Reading in Tabular Data

example code data cleaning

Two examples of reading in Excel Tables with the advanced data sets.

Meredith Rolfe

This post will take a closer look at some tools that can be used to read in tabular data (i.e., tables) that are often published based on government sources or by other organizations. Tabular data is often made available in Excel format (.xls or .xlsx) and is formatted for ease of reading - but this can make it tricky to read into R and reshape into a usable dataset.

Reading in tabular data will follow the same general work flow or work process regardless of formatting differences. We will work through the steps in detail below, but here is an overview. Note that not every step is needed for every file.

  1. Identify grouping variables and values to extract from the table
  2. Identify formatting issues that need to be addressed or eliminated
  3. Column issues usually addressed during data read-in
  4. Row issues usually addressed using filter (and stringr package)
  5. Create or mutate new variables as required, using separate, pivot_longer`, etc

Railroad data

The railroad data set is a fairly straightforward formatted table published by the Railroad Retirement Board. The value variable is a count of the number of employees in each county and state combination.

Railroad Employment Looking at the excel file, we can see that there are only a few issues: 1. There are three rows at the top of the sheet that are not needed 2. There are blank columns that are not needed. 3. There are Total rows for each state that are not needed

Skipping title rows

For the first issue, we use the “skip” option on read_excel from the readxl package to skip the rows at the top.

                     skip = 3)
# A tibble: 2,990 × 5
   STATE     ...2  COUNTY               ...4  TOTAL
   <chr>     <lgl> <chr>                <lgl> <dbl>
 1 AE        NA    APO                  NA        2
 2 AE Total1 NA    <NA>                 NA        2
 3 AK        NA    ANCHORAGE            NA        7
 4 AK        NA    FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR NA        2
 5 AK        NA    JUNEAU               NA        3
 6 AK        NA    MATANUSKA-SUSITNA    NA        2
 7 AK        NA    SITKA                NA        1
 8 AK        NA    SKAGWAY MUNICIPALITY NA       88
 9 AK Total  NA    <NA>                 NA      103
10 AL        NA    AUTAUGA              NA      102
# … with 2,980 more rows

Removing empty columns

For the second issue, I name the blank columns “delete” to make is easy to remove the unwanted columns. I then use select (with the ! sign to designate the complement or NOT) to select columns we wish to keep in the dataset - the rest are removed. Note that I skip 4 rows this time as I do not need the original header row.

There are other approaches you could use for this task (e.g., remove all columns that have no valid volues), but hard coding of variable names and types during data read in is not considered a violation of best practices and - if used strategically - can often make later data cleaning much easier.

                     skip = 4,
                     col_names= c("State", "delete", "County", "delete", "Employees"))%>%
# A tibble: 2,990 × 3
   State     County               Employees
   <chr>     <chr>                    <dbl>
 1 AE        APO                          2
 2 AE Total1 <NA>                         2
 3 AK        ANCHORAGE                    7
 4 AK        FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR         2
 5 AK        JUNEAU                       3
 6 AK        MATANUSKA-SUSITNA            2
 7 AK        SITKA                        1
 8 AK        SKAGWAY MUNICIPALITY        88
 9 AK Total  <NA>                       103
10 AL        AUTAUGA                    102
# … with 2,980 more rows

Filtering “total” rows

For the third issue, we are going to use filter to identify (and drop the rows that have the word “Total” in the State column). str_detect can be used to find specific rows within a column that have the designated “pattern”, while the “!” designates the complement of the selected rows (i.e., those without the “pattern” we are searching for.)

