Asch Harwood
March 28, 2023
# create data frame
df <- data.frame(
"Surgical Procedure" = c("Bypass", "Angiography"),
"Sample Size" = c(539, 847),
"Mean Wait Time" = c(19, 18),
"Standard Deviation" = c(10, 9)
# bypass confidence interval
mean <- 19
n <- 539
sd <- 10
ci_level <- .9
tail_area <- (1 - ci_level)/2
t_score <- qt(p=1-tail_area, df = n - 1)
b_ci <- c(mean - t_score * sd/sqrt(n), mean + t_score * sd/sqrt(n))
# angiography
mean <- 18
n <- 847
sd <- 9
ci_level <- .9
tail_area <- (1 - ci_level)/2
t_score <- qt(p=1-tail_area, df = n - 1)
a_ci <- c(mean - t_score * sd/sqrt(n), mean + t_score * sd/sqrt(n))
cat("Bypass 90% Confidence Interval: (", b_ci[1], ", ", b_ci[2], ")", sep = "")
Bypass 90% Confidence Interval: (18.29029, 19.70971)
Angiography 90% Confidence Interval: (17.49078, 18.50922)
Bypass confidence interval: 18.29029, 19.70971 Angiography confidence interval: 17.49078 18.50922
The angiography confidence level is smaller.
College is essential point estimate: 0.5499515
College is essential 95% Confidence Interval: (0.5189682, 0.580558)
# solve for n: CI = x + (t * (sd / sqrt(n)))
# plug in value in this equation: n = (sd * t / (CI - x))^2
#calculate mean
high_price <- 200
low_price <- 30
sd <- (high_price - low_price) * .25
mean <- (high_price + low_price)/2
ci_lower <- mean - 5
ci_upper <- mean + 5
ci_level <- .95
estimated_sample_size <- (sd * ci_level / (ci_upper - mean))^2
cat("The estimated sample size is: ", round(estimated_sample_size))
The estimated sample size is: 65
Approach 1: Construct confidence interval
Approach 2: One-sample, two-tailed T-test
#confidence interval calculation
mean <- 410
union_mean <- 500
n <- 9
sd <- 90
alpha <- 0.05
ci_level <- .95
tail_area <- (1 - ci_level)/2
t_score <- qt(p=1-tail_area, df = n - 1)
a_ci <- c(mean - t_score * sd/sqrt(n), mean + t_score * sd/sqrt(n))
#p-value calculation
#compute t_staistics
t_stat <- (mean - union_mean)/(sd/sqrt(n))
#computer degrees of freedom
df <- n - 1
#calculate lower/left tail because t statistics is negative
#multipy by two for two-tailed test
p_val <- 2*pt(t_stat, df)
cat("Approach 1: Confidence Interval")
Approach 1: Confidence Interval
Female Salary 95% Confidence Interval: (340.8199, 479.1801)
T score: 2.306004
The 95% confidence interval for the weekly female salary of $410 does not include $500, so we can reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypthosis that weekly female salary differs from $500 a week
Approach 2: Calculat P Value
T statistic: -3
Two-tailed P Value 0.01707168
Is P value less than alpha?: TRUE
We can reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothosis that weekly female salary differs from $500 a week because the observed p value of 0.01707168 is less than our designated signifiance level of 0.05 .
#p-value calculation
mean <- 410
union_mean <- 500
n <- 9
sd <- 90
alpha <- 0.05
#compute t_staistics
t_stat <- (mean - union_mean)/(sd/sqrt(n))
#computer degrees of freedom
df <- n - 1
p_val <- pt(t_stat, df, lower.tail = TRUE)
#calculate lower/left tail because t statistics is negative
#multipy by two for two-tailed test
cat("Lower Tail P Value:", p_val)
Lower Tail P Value: 0.008535841
cat("This lower tail p value can be used to test whether the observed weekly female salary is less than the union wage. In this case, if we were doing a one-tailed t-test with an alpha significance level of 0.05, we could reject the null hypothesis in favor of the altnernative that weekly female salary is less than the union wage with a p value of", p_val,".")
