Student Submissions

Final Project: DACSS 601

Connecticut Real Estate Sales Analysis


Connecticut Real Estate Sales Data


HW_6_601(Focussing on last 2 states)

Homework 5

Project Refinement


Data Wrangling


Computing descriptive statistics and creating visualizations


Better visualizations

601 HW 6

GOT Analysis and Visualization

Blog Post 4

Visualizing Sales of Eggs

Blog Post 5

Visualizing Sales of Eggs: Part 2

601 HW 6

GOT Analysis and Visualization


This project is regarding the fraud transactions in the United states

601 HW 6

GOT Analysis and Visualization


Analysis of Indian Education System


Draft for the final project

Homework 6

Working Draft

Final_Project (2nd), UPDATED VERSION

A few important things (presenting libraries) were missed in the previous final, so it was updated in here. This is the final project to show the effects of daily features on sleep duration, sleep quality and heart rate during sleep. The daily features are the things known to be related to sleep. For example, coffee is known to delay sleep onset time, tea is known to help sleep faster, stress is known to hamper sleep quality and sleep onset time and working out is known to have better sleep quality and faster sleep onset time. Therefore, those daily features are used in this project to see the relationship of them to sleep in different ways.


Dataset of Eggs

United States Trends in Turbulent Weather

601 Final Project


Analysis of Indian Education System

Final Report

Comprehensive report

Imapct on the Indian Education System | A deep dive data analysis on the Enrollment and Dropout student ratio

Data Science Fundamental - Final Paper | Exploratory Data Analysis of the Indian Education System with special focus on the available facilities

DACSS 601: Data Science Fundamentals Final - 2nd Draft

Analyzing the Prevalence of Heart Disease in Different Population Pools




Data reading and Basic Wrangling

HW-3 | Major Project Dataset and Preliminary Research Questions

Statistical Analysis of Indian Education System

DACSS 601: Data Science Fundamentals Final Project - Final Draft

Analyzing the Prevalence of Heart Disease in Different Population Pools

601 Project

Game Of Thrones Data Analysis and Visualization

KMuhammad_Final Paper

DACSS 601 - Global School Closures during the Covid-19 Pandemic


Blog post 3 describing the dataset and research questions as a part of the course "Data Science Fundamentals"


Blog post 4 describing the initial Data Analysis and data wrangling as a part of the course "Data Science Fundamentals"


Blog post 5 performing more analysis on the dataset as a part of the course "Data Science Fundamentals"


Blog post 6 with final analysis results as a part of the course "Data Science Fundamentals"

601_Final Project

Final project with final analysis results as a part of the course "Data Science Fundamentals"

Final Project Updated

As a student new to R, code, and programming, the purpose of this analysis was to provide a descriptive examination of employment rates across the US in 2012.


Data Reading


Data Visualization


Advanced Data Visualization


Draft of Final Report

Final Project

Shopping Festival Consumption Data Analysis

Homework 5: Henry Nguyen

DACSS 601 Spring 2022

Final Project: Henry Nguyen

DACSS 601 Spring 2022

TB DACSS 601 Final Project

An exploration of fossil fuel dependent countries and preparedness for a post-fossil fuel economy.

Final Paper

DACSS 601 Data Science Fundamentals - Final Paper

HW 6 - Draft of Final

This is my homework six for DACSS 601

DACSS 601 Final

This is my final project for DACSS 601

TPO Mill Size Analysis

Final Project for DACSS 601

HW 5 - second trial

This is HW5 using sleep data to show the effects of daily features on sleep duration, sleep quality and heart rate during sleep. - a few correction updated


HW_5 601(Focussing on top 3 states)

ATP Tennis Analysis - Final Project

Final Project - Using ATP Tennis Data Files: analysis of player populations and success.

HW 6

(draft for the final project) This is HW6 using sleep data to show the effects of daily features on sleep duration, sleep quality and heart rate during sleep


DACSS 601 - HW6: Final Blog (Draft)

Homework 4


Fort Worth Climate Change

Fort Worth climate change based on precipitation, humidity, and temperature from 1981-2022

Sasi Tansaraviput HW2

Read in my own dataset, explain the variables and perform 2 data-wrangling operations

Sasi Tansaraviput HW3

Identify the dataset for the final project, read in and clean the dataset, and identify potential research questions

Sasi Tansaraviput HW4

Read in dataset, compute descriptive statistics, create visualizations, explain each visualization, and identify limitations.

