Cancer Incidence and Mortality Analysis across States and Age Groups

Final Project
Animesh Sengupta
Census Data
Cancer USPS Data
Exploratory analysis of Cancer incidence and mortality rate against the US population data between the years 2000-2019, grouped by State and Age Groups

Animesh Sengupta


September 3, 2022


knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)

Project Overview

This current project is the exploratory analysis for DACSS 601 Fundamentals of Data Science - Final Project of US Cancer Data grouped by Area, Age groups and Race against the Census population grouped by the same parameters across the year 2000 to 2020.

This project contains the following sections:

  1. Introduction & Motivation
  2. US Cancer Statistics grouped by Area - Tidying and Sanitation
  3. US Census Data grouped by Area - Tidying and Sanitation
  4. US Census Data grouped by Area - Analysis
  5. US Cancer vs Census Data grouped by Area Parameter - Join and Analysis
  6. US Census Data grouped by Age groups - Tidying and Sanitation
  7. US Cancer Statistics grouped by Age groups - Tidying and Sanitation
  8. US Cancer Statistics grouped by Age groups - Analysis
  9. US Cancer vs Census Data grouped by Age Parameter - Join and Analysis
  10. Conclusion
  11. References

Introduction and Motivation

In the past few decades, our species have made significant strides in improving the medical facilities and technologies thus significantly improving our lifespans and quality of life. Even after such amazing technological feats and centuries of study of the human body, Cancer proves to be a thorn in our path. Cancer is one of the biggest chronic illnesses plaguing multiple people across the planet throughout decades. Since then, the solution to evade and treat Cancer is amongst the hottest topic in the scientific field and the research around its inception, is even more critical.

In the ever changing world dynamics with overpopulation and pollution plaguing our societies, cancer has not only increased but has become prevalent. This small study aims to find questions regarding the incidence and mortality statistics across the US States and population. More Importantly this study aims to find how prevalent different types of Cancer are in the state. This study will also outline the spread of cancer among different age groups of US population as well. So in essance, in this study we are determined to ask two major questions:

  1. How is cancer incidence and mortality cases spread across the states over the last 2 decades?
  2. How is Cancer incidence spread across different age groups in the US population?

To understand the following two questions, we are using two US government published datasets. They are as follow:

  1. US cancer statistics dataset: Maintained and procured by the CDC WONDER org.[1]
  2. US Census Bureau Population dataset.[2]

##US Cancer Statistics grouped by Area - Tidying and sanitation.

USCS_Area <- read_csv("../posts/_data/Animesh_data/USCS_Area1.csv")
  filter(COUNT!="~" & COUNT!="+" & COUNT!="." & COUNT!="-")%>%
# A tibble: 5 × 5
  AREA     YEAR SITE                      EVENT_TYPE COUNT
  <chr>   <dbl> <chr>                     <chr>      <dbl>
1 Alabama  2000 All Cancer Sites Combined Incidence   9475
2 Alabama  2000 All Cancer Sites Combined Mortality   4425
3 Alabama  2001 All Cancer Sites Combined Incidence   9971
4 Alabama  2001 All Cancer Sites Combined Mortality   4550
5 Alabama  2002 All Cancer Sites Combined Incidence  10152

Our first step would be to read the raw data provided by the US cancer statistics dataset and tidying it according to our needs. This dataset has the following dimensions 332532, 5. The USCS raw data had a lot of statistical features, which wont be required for the study and thus were trimmed. The selected features of the dataset are AREA, YEAR, SITE, EVENT_TYPE, COUNT.

After careful consideration from viewing the dataframe summary of the data, the following tidying and sanitation actions were performed: 1. Only the relevant features were selected and statistical features were trimmed from the dataset. 2. The Year 1999 data was filtered out, because we are only concerened about the 2000-2019 3. The type of feature Year and Count were converted from char to double 4. duplicates rows were removed 5. Rows with NA in year and area were also dropped to maintain consistency.

From the dfsummary, we can check that the year are of proper type and runs from 2000-2019. All the other features types are as expected and there are no duplicate values either.

