Using the public school characteristic dataset collected in the 2017-2018 school year
Let’s get familiar with the data set by looking at the a few records:
# A tibble: 6 x 79
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 -149. 61.6 1 0200510~ Matanus~ 2017-20~ AK 0200~ AK-33
2 -157. 71.3 2 0200610~ North S~ 2017-20~ AK 0200~ AK-36
3 -151. 60.5 3 0200390~ Kenai P~ 2017-20~ AK 0200~ AK-24
4 -151. 60.6 4 0200390~ Kenai P~ 2017-20~ AK 0200~ AK-24
5 -151. 60.6 5 0200390~ Kenai P~ 2017-20~ AK 0200~ AK-24
6 -133. 56.1 6 0200700~ Prince ~ 2017-20~ AK 0200~ AK-44
# ... with 70 more variables: LEA_NAME <chr>, SCH_NAME <chr>,
# LSTREET1 <chr>, LSTREET2 <chr>, LSTREET3 <lgl>, LCITY <chr>,
# LSTATE <chr>, LZIP <chr>, LZIP4 <chr>, PHONE <chr>, GSLO <chr>,
# GSHI <chr>, VIRTUAL <chr>, TOTFRL <dbl>, FRELCH <dbl>,
# REDLCH <dbl>, PK <dbl>, KG <dbl>, G01 <dbl>, G02 <dbl>,
# G03 <dbl>, G04 <dbl>, G05 <dbl>, G06 <dbl>, G07 <dbl>, G08 <dbl>,
# G09 <dbl>, G10 <dbl>, G11 <dbl>, G12 <dbl>, G13 <lgl>, ...
Hmm. That looks like a lot of data. How many rows and columns are here?
[1] 100729 79
Finally, the column names may help us understand the types of information collected.
[1] "X" "Y" "OBJECTID"
[16] "LSTATE" "LZIP" "LZIP4"
[19] "PHONE" "GSLO" "GSHI"
[25] "REDLCH" "PK" "KG"
[28] "G01" "G02" "G03"
[31] "G04" "G05" "G06"
[34] "G07" "G08" "G09"
[37] "G10" "G11" "G12"
[40] "G13" "TOTAL" "MEMBER"
[43] "AM" "HI" "BL"
[46] "WH" "HP" "TR"
Now that we are more familiar with the date set, the next blog post will start to wrangle the data for our eventual analysis.
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Kenison (2021, Sept. 16). DACSS 601 Fall 2021: HW#2 - Getting familiar with the US public schools data set. Retrieved from
BibTeX citation
@misc{kenison2021hw#2, author = {Kenison, Brittany}, title = {DACSS 601 Fall 2021: HW#2 - Getting familiar with the US public schools data set}, url = {}, year = {2021} }