Loading a data set

Homework assignment to load data in to a R Markdown file.

Karl Tacheron

Load the tidyverse library:

Import a sample data set from the working directory and assign it to variable poultry:


Fixed direction of the assignment - Meredith

Show the first few values:

# A tibble: 6 × 4
  Product  Year Month    Price_Dollar
  <chr>   <dbl> <chr>           <dbl>
1 Whole    2013 January          2.38
2 Whole    2013 February         2.38
3 Whole    2013 March            2.38
4 Whole    2013 April            2.38
5 Whole    2013 May              2.38
6 Whole    2013 June             2.38


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For attribution, please cite this work as

Tacheron (2021, Aug. 11). DACSS 601 August 2021: Loading a data set. Retrieved from https://mrolfe.github.io/DACSS601August2021/posts/2021-08-11-loading-data/

BibTeX citation

  author = {Tacheron, Karl},
  title = {DACSS 601 August 2021: Loading a data set},
  url = {https://mrolfe.github.io/DACSS601August2021/posts/2021-08-11-loading-data/},
  year = {2021}