# A tibble: 6 × 29
T0depres…¹ T0anx…² T1dep…³ T1anx…⁴ Height Weight WC HC SBP DBP FBG
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 31 35 41 35 153. 34.6 58 67 98 60 4.4
2 35 24 35 25 172. 46.1 63 78 110 70 3.9
3 31 34 37 26 146. 38.9 72 77.7 102 62 4.6
4 27 31 42 35 162. 46.8 62 80 116 80 4.5
5 31 26 49 33 154. 36.4 56 72 90 60 4.2
6 30 28 47 32 164. 40.6 55 73 102 70 3.7
# … with 18 more variables: TC <dbl>, TG <dbl>, `HDL-C` <dbl>, `LDL-C` <dbl>,
# BMI <dbl>, WHR <dbl>, WtHR <dbl>, `Family location` <dbl>,
# `Number of siblings` <dbl>,
# `How much time do you spend with your father in elementary school?` <dbl>,
# `How much time do you spend with your mother in elementary school?` <dbl>,
# `Father’s education level` <dbl>, `Mother’s education level` <dbl>,
# `Family financial situation` <dbl>, `Sleeping hours` <dbl>, …
Rows: 1,348
Columns: 29
$ T0depression <dbl> 31…
$ T0anxiety <dbl> 35…
$ T1depression <dbl> 41…
$ T1anxiety <dbl> 35…
$ Height <dbl> 15…
$ Weight <dbl> 34…
$ WC <dbl> 58…
$ HC <dbl> 67…
$ SBP <dbl> 98…
$ DBP <dbl> 60…
$ FBG <dbl> 4.…
$ TC <dbl> 3.…
$ TG <dbl> 0.…
$ `HDL-C` <dbl> 0.…
$ `LDL-C` <dbl> 2.…
$ BMI <dbl> 14…
$ WHR <dbl> 0.…
$ WtHR <dbl> 0.…
$ `Family location` <dbl> 2,…
$ `Number of siblings` <dbl> 2,…
$ `How much time do you spend with your father in elementary school?` <dbl> 5,…
$ `How much time do you spend with your mother in elementary school?` <dbl> 5,…
$ `Father’s education level` <dbl> 4,…
$ `Mother’s education level` <dbl> 3,…
$ `Family financial situation` <dbl> 3,…
$ `Sleeping hours` <dbl> 3,…
$ `Skipping breakfast` <dbl> 1,…
$ Vigorous <dbl> 1,…
$ Moderate <dbl> 2,…