Sasi Tansaraviput HW5

Modifying previous homework and answering questions

Sasi Tansaraviput HW6

Draft for the final paper


This is the final project to show the effects of daily features on sleep duration, sleep quality and heart rate during sleep. The daily features are the things known to be related to sleep. For example, coffee is known to delay sleep onset time, tea is known to help sleep faster, stress is known to hamper sleep quality and sleep onset time and working out is known to have better sleep quality and faster sleep onset time. Therefore, those daily features are used in this project to see the relationship of them to sleep in different ways.


Organize hotel reservation data


Read and clean used car data


Visualize data


Visualize data


project draft adout used car

Texture Analysis of Plant-based and Conventional Hotdogs and Italian Sausages

Final paper


Organize hotel reservation data




used car

Final Paper

DACSS 601 Data Science Fundamentals - Final Paper



DACSS-601 Final


Do Mothers Influence Primate Culture?

Analyzing a possible correlation between cultural intelligence and motherhood

HW-3 | Major Project Dataset and Preliminary Research Questions

Statistical Analysis of Indian Education System

HW 5

This is my homework five for DACSS 601

HW 5

This is HW5 using sleep data to show the effects of daily habits on sleep duration, sleep quality and heart rate during sleep

Homework 6: Working Draft

HW6 First Attempt

Homework 3

Basic Data Wrangling

HW-4 | Descriptive Statistics and Few graphs

Statistical Analysis of Indian Education System


DACSS 601 Data Science Fundamentals - Homework 4


DACSS 601 Data Science Fundamentals - Homework 5

DACSS 601 Final Project

This research analysis explores if there is a relationship between the number of languages a student in Spain speaks and how well informed they feel on climate change, global health, migration, international conflict, world hunger, causes of poverty, and gender inequality.


Final Project Draft - ATP PEW

KMuhammad_HW5 Pt.1

DACSS 601 - HW5: Update and Refinement

KMuhammad_HW5 Pt.2

DACSS 601 - HW5: Update and Refinement


DACSS 601 Data Science Fundamentals - Homework 6


HW_5 601

Fort Worth Climate Change

Fort Worth climate change based on precipitation, humidity, and temperature from 1981-2022

HW #4


Homework 6

Connecticut Real Estate Sales Data

HW 3 DACSS 601

Ayushe's HW3 Submission for DACSS 601

HNguyen HW 4

HW 4: Descriptive statistics and data visualization.

Anne Etienne-Hw2

Read in a dataset, Explain the variables in your dataset, Finally, demonstrate your knowledge of dplyr by using filter, arrange, and/or select to perform at least 2 basic data-wrangling operations.

HW 4 DACSS 601

Ayushe's HW4 Submission for DACSS 601

HW 5 DACSS 601

Ayushe's HW5 Submission for DACSS 601

HW 6 DACSS 601

Ayushe's HW6 Submission for DACSS 601

Kruzlic Homework 5

HW5 First Attempt

HW 4

This is my homework four for DACSS 601

Final Paper DACSS 601

Ayushe's Final Paper on Lending Club Dataset for DACSS 601

HW 4

Descriptive Statistics and Visualization


DACSS 601 - HW4: Descriptive Statistics and Visualization

Homework 5


ATP Tennis Analysis - Final Project (Draft 2)

Second Draft of Final Project - Using ATP Tennis Data Files will begin some analysis of player populations and success.

HW6 Revised - TPO Mill Size Analysis

Final Project Draft for DACCS 601

HW 3

Reading in & tidying data concerning US adults who reported depressive symptoms from 2020-2022


Manipulating 19 Years of Natural Gas Data

Kimble HW 3

This is my HW 3 for DACSS 601.

Kimble HW 2 - Revised/Final

This is my HW 2 for DACSS 601.

MADT_Homework 5

Exploration of the variables measuring the accountability of WA state Public k-12 Schools


Plotly, Gganimate, and Functions


Refining Descriptive Stats - ATP PEW

Homework 6: Incomplete

Connecticut Real Estate Sales Data

Homework 2

Data Reading and Wrangling

Kruzlic Homework 4

HW4 First Attempt

HNguyen HW 3

Are there associations between new HIV incident infections and state GDP 2008-2020

Functions to help organize unwieldy data

1987 USDA Ag Census --trying to make it useable by creating search functions

ATP Tennis Analysis - Final Project (Draft)

First Draft of Final Project - Using ATP Tennis Data Files will begin some analysis of player populations and success.

