Homework assignment 1, 2 and 3. Loading data into an R Markdown file, Railroad Employment Data.



Total Railroad Employment by State and County 2012 breaks down US railroad employment numbers in 2012 by state and county. This dataset explores railroads.

It has 120 2930 observations and 63 variables.

The three variables are state, county and total employees. I chose to specifically study counties with a very large number of railroad employees. Separately, I also looked into railroad employee numbers just in the New England states.


The dataset is sourced from (https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/total-railroad-employment-by-state-and-county-2012/resource/5a0b2831-23b9-4ce9-82e9-87a7d8f2c5d8)

For now, Echo is TRUE, for final version change to FALSE
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 5, fig.asp = 1/3)
HOMEWORK 1 Here I am reading in my CSV file.

  state               county total_employees
1    AE                  APO               2
2    AK            ANCHORAGE               7
3    AK FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR               2
4    AK               JUNEAU               3
5    AK    MATANUSKA-SUSITNA               2
6    AK                SITKA               1
     state     county total_employees
2925    WY   SHERIDAN             252
2926    WY   SUBLETTE               3
2927    WY SWEETWATER             196
2928    WY      UINTA              49
2929    WY   WASHAKIE              10
2930    WY     WESTON              37
[1] 2930    3
#Column Names
[1] "state"           "county"          "total_employees"


Experimenting with Data Transformation

Initially I didn’t understand this data. I thought that running the count code by county would return to me the number of railroads in each county. Then I reread the description about what this dataset is and realized it’s not about number of railroads, just number of railroad employees and their geographic location. The code count(data,county) is actually particularly useless because all it does is return the number of times that a county name repeats itself across the country. For example, 12 different states have an “Adams County” that has Railroad employees.

I’m keeping some of the less useful code here for practice, hopefully with an accurate description of what it actually is. I did not run count(data,county) since it takes up a lot of space.


#Count of Counties by State that have Railroad Employees
   state   n
1     AE   1
2     AK   6
3     AL  67
4     AP   1
5     AR  72
6     AZ  15
7     CA  55
8     CO  57
9     CT   8
10    DC   1
11    DE   3
12    FL  67
13    GA 152
14    HI   3
15    IA  99
16    ID  36
17    IL 103
18    IN  92
19    KS  95
20    KY 119
21    LA  63
22    MA  12
23    MD  24
24    ME  16
25    MI  78
26    MN  86
27    MO 115
28    MS  78
29    MT  53
30    NC  94
31    ND  49
32    NE  89
33    NH  10
34    NJ  21
35    NM  29
36    NV  12
37    NY  61
38    OH  88
39    OK  73
40    OR  33
41    PA  65
42    RI   5
43    SC  46
44    SD  52
45    TN  91
46    TX 221
47    UT  25
48    VA  92
49    VT  14
50    WA  39
51    WI  69
52    WV  53
53    WY  22
#Among Counties with Railroad Employees, what is the average number of employees in each county 
1 87.17816
#Among Counties with Railroad Employees, what is the average number of employees in each county that has railroad employees, by state
data %>%
  group_by(state) %>%
# A tibble: 53 × 2
   state   avg
   <chr> <dbl>
 1 AE      2  
 2 AK     17.2
 3 AL     63.5
 4 AP      1  
 5 AR     53.8
 6 AZ    210. 
 7 CA    239. 
 8 CO     64.0
 9 CT    324  
10 DC    279  
# … with 43 more rows
Experimenting with prop.table From this data I learned that just under 2% of railroad employees in the US (and the included Canadian county) are in Colorado.
#Distribution of Railroad Employees across the US (%)
        AE         AK         AL         AP         AR         AZ 
0.03412969 0.20477816 2.28668942 0.03412969 2.45733788 0.51194539 
        CA         CO         CT         DC         DE         FL 
1.87713311 1.94539249 0.27303754 0.03412969 0.10238908 2.28668942 
        GA         HI         IA         ID         IL         IN 
5.18771331 0.10238908 3.37883959 1.22866894 3.51535836 3.13993174 
        KS         KY         LA         MA         MD         ME 
3.24232082 4.06143345 2.15017065 0.40955631 0.81911263 0.54607509 
        MI         MN         MO         MS         MT         NC 
2.66211604 2.93515358 3.92491468 2.66211604 1.80887372 3.20819113 
        ND         NE         NH         NJ         NM         NV 
1.67235495 3.03754266 0.34129693 0.71672355 0.98976109 0.40955631 
        NY         OH         OK         OR         PA         RI 
2.08191126 3.00341297 2.49146758 1.12627986 2.21843003 0.17064846 
        SC         SD         TN         TX         UT         VA 
1.56996587 1.77474403 3.10580205 7.54266212 0.85324232 3.13993174 
        VT         WA         WI         WV         WY 
0.47781570 1.33105802 2.35494881 1.80887372 0.75085324 
Experimenting with Filter and Arrange I created a subset of data that includes counties that have 1000 or more railroad employees. I named it large_railroadcounties. There are 27 counties with 1000 or more railroad employees.
#Filter out counties that have 1000 or more railroad employees
filter(data, total_employees>=1000)
   state           county total_employees
1     CA      LOS ANGELES            2545
2     CA        RIVERSIDE            1567
3     CA   SAN BERNARDINO            2888
4     CT        NEW HAVEN            1561
5     DE       NEW CASTLE            1275
6     FL            DUVAL            3073
7     IL             COOK            8207
8     IL             WILL            1784
9     IN             LAKE            1999
10    KS          JOHNSON            1286
11    MO          JACKSON            2055
12    NE        BOX BUTTE            1168
13    NE          DOUGLAS            3797
14    NE        LANCASTER            1619
15    NE          LINCOLN            2289
16    NJ            ESSEX            1097
17    NY         DUTCHESS            1157
18    NY           NASSAU            2076
19    NY           QUEENS            1470
20    NY          SUFFOLK            3685
21    NY      WESTCHESTER            1040
22    PA            BUCKS            1106
23    PA     PHILADELPHIA            1649
24    TX           HARRIS            2535
25    TX          TARRANT            4235
26    VA INDEPENDENT CITY            3249
27    WA             KING            1039
#Reassign large railroad counties
large_railroadcounties<- filter(data,total_employees>=1000)

