Class Project 1: Sue-Ellen Duffy

Boston - Person Level Crash Data

Sue-Ellen Duffy


July 18, 2023


knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)

Boston Crash Data - Statistical Analysis of Number of Cars Involved Per Individual Crash from 2013 to 2022

Hypothesis: The number of Cars per crash are increasing in Boston, Massachusetts.

In order to study this hypothesis I will look at publicly available crash data, from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, specifically crashes in Boston from 2013 to 2022.

#Read in Cleaned Data
Numbers <- read_csv("Sue-Ellen_Data/2013_2022_Crashes_Boston.csv", col_types = cols(
  "...1" = col_skip(), "CITY" = col_skip()))

Data in numbers

The first table below provides the Number of Cars Involved per Individual Crash in Boston from 2013-2022. The second table provides the corresponding percentages.

#Create Count of Car Crashes per Year per Number of Cars Involved
Numbers2 <- Numbers %>%
  select(YEAR, NUMB_VEHC) %>%
  group_by(YEAR, NUMB_VEHC) %>%
Numbers2 <- Numbers2 %>% replace(, 0)

#Pivot Data Wide for Distribution of Crashes Per Number of Cars by Year
Numbers3 <- pivot_wider(Numbers2, names_from=NUMB_VEHC, values_from = n)
Numbers3 <- Numbers3 %>% replace(, 0)
Numbers3 <- Numbers3[, c("YEAR", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "18")]
Numbers3 %>%
  kbl(digits = 1, caption = "Total Crashes Per Year that Involve X Number of Cars") %>%
Total Crashes Per Year that Involve X Number of Cars
YEAR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18
2013 1015 2286 409 93 16 7 0 2 0 0 1 0 0
2014 1018 2309 442 89 21 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
2015 947 2547 433 126 20 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2016 899 2618 461 118 20 5 2 0 0 1 0 0 0
2017 1068 3064 499 111 26 8 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
2018 911 3008 505 136 18 9 4 2 1 0 0 0 0
2019 797 2824 497 104 30 9 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020 835 1765 317 73 23 6 3 0 1 0 0 0 0
2021 926 2520 478 106 27 10 3 0 0 1 0 0 0
2022 821 2301 413 82 25 4 1 0 2 0 0 0 0
#Create a Percentage Grouping of Crashes Per Number of Cars by Year
Number4 <- Numbers3 %>%
  mutate(total = sum(c_across(1:13))) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(across(2:13, ~ ./ total)) %>%
  mutate(across(2:13, ~ .*100))

Number4 %>%
  kbl(digits = 1, caption = "Percent of Total Crashes Per Year that Involve X Number of Cars") %>%
Percent of Total Crashes Per Year that Involve X Number of Cars
YEAR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 total
2013 26.5 59.7 10.7 2.4 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0 0 0 0 3829
2014 26.2 59.5 11.4 2.3 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 3883
2015 23.2 62.5 10.6 3.1 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 4078
2016 21.8 63.5 11.2 2.9 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 4124
2017 22.3 64.1 10.4 2.3 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 1 4780
2018 19.8 65.5 11.0 3.0 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 4594
2019 18.7 66.2 11.7 2.4 0.7 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 4265
2020 27.6 58.4 10.5 2.4 0.8 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 3023
2021 22.7 61.9 11.7 2.6 0.7 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 4071
2022 22.5 63.1 11.3 2.2 0.7 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0 0 0 0 3649

We can see that the percentage of crashes with only 1 car in Boston appear to be decreasing and crashes with 2 cars seem to be increasing.

  • From the second table we see that 26.5% of 2013’s total crashes involved only 1 car whereas only 22.5% of total crashes involved 1 car in 2022.

  • In contrast, we see that 59.7% of 2013’s total crashes involved 2 cars and 63.1% of total crashes involved 2 cars in 2022.