This lower tail p value can be used to test whether the observed weekly female salary is less than the union wage. In this case, if we were doing a one-tailed t-test with an alpha significance level of 0.05, we could reject the null hypothesis in favor of the altnernative that weekly female salary is less than the union wage with a p value of 0.008535841 .
mean <- 410
union_mean <- 500
n <- 9
sd <- 90
alpha <- 0.05
#compute t_staistics
t_stat <- (mean - union_mean)/(sd/sqrt(n))
#computer degrees of freedom
df <- n - 1
p_val <- pt(t_stat, df, lower.tail = FALSE)
#calculate lower/left tail because t statistics is negative
#multipy by two for two-tailed test
cat("Upper Tail P Value:", p_val)
Upper Tail P Value: 0.9914642
cat("This upper tail p value can be used to test whether the observed weekly female salary is more than the union wage. In this case, if we were doing a one-tailed t-test with an alpha significance level of 0.05, we cannot reject the null hypothesis in favor of the altnernative that weekly female salary is less than the union wage with a p value of", p_val,".")
This upper tail p value can be used to test whether the observed weekly female salary is more than the union wage. In this case, if we were doing a one-tailed t-test with an alpha significance level of 0.05, we cannot reject the null hypothesis in favor of the altnernative that weekly female salary is less than the union wage with a p value of 0.9914642 .
n <- 1000 #sample size
df <- n - 1 #degrees of freedom
se <- 10.0 #standard error
pop_mean <- 500 #assumed pop mean
y_jones <- 519.5
y_smith <- 519.7
t_jones <- 1.95
t_smith <- 1.97
p_jones <- 0.051
p_smith <- 0.049
# helper functions - computes t-stat
t_stat_func <- function(mean_1, test_mean, standard_error){
t_stat <- (mean_1 - test_mean)/(standard_error)
#helper function - computers p-value
p_val_func <- function(t_stat, df, tail_type){
if (t_stat < 0){
p_val <- pt(t_stat, df, lower.tail = TRUE)
} else{
p_val <- pt(t_stat, df, lower.tail = FALSE)
if (tail_type==2){
p_val <- p_val*2
T statistic: 1.95 , P value: 0.05145555
T statistic: 1.97 , P value: 0.04911426
With an alpha of 0.05, Smith’s result is statistically significant, while Jones’s result is not.
The chosen significant level (alpha = 0.05, for example) is typically a rule of thumb in the social sciences. In this case, a decision to round a value to decimal places would put both of these p-values at 0.05. Context matters as well. Depending on what is being measured in this example, the difference between 519.5 versus 519.7 might not be meaningful, or it could represent a huge real world difference. The implications/consequences of committing type 1 or type 2 error could be pertinent in the interpretation of these p_values as well. By reporting the actual p-values, readers are empowered to better evaluate the decisions of the researchers.
H0: There is no association between snack choice and grade level
6th_grade_healthy_snack_31 = 7th_grade_healthy_snack_43 = 8th_grade_healthy_snack_51
6th_grade_unhealthy_snack_69 = 7th_grade_healthy_snack_57 = 8th_grade_healthy_snack_49
6th grade 7th grade 8th grade
Healthy_Snack 31 43 51
Unhealthy_Snack 69 57 49
Pearson's Chi-squared test
data: snack_counts
X-squared = 8.3383, df = 2, p-value = 0.01547
We can reject the null hypothesis that there is no association between snack choice and grade in favor of the alternative hypothesis that there is an association between snack choice and grade
# Create a dataframe
snack_data <- data.frame(
Grade_Level = c("6th grade", "7th grade", "8th grade"),
Healthy_Snack = c(31, 43, 51),
Unhealthy_Snack = c(69, 57, 49)
# Calculate the proportions
snack_data$Total <- snack_data$Healthy_Snack + snack_data$Unhealthy_Snack
snack_data$Healthy_Prop <- snack_data$Healthy_Snack / snack_data$Total
