Null hypothesis: The mean income of female employees is equal to $500 per week. H0: μ = $500 Alternative hypothesis: The mean income of female employees is different from $500 per week. Ha: μ ≠ $500 t.test suggests the mean income of female employees is different from $500 per week. We reject the Null hypothesis.
For Ha: mu<500, we run the pt function and p-value is 0.008, which suggests that we reject the Null hypothesis and the mean income of female employees is much less than 500.
For Ha: mu >500, we run the pt function and p-value is 0.99, which suggests we fail to reject the Null hypothesis and we are unable to demonstrate the income mean of female employees is greater thant 500.
B If α=0.5, Smith is statically significant because his p-value is smaller than α. C If we don’t get the actual p-value, we can only conclude that Smith is statically significant without that there is a very tiny difference between two groups. Also, we will ignore that Smith’s p-value is barely smaller than α, which suggests that it is not extremely significant.
Null hypothesis: means of 3 grades to choose two types of snack are equal. We should use chisq test to test the correlation between grades and the counts of healthy and unhealthy snacks. Chisq suggests that we should reject the null hypothesis because p-value is 0.01547, which is smaller than 0.5. In other words, different grades show differen choices of snacks.
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Area 2 25.35 12.674 7.993 0.00433 **
Residuals 15 23.78 1.586
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Null hypothesis: mean of three areas are equal. We should use anova test. Anova test suggests that we should reject the null hypothesis because p-value is 0.0043, which is much smaller than 0.5. In other words, tutions are highly related to areas.
Source Code
---title: "Homework 2"author: "Guanhua Tan"description: "Homework 2"date: "03/23/2023"format: html: toc: true code-fold: true code-copy: true code-tools: truecategories: - hw2 - t.test---```{r}library(tidyverse)```# Question 1```{r, echo=T}# Bypass s_mean<-19s_size <-539standard_error <-10/539standard_error# t-valueconfidence_level <-0.9tail_area <- (1-confidence_level)/2t_score <-qt(p =1-tail_area, df = s_size-1)t_score# plug everything back inCI <-c(s_mean - t_score * standard_error, s_mean + t_score * standard_error)print(CI)```18.97 <= CI_bypass <= 19.03```{r, echo=T}# Angiographys_mean_a<-18s_size_a<-847standard_error_a <-9/847standard_error_a# t-valueconfidence_level <-0.9tail_area <- (1-confidence_level)/2t_score<-qt(p =1-tail_area, df = s_size-1)t_score# plug everything back inCI_a <-c(s_mean_a- t_score * standard_error_a, s_mean_a + t_score * standard_error_a)print(CI_a)```17.98 <= CI_angiograpy<= 18.02The Confidence Interval is narrower for Angiography surgery because it has a smaller standard_error.# Question 2```{r, echo=TRUE}p2 <-567/1031p2SE2 <-sqrt(p2*(1-p2)/1031)tail_area2 <-(1-0.95)/2t_score2 <-qt(p-tail_area2, df=1030)CI2_A<-p2-t_score2*SE2CI2_B <-p2+t_score2*SE2CI2_ACI2_B```0.549 <= P <= 0.551# Question 3```{r, echo=T}sd_question3 <- (200-30)/4Margin3 <-5n <- (1.96*sd_question3/Margin3)^2n```the size of students is 277#Question 4Null hypothesis: The mean income of female employees is equal to $500 per week.H0: μ = $500Alternative hypothesis: The mean income of female employees is different from $500 per week.Ha: μ ≠ $500t.test suggests the mean income of female employees is different from $500 per week. We reject the Null hypothesis.```{r}female_group_mean <-410sd_4<-90n_4<-9t_stat4<-(female_group_mean-500)/(sd_4/sqrt(n_4))P_value_4 <-(1-pt(t_stat4, df = n_4-1, lower.tail = F))*2t_stat4P_value_4```t-statistic is -3.p-value is 0.017.B. Report the P-value for Ha: μ < 500. Interpret.C. Report and interpret the P-value for Ha: μ > 500.```{r}P_value_lower4<-pt(t_stat4, df=n_4-1, lower.tail=TRUE)P_value_high4<-pt(t_stat4, df=n_4-1, lower.tail = F)P_value_lower4P_value_high4```For Ha: mu<500, we run the pt function and p-value is 0.008, which suggests that we reject the Null hypothesis and the mean income of female employees is much less than 500.For Ha: mu >500, we run the pt function and p-value is 0.99, which suggests we fail to reject the Null hypothesis and we are unable to demonstrate the income mean of female employees is greater thant 500.# Question 5```{r}# Question 5t_score_5_Jones <-(519.5-500)/10p_value_5_Jones<-2*(1-pt(t_score_5_Jones, df=999))t_score_5_Jonesp_value_5_Jonest_score_5_Smith <-(519.7-500)/10p_value_5_Smith <-2*(1-pt(t_score_5_Smith, df=999))t_score_5_Smithp_value_5_Smith```B If α=0.5, Smith is statically significant because his p-value is smaller than α.C If we don't get the actual p-value, we can only conclude that Smith is statically significant without that there is a very tiny difference between two groups. Also, we will ignore that Smith's p-value is barely smaller than α, which suggests that it is not extremely significant. # Question 6```{r}df_6<-data.frame("Grade Level"=c("Heathy sanck", "Unhealth snack"), "6th grade"=c(31,69), "7th grade"=c(43,57), "8th grade"=c(51,49))chisq.test(df_6[,-1], correct=F)```Null hypothesis: means of 3 grades to choose two types of snack are equal.We should use chisq test to test the correlation between grades and the counts of healthy and unhealthy snacks.Chisq suggests that we should reject the null hypothesis because p-value is 0.01547, which is smaller than 0.5. In other words, different grades show differen choices of snacks.# Question 7```{r}# Question 7df_7<-data.frame("Area1"=c(6.2,9.3,6.8,6.1,6.7,7.5),"Area2"=c(7.5,8.2,8.5,8.2,7.0,9.3),"Area3"=c(5.8,6.5,5.6,7.1,3.0,3.5))df_7_long <- df_7 %>%pivot_longer(cols=c(Area1, Area2, Area3),names_to="Area", values_to ="Fee")my.anova_7<-aov(Fee ~ Area, df_7_long)summary(my.anova_7)```Null hypothesis: mean of three areas are equal.We should use anova test.Anova test suggests that we should reject the null hypothesis because p-value is 0.0043, which is much smaller than 0.5. In other words, tutions are highly related to areas.