Visualizing the bivariate relationship between Year and Number of Cars involved in each Boston crash from 2013 to 2022.

ggplot(Numbers, aes(YEAR, y=NUMB_VEHC)) + geom_point() + geom_jitter() + scale_x_continuous(breaks=pretty_breaks()) + labs(title = "Crashes in Boston by Number of Cars Involved per Crash", y = "Number of Cars Involved per Individual Crash", x = "Year")

This graph shows us that most crashes are concentrated within the 1-3 car range with some outliers in the 5+ range. The relationship is not evident on first visual inspection. The density of cars in the lower region of the graph, makes it difficult to see a correlation.

Correlation Calculation

cor(Numbers$YEAR, Numbers$NUMB_VEHC)
[1] 0.02003981

Upon calculation, we see that the correlation is positive, though slight (cor = 0.02). This data suggests that there is an increase in Number of Cars Involved in an Individual Crash per Year from 2013 to 2022. This statistic simply suggests that there is a correlation and correlation does not imply causation.

Yearly Averages

Below we see the average number of cars involved per crash by year from 2013 to 2022. We see the lowest averages in 2013 and 2020 with a peak in 2019. The lowest average in 2020 can be explained likely by fewer cars driving, lower density in traffic patterns due to the pandemic.

avgs <- Numbers %>% 
        group_by(YEAR) %>% 

colnames(avgs) <- c("Year", "Y_bar_V", "s_V", "n_V")
avgs %>%
  kbl(caption = "Y bar, standard deviation, and n for Number of Cars Involved per Crash by Year") %>%
Y bar, standard deviation, and n for Number of Cars Involved per Crash by Year
Year Y_bar_V s_V n_V
2013 1.915644 0.7542552 3829
2014 1.918620 0.7313337 3883
2015 1.955370 0.7237987 4078
2016 1.974782 0.7310343 4124
2017 1.958159 0.7629241 4780
2018 1.998912 0.7358498 4594
2019 2.012661 0.7220912 4265
2020 1.914985 0.7822381 3023
2021 1.977401 0.7627573 4071
2022 1.963278 0.7346901 3649
#need to calculate avgs. Numb Vehc = count + Numb Vehc*count.... /Totalct == Year avgs
#Avg# of cars per year
Descriptive Statistics  
N: 40296  

                    NUMB_VEHC       YEAR
----------------- ----------- ----------
             Mean        1.96    2017.43
          Std.Dev        0.74       2.79
              Min        1.00    2013.00
               Q1        2.00    2015.00
           Median        2.00    2017.00
               Q3        2.00    2020.00
              Max       18.00    2022.00
              MAD        0.00       2.97
              IQR        0.00       5.00
               CV        0.38       0.00
         Skewness        1.71       0.04
      SE.Skewness        0.01       0.01
         Kurtosis       12.35      -1.13
          N.Valid    40296.00   40296.00
        Pct.Valid      100.00     100.00
# ^ This one is the winner

Probability Plots

The plot of this probability distribution function (PDF) shows the probability that an individual crashe would involve X number of cars.

pdf <- dnorm(Numbers$NUMB_VEHC, mean(Numbers$NUMB_VEHC), sd(Numbers$NUMB_VEHC))
plot(Numbers$NUMB_VEHC, pdf, main="Probability Distribution Function",
        xlab="Number of Cars Involved per Individual Crash",

This plot demonstrates the positive skew of the distribution with a long right tail. This demonstrates the positive skew of 1.71 as seen in the above Descriptive Statistics table.

The tail is quite heavy and would be considered leptokurtic. The heaviness of this tail is recorded in the table above at 12.35.