US Census Data grouped by Area - Tidying and Sanitation

One of the most challenging task was to extract the right dataset/table from the US Census datasets. To analyse the cancer trend among US population, we need the state wise US population statistics.

We extracted the state wise population statistics for two decades i.e 2000-2010 and 2011-2020. The following code snippets extracts the data

    skip = 4, n_max = 60,col_names=c("Area","2009","2008","2007","2006","2005","2004","2003","2002","2001","2000","April_2000_estimate","April_2000_census"))
    names_to = "Year",
    names_transform = list(Year = as.double),
    values_to= "Population_count"

The following dataset had year as features. The following tidying actions were perfomed

  1. As a rule of thumb , all the population estimates figure for the years were taken on July 1. In that extent, the population estimate of 2010 was also chosen when presented with both April and July,2010 data. The rest of the data was skimmed
  2. The Year columns were pivoted longer and converted into row data.
  3. Appropriate numerical columns were converted from char to double

The similar approach was also taken for the 2010 decade dataset. Similar features were present in this dataset too and thus a similar tidying approach were taken to tidy this too. Refer to the code below

    skip = 4, n_max = 60,col_names=c("Area","April_2010_estimate","April_2010_census","2010","2011","2012","2013","2014","2015","2016","2017","2018","2019","April_2020_estimate","2020"))
    names_to = "Year",
    names_transform = list(Year = as.double),
    values_to= "Population_count"

Since most of the features were similar between the two dataset, similar tidying principles were applied. Our aim is to make both the dataframe homogenous for them to stack together appropriately. Our ulterior motive is to get a singular dataframe with Area statistics for both the decades.

Once both the data was extracted , we stacked them together. In addition to this, we also needed the State codes and abbreviation for our visualization purposes. In the code snippet below, we also extract a State to abbreviation mapping and join it to our Census dataset.

area_code <- read_csv("../posts/_data/Animesh_data/state_code.csv")
      Area Year Population_count Abbreviation
1  Alabama 2007          4637904           AL
2  Alabama 2006          4597688           AL
3  Alabama 2005          4545049           AL
4  Alabama 2008          4677464           AL
5  Alabama 2003          4490591           AL
6  Alabama 2002          4472420           AL
7  Alabama 2001          4464034           AL
8  Alabama 2004          4512190           AL
9  Alabama 2010          4785514           AL
10 Alabama 2011          4799642           AL

Now we have a dataframe containing the population change across different states over 2 decades. The dimensions of the dataset are 1071, 4. While the features for this dataset are Area, Year, Population_count, Abbreviation.

US Census Data grouped by Area - Analysis

One of the most important aspect of population is to find out the rate of change of population across different states. This trend can prove to be a very important indicator in access to healthcare and important medicare resources across the states. Usually a buregoning population will have stressed resources and thus higher percentage of people with poor access to the healthcare Infra.

  ylab("Population Count")+
  ggtitle("Change in population from 2000-2020 in US States")

As per the above visualization, The state of califoria has the highest population across the two decades. While the state of Texas has the steepest slope , hence have the highest rate of growth.

jarea_gg2<-ggplot(area_data_code%>%filter(Year=="2020"),aes(area=Population_count,fill=Abbreviation, label=Abbreviation))+
  geom_treemap_text(colour = "white",
                    place = "centre",
                    size = 10) +
  theme(legend.position = "none")+
  ggtitle("State-wise Population Density for the Year 2020")

We are also concerned about the population densty among the states. The above treemap paints a very good picture on where the population is scattered at. From the visualization we can observe that the state of California and Texas are the most populous state while Wyoming is less populated.

We chose the Treemap visualization to effectively show the population density amongst the states without cluttering the graphs. A treemap was the best visual tool to show the population size compared to different states.

US Cancer vs Census Data grouped by Area Parameter - Join and Analysis

One of the important features of the USCS Cancer data is the count of cancer cases for a particular area. If we also have the population data for that area and year, we can identify the percentage of population affected by cancer.