  state         county total_employees
1    CA    LOS ANGELES            2545
2    CA      RIVERSIDE            1567
3    CA SAN BERNARDINO            2888
4    CT      NEW HAVEN            1561
5    DE     NEW CASTLE            1275
6    FL          DUVAL            3073
1 27
#Arrange by Total Employees 
arrange(large_railroadcounties, desc(total_employees), state, county)
   state           county total_employees
1     IL             COOK            8207
2     TX          TARRANT            4235
3     NE          DOUGLAS            3797
4     NY          SUFFOLK            3685
5     VA INDEPENDENT CITY            3249
6     FL            DUVAL            3073
7     CA   SAN BERNARDINO            2888
8     CA      LOS ANGELES            2545
9     TX           HARRIS            2535
10    NE          LINCOLN            2289
11    NY           NASSAU            2076
12    MO          JACKSON            2055
13    IN             LAKE            1999
14    IL             WILL            1784
15    PA     PHILADELPHIA            1649
16    NE        LANCASTER            1619
17    CA        RIVERSIDE            1567
18    CT        NEW HAVEN            1561
19    NY           QUEENS            1470
20    KS          JOHNSON            1286
21    DE       NEW CASTLE            1275
22    NE        BOX BUTTE            1168
23    NY         DUTCHESS            1157
24    PA            BUCKS            1106
25    NJ            ESSEX            1097
26    NY      WESTCHESTER            1040
27    WA             KING            1039
Experimenting with Select These are the counties and states in which there are 1000 or more railroad employees in 1 county.
select(large_railroadcounties,"state", "county")
   state           county
1     CA      LOS ANGELES
2     CA        RIVERSIDE
4     CT        NEW HAVEN
5     DE       NEW CASTLE
6     FL            DUVAL
7     IL             COOK
8     IL             WILL
9     IN             LAKE
10    KS          JOHNSON
11    MO          JACKSON
12    NE        BOX BUTTE
13    NE          DOUGLAS
14    NE        LANCASTER
15    NE          LINCOLN
16    NJ            ESSEX
17    NY         DUTCHESS
18    NY           NASSAU
19    NY           QUEENS
20    NY          SUFFOLK
22    PA            BUCKS
24    TX           HARRIS
25    TX          TARRANT
27    WA             KING
Experimenting with Filter, Vector, Piping, and Group by
#Created subset of data that is just New England states, rename that group "new_england"
new_england <- filter(data, state %in% c("NH", "VT", "CT", "MA", "RI", "ME"))

