Reading in Data
Trying out a post!
Practice wrangling data with the Australian Marraige Law Excel document.
Reading in blogpost data
Lets get this data wrangled!
Using the public school characteristic data set collected in the 2017-2018 school year
HW2 practice reading in data with the railroad_2012_clean_county.csv dataset
Trying to understand the world of pivot longer and pivot wider with debt in trillions and household income.
I'm going to make my first blog post. Once I figure that out, I'll try reading in some data.I am also experimenting with R Markdown text formatting such as **bold text** and *italics*
Reading in Data
the adventure continues
Practice getting the dataset into RStudio and beginning to understand it.
Reading in blogpost data
In this distill blog post I will be reading in the eggs data and perforrming basic data wrangling operations using dplyr functions.
My 1st attempt at a blog post.
Working with Australian Marriages Laws.
My attempt to post reading in eggs data
Using the public school characteristic dataset collected in the 2017-2018 school year
Homework 2 - Reading and pulling data.
Homework 2 where I try to open datasets and see what I can do with it.
practicing the unsexy first step of data analysis
Homework 1 - basics of R.
Homework 1, trying to get a blog up without breaking the whole class website.
Welcome to DACSS 601: Foundations of Data Science. We hope you enjoy reading what we have to say!
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