Will Munson

Education/Work Background

UMass Amherst - BS in Math (Concentration in statistics) Montgomery College Rockville - AS in Math Cogentiv Solutions Llc. - Database Management World Data Science Institute - Data Science Researcher

R experience

R is pretty much my favorite language. I was introduced to R before I graduated high school, and started actively pursuing it by the time I started coming to UMass Amherst.

Research interests

My research interests are actually very broad, but lately, my interests are leaning more towards environmental and agricultural research. I also have interests in what affects a city’s median household income, or the wellbeing of people who live in those cities.


Haydenville, MA


  • Painting
  • Drawing
  • Magnet fishing
  • Video games

Fun fact

I used to be Mormon, but I left before graduating high school.