This is the example code to use a new custom function to read in multiple sheets of data about Active Duty members of the military and marital status.
This is a quick piece of example code to read in the active duty marital status tables from Excel. This example code builds on the earlier examples of reading in Excel tables by creating a function and applying it to multiple sheets.
We will start off by cleaning a single sheet from the workbook, trying to create a set of generic functions that can be used to iterate through all sheets in the workbook to read them one after the other. To read the single sheet, follow the same process we followed in *Reading in Tabular Data."
Lets first look at an example sheet from the workbook.
We can see a few things from this example sheet. First, we will need to skip 8 or 9 rows - the data first appears in row 10. Second, the tabular cells represent count values that capture the number of employees falling into subcategories created by 6 distinct grouping values: 1) Pay Grade Type: Enlisted/Officer/Warrant Officer 2) Pay Grade Level: 1-10 (fewer for non-Enlisted) 3) Marital status: Married/Single 4) Parent: Kids/noKids (Single only) 5) Spouse affiliation: Civilian/Military (Married only) 6) Gender: Male/Female
Our goal is to recover cases that have these 6 (or really 5, if we collapse parent and spouse variables as we don’t have complete information) grouping variables to identify the case and the single value (count of active duty employees who fall into each of the resulting subcategories.)
Looking back at the original excel sheet, we can see that we will need to not just skip the top rows, we will also need to delete several columns, and also rename variables in order to make it easy to separate out the three pieces of information contained in the column names. First, I create a vector with column names (to make it easier to reuse later in the functional programming) then I read in the data and inspect it to see if the columns worked as intended.
marital <-c("d", "payGrade_payLevel",
"single_nokids_male", "single_nokids_female", "d",
"single_kids_male", "single_kids_female", "d",
"married_military_male", "married_military_female", "d",
"married_civilian_male", "married_civilian_female", "d",
rep("d", 3))
col_names = marital
# A tibble: 31 × 17
d...1 payGrade_payLevel single_nokids_male single_nokids_fem… d...5
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 <NA> Pay Grade Male Female Total
2 <NA> E-1 31229 5717 36946
3 <NA> E-2 53094 8388 61482
4 <NA> E-3 131091 21019 1521…
5 <NA> E-4 112710 16381 1290…
6 <NA> E-5 57989 11021 69010
7 <NA> E-6 19125 4654 23779
8 <NA> E-7 5446 1913 7359
9 <NA> E-8 1009 438 1447
10 <NA> E-9 381 202 583
# … with 21 more rows, and 12 more variables: single_kids_male <chr>,
# single_kids_female <chr>, d...8 <chr>,
# married_military_male <chr>, married_military_female <chr>,
# d...11 <chr>, married_civilian_male <chr>,
# married_civilian_female <chr>, d...14 <chr>, d...15 <chr>,
# d...16 <chr>, d...17 <chr>
I can see that the variable names worked well, so this time I will read in the data and omit the original header row, and also filter out the various “TOTAL” rows that we don’t need to keep.
col_names = marital
filter(str_detect(payGrade_payLevel, "TOTAL", negate=TRUE))
# A tibble: 24 × 9
payGrade_payLev… single_nokids_m… single_nokids_f… single_kids_male
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 E-1 31229 5717 563
2 E-2 53094 8388 1457
3 E-3 131091 21019 4264
4 E-4 112710 16381 9491
5 E-5 57989 11021 10937
6 E-6 19125 4654 10369
7 E-7 5446 1913 6530
8 E-8 1009 438 1786
9 E-9 381 202 579
10 O-1 13495 3081 402
# … with 14 more rows, and 5 more variables:
# single_kids_female <dbl>, married_military_male <dbl>,
# married_military_female <dbl>, married_civilian_male <dbl>,
# married_civilian_female <dbl>
It looks like this worked well! Now we just need to pivot_longer with 3 columns (similar to what we did in the Tabular Data example). Then we will separate out the information in the payGrade_payLevel
variable and do a quick mutate to make paygrade easier to remember.
military_long <-military %>%
pivot_longer(cols = -1,
names_to = c("Marital", "Other", "Gender"),
names_sep = "_",
values_to = "count")%>%
into = c("payGrade", "payLevel"),
mutate(payGrade = case_when(
payGrade == "E" ~ "Enlisted",
payGrade == "O" ~ "Officer",
payGrade == "W" ~ "Warrant Officer"
# A tibble: 192 × 6
payGrade payLevel Marital Other Gender count
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 Enlisted 1 single nokids male 31229
2 Enlisted 1 single nokids female 5717
3 Enlisted 1 single kids male 563
4 Enlisted 1 single kids female 122
5 Enlisted 1 married military male 139
6 Enlisted 1 married military female 141
7 Enlisted 1 married civilian male 5060
8 Enlisted 1 married civilian female 719
9 Enlisted 2 single nokids male 53094
10 Enlisted 2 single nokids female 8388
# … with 182 more rows
This all looks like it works well. So now we will go on to creating a function with the steps, then applying it to multiple sheets.
We will call our new function read_military
, and we will basically use the exact same commands as above. The big difference is that we will have a placeholder name (or argument) for the data sheet that will be passed to the new function.
Next we have to use read_excel()
, but we have to specify a number of arguments. We first specify the path
(note - file_path
is a variable that I created ahead of time to be specific to my computer. Yours will be different). Next, we specify sheet
, the number of the sheet we wish to read in (we can also specify the sheet name). We also need to manually specify col_names
from our marital
vector that we created above.
creates a new column called branch
, which comes from our sheet name. select(!starts_with("d"))
removes all columns that start with "d"
. We also filter out the word “Total” from payGrade_payLevel
. pivot_longer()
sheet = sheet_name,
col_names = marital
mutate("branch"=sheet_name) %>%
filter(str_detect(payGrade_payLevel, "TOTAL", negate=TRUE))%>%
pivot_longer(cols = contains(c("male", "female")),
names_to = c("Marital", "Other", "Gender"),
names_sep = "_",
values_to = "count")%>%
into = c("payGrade", "payLevel"),
mutate(payGrade = case_when(
payGrade == "E" ~ "Enlisted",
payGrade == "O" ~ "Officer",
payGrade == "W" ~ "Warrant Officer"
We now have a function that is customized to read in the mmilitary active duty marital status sheets. We just need to use purrr
- a package that is part of tidyverse but which may need to be installed and loaded on its own - to iterate through the list of sheets in the workbook.
[1] "TotalDoD" "AirForce" "MarineCorps" "Navy"
[5] "Army"
# A tibble: 720 × 7
payGrade payLevel branch Marital Other Gender count
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 Enlisted 1 AirForce single nokids male 7721
2 Enlisted 1 AirForce single nokids female 1550
3 Enlisted 1 AirForce single kids male 27
4 Enlisted 1 AirForce single kids female 5
5 Enlisted 1 AirForce married military male 49
6 Enlisted 1 AirForce married military female 27
7 Enlisted 1 AirForce married civilian male 1064
8 Enlisted 1 AirForce married civilian female 178
9 Enlisted 2 AirForce single nokids male 4380
10 Enlisted 2 AirForce single nokids female 1010
# … with 710 more rows
Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY-NC 4.0. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".
For attribution, please cite this work as
Rolfe (2021, Aug. 20). Data Analytics and Computational Social Science: Using A Function to Read Active Duty Marital Data. Retrieved from
BibTeX citation
@misc{rolfe2021using, author = {Rolfe, Sean Conway and Meredith}, title = {Data Analytics and Computational Social Science: Using A Function to Read Active Duty Marital Data}, url = {}, year = {2021} }