Challenge data

I went back to try to tidy some of the untidy data

ATP Tennis Analysis - Homework 6 / Final Project Draft 1

First Draft of Final Project - Using ATP Tennis Data Files will begin some analysis of player populations and success.


"DACSS 601 - HW3: Data Wrangling for DOD Active Duty Marital Status"

KMuhammad HW2

DACSS 601 - Reading in Data

MADT_Homework 4

Exploration of the variables measuring the accountability of WA state Public k-12 Schools

Homework 3


Ethan Campbell HW5

Fort Worth climate change based on precipitation, humidity, and temperature from 1981-2020


HW3 using sleep data

HW 2 Submission - Organic Egg & Poultry Dataset CSV

Ayushe's HW2 Submissions for DACSS 601

Homework 2



This is HW4 using cleaned sleep data through HW3


This assignment demonstrates a working draft of my final project which seeks to explore if there is a positive correlation between the number of languages a student in Spain speaks and how well informed they feel on seven different topics.




This routine will include some of the challenges that were posted each week but that I haven't really tried until now.

HW6 - TPO Sample Size Analysis

HW6 for DACSS 601.


ATP Pew Data




Includes FBI uniform crime reporting data by county for 1987 joined with 1993 USDA county rural-urban continuum codes, rural county typologies, and 1987 Ag Census data


Graphing Descriptive Stats - ATP PEW


Manipulating 20 Years of Natural Gas Data

Primate Foraging Behavior and Their Mothers

Cleaning up data for final project

Justin Meade Homework 4

Fourth Assignment

HW4 Merleaux

Exploration of 1987 Crime data

Homework 5: Complete

Connecticut Real Estate Sales Data

State employment

Creating graphic displays for state employment rates.

Kruzlic Homework 3

HW3 First Attempt

Ethan Campbell HW4

Fort Worth climate change based on precipitation, humidity, and temperature from 1981-2020

Homework 5: Incomplete

Connecticut Estate Sales Data

Canan Cevik



Identifying the dataset for final project

ATP Tennis Statistics - Version 5

Expanded analysis of match statitistics spanning multiple decades of ATP Professional Tennis seasons.

TB HW4 Exploring and Visualizing Project Data

This assignment explores, summarizes, and visualizes economic and population data from the World Bank.


Manipulating Active Duty Data


Data Visualization


This assignment adds to my previous homework by improving my visualizations and adding new ones using facet_grid. It also includes reflection on where I'm at in my analysis which seeks to explore if there is a positive correlation between the number of languages a student speaks and how well informed they feel on seven different topics.


Reading in Data

MADT_Homework 3

Identifying variables in WA school accountability data

TB HW3 World Bank Data Cleaning

Third homework assisgnment for DACSS 601 - Identifying and cleaning up course project data.

HW 3



HW5 for DACSS 601.


Data Wrangling

Homework 4

Connecticut Estate Sales Data

Nick Rotondo - Homework 1 Attempt 4

Hopefully the last attempt!


Computing descriptive statistics and creating visualizations for primate data


Data Visualization


Identifying data for Final Project, and Generating Visualuals

Wrangling data

Below is my attempt to organize a dataset on employment rates across different states. As will be seen below, I attempt to organize the data but isolating the totals, and another by removing the totals rows from the data set. I was able to do some calulations (but was having errors with others).


Data Import - With eggs_tidy.xlsx (clean dataset)

Ethan Campbell HW3

Fort Worth Climate data.


This assignment identifies the dataset I will be using for the final project, reads it into R, cleans it, and identifies potential research questions it can help me answer.


This assignment includes descriptive statistics and visualizations for the variables I've selected for my final project.

MADT_Homework 3

Identifying variables in WA school accountability data

MADT_Homework 2

This is homework 2 for DACSS601

HW4 - ATP Tennis Statiistics

Expanded analysis of match statitistics spanning multiple decades of ATP Professional Tennis seasons.

