# load necessary packages
Miguel Curiel
April 25, 2023
For recent data in Jacksonville, Florida, on y = selling price of home (in dollars), x1 = size of home (in square feet), and x2 = lot size (in square feet), the prediction equation is
ŷ = −10,536 + 53.8x1 + 2.84x2.
A particular home of 1240 square feet on a lot of 18,000 square feet sold for $145,000. Find the predicted selling price and the residual, and interpret.
For fixed lot size, how much is the house selling price predicted to increase for each square-foot increase in home size? Why?
According to this prediction equation, for fixed home size, how much would lot size need to increase to have the same impact as a one-square-foot increase in home size?
(Data file: salary in alr4 R package). The data file concerns salary and other characteristics of all faculty in a small Midwestern college collected in the early 1980s for presentation in legal proceedings for which discrimination against women in salary was at issue. All persons in the data hold tenured or tenure track positions; temporary faculty are not included. The variables include degree, a factor with levels PhD and MS; rank, a factor with levels Asst, Assoc, and Prof; sex, a factor with levels Male and Female; Year, years in current rank; ysdeg, years since highest degree, and salary, academic year salary in dollars.
degree rank sex year ysdeg salary
1 Masters Prof Male 25 35 36350
2 Masters Prof Male 13 22 35350
3 Masters Prof Male 10 23 28200
4 Masters Prof Female 7 27 26775
5 PhD Prof Male 19 30 33696
6 Masters Prof Male 16 21 28516
Test the hypothesis that the mean salary for men and women is the same, without regard to any other variable but sex. Explain your findings.
# extract the salary data and sex variable
salary <- alr4::salary
sex <- salary$sex
# calculate the mean salaries for men and women
male_salaries <- salary$salary[sex == "Male"]
female_salaries <- salary$salary[sex == "Female"]
mean_male_salary <- mean(male_salaries)
mean_female_salary <- mean(female_salaries)
# perform the t-test
t_test <- t.test(male_salaries, female_salaries)
# print the results
cat("Mean salary for men:", mean_male_salary, "\n")
Mean salary for men: 24696.79
Mean salary for women: 21357.14
p-value: 0.09009406
lm(formula = salary ~ ., data = salary)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-4045.2 -1094.7 -361.5 813.2 9193.1
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 15746.05 800.18 19.678 < 2e-16 ***
degreePhD 1388.61 1018.75 1.363 0.180
rankAssoc 5292.36 1145.40 4.621 3.22e-05 ***
rankProf 11118.76 1351.77 8.225 1.62e-10 ***
sexFemale 1166.37 925.57 1.260 0.214
year 476.31 94.91 5.018 8.65e-06 ***
ysdeg -124.57 77.49 -1.608 0.115
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 2398 on 45 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.855, Adjusted R-squared: 0.8357
F-statistic: 44.24 on 6 and 45 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
2.5 % 97.5 %
sexFemale -697.8183 3030.565
Interpret your finding for each predictor variable; discuss (a) statistical significance, (b) interpretation of the coefficient / slope in relation to the outcome variable and other variables.
Statistical significance of each variable. There are several variables that turn out to be statistically significant, in particular rank and year. This makes sense as it is commonly assumed that people with higher ranking positions have better salaries. Similarly, people with more tenure or years in a company should correlate to greater salaries. We had already determined that gender does not play a significant role, but it is interesting to see that neither level of education or years since graduation play a significant role.
Coefficient / slope of each predictor variable in relation to the outcome variable and other variables. Some variables that immediately draw attention are rank and years since graduation - rank has a high coefficient, meaning that it plays an important role in increasing salary. Years, on the other side, has a negative coefficient, meaning that more years actually equates to less salary (which is a positive outcome for recent grads, but not for people that have several years in the workforce). The remaining variables - gender, degree, and years in a position - have positive relations, however they are not as high as rank.
Change the baseline category for the rank variable. Interpret the coefficients related to rank again.
lm(formula = salary ~ ., data = salary)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-4045.2 -1094.7 -361.5 813.2 9193.1
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 26864.81 1375.29 19.534 < 2e-16 ***
degreePhD 1388.61 1018.75 1.363 0.180
rankAsst -11118.76 1351.77 -8.225 1.62e-10 ***
rankAssoc -5826.40 1012.93 -5.752 7.28e-07 ***
sexFemale 1166.37 925.57 1.260 0.214
year 476.31 94.91 5.018 8.65e-06 ***
ysdeg -124.57 77.49 -1.608 0.115
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 2398 on 45 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.855, Adjusted R-squared: 0.8357
F-statistic: 44.24 on 6 and 45 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Finkelstein (1980), in a discussion of the use of regression in discrimination cases, wrote, “[a] variable may reflect a position or status bestowed by the employer, in which case if there is discrimination in the award of the position or status, the variable may be ‘tainted.’”Thus, for example, if discrimination is at work in promotion of faculty to higher ranks, using rank to adjust salaries before comparing the sexes may not be acceptable to the courts. (Exclude the variable rank, refit, and summarize how your findings changed, if they did.)