snack_data$Unhealthy_Prop <- snack_data$Unhealthy_Snack / snack_data$Total
# Reshape the data to a long format
snack_data_long <- tidyr::gather(snack_data, key = "Snack_Type", value = "Proportion", Healthy_Prop, Unhealthy_Prop)
# Create a bar plot using ggplot2
ggplot(snack_data_long, aes(x = Grade_Level, y = Proportion, fill = Snack_Type)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
labs(title = "Proportion of Healthy and Unhealthy Snacks by Grade Level",
x = "Grade Level",
y = "Proportion",
fill = "Snack Type") +
# Data from the table
data_matrix <- matrix(
6.2, 9.3, 6.8, 6.1, 6.7, 7.5,
7.5, 8.2, 8.5, 8.2, 7.0, 9.3,
5.8, 6.4, 5.6, 7.1, 3.0, 3.5
nrow = 3,
byrow = TRUE
# Create a dataframe with Area and Value columns
data_df <- data.frame(
Area = factor(rep(c("Area 1", "Area 2", "Area 3"), each = 6)),
Value = as.vector(t(data_matrix))
mean_df <- data_df %>%
group_by(Area) %>%
summarise(mean_val = mean(Value))
H0: All groups have the same population mean
area_1 = area_2 = area_3 is TRUE
H1: At least one group has a different population mean
area_1 = area_2 = area_3 is FALSE
With a P value of 0.00397 we can reject the null hypothesis that there is no difference between the three group means in favor of the alternative hypothesis that there is indeed a difference.
title: "Homework 2"
author: "Asch Harwood"
description: "hw2"
date: "3/28/23"
toc: true
code-fold: true
code-copy: true
code-tools: true
- hw2
- hypothesis_testing
```{r message=FALSE}
# Q1
# create data frame
df <- data.frame(
"Surgical Procedure" = c("Bypass", "Angiography"),
"Sample Size" = c(539, 847),
"Mean Wait Time" = c(19, 18),
"Standard Deviation" = c(10, 9)
# bypass confidence interval
mean <- 19
n <- 539
sd <- 10
ci_level <- .9
tail_area <- (1 - ci_level)/2
t_score <- qt(p=1-tail_area, df = n - 1)
b_ci <- c(mean - t_score * sd/sqrt(n), mean + t_score * sd/sqrt(n))
# angiography
mean <- 18
n <- 847
sd <- 9
ci_level <- .9
tail_area <- (1 - ci_level)/2
t_score <- qt(p=1-tail_area, df = n - 1)
a_ci <- c(mean - t_score * sd/sqrt(n), mean + t_score * sd/sqrt(n))
cat("Bypass 90% Confidence Interval: (", b_ci[1], ", ", b_ci[2], ")", sep = "")
cat("Angiography 90% Confidence Interval: (", a_ci[1], ", ", a_ci[2], ")", sep = "")
### Interpretation
Bypass confidence interval: 18.29029, 19.70971
Angiography confidence interval: 17.49078 18.50922
The angiography confidence level is smaller.
# Q2
n <- 1031 # num of americans survey
college_essential <- 567 # num americans believe college is essential
point_estimate <- college_essential/n
prop_results <- prop.test(college_essential, n)
cat("College is essential point estimate:", point_estimate)
cat("College is essential 95% Confidence Interval: (", prop_results$[1], ", ", prop_results$[2], ")", sep = "")
# Q3
# solve for n: CI = x + (t * (sd / sqrt(n)))
# plug in value in this equation: n = (sd * t / (CI - x))^2
#calculate mean
high_price <- 200
low_price <- 30
sd <- (high_price - low_price) * .25
mean <- (high_price + low_price)/2
ci_lower <- mean - 5
ci_upper <- mean + 5
ci_level <- .95
estimated_sample_size <- (sd * ci_level / (ci_upper - mean))^2
cat("The estimated sample size is: ", round(estimated_sample_size))
# Q4
# goal: test whether mean female incole is inline with union agreement
mean_weekly_income_predicted <- 500
n = 9
mean_sampled = 410
sd_sample = 90
### Q4_A
#### Approach and Assumptions
- Approach 1: Construct confidence interval
- Approach 2: One-sample, two-tailed T-test
- Assumptions:
1. Sample is random and representative of underlying population
2. Data is normally distributed
3. Sample observations are independent
4. Population standard deviation is not known
- Hypothesis
1. h0: female weekly salary is the same as union weekly ($410 == $500)
2. h1: female weekly salary is different from the union weekly (higher/lower) ($410 != $500)