The str_detect command is from the stringr package, and is a powerful and easy to use implementation of grep and regex in the tidyverse - the base R functions (grep, gsub, etc) are classic but far more difficult to use, particularly for those not in practice. Be sure to explore the stringr package on your own.

                     skip = 4,
                     col_names= c("State", "delete", "County", "delete", "Employees"))%>%
  filter(!str_detect(State, "Total"))
# A tibble: 2,933 × 3
   State County               Employees
   <chr> <chr>                    <dbl>
 1 AE    APO                          2
 2 AK    ANCHORAGE                    7
 4 AK    JUNEAU                       3
 5 AK    MATANUSKA-SUSITNA            2
 6 AK    SITKA                        1
 8 AL    AUTAUGA                    102
 9 AL    BALDWIN                    143
10 AL    BARBOUR                      1
# … with 2,923 more rows

Remove any table notes

Tables often have notes in the last few table rows. You can check table limits and use this information during data read-in to not read the notes by setting the n-max option at the total number of rows to read, or less commonly, the range option to specify the spreadsheet range in standard excel naming (e.g., “B4:R142”). If you didn’t handle this on read in, you can use the tail command to check for notes and either tail or head to keep only the rows that you need.

tail(railroad, 10)
# A tibble: 10 × 3
   State                                               County Employees
   <chr>                                               <chr>      <dbl>
 1 WY                                                  PLATTE       129
 2 WY                                                  SHERI…       252
 3 WY                                                  SUBLE…         3
 4 WY                                                  SWEET…       196
 5 WY                                                  UINTA         49
 6 WY                                                  WASHA…        10
 7 WY                                                  WESTON        37
 8 CANADA                                              <NA>         662
 9 1  Military designation.                            <NA>          NA
10 NOTE:  Excludes 2,896 employees without an address. <NA>          NA
#remove the last two observations
railroad <-head(railroad, -2)

tail(railroad, 10)
# A tibble: 10 × 3
   State  County     Employees
   <chr>  <chr>          <dbl>
 1 WY     NIOBRARA          51
 2 WY     PARK              29
 3 WY     PLATTE           129
 4 WY     SHERIDAN         252
 5 WY     SUBLETTE           3
 6 WY     SWEETWATER       196
 7 WY     UINTA             49
 8 WY     WASHAKIE          10
 9 WY     WESTON            37
10 CANADA <NA>             662

Regenerating grouped totals

And that is all it takes! The data are now ready for analysis. For example, suppose we wished to recover the information about state totals. This is easy to do using group_by.

  summarise(`State Employees` = sum(Employees))
# A tibble: 54 × 2
   State  `State Employees`
   <chr>              <dbl>
 1 AE                     2
 2 AK                   103
 3 AL                  4257
 4 AP                     1
 5 AR                  3871
 6 AZ                  3153
 7 CA                 13137
 8 CANADA               662
 9 CO                  3650
10 CT                  2592
# … with 44 more rows

Australian Marriage Data

This is another government published tabular data source. In 2017, Australia conducted a postal survey to gauge citizens’ opinions towards same sex marriage. The survey questions was straightforward: “Should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?” Here is a quick image showing the original table format.

Australian Marriage Data While similar in some respect to the State Railroad data above, the Australian survey data are clearly more complex in several respects. - There are two values (vote count and percentage) in the dataset - The values appear to be redundent (percentage is easy to recover from vote count data) - There may be other redundant information in - Grouped information instead of individual observations where variables appear elsewhere - Redundent vvariables (Total:Response Clear on the left and ResponeClear)

Identify desired data structure

If we decide to temporarily ignore the proportions data (as suggested above) and the “totals” columns, we can identify four potentially distinct pieces of information in addition to the vote count columns: County, Division, response(yes, no, response unclear, and non-responding) and vote count. Our goal is to create this desirable data set.

