# A tibble: 725 × 6
LungCap Age Height Smoke Gender Caesarean
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 6.48 6 62.1 no male no
2 10.1 18 74.7 yes female no
3 9.55 16 69.7 no female yes
4 11.1 14 71 no male no
5 4.8 5 56.9 no male no
6 6.22 11 58.7 no female no
7 4.95 8 63.3 no male yes
8 7.32 11 70.4 no male no
9 8.88 15 70.5 no male no
10 6.8 11 59.2 no male no
# … with 715 more rows
1a. The distribution looks pretty normal to me, with capacity between 6 and 9 being the most frequent.
boxplot(LungCap ~ Gender, data=LungCapData)
1b. Separating the two genders, it looks like men have a higher lung capacity rate in comparison to women.
LungCapData %>%group_by(Smoke) %>%summarise(mean =mean(LungCap), n =n())
# A tibble: 2 × 3
Smoke mean n
<chr> <dbl> <int>
1 no 7.77 648
2 yes 8.65 77
1c. The average lung capacity for a non-smoker is around 7.78, while for smokers it’s 8.65. In other words, on average, the smokers have a higher lung capacity rate than non-smokers… this doesn’t make sense because smoking is supposed to be bad for your lungs.
agegroup <- LungCapData %>%mutate(agegroup =case_when(Age <=13~"Less than 13 years old", Age ==14| Age ==15~"14 to 15 years old", Age ==16| Age ==17~"16 to 17 years old", Age >=18~"18 years old and older"))agegroup %>%ggplot(aes(x=LungCap, fill=Smoke)) +geom_histogram() +facet_wrap(~agegroup)
`stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
1d. Obviously, older teens are more likely to be smokers, as well as have higher lung capacity, than younger teens. The vast majority of teens 13 years and younger are non-smoker (I would be horrified at the sight of a kid smoking).
agegroup <- agegroup %>%mutate(AgeGroup =factor(agegroup, level=c("Less than 13 years old", "14 to 15 years old","16 to 17 years old","18 years old and older")))boxplot(LungCap ~ AgeGroup, data=agegroup)
1e. There is a correlation between age and lung capacity. The lung capacity rate increases as the person gets older.
Prior Convictions
Another dataset I created here deals with prison convictions. The sample size is 810 prisoners in a state prison, some of the prisoners are there for the first time, while others have been imprison as many as 4 times, or have 4 prior convictions in other words. prior means numbers of prior convictions. freq means how many prisoners have a set of convictions (434 prisoners have 1 prior convictions, 160 prisoners have 2 prior convictions etc.). Finally, I created a new variable called probability, where I divided the freq variable by the total number of prisoners, to denote the probability that a prisoner had a certain number of prior convictions.
2e. The expected value exval, or long term mean, is 1.28642. I separated the variables into its own set and multiplied prior (# of prior convictions) and prob (the probability a given prisoner has a certain number of prior convictions).
# variancevar(rep(df$prior, df$freq))
[1] 0.8572937
# standard deviationsd(rep(df$prior, df$freq))
[1] 0.9259016
The variance is 0.86, which mean the data is close to one another.
The standard deviation is 0.93, which means the data is more clustered around the mean.