#confidence interval calculation
mean <- 410
union_mean <- 500
n <- 9
sd <- 90
alpha <- 0.05
ci_level <- .95
tail_area <- (1 - ci_level)/2
t_score <- qt(p=1-tail_area, df = n - 1)
a_ci <- c(mean - t_score * sd/sqrt(n), mean + t_score * sd/sqrt(n))
#p-value calculation
#compute t_staistics
t_stat <- (mean - union_mean)/(sd/sqrt(n))
#computer degrees of freedom
df <- n - 1
#calculate lower/left tail because t statistics is negative
#multipy by two for two-tailed test
p_val <- 2*pt(t_stat, df)
cat("Approach 1: Confidence Interval")
cat("Female Salary 95% Confidence Interval: (", a_ci[1], ", ", a_ci[2], ")", sep = "")
cat("T score:", t_score)
cat("The 95% confidence interval for the weekly female salary of $410 does not include $500, so we can reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypthosis that weekly female salary differs from $500 a week")
cat("Approach 2: Calculat P Value")
cat("T statistic:", t_stat)
cat("Two-tailed P Value", p_val)
cat("Is P value less than alpha?:", p_val < alpha)
cat("We can reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothosis that weekly female salary differs from $500 a week because the observed p value of", p_val, "is less than our designated signifiance level of", alpha, ".")
### Q4_B
#p-value calculation
mean <- 410
union_mean <- 500
n <- 9
sd <- 90
alpha <- 0.05
#compute t_staistics
t_stat <- (mean - union_mean)/(sd/sqrt(n))
#computer degrees of freedom
df <- n - 1
p_val <- pt(t_stat, df, lower.tail = TRUE)
#calculate lower/left tail because t statistics is negative
#multipy by two for two-tailed test
cat("Lower Tail P Value:", p_val)
cat("This lower tail p value can be used to test whether the observed weekly female salary is less than the union wage. In this case, if we were doing a one-tailed t-test with an alpha significance level of 0.05, we could reject the null hypothesis in favor of the altnernative that weekly female salary is less than the union wage with a p value of", p_val,".")
### Q4_C
mean <- 410
union_mean <- 500
n <- 9
sd <- 90
alpha <- 0.05
#compute t_staistics
t_stat <- (mean - union_mean)/(sd/sqrt(n))
#computer degrees of freedom
df <- n - 1
p_val <- pt(t_stat, df, lower.tail = FALSE)
#calculate lower/left tail because t statistics is negative
#multipy by two for two-tailed test
cat("Upper Tail P Value:", p_val)
cat("This upper tail p value can be used to test whether the observed weekly female salary is more than the union wage. In this case, if we were doing a one-tailed t-test with an alpha significance level of 0.05, we cannot reject the null hypothesis in favor of the altnernative that weekly female salary is less than the union wage with a p value of", p_val,".")
# Q5
n <- 1000 #sample size
df <- n - 1 #degrees of freedom
se <- 10.0 #standard error
pop_mean <- 500 #assumed pop mean
y_jones <- 519.5
y_smith <- 519.7
t_jones <- 1.95
t_smith <- 1.97
p_jones <- 0.051
p_smith <- 0.049
# helper functions - computes t-stat
t_stat_func <- function(mean_1, test_mean, standard_error){
t_stat <- (mean_1 - test_mean)/(standard_error)
#helper function - computers p-value
p_val_func <- function(t_stat, df, tail_type){
if (t_stat < 0){
p_val <- pt(t_stat, df, lower.tail = TRUE)
} else{
p_val <- pt(t_stat, df, lower.tail = FALSE)
if (tail_type==2){
p_val <- p_val*2
### Q5_A
#compute t_staistics for jones
t_stat_jones <- t_stat_func(y_jones, pop_mean, se)
p_val_jones <- p_val_func(t_stat_jones, df, 2)
t_stat_smith <- t_stat_func(y_smith, pop_mean, se)
p_val_smith <- p_val_func(t_stat_smith, df, 2)
cat("T statistic:", t_stat_jones,",", "P value:", p_val_jones)
cat("T statistic:", t_stat_smith,",", "P value:", p_val_smith)
### Q5_B
With an alpha of 0.05, Smith's result is statistically significant, while Jones's result is not.