The positive skew and heavy tail are to be expected as most crashes fall within 1-3 cars involved per individual crash. Crashes with more cars involved are distributed across the long heavy tail.

ggplot(Numbers, aes(NUMB_VEHC)) +
  stat_ecdf(geom = "point", pad = TRUE) + labs(title = "Cumulative Distribution Function", y = "CDF", x = "Number of Cars Involved per Individual Crash")

The cumulative distribution function (CDF) plot shows the cumulative probability for a given x-value, or number of Cars per individual crash. The CDF here shows that

  • very few crashes involve zero cars

  • less than 25% involve 1 car or 0 cars

  • a little more than 80% of crashes involve 2 cars, 1 car or zero cars

  • about 99% of crashes involve 0-4 cars

# Split Variables into Years (2013:2022)
year2013 <- avgs %>% dplyr::filter(Year == 2013)
year2014 <- avgs %>% dplyr::filter(Year == 2014)
year2015 <- avgs %>% dplyr::filter(Year == 2015)
year2016 <- avgs %>% dplyr::filter(Year == 2016)
year2017 <- avgs %>% dplyr::filter(Year == 2017)
year2018 <- avgs %>% dplyr::filter(Year == 2018)
year2019 <- avgs %>% dplyr::filter(Year == 2019)
year2020 <- avgs %>% dplyr::filter(Year == 2020)
year2021 <- avgs %>% dplyr::filter(Year == 2021)
year2022 <- avgs %>% dplyr::filter(Year == 2022) 

# Rename Columns of Splits
colnames(year2013) <- c("Year", "Y_bar_2013", "s_2013", "n_2013")
colnames(year2014) <- c("Year", "Y_bar_2014", "s_2014", "n_2014")
colnames(year2015) <- c("Year", "Y_bar_2015", "s_2015", "n_2015")
colnames(year2016) <- c("Year", "Y_bar_2016", "s_2016", "n_2016")
colnames(year2017) <- c("Year", "Y_bar_2017", "s_2017", "n_2017")
colnames(year2018) <- c("Year", "Y_bar_2018", "s_2018", "n_2018")
colnames(year2019) <- c("Year", "Y_bar_2019", "s_2019", "n_2019")
colnames(year2020) <- c("Year", "Y_bar_2020", "s_2020", "n_2020")
colnames(year2021) <- c("Year", "Y_bar_2021", "s_2021", "n_2021")
colnames(year2022) <- c("Year", "Y_bar_2022", "s_2022", "n_2022")

#largest intervals?
gap_2013_2022 <- year2022$Y_bar_2022 - year2013$Y_bar_2013
gap_2013_2022_se <- sqrt(year2022$s_2022^2/year2022$n_2022 + year2013$s_2013^2/year2013$n_2013)
gap_2013_2022_ci_l <- gap_2013_2022 - 1.96* gap_2013_2022_se
gap_2013_2022_ci_u <- gap_2013_2022 + 1.96 * gap_2013_2022_se

gap_2013_2019 <- year2019$Y_bar_2019 - year2013$Y_bar_2013
gap_2013_2019_se <- sqrt(year2019$s_2019^2/year2019$n_2019 + year2013$s_2013^2/year2013$n_2013)
gap_2013_2019_ci_l <- gap_2013_2019 - 1.96* gap_2013_2019_se
gap_2013_2019_ci_u <- gap_2013_2019 + 1.96 * gap_2013_2019_se

#2013-2014, repeat 1 year intervals
gap_2013_2014 <- year2014$Y_bar_2014 - year2013$Y_bar_2013
gap_2013_2014_se <- sqrt(year2014$s_2014^2/year2014$n_2014 + year2013$s_2013^2/year2013$n_2013)
gap_2013_2014_ci_l <- gap_2013_2014 - 1.96* gap_2013_2014_se
gap_2013_2014_ci_u <- gap_2013_2014 + 1.96 * gap_2013_2014_se

gap_2014_2015 <- year2015$Y_bar_2015 - year2014$Y_bar_2014
gap_2014_2015_se <- sqrt(year2015$s_2015^2/year2015$n_2015 + year2014$s_2014^2/year2014$n_2014)
gap_2014_2015_ci_l <- gap_2014_2015 - 1.96* gap_2014_2015_se
gap_2014_2015_ci_u <- gap_2014_2015 + 1.96 * gap_2014_2015_se

