Homework 3: Basic Data Wrangling

Practice wrangling data with the Australian Marraige Law Excel document.

Megan Georges

Read the data into R

ausmarraige <- read_excel("../../_data/australian_marriage_law_postal_survey_2017_-_response_final.xls", "Table 2", skip=6) 
head(ausmarraige, 10)
# A tibble: 10 x 16
   ...1  no....2 `%...3` no....4 `%...5` no....6 `%...7` ...8  no....9
   <chr>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl> <lgl>   <dbl>
 1 New ~      NA    NA        NA    NA        NA      NA NA         NA
 2 Banks   37736    44.9   46343    55.1   84079     100 NA      84079
 3 Bart~   37153    43.6   47984    56.4   85137     100 NA      85137
 4 Benn~   42943    49.8   43215    50.2   86158     100 NA      86158
 5 Bero~   48471    54.6   40369    45.4   88840     100 NA      88840
 6 Blax~   20406    26.1   57926    73.9   78332     100 NA      78332
 7 Brad~   53681    60.6   34927    39.4   88608     100 NA      88608
 8 Cala~   54091    60.2   35779    39.8   89870     100 NA      89870
 9 Chif~   32871    41.3   46702    58.7   79573     100 NA      79573
10 Cook    47505    55     38804    45     86309     100 NA      86309
# ... with 7 more variables: %...10 <dbl>, no....11 <dbl>,
#   %...12 <dbl>, no....13 <dbl>, %...14 <dbl>, no....15 <dbl>,
#   %...16 <dbl>

View column names

 [1] "...1"     "no....2"  "%...3"    "no....4"  "%...5"    "no....6" 
 [7] "%...7"    "...8"     "no....9"  "%...10"   "no....11" "%...12"  
[13] "no....13" "%...14"   "no....15" "%...16"  

Select the columns that we want to keep and rename them

The essential columns in this dataset are the cities, response clear yes, response clear no, response not clear, and non responding.

ausmarraige1 <- select(ausmarraige, "...1", "no....2", "no....4", "no....11", "no....13")%>%
  rename(Cities=...1, Response_Clear_Yes=no....2, Response_Clear_No=no....4, Response_Not_Clear=no....11, Non_Response=no....13)%>%

# A tibble: 6 x 5
  Cities                    Response_Clear_~ Response_Clear_~ Response_Not_Cl~
  <chr>                                <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
1 New South Wales Divisions               NA               NA               NA
2 Banks                                37736            46343              247
3 Barton                               37153            47984              226
4 Bennelong                            42943            43215              244
5 Berowra                              48471            40369              212
6 Blaxland                             20406            57926              220
# ... with 1 more variable: Non_Response <dbl>

Remove division totals and footnotes

ausmarraige1 <- ausmarraige1 %>%
  filter(!str_detect(Cities, "Total"))%>%
  filter(!str_starts(Cities, "\\("))%>%
  filter(Cities != "Australia")%>%
  filter(!str_starts(Cities, "\\©"))

Create new column for the divisions

ausmarraige1 <- ausmarraige1 %>%
  mutate(Divisions = case_when(
    str_ends(Cities, "Divisions") ~ Cities
ausmarraige2 <- ausmarraige1[, c("Divisions", "Cities", "Response_Clear_Yes", "Response_Clear_No", "Response_Not_Clear", "Non_Response")]
# A tibble: 6 x 6
  Divisions  Cities Response_Clear_~ Response_Clear_~ Response_Not_Cl~
  <chr>      <chr>             <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
1 New South~ New S~               NA               NA               NA
2 <NA>       Banks             37736            46343              247
3 <NA>       Barton            37153            47984              226
4 <NA>       Benne~            42943            43215              244
5 <NA>       Berow~            48471            40369              212
6 <NA>       Blaxl~            20406            57926              220
# ... with 1 more variable: Non_Response <dbl>

Summarise the tidier (but still needs work) data

  Divisions            Cities          Response_Clear_Yes
 Length:158         Length:158         Min.   :19026     
 Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.:44620     
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median :51783     
                                       Mean   :52115     
                                       3rd Qu.:59879     
                                       Max.   :89590     
                                       NA's   :8         
 Response_Clear_No Response_Not_Clear  Non_Response  
 Min.   :14860     Min.   :106.0      Min.   :13092  
 1st Qu.:28452     1st Qu.:207.2      1st Qu.:18951  
 Median :31654     Median :240.0      Median :21417  
 Mean   :32493     Mean   :244.6      Mean   :21855  
 3rd Qu.:36727     3rd Qu.:276.0      3rd Qu.:24513  
 Max.   :57926     Max.   :377.0      Max.   :35841  
 NA's   :8         NA's   :8          NA's   :8      

Arrange data in descending order of clear Yes responses

arrange(ausmarraige2, desc(Response_Clear_Yes))
# A tibble: 158 x 6
   Divisions Cities          Response_Clear_~ Response_Clear_~ Response_Not_Cl~
   <chr>     <chr>                      <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 <NA>      Canberra(d)                89590            31361              281
 2 <NA>      Fenner(e)                  85869            30159              253
 3 <NA>      Melbourne                  81287            15839              182
 4 <NA>      Sydney                     76144            14860              146
 5 <NA>      McEwen                     73705            39007              377
 6 <NA>      Grayndler                  73208            18429              136
 7 <NA>      Brisbane                   72812            18762              159
 8 <NA>      Newcastle                  71158            23999              232
 9 <NA>      Melbourne Ports            70589            15523              198
10 <NA>      Higgins                    70059            19375              180
# ... with 148 more rows, and 1 more variable: Non_Response <dbl>


Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY-NC 4.0. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".


For attribution, please cite this work as

Georges (2021, Oct. 5). DACSS 601 Fall 2021: Homework 3: Basic Data Wrangling. Retrieved from https://mrolfe.github.io/DACSS601Fall21/posts/2021-10-05-hw3-blog-georges/

BibTeX citation

  author = {Georges, Megan},
  title = {DACSS 601 Fall 2021: Homework 3: Basic Data Wrangling},
  url = {https://mrolfe.github.io/DACSS601Fall21/posts/2021-10-05-hw3-blog-georges/},
  year = {2021}