### Q5_C
The chosen significant level (alpha = 0.05, for example) is typically a rule of thumb in the social sciences. In this case, a decision to round a value to decimal places would put both of these p-values at 0.05. Context matters as well. Depending on what is being measured in this example, the difference between 519.5 versus 519.7 might not be meaningful, or it could represent a huge real world difference. The implications/consequences of committing type 1 or type 2 error could be pertinent in the interpretation of these p_values as well. By reporting the actual p-values, readers are empowered to better evaluate the decisions of the researchers.
# Q6
#### Null Hypothesis
H0: There is no association between snack choice and grade level
6th_grade_healthy_snack_31 = 7th_grade_healthy_snack_43 = 8th_grade_healthy_snack_51
6th_grade_unhealthy_snack_69 = 7th_grade_healthy_snack_57 = 8th_grade_healthy_snack_49
#### Chi Squared Test
- We will use a chi-squared test
snack_counts <- matrix(
c(31, 43, 51, 69, 57, 49),
nrow = 2,
byrow = TRUE
rownames(snack_counts) <- c("Healthy_Snack", "Unhealthy_Snack")
colnames(snack_counts) <- c("6th grade", "7th grade", "8th grade")
# Perform the Chi-square test
chi_square_test <- chisq.test(snack_counts)
# Print the test results
#### Interpretation
We can reject the null hypothesis that there is no association between snack choice and grade in favor of the alternative hypothesis that there is an association between snack choice and grade
# Create a dataframe
snack_data <- data.frame(
Grade_Level = c("6th grade", "7th grade", "8th grade"),
Healthy_Snack = c(31, 43, 51),
Unhealthy_Snack = c(69, 57, 49)
# Calculate the proportions
snack_data$Total <- snack_data$Healthy_Snack + snack_data$Unhealthy_Snack
snack_data$Healthy_Prop <- snack_data$Healthy_Snack / snack_data$Total
snack_data$Unhealthy_Prop <- snack_data$Unhealthy_Snack / snack_data$Total
# Reshape the data to a long format
snack_data_long <- tidyr::gather(snack_data, key = "Snack_Type", value = "Proportion", Healthy_Prop, Unhealthy_Prop)
# Create a bar plot using ggplot2
ggplot(snack_data_long, aes(x = Grade_Level, y = Proportion, fill = Snack_Type)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
labs(title = "Proportion of Healthy and Unhealthy Snacks by Grade Level",
x = "Grade Level",
y = "Proportion",
fill = "Snack Type") +
# Q7
# Data from the table
data_matrix <- matrix(
6.2, 9.3, 6.8, 6.1, 6.7, 7.5,
7.5, 8.2, 8.5, 8.2, 7.0, 9.3,
5.8, 6.4, 5.6, 7.1, 3.0, 3.5
nrow = 3,
byrow = TRUE
# Create a dataframe with Area and Value columns
data_df <- data.frame(
Area = factor(rep(c("Area 1", "Area 2", "Area 3"), each = 6)),
Value = as.vector(t(data_matrix))
mean_df <- data_df %>%
group_by(Area) %>%
summarise(mean_val = mean(Value))
### Answer
#### Null Hypothesis
H0: All groups have the same population mean
area_1 = area_2 = area_3 is TRUE
H1: At least one group has a different population mean
area_1 = area_2 = area_3 is FALSE
#### ANOVA
- Since we are trying to determine if the observed differences in area means are statistically significant, we will use a one-way analysis of variance test
anova_results <- aov(Value ~ Area, data_df)
#### Interpretation
With a P value of 0.00397 we can reject the null hypothesis that there is no difference between the three group means in favor of the alternative hypothesis that there is indeed a difference.