lm(formula = salary ~ sex + degree + ysdeg, data = salary)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-8328.5 -2621.9 -864.5 2987.3 11025.5
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 18325.0 1105.3 16.580 < 2e-16 ***
sexFemale -2730.2 1236.8 -2.207 0.03210 *
degreePhD -4228.4 1311.7 -3.224 0.00228 **
ysdeg 476.0 61.7 7.716 5.94e-10 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 3937 on 48 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.5833, Adjusted R-squared: 0.5572
F-statistic: 22.39 on 3 and 48 DF, p-value: 3.272e-09
Everyone in this dataset was hired the year they earned their highest degree. It is also known that a new Dean was appointed 15 years ago, and everyone in the dataset who earned their highest degree 15 years ago or less than that has been hired by the new Dean. Some people have argued that the new Dean has been making offers that are a lot more generous to newly hired faculty than the previous one and that this might explain some of the variation in Salary. (Create a new variable that would allow you to test this hypothesis and run another multiple regression model to test this. Select variables carefully to make sure there is no multicollinearity. Explain why multicollinearity would be a concern in this case and how you avoided it. Do you find support for the hypothesis that the people hired by the new Dean are making higher than those that were not?)
salary ysdeg newDean
salary 1.0000000 0.6748542 -0.3246869
ysdeg 0.6748542 1.0000000 -0.2931746
newDean -0.3246869 -0.2931746 1.0000000
lm(formula = salary ~ sex + rank + degree + year + newDean, data = salary)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-3514.8 -1641.7 -263.6 895.5 8867.9
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 22870.5 2218.1 10.311 1.98e-13 ***
sexFemale 550.0 838.5 0.656 0.515
rankAsst -9198.9 948.3 -9.700 1.34e-12 ***
rankAssoc -5121.3 963.7 -5.314 3.21e-06 ***
degreePhD 163.7 785.8 0.208 0.836
year 478.2 106.0 4.512 4.58e-05 ***
newDean 1931.1 1514.0 1.275 0.209
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 2423 on 45 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.8521, Adjusted R-squared: 0.8323
F-statistic: 43.2 on 6 and 45 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
(Data file: house.selling.price in smss R package)
case Taxes Beds Baths New Price Size
1 1 3104 4 2 0 279900 2048
2 2 1173 2 1 0 146500 912
3 3 3076 4 2 0 237700 1654
4 4 1608 3 2 0 200000 2068
5 5 1454 3 3 0 159900 1477
6 6 2997 3 2 1 499900 3153
Using the house.selling.price data, run and report regression results modeling y = selling price (in dollars) in terms of size of home (in square feet) and whether the home is new (1 = yes; 0 = no). In particular, for each variable; discuss statistical significance and interpret the meaning of the coefficient.
lm(formula = Price ~ Size + New, data = prices)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-205102 -34374 -5778 18929 163866
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -40230.867 14696.140 -2.738 0.00737 **
Size 116.132 8.795 13.204 < 2e-16 ***
New 57736.283 18653.041 3.095 0.00257 **
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 53880 on 97 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.7226, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7169
F-statistic: 126.3 on 2 and 97 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Report and interpret the prediction equation, and form separate equations relating selling price to size for new and for not new homes.
Find the predicted selling price for a home of 3000 square feet that is (i) new, (ii) not new.
Fit another model, this time with an interaction term allowing interaction between size and new, and report the regression results.
lm(formula = Price ~ Size * New, data = prices)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-175748 -28979 -6260 14693 192519
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -22227.808 15521.110 -1.432 0.15536
Size 104.438 9.424 11.082 < 2e-16 ***
New -78527.502 51007.642 -1.540 0.12697
Size:New 61.916 21.686 2.855 0.00527 **
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 52000 on 96 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.7443, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7363
F-statistic: 93.15 on 3 and 96 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Report the lines relating the predicted selling price to the size for homes that are (i) new (ii) not new.
Find the predicted selling price for a home of 3000 square feet that is (i) new, (ii) not new.
