# confidence level for bypass and angiographyconf_level <-0.9# standard error for bypassbypass_se <-10/sqrt(589)# confidence interval for bypassbypassCI <-19+qt(c(0.05, 0.95), 589-1) * bypass_sebypassCI
[1] 18.32118 19.67882
# standard error for angiographyangio_se <-9/sqrt(847)# confidence interval for angiographyangioCI <-18+qt(c(0.05, 0.95), 847-1) * angio_seangioCI
[1] 17.49078 18.50922
Question 2
# out of 1031 Americans surveyedp <-567/1031# 54% of Americans believe college education is essential for success# 95% significant levelconf<-0.95# standard errorcollege_se <-sqrt(p*(1-p)/1031) # confidence intervalcollegeCI <- p +qnorm(c(0.025, 0.975)) * college_secollegeCI
[1] 0.5195839 0.5803191
Question 3
# $5 or less within the estimateest <-5# money spent on textbooks varies widely, mostly between $30 and $200sigma <- (200-30) /4# significant level alpha <-0.5# z-alphaz_alpha <-qnorm(1- alpha /2)# sample size of booksn <-ceiling((z_alpha * sigma / est) ^2)n
[1] 33
Question 4
# t testf_emp <-410income <-500s <-90t <- (f_emp - income) / (s /sqrt(9))t
# significant levelalpha <-0.05# to reject or not to rejectif (p_value < alpha/2|| p_value >1-alpha/2) {cat("Reject the null hypothesis")} else {cat("Fail to reject the null hypothesis")}
Reject the null hypothesis
[1] 0.9914642
# fail to reject null hypothesis
Question 5
# T valuest_jones <- (519.5-500) /10# sample mean = 519.5 - 500 for population mean / sample error of 10.0t_jones
[1] 1.95
t_smith <- (519.7-500) /10# sample mean = 519.7 - 500 for population mean / sample error of 10.0t_smith
[1] 1.97
# p valuesp_jones <-2*pt(-abs(t_jones), df =999)p_jones
[1] 0.05145555
p_smith <-2*pt(-abs(t_smith), df =999)p_smith
[1] 0.04911426
Smith’s result is statistically significant, while Jones’ is not.
While the two results are close in variables, one of them is significant while the other is not. That’s why P-value is important in determining whether to reject or fail to reject the hypothesis.
tuition_model <-aov(cost ~ area, data = tuition)summary(tuition_model)
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
area 2 25.66 12.832 8.176 0.00397 **
Residuals 15 23.54 1.569
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
From these results, we can conclude that there is not much statistical significance between the area of a given charter school and the cost of the tuition in said charter schools.
Source Code
---title: "Hw 2 by Kristin Abijaoude"author: "Kristin Abijaoude"description: "HW2"date: "03/16/2023"format: html: toc: true code-fold: true code-copy: true code-tools: truecategories: - Hw2 - kristin abijaoude - distribution - probability---```{r}# load packagespackages <-c("readr", "ggplot2", "caret", "summarytools", "tidyverse", "dplyr", "stats", "pwr")lapply(packages, require, character.only =TRUE)```# Question 1```{r}surgical_procedures <-c("bypass","angiography")sample_size <-c(589, 847)mean_wait_time <-c(19, 18)standard_deviation <-c(10,9)surgery_data <-data.frame(surgical_procedures, sample_size, mean_wait_time, standard_deviation)surgery_data```Wait times are in days. ```{r}# confidence level for bypass and angiographyconf_level <-0.9# standard error for bypassbypass_se <-10/sqrt(589)# confidence interval for bypassbypassCI <-19+qt(c(0.05, 0.95), 589-1) * bypass_sebypassCI``````{r}# standard error for angiographyangio_se <-9/sqrt(847)# confidence interval for angiographyangioCI <-18+qt(c(0.05, 0.95), 847-1) * angio_seangioCI```# Question 2 ```{r}# out of 1031 Americans surveyedp <-567/1031# 54% of Americans believe college education is essential for success# 95% significant levelconf<-0.95# standard errorcollege_se <-sqrt(p*(1-p)/1031) # confidence intervalcollegeCI <- p +qnorm(c(0.025, 0.975)) * college_secollegeCI ```# Question 3```{r}# $5 or less within the estimateest <-5# money spent on textbooks varies widely, mostly between $30 and $200sigma <- (200-30) /4# significant level alpha <-0.5# z-alphaz_alpha <-qnorm(1- alpha /2)# sample size of booksn <-ceiling((z_alpha * sigma / est) ^2)n```# Question 4## A```{r}# t testf_emp <-410income <-500s <-90t <- (f_emp - income) / (s /sqrt(9))t```## B```{r}# degree of freedomdf <-9-1# df = 8# p-valuep_value <-pt(t, df)p_value# significant levelalpha <-0.05# to reject or not to rejectif (p_value < alpha/2|| p_value >1-alpha/2) {cat("Reject the null hypothesis")} else {cat("Fail to reject the null hypothesis")}```## C```{r}1-p_value# fail to reject null hypothesis```# Question 5## A```{r}# T valuest_jones <- (519.5-500) /10# sample mean = 519.5 - 500 for population mean / sample error of 10.0t_jonest_smith <- (519.7-500) /10# sample mean = 519.7 - 500 for population mean / sample error of 10.0t_smith``````{r}# p valuesp_jones <-2*pt(-abs(t_jones), df =999)p_jonesp_smith <-2*pt(-abs(t_smith), df =999)p_smith```## BSmith's result is statistically significant, while Jones' is not.## CWhile the two results are close in variables, one of them is significant while the other is not. That's why P-value is important in determining whether to reject or fail to reject the hypothesis. # Question 6```{r}healthy <-c(31, 43, 51)unhealthy <-c(69, 57, 49)snack <-rbind(healthy, unhealthy)colnames(snack) <-c("6th grade", "7th grade", "8th grade")rownames(snack) <-c("healthy", "unhealthy")snack# α = 0.05``````{r}chisq.test(snack, correct =FALSE)```Since the p-value is smaller than the 0.05 threshold, we can conclude that there is an association between grade and snack choices.# Question 7```{r}tuition <-data.frame(area =c(rep("Area_1", 6), rep("Area_2", 6), rep("Area_3", 6)),cost =c(6.2, 9.3, 6.8, 6.1, 6.7, 7.5, 7.5, 8.2, 8.5, 8.2, 7.0, 9.3, 5.8, 6.4, 5.6, 7.1, 3.0, 3.5))tuition``````{r}tuition_model <-aov(cost ~ area, data = tuition)summary(tuition_model)```From these results, we can conclude that there is not much statistical significance between the area of a given charter school and the cost of the tuition in said charter schools.