gap_2015_2016 <- year2016$Y_bar_2016 - year2015$Y_bar_2015
gap_2015_2016_se <- sqrt(year2016$s_2016^2/year2016$n_2016 + year2015$s_2015^2/year2015$n_2015)
gap_2015_2016_ci_l <- gap_2015_2016 - 1.96* gap_2015_2016_se
gap_2015_2016_ci_u <- gap_2015_2016 + 1.96 * gap_2015_2016_se

gap_2016_2017 <- year2017$Y_bar_2017 - year2016$Y_bar_2016
gap_2016_2017_se <- sqrt(year2017$s_2017^2/year2017$n_2017 + year2016$s_2016^2/year2016$n_2016)
gap_2016_2017_ci_l <- gap_2016_2017 - 1.96* gap_2016_2017_se
gap_2016_2017_ci_u <- gap_2016_2017 + 1.96 * gap_2016_2017_se

gap_2017_2018 <- year2018$Y_bar_2018 - year2017$Y_bar_2017
gap_2017_2018_se <- sqrt(year2018$s_2018^2/year2018$n_2018 + year2017$s_2017^2/year2017$n_2017)
gap_2017_2018_ci_l <- gap_2017_2018 - 1.96* gap_2017_2018_se
gap_2017_2018_ci_u <- gap_2017_2018 + 1.96 * gap_2017_2018_se

gap_2018_2019 <- year2019$Y_bar_2019 - year2018$Y_bar_2018
gap_2018_2019_se <- sqrt(year2019$s_2019^2/year2019$n_2019 + year2018$s_2018^2/year2018$n_2018)
gap_2018_2019_ci_l <- gap_2018_2019 - 1.96* gap_2018_2019_se
gap_2018_2019_ci_u <- gap_2018_2019 + 1.96 * gap_2018_2019_se

gap_2019_2020 <- year2020$Y_bar_2020 - year2019$Y_bar_2019
gap_2019_2020_se <- sqrt(year2020$s_2020^2/year2020$n_2020 + year2019$s_2019^2/year2019$n_2019)
gap_2019_2020_ci_l <- gap_2019_2020 - 1.96* gap_2019_2020_se
gap_2019_2020_ci_u <- gap_2019_2020 + 1.96 * gap_2019_2020_se

gap_2020_2021 <- year2021$Y_bar_2021 - year2020$Y_bar_2020
gap_2020_2021_se <- sqrt(year2021$s_2021^2/year2021$n_2021 + year2020$s_2020^2/year2020$n_2020)
gap_2020_2021_ci_l <- gap_2020_2021 - 1.96* gap_2020_2021_se
gap_2020_2021_ci_u <- gap_2020_2021 + 1.96 * gap_2020_2021_se

gap_2021_2022 <- year2022$Y_bar_2022 - year2021$Y_bar_2021
gap_2021_2022_se <- sqrt(year2022$s_2022^2/year2022$n_2022 + year2021$s_2021^2/year2021$n_2021)
gap_2021_2022_ci_l <- gap_2021_2022 - 1.96* gap_2021_2022_se
gap_2021_2022_ci_u <- gap_2021_2022 + 1.96 * gap_2021_2022_se
result2013_2022 <- cbind(year2013[], year2022[], gap_2013_2022, gap_2013_2022_ci_l, gap_2013_2022_ci_u, gap_2013_2022_se)
result2013_2019 <- cbind(year2013[], year2019[], gap_2013_2019, gap_2013_2019_ci_l, gap_2013_2019_ci_u, gap_2013_2019_se)

