Lets get this data wrangled!
The first step is getting everything up and running. * This dataset has a few tabs, so even though I am using the first tab (the default) I want to ensure we are using the correctly named tab every time. * There are actually two data sets (eggs and pounltry). I am going to be honest - I did not totally realize this until halfway through the wrangingling, so I decided to try to tidy the dataset into one that could be filtered down to either chicken or eggs. Not totally sure it worked :).
organic_egg_poultry <- read_excel("../../_data/organiceggpoultry.xls", sheet = "Data") # assign dataset to variable
colnames(organic_egg_poultry) # colnames() returns column names
[1] "(Certified Organic denotes products grown and processed according to USDA's national organic standards and certified by USDA-accredited State and private certification organizations.)"
[2] "...2"
[3] "...3"
[4] "...4"
[5] "...5"
[6] "...6"
[7] "...7"
[8] "...8"
[9] "...9"
[10] "...10"
[11] "...11"
I am going to do a few things to tidy the data: * Get rid of extra columns and rows * Adjust column names (for future pivoting) * Adjust data types
First, the column names are off, so I am going to skip 4 rows to get the actual column names.
organic_egg_poultry <- read_excel("../../_data/organiceggpoultry.xls", sheet = "Data", skip = 4)
Some of the column names are a little warped, so I am going to rename them: * I will indicate the ones to be deleted (“del”) * I am trying to name them in a way that will help later on - I think I might have to break out some of these columns because it seems like they hold multiple variables (Produce, Amount, ProduceType). This is where I realized there are really two distinct data sets, but c’est la vie!
organic_egg_poultry <- read_excel("../../_data/organiceggpoultry.xls", sheet = "Data", skip = 5, col_names = c("Month", "ExtraLargeEggs_Dozen_Eggs", "ExtraLargeEggs_HalfDozen_Eggs", "LargeEggs_Dozen_Eggs", "LargeEggs_HalfDozen_Eggs", "del", "WholeChicken_Pound_Chicken", "BonelessChickenBreast_Pound_Chicken", "BoneChickenBreast_Pound_Chicken", "WholeChickenLegs_Pound_Chicken", "ChickenThighs_Pound_Chicken"))
Next, I noticed something weird with the month “February” in the dataset that will mess up the column splitting/filling (the next two steps), so I went ahead fixed that.
organic_egg_poultry2 <- organic_egg_poultry
organic_egg_poultry2[organic_egg_poultry2 == "February /1"] <- "February"
Then, I split Month and Year.
organic_egg_poultry3 <- organic_egg_poultry2 %>%
separate(col = 1, into=c('Month', 'Year'), sep = ' ')
As we can see, the year doesn’t fill up all the rows, so I used fill() to complete the rows.
organic_egg_poultry3 <- organic_egg_poultry3 %>%
Then I got rid of the extra column in between the Eggs and Chicken datasets (because I am still working with them together).
organic_egg_poultry3 <- organic_egg_poultry3 %>%
Before I pivot this data, I need to do something about the “too few” string in the chicken part of the dateset (I know this will cause an issue because I didn’t do anything initially and I got an error: “Can't combine
ExtraLargeEggs_Dozen_Eggs<double> and
I think the best bet here is to mutate “too few” into N/A? (although I am not totally sure if that will mess up the integrity of the data?).
organic_egg_poultry4 <- organic_egg_poultry3
organic_egg_poultry4[organic_egg_poultry4 == "too few"] <- NA
I also have to make sure everything is the right data type.
organic_egg_poultry4 <- organic_egg_poultry4 %>%
mutate(BoneChickenBreast_Pound_Chicken = as.double(BonelessChickenBreast_Pound_Chicken)) %>%
mutate(ChickenThighs_Pound_Chicken = as.double(ChickenThighs_Pound_Chicken))
At last I can pivot longer the data. This is where the column naming comes in handy!
organic_egg_poultry5 <- organic_egg_poultry4 %>%
cols = !Month & !Year,
names_to = c("Produce", "Amount", "ProduceType"),
names_sep = "_",
values_to = "Price"
At this point the data is probably ready to arrange, filter, and summarize. I am going to arrange it by Produce Type (Eggs or Chicken).
organic_egg_poultry5 <- organic_egg_poultry5
arrange(organic_egg_poultry5, ProduceType, desc(Price))
# A tibble: 1,080 x 6
Month Year Produce Amount ProduceType Price
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 November 2012 BonelessChickenBreast Pound Chicken 704.
2 November 2012 BoneChickenBreast Pound Chicken 704.
3 December 2012 BonelessChickenBreast Pound Chicken 704.
4 December 2012 BoneChickenBreast Pound Chicken 704.
5 Jan 2013 BonelessChickenBreast Pound Chicken 704.
6 Jan 2013 BoneChickenBreast Pound Chicken 704.
7 February 2013 BonelessChickenBreast Pound Chicken 704.
8 February 2013 BoneChickenBreast Pound Chicken 704.
9 March 2013 BonelessChickenBreast Pound Chicken 704.
10 March 2013 BoneChickenBreast Pound Chicken 704.
# ... with 1,070 more rows
Something that is a little annoying about this is that I wanted to arrange it so that the “Eggs” section was at the top, but it seems to only do alphabetical.
Next, I am going to filter the data so we are only working with the Eggs data and then summarize.
organic_egg_poultry6 <- organic_egg_poultry5
filter(organic_egg_poultry6, ProduceType == "Eggs") %>%
group_by(Produce, Amount) %>%
summarise(mean = mean(Price), max = max(Price), min = min(Price))
# A tibble: 4 x 5
# Groups: Produce [2]
Produce Amount mean max min
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 ExtraLargeEggs Dozen 267. 290 230
2 ExtraLargeEggs HalfDozen 164. 188. 132
3 LargeEggs Dozen 254. 278. 225
4 LargeEggs HalfDozen 155. 178 126
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Geeslin (2021, Oct. 4). DACSS 601 Fall 2021: HW3 Data Wrangling. Retrieved from https://mrolfe.github.io/DACSS601Fall21/posts/2021-10-04-hw3-data-wrangling/
BibTeX citation
@misc{geeslin2021hw3, author = {Geeslin, Eliza}, title = {DACSS 601 Fall 2021: HW3 Data Wrangling}, url = {https://mrolfe.github.io/DACSS601Fall21/posts/2021-10-04-hw3-data-wrangling/}, year = {2021} }