Find the predicted selling price for a home of 1500 square feet that is (i) new, (ii) not new. Comparing to (F), explain how the difference in predicted selling prices changes as the size of home increases.
Do you think the model with interaction or the one without it represents the relationship of size and new to the outcome price? What makes you prefer one model over another?
# Create a function to calculate the evaluation metrics
eval_metrics <- function(model) {
# Calculate the R-squared value
rsq <- summary(model)$r.squared
# Calculate the RMSE value
predicted <- predict(model, newdata = house.selling.price)
actual <- house.selling.price$Price
rmse <- sqrt(mean((predicted - actual)^2))
# Calculate the MAE value
mae <- mean(abs(predicted - actual))
# Calculate the AIC value
aic <- AIC(model)
# Return a data frame with the evaluation metrics
data.frame(R2 = rsq, RMSE = rmse, MAE = mae, AIC = aic)
# Calculate the evaluation metrics for each model
metrics1 <- eval_metrics(model5)
metrics2 <- eval_metrics(model6)
# Combine the metrics into a table
metrics_table <- rbind(metrics1, metrics2)
rownames(metrics_table) <- c("Model without Interaction"
, "Model with Interaction")
# Print the table
Model without Interaction 0.7225963 53066.58 38015.03 2467.648
Model with Interaction 0.7443085 50947.53 35200.58 2461.498
title: "Homework 4"
author: "Miguel Curiel"
description: "Multiple linear regression for DACSS 603."
date: "04/25/2023"
toc: true
code-fold: true
code-copy: true
code-tools: true
- hw4
- linear regression
- multiple linear regression
wrap: 72
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE, message = FALSE)
```{r, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE}
# load necessary packages
# Question 1
For recent data in Jacksonville, Florida, on y = selling price of home
(in dollars), x1 = size of home (in square feet), and x2 = lot size (in
square feet), the prediction equation is
ŷ = −10,536 + 53.8x1 + 2.84x2.
A. A particular home of 1240 square feet on a lot of 18,000 square feet
sold for \$145,000. Find the predicted selling price and the
residual, and interpret.
a. If ŷ = −10536 + 53.8x1 + 2.84x2, then by replacing the given
values we have ŷ = -10536 + (53.8\*1240) + (2.84\*18000).
Solving for that, the predicted selling price is \$107,296 and
the residual is \$37,704. This means that the actual selling
price was more than what the model would have predicted.
B. For fixed lot size, how much is the house selling price predicted to
increase for each square-foot increase in home size? Why?
a. Selling price increases by 53.8 dollars for each square-foot
increase because that is the coefficient assigned to x1. In
other words, x1 is the effect of home size on the selling price
when holding other factors constant.
C. According to this prediction equation, for fixed home size, how much
would lot size need to increase to have the same impact as a
one-square-foot increase in home size?
a. Lot size would need to increase 18.94 times to have the same
impact as a one-square-foot increase in home size. This can be
found by dividing x1 over x2, i.e. 53.8 / 2.84 = 18.94366.
# Question 2
(Data file: salary in **alr4** R package). The data file concerns salary
and other characteristics of all faculty in a small Midwestern college
collected in the early 1980s for presentation in legal proceedings for
which discrimination against women in salary was at issue. All persons
in the data hold tenured or tenure track positions; temporary faculty
are not included. The variables include degree, a factor with levels PhD
and MS; rank, a factor with levels Asst, Assoc, and Prof; sex, a factor
with levels Male and Female; Year, years in current rank; ysdeg, years
since highest degree, and salary, academic year salary in dollars.
```{r, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE}
data("salary", package = "alr4")
salary <- salary
A. Test the hypothesis that the mean salary for men and women is the
same, without regard to any other variable but sex. Explain your
a. Since we are dealing with the mean of numerical data (salary)
between two groups (male and female), we can run a two-sample
t-test. As seen from the results below, even though the mean
salary of men is higher, according to the p-value (0.09), it is
not statistically significant, therefore we fail to reject the
null hypothesis. In other words, we do not have enough evidence
to say that male salaries are greater than female salaries.