result2013_2014 <- cbind(year2013[], year2014[], gap_2013_2014, gap_2013_2014_ci_l, gap_2013_2014_ci_u, gap_2013_2014_se)
result2014_2015 <- cbind(year2014[], year2015[], gap_2014_2015, gap_2014_2015_ci_l, gap_2014_2015_ci_u, gap_2014_2015_se)
result2015_2016 <- cbind(year2015[], year2016[], gap_2015_2016, gap_2015_2016_ci_l, gap_2015_2016_ci_u, gap_2015_2016_se)
result2016_2017 <- cbind(year2016[], year2017[], gap_2016_2017, gap_2016_2017_ci_l, gap_2016_2017_ci_u, gap_2016_2017_se)
result2017_2018 <- cbind(year2017[], year2018[], gap_2017_2018, gap_2017_2018_ci_l, gap_2017_2018_ci_u, gap_2017_2018_se)
result2018_2019 <- cbind(year2018[], year2019[], gap_2018_2019, gap_2018_2019_ci_l, gap_2018_2019_ci_u, gap_2018_2019_se)
result2019_2020 <- cbind(year2019[], year2020[], gap_2019_2020, gap_2019_2020_ci_l, gap_2019_2020_ci_u, gap_2019_2020_se)
result2020_2021 <- cbind(year2020[], year2021[], gap_2020_2021, gap_2020_2021_ci_l, gap_2020_2021_ci_u, gap_2020_2021_se)
result2021_2022 <- cbind(year2021[], year2022[], gap_2021_2022, gap_2021_2022_ci_l, gap_2021_2022_ci_u, gap_2021_2022_se)

colnames(result2013_2014) <- c("Year_A", "Y_bar_A", "sd_A", "n_A", "Year_B", "Y_bar_B", "sd_B", "n_B", "gap_A_B", "gap_A_B_se", "gap_A_B_ci_l", "gap_A_B_ci_U")
colnames(result2014_2015) <- c("Year_A", "Y_bar_A", "sd_A", "n_A", "Year_B", "Y_bar_B", "sd_B", "n_B", "gap_A_B", "gap_A_B_se", "gap_A_B_ci_l", "gap_A_B_ci_U")
colnames(result2015_2016) <- c("Year_A", "Y_bar_A", "sd_A", "n_A", "Year_B", "Y_bar_B", "sd_B", "n_B", "gap_A_B", "gap_A_B_se", "gap_A_B_ci_l", "gap_A_B_ci_U")
colnames(result2016_2017) <- c("Year_A", "Y_bar_A", "sd_A", "n_A", "Year_B", "Y_bar_B", "sd_B", "n_B", "gap_A_B", "gap_A_B_se", "gap_A_B_ci_l", "gap_A_B_ci_U")
colnames(result2017_2018) <- c("Year_A", "Y_bar_A", "sd_A", "n_A", "Year_B", "Y_bar_B", "sd_B", "n_B", "gap_A_B", "gap_A_B_se", "gap_A_B_ci_l", "gap_A_B_ci_U")
colnames(result2018_2019) <- c("Year_A", "Y_bar_A", "sd_A", "n_A", "Year_B", "Y_bar_B", "sd_B", "n_B", "gap_A_B", "gap_A_B_se", "gap_A_B_ci_l", "gap_A_B_ci_U")
colnames(result2019_2020) <- c("Year_A", "Y_bar_A", "sd_A", "n_A", "Year_B", "Y_bar_B", "sd_B", "n_B", "gap_A_B", "gap_A_B_se", "gap_A_B_ci_l", "gap_A_B_ci_U")
colnames(result2020_2021) <- c("Year_A", "Y_bar_A", "sd_A", "n_A", "Year_B", "Y_bar_B", "sd_B", "n_B", "gap_A_B", "gap_A_B_se", "gap_A_B_ci_l", "gap_A_B_ci_U")
colnames(result2021_2022) <- c("Year_A", "Y_bar_A", "sd_A", "n_A", "Year_B", "Y_bar_B", "sd_B", "n_B", "gap_A_B", "gap_A_B_se", "gap_A_B_ci_l", "gap_A_B_ci_U")
colnames(result2013_2019) <- c("Year_A", "Y_bar_A", "sd_A", "n_A", "Year_B", "Y_bar_B", "sd_B", "n_B", "gap_A_B", "gap_A_B_se", "gap_A_B_ci_l", "gap_A_B_ci_U")
colnames(result2013_2022) <- c("Year_A", "Y_bar_A", "sd_A", "n_A", "Year_B", "Y_bar_B", "sd_B", "n_B", "gap_A_B", "gap_A_B_se", "gap_A_B_ci_l", "gap_A_B_ci_U")