Repeating steps from above

We will once again use skip and col_names to read in the data, select to get rid of unneeded columns, and filter to get rid of unneeded rows. We also use the drop_na function to filter unwanted rows.

votes <- read_excel("../../_data/australian_marriage_law_postal_survey_2017_-_response_final.xls",
           sheet="Table 2",
           col_names = c("Town", "Yes", "d", "No", rep("d", 6), "Illegible", "d", "No Response", rep("d", 3)))%>%
  filter(!str_detect(Town, "(Total)"))%>%
  filter(!str_starts(Town, "\\("))

# A tibble: 160 × 5
   Town                        Yes    No Illegible `No Response`
   <chr>                     <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>         <dbl>
 1 New South Wales Divisions    NA    NA        NA            NA
 2 Banks                     37736 46343       247         20928
 3 Barton                    37153 47984       226         24008
 4 Bennelong                 42943 43215       244         19973
 5 Berowra                   48471 40369       212         16038
 6 Blaxland                  20406 57926       220         25883
 7 Bradfield                 53681 34927       202         17261
 8 Calare                    54091 35779       285         25342
 9 Chifley                   32871 46702       263         28180
10 Cook                      47505 38804       229         18713
# … with 150 more rows

At this point, you can see we are REALLY close. We have yes and no variable plus illegible and no response. That said, tthe current step is more complicated. Each observation (county) needs a variable for administrative “division”, but this is displayed at the top of each block.

The following code uses case_when to make a new “Divisions” variables with an entry (e.g., New South Wales Division) where there is a Division name in the town column, and otherwise create just an empty space.

At that point, the following loop (with seq_along) can be used to fill in empty spaces with the most recent Divisions name, and then filter out rows with only the title information.

votes<- votes%>%
  mutate(Divisions = case_when(
    str_ends(Town, "Divisions") ~ Town,
    TRUE ~ NA_character_

for(i in seq_along(votes$Divisions)){
  votes$Divisions[i]<-ifelse($Divisions[i]),votes$Divisions[i-1], votes$Divisions[i])

votes<- filter(votes,!str_detect(Town, "Divisions|Australia"))
# A tibble: 150 × 6
   Town        Yes    No Illegible `No Response` Divisions            
   <chr>     <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>         <dbl> <chr>                
 1 Banks     37736 46343       247         20928 New South Wales Divi…
 2 Barton    37153 47984       226         24008 New South Wales Divi…
 3 Bennelong 42943 43215       244         19973 New South Wales Divi…
 4 Berowra   48471 40369       212         16038 New South Wales Divi…
 5 Blaxland  20406 57926       220         25883 New South Wales Divi…
 6 Bradfield 53681 34927       202         17261 New South Wales Divi…
 7 Calare    54091 35779       285         25342 New South Wales Divi…
 8 Chifley   32871 46702       263         28180 New South Wales Divi…
 9 Cook      47505 38804       229         18713 New South Wales Divi…
10 Cowper    57493 38317       315         25197 New South Wales Divi…
# … with 140 more rows

Pivot_longer to recover structure

Supposed we wanted to create a stacked bar chart to compare the % who votes Yes to the people who either said No or didn’t vote. The easiest way is to pivot longer into the original data format: State, Division, surveyResponse, count.

    cols = Yes:`No Response`,
    names_to = "Response",
    values_to = "Count"
# A tibble: 600 × 4
   Town      Divisions                 Response    Count
   <chr>     <chr>                     <chr>       <dbl>
 1 Banks     New South Wales Divisions Yes         37736
 2 Banks     New South Wales Divisions No          46343
 3 Banks     New South Wales Divisions Illegible     247
 4 Banks     New South Wales Divisions No Response 20928
 5 Barton    New South Wales Divisions Yes         37153
 6 Barton    New South Wales Divisions No          47984
 7 Barton    New South Wales Divisions Illegible     226
 8 Barton    New South Wales Divisions No Response 24008
 9 Bennelong New South Wales Divisions Yes         42943
10 Bennelong New South Wales Divisions No          43215
# … with 590 more rows

Special thanks to Karl, Shih-Yen, Mohit, and the other students in the advanced group for allowing me to use their blog submissions as a starting point for this demonstration!


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For attribution, please cite this work as

Rolfe (2021, Aug. 18). DACSS 601 August 2021: Reading in Tabular Data. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Rolfe, Meredith},
  title = {DACSS 601 August 2021: Reading in Tabular Data},
  url = {},
  year = {2021}