To achieve this, we perform a inner join between the Cancer Dataset and US census data over the Area and Year features.

Area_joined<-merge(USCS_Area,area_data_code,by.x=c("AREA","YEAR"), by.y=c("Area","Year"))


  filter(SITE=="All Cancer Sites Combined")%>%

# A tibble: 20 × 8
   state     YEAR SITE                    Abbre…¹ Popul…² EVENT…³    Nct Count…⁴
   <chr>    <dbl> <chr>                   <chr>     <dbl> <chr>    <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 Alabama   2000 All Cancer Sites Combi… AL      4451849 Incide…  79242   1.78 
 2 Alabama   2000 All Cancer Sites Combi… AL      4451849 Mortal…  39188   0.880
 3 Alabama   2010 All Cancer Sites Combi… AL      4785514 Incide… 101355   2.12 
 4 Alabama   2010 All Cancer Sites Combi… AL      4785514 Mortal…  40832   0.853
 5 Alabama   2019 All Cancer Sites Combi… AL      4907965 Incide… 110363   2.25 
 6 Alabama   2019 All Cancer Sites Combi… AL      4907965 Mortal…  41164   0.839
 7 Alaska    2000 All Cancer Sites Combi… AK       627499 Incide…   8247   1.31 
 8 Alaska    2000 All Cancer Sites Combi… AK       627499 Mortal…   2770   0.441
 9 Alaska    2010 All Cancer Sites Combi… AK       713982 Incide…  11472   1.61 
10 Alaska    2010 All Cancer Sites Combi… AK       713982 Mortal…   3508   0.491
11 Alaska    2019 All Cancer Sites Combi… AK       733603 Incide…  12740   1.74 
12 Alaska    2019 All Cancer Sites Combi… AK       733603 Mortal…   4116   0.561
13 Arizona   2000 All Cancer Sites Combi… AZ      5166697 Incide…  92508   1.79 
14 Arizona   2000 All Cancer Sites Combi… AZ      5166697 Mortal…  37896   0.733
15 Arizona   2010 All Cancer Sites Combi… AZ      6407342 Incide… 121592   1.90 
16 Arizona   2010 All Cancer Sites Combi… AZ      6407342 Mortal…  45020   0.703
17 Arizona   2019 All Cancer Sites Combi… AZ      7291843 Incide… 141332   1.94 
18 Arizona   2019 All Cancer Sites Combi… AZ      7291843 Mortal…  53432   0.733
19 Arkansas  2000 All Cancer Sites Combi… AR      2678288 Incide…  50996   1.90 
20 Arkansas  2000 All Cancer Sites Combi… AR      2678288 Mortal…  24314   0.908
# … with abbreviated variable names ¹​Abbreviation, ²​Population_count,
#   ³​EVENT_TYPE, ⁴​Count_percent

To further fit the data to the require visualizations, we chose a subset of datasets. In our analysis, we can look into the change in % population during the turn of century. So for the year 2000,2010 and 2019, we plotted the %Count of the population affected by Cancer and died by cancer. To acheive this we did the following actions: 1. Removed the “All cancer sites combined” parameter from Cancer Sites. 2. Chose 2000,2010 and 2019 as subset years 3. grouped according to Area year and site while summing the count. 4. Converted the feature name of Area to state for USmap package.

area_gg1<-plot_usmap(data=Area_wise_cancer%>%filter(EVENT_TYPE=="Mortality"),values="Count_percent", color = "red")+
    low = "white", high = "red", name = "Population Percent", label = scales::comma
  ggtitle("US Statewise Mortality Cases percent per population")+

We chose a USMap based visualization to effectively show the spread of Cancer across different states in a very visually appealing way.