Statistical Analysis - Gaps, Standard Error, and Confidence Intervals

Yearly Change in Number of Cars per Crash

  • The “gap_A_B” column represents the difference in the average number of cars per crash between the years represented in columns “Year_A” and “Year_B”.

  • Positive values indicate an increase in the number of car crashes from Year A to Year B while a negative value indicates a decrease.

Standard Error and Confidence Intervals

  • The “gap_A_B_se” column represents the standard error associated with the estimated yearly change.

  • The “gap_A_B_ci_l” and “gap_A_B_ci_U” columns represent the lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval for the estimated yearly change.

  • These confidence intervals give a range (lower and upper) within which the true yearly change is likely to fall within a certain level of confidence (in this analysis, 95% confidence).

list_df = list(result2013_2014, result2014_2015, result2015_2016, result2016_2017, result2017_2018, result2018_2019, result2019_2020, result2020_2021, result2021_2022, result2013_2019, result2013_2022)

all <- list_df %>%
 reduce(full_join, by= c("Year_A", "Y_bar_A", "sd_A", "n_A", "Year_B", "Y_bar_B", "sd_B", "n_B", "gap_A_B", "gap_A_B_se", "gap_A_B_ci_l", "gap_A_B_ci_U"))

col_order <- c("Year_A", "Year_B", "Y_bar_A", "Y_bar_B", "sd_A", "sd_B", "n_A", "n_B", "gap_A_B", "gap_A_B_se", "gap_A_B_ci_l", "gap_A_B_ci_U")
allb <- all[, col_order]

allb %>%
  kbl(digits = 3, caption = "Yearly Change in Number of Cars per Individual Crash") %>%
  kable_classic() %>%
    column_spec(9, bold = T) %>%
  row_spec(10:11, color = "black", background = "#B7DFF6")
Yearly Change in Number of Cars per Individual Crash
Year_A Year_B Y_bar_A Y_bar_B sd_A sd_B n_A n_B gap_A_B gap_A_B_se gap_A_B_ci_l gap_A_B_ci_U
2013 2014 1.916 1.919 0.754 0.731 3829 3883 0.003 -0.030 0.036 0.017
2014 2015 1.919 1.955 0.731 0.724 3883 4078 0.037 0.005 0.069 0.016
2015 2016 1.955 1.975 0.724 0.731 4078 4124 0.019 -0.012 0.051 0.016
2016 2017 1.975 1.958 0.731 0.763 4124 4780 -0.017 -0.048 0.014 0.016
2017 2018 1.958 1.999 0.763 0.736 4780 4594 0.041 0.010 0.071 0.015
2018 2019 1.999 2.013 0.736 0.722 4594 4265 0.014 -0.017 0.044 0.015
2019 2020 2.013 1.915 0.722 0.782 4265 3023 -0.098 -0.133 -0.062 0.018
2020 2021 1.915 1.977 0.782 0.763 3023 4071 0.062 0.026 0.099 0.019
2021 2022 1.977 1.963 0.763 0.735 4071 3649 -0.014 -0.048 0.019 0.017
2013 2019 1.916 2.013 0.754 0.722 3829 4265 0.097 0.065 0.129 0.016
2013 2022 1.916 1.963 0.754 0.735 3829 3649 0.048 0.014 0.081 0.017

Overall, from 2013 to 2022 within a 95% level of confidence, the true yearly change in number of cars per crash is likely to be between 0.081 and 0.017.

We see a slightly higher true yearly change from 2013 to 2019 (pre-pandemic) with 0.129 and 0.016.

