Student Submissions

Homework 2- Reading in Data

Reading in Data

Homework 1- My first post

Trying out a post!

Homework 3: Basic Data Wrangling

Practice wrangling data with the Australian Marraige Law Excel document.

HW-2 Updated

Reading in blogpost data

HW3 Data Wrangling

Lets get this data wrangled!

HW 3 Continued with the Australian Marriage Dataset

HW#3 - Transforming the US public schools data set

Using the public school characteristic data set collected in the 2017-2018 school year

Homework Two: Reading in Data

HW2 practice reading in data with the railroad_2012_clean_county.csv dataset

HW3 with the Organic Poultry Dataset


The Pivot Challenge

Trying to understand the world of pivot longer and pivot wider with debt in trillions and household income.





First blog post using Distill

I'm going to make my first blog post. Once I figure that out, I'll try reading in some data.I am also experimenting with R Markdown text formatting such as **bold text** and *italics*


Reading in Data

homework 3: basic data wrangling

homework 3
data wrangling

the adventure continues

Reading in the Data (Homework 2): Birds

Practice getting the dataset into RStudio and beginning to understand it.


Reading in blogpost data

[HW3 Data Wrangling]

In this distill blog post I will be reading in the eggs data and perforrming basic data wrangling operations using dplyr functions.

Homework 1: Blog Post

My 1st attempt at a blog post.

Homework 3

Working with Australian Marriages Laws.

Tyler Paske HW#2

My attempt to post reading in eggs data

HW#2 - Getting familiar with the US public schools data set

Using the public school characteristic dataset collected in the 2017-2018 school year

Homework 2

Homework 2 - Reading and pulling data.

Quinn He HW2

Homework 2 where I try to open datasets and see what I can do with it.

blog post 1: reading in data

practicing the unsexy first step of data analysis

Homework 1

Homework 1 - basics of R.

Let's try a blog, shall we?

-homework 1 -Joe Davis

Homework 1, trying to get a blog up without breaking the whole class website.

Welcome to DACSS 601


Welcome to DACSS 601: Foundations of Data Science. We hope you enjoy reading what we have to say!

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Student Submissions


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