As per the visualization, the fatalities have certainly increased especially in the East coast of America. The maximum Fatality change happened over the state of Maine, increasing from 0.95% to 1.009% of population. The central eastern states has certainly been affected more with cancer fatalities. Although Florida shows a decrease in cancer fatalities , it is still significantly higher than the rest of the country. Utah seems to be the most safest place, with low cancer fatalities and marginal change over the years.

area_gg2<-plot_usmap(data=Area_wise_cancer%>%filter(EVENT_TYPE=="Incidence"),values="Count_percent", color = "blue")+
    low = "white", high = "blue", name = "Population Percent", label = scales::comma
  ggtitle("US Statewise Incidence Cases percent per population")+

A similar approach was taken to map the Cancer incidence rate. As per the visualization, there is a clear increase in cancer incidences in every turn of the century. Maine shows the significant rise in Cancer incidences , topping the chart with 2.8% of population. While florida closely trails with 2.6% of population affected. Over the recent years , The state of nevada has successfully able to decrease the rate of cancer during the turn of the centuries.

US Census Data grouped by Age groups - Tidying and Sanitation

The next part of the analysis takes us to measure the Incidence and Mortality rates amongst the different age groups in a step of 5.

The US census data for Age group is very difficult to tidy with Intercensal info is overlapped with the Age group and row data. To tackle this problem, I created a data reading + tidying function to read the US census data by Age more efficiently.

    skip = skip_rows, n_max = max_rows,col_names = c("Age","2009","2008","2007","2006","2005","2004","2003","2002","2001","2000","April_2000_estimate","April_2000_census"))%>%select(-one_of(c("April_2000_estimate","April_2000_census")))%>%
    names_to = "Year",
    names_transform = list(Year = as.double),
    values_to= "Population_count"

Both_age_data_2000<-Age_2000s_data_func("../posts/_data/Animesh_data/2000s_age_data.xls",5,18,"Male and Female")

age_data_2000<-bind_rows(Both_age_data_2000, Male_age_data_2000, Female_age_data_2000)
# A tibble: 20 × 4
   Age                 Year Population_count Sex   
   <chr>              <dbl>            <dbl> <chr> 
 1 .80 to 84 years     2009            57703 Female
 2 .80 to 84 years     2008            57906 Female
 3 .80 to 84 years     2007            57115 Female
 4 .80 to 84 years     2006            56436 Female
 5 .80 to 84 years     2005            55875 Female
 6 .80 to 84 years     2004            55379 Female
 7 .80 to 84 years     2003            54477 Female
 8 .80 to 84 years     2002            52957 Female
 9 .80 to 84 years     2001            51987 Female
10 .80 to 84 years     2000            50819 Female
11 .85 years and over  2009            57768 Female
12 .85 years and over  2008            56391 Female
13 .85 years and over  2007            54806 Female
14 .85 years and over  2006            53257 Female
15 .85 years and over  2005            51689 Female
16 .85 years and over  2004            50103 Female
17 .85 years and over  2003            49653 Female
18 .85 years and over  2002            49924 Female
19 .85 years and over  2001            49637 Female
20 .85 years and over  2000            49596 Female

The following tidying actions were completed: 1. The year wise data was pivoted longer to have Year as a singular column. 2. Added a new column Sex and populated with static values as per the sheet. 3. Removed special characters from Age groups

A similar approach was taken to tidy the US Census by Age 2010s decade data too. Our aim was to make both the datasets homogenous in nature. So the tidying was done keeping that in mind.

    skip = 6, n_max = 18,col_names = c("Age","April_2010_Census.Both","April_2010_Census.Male","April_2010_Census.Female","April_2010_est.Both","April_2010_est.Male","April_2010_est.Female","2010.Both","2010.Male","2010.Female","2011.Both","2011.Male","2011.Female","2012.Both","2012.Male","2012.Female","2013.Both","2013.Male","2013.Female","2014.Both","2014.Male","2014.Female","2015.Both","2015.Male","2015.Female","2016.Both","2016.Male","2016.Female","2017.Both","2017.Male","2017.Female","2018.Both","2018.Male","2018.Female","2019.Both","2019.Male","2019.Female"))%>%
  pivot_longer(cols=-1,names_pattern = "(20..).(.*)",names_to = c("Year",".value"),names_transform = list(Year = as.double))%>%
  pivot_longer(cols=c("Both","Male","Female"),names_to = "Sex",values_to = "Population_count")%>%
  mutate(Sex=ifelse(Sex=="Both","Male and Female",Sex))

A lot of tidying was done in this dataset too , the actions are as follows: 1. We dropped all the rows with no age group data 2. We mutated the Sex column of Both to match Male and Female 3. We pivoted long twice to extract year and intercensal data from mulitple columns into two. Check the snippet for format.