Simple Linear Regression

# estimate the model and assign the result to linear_model
Numbers %>%
  ggplot( aes(x=YEAR, y=NUMB_VEHC)) +
    geom_point() +  geom_jitter() +  geom_smooth(method = "lm") + scale_x_continuous(breaks=pretty_breaks()) + labs(y = "Number of Cars Involved per Individual Crash", x = "Year", title = str_wrap("Crashes in Boston by Number of Cars Involved per Crash with Linear Model", width = 60))

The above plot is the same as we saw earlier in this analysis. It captures all of the individual crashes from 2013-2022 with each dot representing the number of Cars involved in each crash.

The blue line represents the systematic relationship between Year and Number of Cars per Individual Car Crash.

From this perspective it is difficult to see the uniqueness of the line. It almost looks straight, but if you look sharply you can see a slight increase from 2013 to 2022.

Numbers %>%
  ggplot( aes(x=YEAR, y=NUMB_VEHC)) +
    geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm") +  geom_jitter() + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(1.9, 2.0)) + labs(y = "Number of Cars Involved per Individual Crash", x = "Year", title = str_wrap("ZOOMED - Crashes in Boston by Number of Cars Involved per Crash with Linear Model", width = 60)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks=pretty_breaks()) 

Here we have the same graph, but zoomed in, with y parameters (1.9, 2), to the line in question . This graph more acutely visualizes the systematic line.

Linear Model Summary

mod_summary <- summary( lm(NUMB_VEHC ~ YEAR))

lm(formula = NUMB_VEHC ~ YEAR)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-0.9857  0.0143  0.0357  0.0570 16.0410 

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) -8.810883   2.677341  -3.291    0.001 ***
YEAR         0.005340   0.001327   4.023 5.75e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.744 on 40294 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.0004016, Adjusted R-squared:  0.0003768 
F-statistic: 16.19 on 1 and 40294 DF,  p-value: 5.745e-05


Beta_0 is the intercept parameter of the population regression line at -8.810883

Beta_1 is the slope parameter of the population regression line at 0.005339553

What this data tells us is that, each year is associated with a .0053 “car” increase in number of cars involved in a crash on average.

  • In 5 years, there will be a (.0053 * 5) = .0265 “car” increase in number of cars involved in a crash on average.

  • In 10 years, there will be a (.0053 * 10) = .053 “car” increase in number of cars involved in a crash on average.

The linear regression model suggests that while the Year variable is statistically significant, it has a very weak effect on the Number of Cars Involved per Individual Crash variable.

The passage of time only explains a small proportion of the variance in Number of Cars Involved per Individual Crash and therefore is not a strong predictor.

  • The p-values are significant because they are both less than .05.

  • The small p-value rejects the Null Hypothesis.

R-squared measures the goodness of fit, or rather measures the percentage of variation of y that is linearly explained by the variations of x’s. With an R-squared value of 0.0004016, we can see that x (YEAR) is not a good fit for measuring y (Number of Cars Involved per Individual Crash).

F-statistic is a measure which assess overall significance of a linear regression model. It is calculated by taking the ratio of the explained variation to the unexplained variation and adjusting for degrees of freedom. R2/(1-R2)* (n-k-1)/k

  • The F-statistic with a value of 16.19 and an associated p-value of 5.745e-05, indicate the regression is statistically significant, with strong evidence to suggest that the model as a whole has explanatory power and there is evidence of a relationship between Number of cars Involved per Individual Crash and Year.

Next steps…

The statistical analysis demonstrates a need to explore more variables in order to understand the relationship of Number of Cars Involved per Individual Crash and Year.

Below are some potential variables to be considered moving forward with multivariate analysis.

Available within the DOT dataset:

  • Time of Day

  • Weather

  • Type of crash - are rear-ends the culprit of multiple car crashs or side-swipes?

Outside of the DOT dataset:

  • Size increase in cars

  • Increase in cars driving through Boston in general

  • Decrease in people taking public transit