= 539
bypass_n = 847
= 19
bypass_sample_mean = 18
= 10
bypass_sample_sd = 9
= bypass_sample_sd/sqrt(bypass_n)
bypass_se = angio_sample_sd/sqrt(angio_n)
= qt(0.95, df = bypass_n - 1)*bypass_se
bypass_me = qt(0.95, df = angio_n - 1)*angio_se angio_me
Homework 2
Please check your answers against the solutions.
Question 1
The confidence intervals:
print(bypass_sample_mean + c(-bypass_me, bypass_me))
[1] 18.29029 19.70971
print(angio_sample_mean + c(-angio_me, angio_me))
[1] 17.49078 18.50922
The size of the confidence intervals, which is twice the margin of error:
2 * bypass_me
[1] 1.419421
2 * angio_me
[1] 1.018436
The confidence interval for angiography is narrower.
Question 2
one-step solution:
= 1031
n = 567
k prop.test(k, n)
1-sample proportions test with continuity correction
data: k out of n, null probability 0.5
X-squared = 10.091, df = 1, p-value = 0.00149
alternative hypothesis: true p is not equal to 0.5
95 percent confidence interval:
0.5189682 0.5805580
sample estimates:
<- k/n # point estimate
p_hat = sqrt((p_hat*(1-p_hat))/n) # standard error
se = qnorm(0.975)*se # margin of error
e + c(-e, e) # confidence interval p_hat
[1] 0.5195839 0.5803191
Alternatively, we can use the exact binomial test. In large samples like the one we have, the results should essentially be the same as prop.test().
binom.test(k, n)
Exact binomial test
data: k and n
number of successes = 567, number of trials = 1031, p-value = 0.001478
alternative hypothesis: true probability of success is not equal to 0.5
95 percent confidence interval:
0.5189927 0.5806243
sample estimates:
probability of success
Question 3
= 200-30
range = range/4 population_sd
\[CI_{95} = \bar x \pm z \frac{s}{\sqrt n}\] (We can use \(z\) because we assume population standard deviation is known.)
We want the number \(n\) that ensures:
\[ z \frac{s}{\sqrt n} = 5 \] \[ zs = 5 \sqrt n\] \[ \frac{zs}{5} = \sqrt n\] \[ (\frac{zs}{5})^2 = n\]
In our case:
= qnorm(.975)
z = population_sd
s = ((z *s) / 5)^2
n print(n)
[1] 277.5454
Rounding up, we need a sample of 278.
Question 4
We can write a function to find the t-statistic, and then do all the tests in a, b, and c using that.
\[t = \frac{\bar x - \mu}{s / \sqrt n}\]
where \(\bar x\) is them sample mean, \(\mu\) is the hypothesizes population mean, \(s\) is the sample standard deviation, and \(n\) is the sample size.
Writing this in R:
<- function(x_bar, mu, sd, n){
get_t_stat return((x_bar - mu) / (sd / sqrt(n)))
Find the t-statistic:
<- get_t_stat(x_bar = 410, mu = 500, sd = 90, n = 9) t_stat
Two-tailed test
= 9
n = 2*pt(t_stat, df = n-1)
pval_two_tail pval_two_tail
[1] 0.01707168
We can reject the hypothesis that population mean is 500.
= pt(t_stat, df = n-1)
pval_lower_tail pval_lower_tail
[1] 0.008535841
We can reject the hypothesis that population mean is greater than 500.
= pt(t_stat, df = n-1, lower.tail=FALSE)
pval_upper_tail pval_upper_tail
[1] 0.9914642
We fail to reject the hypothesis that population mean is less than 500.
Alternatively for C, we could just subtract the answer in B from 1:
1 - pval_lower_tail
[1] 0.9914642
Question 5
= ((519.5 - 500)/ 10)
t_jones = ((519.7 - 500)/ 10)
t_smith cat("t value for Jones:", t_jones, '\n')
t value for Jones: 1.95
cat("t value for Smith:", t_smith, '\n')
t value for Smith: 1.97
cat('p value for Jones:', round(2*pt(t_jones, df = 999, lower.tail=FALSE), 4), '\n')
p value for Jones: 0.0515
cat('p value for Smith:', round(2*pt(t_smith, df = 999, lower.tail=FALSE), 4), '\n')
p value for Smith: 0.0491
At 0.05 level Smith’s result is statistically significant but Jones’s is not. The result show the arbitrariness of the 0.05 demarcation line and the importance of reporting actual p-values to better make sense of results.
Question 6:
# Creating the dataframe
<- c(rep("6th grade", 100), rep("7th grade", 100), rep("8th grade", 100))
grade_level <- c(rep("healthy snack", 31), rep("unhealthy snack", 69), rep("healthy snack", 43),
snack rep("unhealthy snack", 57), rep("healthy snack", 51), rep("unhealthy snack", 49))
<- data.frame(grade_level, snack) snack_data
We are conducting a Chi-square test in this question since we are testing the association between two categorical variables.
6th grade 7th grade 8th grade
healthy snack 31 43 51
unhealthy snack 69 57 49
chisq.test(snack_data$snack,snack_data$grade_level,correct = FALSE)
Pearson's Chi-squared test
data: snack_data$snack and snack_data$grade_level
X-squared = 8.3383, df = 2, p-value = 0.01547
A p-value smaller than 0.05 indicates that there is a relationship between grade level and the choice of snack.
Question 7:
# Creating the dataframe
<- c(rep("Area1", 6), rep("Area2", 6), rep("Area3", 6))
Area <- c(6.2, 9.3, 6.8, 6.1, 6.7, 7.5, 7.5, 8.2, 8.5, 8.2, 7.0, 9.3,
cost 5.8, 6.4, 5.6, 7.1, 3.0, 3.5)
<- data.frame(Area,cost) Area_cost
Since we are comparing the means of more than two groups, we are using the ANOVA test in this question.
<- aov(cost ~ Area, data = Area_cost)
one.way summary(one.way)
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Area 2 25.66 12.832 8.176 0.00397 **
Residuals 15 23.54 1.569
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
The small p-value tells us that the three areas have a difference in means.