Roy Yoon HW #2

Read in a dataset


Statistical Review and Visualization of School Compensations Data from 20218-19


Identifying data for Final Project

HW 2 Try 2

hw2 try 2


Research Question Homework

HW2 - Submission 2

HW2 Submission

HW3 - ATP Tennis 1980

Analysis of player height and match outcomes during the 1980 ATP Professional Tennis season.


Computing descriptive statistics and creating visualizations


A Review of Massachusetts 12th Grade Dropout Rates v. Teacher & Guidance Salaries


HW4 for DACSS 601.


DACSS 601 Data Science Fundamentals - Homework 3


NYC Real Estate Sales Data


Wrangling Clean Data

Homework 3

Homework 3, DACSS 601

HW2 Merleaux

Reading data in to R studio.


This is the first homework but im so late i am catching up sorry

HW 1 601

RPub submission


DACSS 601 Data Science Fundamentals - Homework 2

Bryn Kruzlic HW1

This is the first homework for DACSS601

Kruzlic HW2 Try 1

DACSS 601 Homework 2 Example

Henry Nguyen HW2

This is Henry's homework number 2.




HW2 for DACSS 601. There are four columns of data in the selected spreadsheet. Territory (string), resp (string), count (numerical), and percent (numerical). I also created a new column labeled 'High Count' (string) and used the 'select' tool to show only the following columns: territory, count, & High_Count


HW3 for DACSS 601.

Homework 2, Data Import

Second Assignment

Homework 1

R Pub Test


HW3 - Data Wrangling


General Markdown File for Distill


reading in 2 clean data sets and one untidy dataset

Shaye Hallee - DACSS 601 HW02

Reading in ACS 2019 disability population estimates.

Example Code for Pivot Longer

example code
data cleaning

I'm sharing some example code for pivot_longer using the eggs data. Enjoy!


1st HW assignment for DACSS 601.


Reading in Data

Homework 2

Reading in .xls data & doing a bit of tidying!

HW1 - Attempt #2

DACSS 601 Data Science Fundamentals - Homework 1


Already messed up the first homework


This is Homework 2! Pulling JSON data from USDA food data website


Data set - hotel- Includes numeric data regarding cancellations, arrival times, dates (MO, year, day), and cancellations.

HW01 Christa Bonney test 2

publishing with Rpub test


This is an example of RMarkdown.

Ethan Campbell HW2

Importing clean dataset into R.


Rmd Resubmission

HW 2

Reading in & tidying data

Homework 2

Reading in and Wrangling Data

Kimble HW1, Try 2

This is the second try for 601 HW 1

KMuhammad HW1

Data Science Fundamentals - Homework 1


Take 2 :)


This assignment shows an example of reading in a dataset, explaining the variables in the dataset and then demonstrating at least 2 basic data-wrangling operations.

Test Post - Take 3

Basic Math in R

Meredith Derian-Toth Homework 1

This describes MDT's HW1


Reading in Data

Roy Yoon HW1


Australian Survey About Marriage Law Change

This is a brief exploratory analysis regarding the results of a survey of Australians' opinions of changing the Australian marriage law to allow same sex marriage.


HW2 - Reading in data and dplyr practice


third attempt :)

Distill Test 2

Distill test; take 2


This is an example of RMarkdown

DACSS 601: HW1

Introduction to R

Sasi Tansaraviput HW1

Test for RPubs DACSS601

Homework 1

Pilot post for developing a blog through R via distill for DCSS601


First Assignment for DACSS.

Henry Nguyen, HW1

rpubs test for HW1


try #2


HW 1 Resubmission


Learning R







HW1 Shruti Shelke

This is DACSS601 HW1

Tory Bartelloni HW1 - Test Distill Article

How to complete the first homework assignment of the course.


HW1 - Practice with RPubs

Shaye Hallee - DACSS 601 HW01

Post for HW01 for DACSS 601.



Sasi Tansaraviput HW1

Test for RPubs DACSS601

Welcome to DACSS 601


Welcome to DACSS 601: Foundations of Data Science. We hope you enjoy our student projects.

Using A Function to Read Active Duty Marital Data

cleaning data
programming functions

This is the example code to use a new custom function to read in multiple sheets of data about Active Duty members of the military and marital status.

More articles »

Student Submissions


Spring 2022


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