```{r, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE}
# extract the salary data and sex variable
salary <- alr4::salary
sex <- salary$sex
# calculate the mean salaries for men and women
male_salaries <- salary$salary[sex == "Male"]
female_salaries <- salary$salary[sex == "Female"]
mean_male_salary <- mean(male_salaries)
mean_female_salary <- mean(female_salaries)
# perform the t-test
t_test <- t.test(male_salaries, female_salaries)
# print the results
cat("Mean salary for men:", mean_male_salary, "\n")
cat("Mean salary for women:", mean_female_salary, "\n")
cat("p-value:", t_test$p.value, "\n")
B. Run a multiple linear regression with salary as the outcome variable
and everything else as predictors, including sex. Assuming no
interactions between sex and the other predictors, obtain a 95%
confidence interval for the difference in salary between males and
```{r, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE}
# fit a multiple linear regression model
model <- lm(salary ~ ., data = salary)
# print the model summary
```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE}
# obtain a 95% confidence interval for the difference in salary between males and females
confint(model, "sexFemale", level = 0.95)
C. Interpret your finding for each predictor variable; discuss (a)
statistical significance, (b) interpretation of the coefficient /
slope in relation to the outcome variable and other variables.
a. Statistical significance of each variable. There are several
variables that turn out to be statistically significant, in
particular rank and year. This makes sense as it is commonly
assumed that people with higher ranking positions have better
salaries. Similarly, people with more tenure or years in a
company should correlate to greater salaries. We had already
determined that gender does not play a significant role, but it
is interesting to see that neither level of education or years
since graduation play a significant role.
b. Coefficient / slope of each predictor variable in relation to
the outcome variable and other variables. Some variables that
immediately draw attention are rank and years since graduation -
rank has a high coefficient, meaning that it plays an important
role in increasing salary. Years, on the other side, has a
negative coefficient, meaning that more years actually equates
to less salary (which is a positive outcome for recent grads,
but not for people that have several years in the workforce).
The remaining variables - gender, degree, and years in a
position - have positive relations, however they are not as high
as rank.
D. Change the baseline category for the rank variable. Interpret the
coefficients related to rank again.
a. After experimenting with the three possible ranks, coefficients
do not change - what can change is the direction of the
relationship. For example, if you use "Prof" as the baseline,
now assistants and associates have a negative relationship,
meaning that professors see an increase in salary but assistants
and associates do not.
```{r, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE}
# change the baseline category for the rank variable to "Asst"
salary$rank <- relevel(salary$rank, ref = "Prof")
# fit a new multiple linear regression model with a different baseline category for rank
model2 <- lm(salary ~ ., data = salary)
# print the model summary
E. Finkelstein (1980), in a discussion of the use of regression in
discrimination cases, wrote, "\[a\] variable may reflect a position
or status bestowed by the employer, in which case if there is
discrimination in the award of the position or status, the variable
may be 'tainted.'"Thus, for example, if discrimination is at work in
promotion of faculty to higher ranks, using rank to adjust salaries
before comparing the sexes may not be acceptable to the courts.
(Exclude the variable rank, refit, and summarize how your findings
changed, if they did.)
a. This results in significant changes. With this new model, all
variables included are statistically significant. This means
that gender, degree, and years since graduation do play an
important role in salary. In particular, females see a decrease
in salary, as do PhD graduates, while years since graduation is
the only variable with a positive influence on salary.
```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE}
# fit a new multiple linear regression model without rank
model3 <- lm(salary ~ sex + degree + ysdeg, data = salary)
# print the model summary
F. Everyone in this dataset was hired the year they earned their
highest degree. It is also known that a new Dean was appointed 15
years ago, and everyone in the dataset who earned their highest
degree 15 years ago or less than that has been hired by the new
Dean. Some people have argued that the new Dean has been making
offers that are a lot more generous to newly hired faculty than the
previous one and that this might explain some of the variation in
Salary. (Create a new variable that would allow you to test this
hypothesis and run another multiple regression model to test this.
Select variables carefully to make sure there is no
multicollinearity. Explain why multicollinearity would be a concern
in this case and how you avoided it. Do you find support for the
hypothesis that the people hired by the new Dean are making higher
than those that were not?)
a. I created a new binary variable to distinguish between people
hired before and after the new dean. To check for
multicollinearity, I created a correlation matrix - and, as
expected, years since graduation is somewhat correlated. This
makes sense as people with more recent graduation dates are more
likely to have been hired by the new dean - therefore, "ysdeg"
was removed from the model. After fitting the model, most
variables remain relatively the same and the people hired
before/after the new dean do not seem to have a statistically
significant salary difference.
```{r, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE}
# Create a new variable indicating whether the person was hired by the new Dean or not
salary$newDean <- ifelse(salary$year >= 15, 0, 1)
```{r, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE}
# Calculate the correlation matrix
cor(salary[, c("salary", "ysdeg", "newDean")])
```{r, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE}
# Fit the multiple regression model
model4 <- lm(salary ~ sex + rank + degree + year + newDean, data=salary)
# Check the summary of the model
# Question 3
(Data file: house.selling.price in **smss** R package)
```{r, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE}
data("house.selling.price", package = "smss")
prices <- house.selling.price
A. Using the house.selling.price data, run and report regression
results modeling y = selling price (in dollars) in terms of size of
home (in square feet) and whether the home is new (1 = yes; 0 = no).