Error in render("Kristin_Abijaoude_HW1.qmd", output_format = "pdf_document", : could not find function "render"
Source Code
---title: "Hw 1 by Kristin Abijaoude"author: "Kristin Abijaoude"description: "LungCap and Prison data HW1"date: "02/27/2023"format: html: toc: true code-fold: true code-copy: true code-tools: truecategories: - Hw1 - kristin abijaoude - desriptive statistics - probability---```{r}library(ggplot2)library(readxl)library(dplyr)library(summarytools)library(stats)```# Lung Capacity```{r}LungCapData <-read_excel("~/Documents/GitHub/Github Help/603_Spring_2023/posts/_data/LungCapData.xls")LungCapData``````{r}print(dfSummary(LungCapData,varnumbers =FALSE,plain.ascii =FALSE, style ="grid", graph.magnif =0.70, valid.col =FALSE),method ='render',table.classes ='table-condensed')``````{r}colnames(LungCapData)dim(LungCapData)``````{r}hist(LungCapData$LungCap)```1a. The distribution looks pretty normal to me, with capacity between 6 and 9 being the most frequent. ```{r}boxplot(LungCap ~ Gender, data=LungCapData)```1b. Separating the two genders, it looks like men have a higher lung capacity rate in comparison to women.```{r}LungCapData %>%group_by(Smoke) %>%summarise(mean =mean(LungCap), n =n())```1c. The average lung capacity for a non-smoker is around 7.78, while for smokers it's 8.65. In other words, on average, the smokers have a higher lung capacity rate than non-smokers... this doesn't make sense because smoking is supposed to be bad for your lungs.```{r}agegroup <- LungCapData %>%mutate(agegroup =case_when(Age <=13~"Less than 13 years old", Age ==14| Age ==15~"14 to 15 years old", Age ==16| Age ==17~"16 to 17 years old", Age >=18~"18 years old and older"))agegroup %>%ggplot(aes(x=LungCap, fill=Smoke)) +geom_histogram() +facet_wrap(~agegroup)```1d. Obviously, older teens are more likely to be smokers, as well as have higher lung capacity, than younger teens. The vast majority of teens 13 years and younger are non-smoker (I would be horrified at the sight of a kid smoking).```{r}agegroup <- agegroup %>%mutate(AgeGroup =factor(agegroup, level=c("Less than 13 years old", "14 to 15 years old","16 to 17 years old","18 years old and older")))boxplot(LungCap ~ AgeGroup, data=agegroup)```1e. There is a correlation between age and lung capacity. The lung capacity rate increases as the person gets older.# Prior ConvictionsAnother dataset I created here deals with prison convictions. The sample size is 810 prisoners in a state prison, some of the prisoners are there for the first time, while others have been imprison as many as 4 times, or have 4 prior convictions in other words. `prior` means numbers of prior convictions. `freq` means how many prisoners have a set of convictions (434 prisoners have 1 prior convictions, 160 prisoners have 2 prior convictions etc.). Finally, I created a new variable called `probability`, where I divided the `freq` variable by the total number of prisoners, to denote the probability that a prisoner had a certain number of prior convictions.```{r}df <-data.frame(prior =c(0:4), freq =c(128, 434, 160, 64, 24) )df <- df %>%mutate(probability = freq/810)df``````{r}# alternatively(dbinom(x =1, size =1, prob =160/810))*100```2a. There is a less than 20% probability that a randomly selected inmate has exactly 2 prior convictions.```{r}128+434(dbinom(x =1, size =1, prob =562/810))*100```2b. There is a 69% probability that a randomly selected inmate has fewer than 2 prior convictions.```{r}128+434+160(dbinom(x =1, size =1, prob =722/810))*100```2c. There is a 89% probability that a randomly selected inmate has 2 or fewer prior convictions.```{r}64+24(dbinom(x =1, size =1, prob =88/810))*100```2d. There is a 10% probability that a randomly selected inmate has more than 2 prior convictions.```{r}prior <- df$priorprob <- df$probabilityfreq <- df$freqexval <-sum(prior*prob)exval```2e. The expected value `exval`, or long term mean, is 1.28642. I separated the variables into its own set and multiplied `prior` (# of prior convictions) and `prob` (the probability a given prisoner has a certain number of prior convictions).```{r}# variancevar(rep(df$prior, df$freq))# standard deviationsd(rep(df$prior, df$freq))```The variance is 0.86, which mean the data is close to one another.The standard deviation is 0.93, which means the data is more clustered around the mean.```{r}render("Kristin_Abijaoude_HW1.qmd", output_format ="pdf_document", output_file ="Kristin_Abijaoude_HW1.pdf")```