#Among New England Counties with Railroad Employees, what is the average number of employees in each county 
summarise(new_england, avg=mean(total_employees))
1 119.4462
#Count of New England Counties by State that have Railroad Employees
  state  n
1    CT  8
2    MA 12
3    ME 16
4    NH 10
5    RI  5
6    VT 14
#Among New England Counties with Railroad Employees, what is the average number of employees in each county that has railroad employees, by state
new_england %>%
  group_by(state) %>%
# A tibble: 6 × 2
  state   avg
  <chr> <dbl>
1 CT    324  
2 MA    282. 
3 ME     40.9
4 NH     39.3
5 RI     97.4
6 VT     18.5
Experimenting with Advanced Functions Working with Renaming and Pivot_longer. I want to get more familiar with pivot longer, but I don’t think there are enough variables in this dataset to really experiment with it.
data<-rename(data,employees = total_employees)
[1] "state"     "county"    "employees"
#new_england<-rename(new_england,employees = total_employees)
[1] "state"           "county"          "total_employees"


#results are lengthy and not useful

Experimenting with Advanced Functions Cont.
#Assign the words Large, medium and small to specific numeric values for number of employees
  mutate(Railroad_size = case_when(
         employees >= 1000 ~ "Large",
         employees >= 500 & employees < 1000 ~ "Medium",
         employees < 500 ~ "Small"))

#See how many counties from full dataset have a small, medium and large amount of railroad employees
table(select(data, Railroad_size))

 Large Medium  Small 
    27     65   2838 
#See how many counties in New England have a small, medium or large amount of railroad employees
  mutate(Railroad_size = case_when(
         total_employees >= 1000 ~ "Large",
         total_employees >= 500 & total_employees < 1000 ~ "Medium",
         total_employees < 500 ~ "Small"))

table(select(new_england, Railroad_size))

 Large Medium  Small 
     1      2     62 
#Use crosstabs to which new england state have counties with a small, medium and large amount of railroad employees
xtabs(~state+ Railroad_size,new_england)
state Large Medium Small
   CT     1      0     7
   MA     0      2    10
   ME     0      0    16
   NH     0      0    10
   RI     0      0     5
   VT     0      0    14
Experimenting with ggplot, boxplot, labels Connecticut has an outlier. Connecticut has 1 county with an especially large number of railroad employees.
#Boxplot for New England State Counties
labs(title = "Railroad Employee County Counts by State, NE", y = "Total Employees", x = "State") 

Same data, just shown differently
#Geompoints for New England State Counties
  labs(title = "Railroad Employee County Counts by State, NE", y = "Total Employees", x = "State") 

Experimenting with ggplot and fill

I would love to use fill, but it doesn’t make sense for this dataset. It doesn’t make sense because my third variable (county) is basically different for every state. This would be much more useful if that variable was something that had valuables that were applicable to all states.

#Geomplot for New England States with County filled (Two Ways)
#ggplot(new_england,aes(state, fill=county))+ geom_bar()+
  #labs(title="New England States Railroad Employee Counts by State and County", y="Number of Employees", x= "State")

  #geom_bar(mapping=aes(x=state, fill=county))
  #labs(title="New England States Railroad Employee Counts by State and County", y="Number of Employees", x= "State")

Experimenting with geompoint, with different dataset

Illinois has 1 county that has over 8000 railroad employees
  geom_point(mapping=aes(x=state, y=total_employees))+
  labs(title = "States with counties with 1000+ Railroad Employees", y = "Total Employees", x = "State") 

Saving this code shared by Larri
#blackturnout <- blackturnout %>%
  #mutate(candidateRename = recode(candidate, `1` = "co-ethnic", `0` = "not co-ethnic"))

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Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY-NC 4.0. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".


For attribution, please cite this work as

Erin-Tracy (2021, Aug. 19). DACSS 601 August 2021: RAILROAD-COUNTY-TRACY. Retrieved from https://mrolfe.github.io/DACSS601August2021/posts/2021-08-17-railroad-county-tracy/

BibTeX citation

  author = {Erin-Tracy, },
  title = {DACSS 601 August 2021: RAILROAD-COUNTY-TRACY},
  url = {https://mrolfe.github.io/DACSS601August2021/posts/2021-08-17-railroad-county-tracy/},
  year = {2021}