In particular, for each variable; discuss statistical significance
and interpret the meaning of the coefficient.
a. After running the model, both variables are statistically
significant, although size is much more significant than new
status (2e-16 \> 0.00257). However, the coefficient is much
higher for new status than it is fore size (57736 \>116).
```{r, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE}
# Fit the multiple regression model
model5 <- lm(Price ~ Size + New, data=prices)
# Check the summary of the model
A. Report and interpret the prediction equation, and form separate
equations relating selling price to size for new and for not new
a. The equation would be ŷ = -40230.867 + 116.132\*size +
57736.283\*new. What this means is that, if a house is new, it's
selling price will increase by \$57,736.
B. Find the predicted selling price for a home of 3000 square feet that
is (i) new, (ii) not new.
a. Using the above equation and replacing for the values given, we
have the two following equations: ŷ(new) = -40230.867 +
116.132\*3000 + 57736.283\*1 and ŷ(not new) = -40230.867 +
116.132\*3000 + 57736.283\*0. This results in a selling price of
\$365,901.4 for the new home and \$308,165.1 for one that is not
C. Fit another model, this time with an interaction term allowing
interaction between size and new, and report the regression results.
```{r, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE}
# Fit the multiple regression model
model6 <- lm(Price ~ Size * New, data=prices)
# Check the summary of the model
D. Report the lines relating the predicted selling price to the size
for homes that are (i) new (ii) not new.
a. The new formula would be ŷ = -22227.808 + 104.438\*size -
78527.502\*new + 61.916\*size\*new. We would have to replace
with a 1 or 0 depending where it says "new" in the previous
equation depending on a house's status.
E. Find the predicted selling price for a home of 3000 square feet that
is (i) new, (ii) not new.
a. Replacing the given values in the previous equation, we would
have the two following formulas: ŷ(new)= -22227.808 +
104.438\*3000 - 78527.502\*1 + 61.916\*3000\*1 and ŷ(not new)=
-22227.808 + 104.438\*3000 - 78527.502\*0 + 61.916\*3000\*0.
This results in a selling price of \$398,306.7 for the new house
and \$291,086.2 for one that is not new.
F. Find the predicted selling price for a home of 1500 square feet that
is (i) new, (ii) not new. Comparing to (F), explain how the
difference in predicted selling prices changes as the size of home
a. Following the same steps, we now have these formulas: ŷ(new)=
-22227.808 + 104.438\*1500 - 78527.502\*1 + 61.916\*1500\*1 and
ŷ(not new)= -22227.808 + 104.438\*1500 - 78527.502\*0 +
61.916\*1500\*0. This results in a selling price of \$148,775.7
for the new house and \$134,429.2 for one that is not new.
Compared to the prices in (F), there seems to be an
exponentiation effect on the selling price as houses increase in
G. Do you think the model with interaction or the one without it
represents the relationship of size and new to the outcome price?
What makes you prefer one model over another?
a. Even though it is tempting to say the the model without
interaction performs better because of the lower R-squared, when
comparing across other metrics (Root Mean Squared Error, Mean
Absolute Error, and Akaike Information Criterion), it turns out
the model with interaction performs better. Additionally, from
the examples above, the prices predicted by the model with
interaction does seem to be closer to the predicted prices.
Therefore, I would chose the model with interaction.
```{r, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE}
# Create a function to calculate the evaluation metrics
eval_metrics <- function(model) {
# Calculate the R-squared value
rsq <- summary(model)$r.squared
# Calculate the RMSE value
predicted <- predict(model, newdata = house.selling.price)
actual <- house.selling.price$Price
rmse <- sqrt(mean((predicted - actual)^2))
# Calculate the MAE value
mae <- mean(abs(predicted - actual))
# Calculate the AIC value
aic <- AIC(model)
# Return a data frame with the evaluation metrics
data.frame(R2 = rsq, RMSE = rmse, MAE = mae, AIC = aic)
# Calculate the evaluation metrics for each model
metrics1 <- eval_metrics(model5)
metrics2 <- eval_metrics(model6)
# Combine the metrics into a table
metrics_table <- rbind(metrics1, metrics2)
rownames(metrics_table) <- c("Model without Interaction"
, "Model with Interaction")
# Print the table