
Error in drop_na(pisa_SC155): object 'pisa_SC155' not found
#summary(pisa_SC155_NoNA)model_1 <-lm(Career_Guidance~Urban+Public_or_Private+Digitals+Urban*Digitals, data = pisa_SC155_NoNA)
Error in object 'pisa_SC155_NoNA' not found
#summary(model_1)model_2 <-lm(Career_Guidance~Urban+Public_or_Private+Public_or_Private*Digitals, data = pisa_SC155_NoNA)
Error in object 'pisa_SC155_NoNA' not found
#summary(model_2)model_3 <-lm(Career_Guidance~Urban+Public_or_Private+Digitals, data = pisa_SC155_NoNA)
Error in object 'pisa_SC155_NoNA' not found
#summary(model_3)stargazer(model_1, model_2, model_3, type ='text')
Error in .stargazer.wrap(..., type = type, title = title, style = style, : object 'model_1' not found
After the model comparison, model_3 presents statistical significance on all independent variables. The career gudience depends on urban situations, school styles and the access to digital devices.
Error in is.factor(x): object 'pisa_SC155_NoNA' not found
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'pisa_SC155_NoNA' not found
Error in table(pisa_SC155_NoNA$Career_Guidance_Ordinal): object 'pisa_SC155_NoNA' not found
fit2<-polr(Career_Guidance_Ordinal~Urban+Public_or_Private+Digitals, data = pisa_SC155_NoNA, Hess=T)
Error in eval(expr, p): object 'pisa_SC155_NoNA' not found
Error in summary(fit2): object 'fit2' not found
Error in broom::glance(model_3): object 'model_3' not found
But model_3 still shows the relative lower R squared. In addition, the diagnostics plots show certain patterns. Both remind me of further exploring a different model. So I plan to try log-git model and calculate the AICs for this two models. Final the log-git model (fit2) has a lower AIC.
Error in `geom_line()`:
! Problem while computing aesthetics.
ℹ Error occurred in the 1st layer.
Caused by error in `FUN()`:
! object 'Probability' not found
Source Code
---title: "Final Project Check 2"author: "Guanhua Tan"description: "Final Project Check 2"date: "April 4 2023"format: html: toc: true code-fold: true code-copy: true code-tools: truecategories: - fpc2 - research question - desriptive statistics - model---My final project will be a further investigation on digital devices in schools that I have submitted as the final project for DACSS 601. I still explore the data from the survey "Programme for International Student Assessment" in 2018. In this assignment, I will propose my hypothesis, and present the descriptive statistics with minor changes base on my last project.```{r, echo=T}library(tidyverse)library(ggplot2)library(dbplyr)library(stargazer)library(misty)pisa <-read_csv('_data/CY07_MSU_SCH_QQQ.csv')```# Research QuestionsMy final project will probe into what factors contribute to the accessibility to and human resources' support for digital devices in schools. Additionally, I will explore if there is a correlations between career guidance and digital devices? I will conduct this research based on the data "Programme for International Student Assessment" (PISA) collected by the The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 2018.# HpyotheisI propose that the size of urban population primarily contributes to the conditions of digital device. "OECD or Non-OECD" and "public or private schools" may be two cofounders, which is suppose to be incorporated into the regression analysis. Also, I hypothesize that the higher score a school report regarding career guidance, the higher score a school reports in terms of digital divices.```{r, echo=TRUE, results='hide'}# create a data frame#view(pisa)# select related variablepisa_selected <-select(pisa,starts_with(c("SC001", "SC013", "SC016", "SC161","SC155")))pisa2018_joint <-cbind(pisa[, 1:12], pisa_selected)# pisa_SC155pisa2018_joint$Digitals=rowMeans(pisa2018_joint[,c("SC155Q01HA","SC155Q02HA", "SC155Q03HA","SC155Q04HA","SC155Q05HA","SC155Q06HA", "SC155Q07HA","SC155Q08HA","SC155Q09HA", "SC155Q10HA", "SC155Q11HA")])pisa2018_joint$Career_Guidance=rowSums(pisa2018_joint[, c("SC161Q02SA","SC161Q03SA","SC161Q04SA","SC161Q04SA")])pisa_SC155 <- pisa2018_joint %>%select(CNT, STRATUM, OECD, Career_Guidance,Digitals, SC001Q01TA, SC013Q01TA) %>%mutate(Urban=SC001Q01TA, Public_or_Private=SC013Q01TA) %>%select(-c(SC001Q01TA, SC013Q01TA)) %>%select(c(CNT,STRATUM,OECD,Urban, Public_or_Private,Career_Guidance,Digitals))pisa_SC155```# Descriptive StatisticsThis original OECD PISA 2018 School Questionnaire Dataset is one part of PISA 2018 dataset with a focus on schools. It covers 80 countries and regions all over the world. The dataset documents 21,903 schools' responses regarding 187 questions.After cleaning the data, the dataset includes 8 variables: CNT identifies countries. STRATUM identifies schools. OECD indicates if a school locates in a OECD country or not. Urban describes different conditions of urban communities where a school locates. Public_or_Private presents if a school is public or private. Career_Guidance demonstrates the score a school reports in terms of career guidance. Accessibility demonstrates the score a school reports in terms of accessibility to digital devices. Human_Resource_Support suggests the score a school reports in terms of human ressource support for digital devices.After using the summary function and visualization, I have already show the descriptive statistics. A large number of NA stands out. I will figure out how to deal with them properly.```{r, echo=TRUE}summary(pisa_SC155)pisa_SC155_boxplot<-pisa_SC155 %>%select(STRATUM, Career_Guidance, Digitals) %>%pivot_longer(cols=c(Career_Guidance, Digitals), names_to ="Group", values_to ="Evaluation")ggplot(pisa_SC155_boxplot,aes(Evaluation, fill=Group))+stat_boxplot(geom ="errorbar", # Error barswidth =0.2)+geom_boxplot()+facet_wrap(~Group)+labs(title="Pisa2018 Evaluation")+coord_flip()```# Analysis```{r}summary(pisa_SC155)```## model evaluation```{r}model_1 <-lm(Career_Guidance~Urban+Public_or_Private+Digitals+Urban*Digitals, data = pisa_SC155)summary(model_1)model_2 <-lm(Career_Guidance~Urban+Public_or_Private+Public_or_Private*Digitals, data = pisa_SC155)summary(model_2)model_3 <-lm(Career_Guidance~Urban+Public_or_Private+Digitals, data = pisa_SC155)summary(model_3)stargazer(model_1,model_2, model_3, type ='text')```After the model comparison, model_3 presents statistical significance on all independent variables. The career gudience depends on urban situations, school styles and the access to digital devices.```{r}fit<-lm(Career_Guidance~Urban+Public_or_Private+Digitals, data = pisa_SC155)par(mfrow=c(2,3))plot(fit, which=1:6)```The model diagnostic demonstrates that model_3 is the fittest model without significant errors.## Discussion on NA```{r}library(naniar)pisa_SC115_nonOECD <-filter(pisa_SC155, OECD =="0")pisa_SC115_OECD <-filter(pisa_SC155, OECD =="1")vis_miss(pisa_SC155)vis_miss(pisa_SC115_nonOECD)vis_miss(pisa_SC115_OECD)```The graphics has suggested that OECD countries reported more NAs than non-OECD countries. This opens more space to further investigate why developed countries reported more NAs.