Additionally , the Age group was converted from character wording to number syntax i.e. “.5 to 9 years” was changed to “5-9”. This was done keeping the USCS data in mind to enable easy joining.

    Age==".Under 5 years"~"1-4",
    Age==".5 to 9 years"~"5-9",
    Age==".10 to 14 years"~"10-14",
    Age==".15 to 19 years"~"15-19",
    Age==".20 to 24 years"~"20-24",
    Age==".25 to 29 years"~"25-29",
    Age==".30 to 34 years"~"30-34",
    Age==".35 to 39 years"~"35-39",
    Age==".40 to 44 years"~"40-44",
    Age==".45 to 49 years"~"45-49",
    Age==".50 to 54 years"~"50-54",
    Age==".55 to 59 years"~"55-59",
    Age==".60 to 64 years"~"60-64",
    Age==".65 to 69 years"~"65-69",
    Age==".70 to 74 years"~"70-74",
    Age==".75 to 79 years"~"75-79",
    Age==".80 to 84 years"~"80-84",
    Age==".85 years and over"~"85+"
# A tibble: 10 × 4
   Age    Year Sex             Population_count
   <chr> <dbl> <chr>                      <dbl>
 1 1-4    2010 Male and Female         20188815
 2 1-4    2010 Male                    10312617
 3 1-4    2010 Female                   9876198
 4 1-4    2011 Male and Female         20123103
 5 1-4    2011 Male                    10279719
 6 1-4    2011 Female                   9843384
 7 1-4    2012 Male and Female         19976065
 8 1-4    2012 Male                    10204340
 9 1-4    2012 Female                   9771725
10 1-4    2013 Male and Female         19849215

After tidying both the individual population dataset grouped by Age for both the decades, we stacked them to one dataframe. Since while tidying we ensured both the dataframes were homogenous , the stacking was as expected. The final dataframe has the following dimensions 1080, 4. The selected features for the datasets are Age, Year, Sex, Population_count. With this dataset we now have a dataframe with year wise and age group wise population of the United States.

US Cancer Statistics grouped by Age groups - Tidying and Sanitation

The US Cancer Statistics grouped by Age is absolutely similar to the previous USCS grouped by Area dataset. We did not face a lot of problems while tidying this dataset.

USCS_Age <- read_csv("../posts/_data/Animesh_data/USCS_Age1.csv")

  filter(COUNT!="~" & COUNT!="+" & COUNT!=".")%>%

The following actions were formed on this dataset for tidying and sanitation: 1. The year=1999 was filtered out 2. Rows with count as special character were filtered out 3. Duplicates values were removed 4. Year and Count column type were changed form char to double.

US Cancer Statistics grouped by Age groups - Analysis

After extraction of this dataset, we also got the valuable information of Cancer statistics with respect to the Age groups and gender. This information will help us to answer our second question on how cancer is spread across different age groups.

  filter(EVENT_TYPE=="Mortality"&SEX!="Male and Female"&SITE!="All Cancer Sites Combined")
                  title="Mortality Treemap of different type of Cancer Sites",
                    c("center", "center"), 
                    c("right", "top")

                               SITE    SEX   vSize vColor  stdErr vColorValue
1    Brain and Other Nervous System Female  335234   1269  335234          NA
2    Brain and Other Nervous System   Male  427831   1326  427831          NA
3    Brain and Other Nervous System   <NA>  763065   2595  763065          NA
4                            Cervix Female  213459   1146  213459          NA
5                            Cervix   <NA>  213459   1146  213459          NA
6                  Colon and Rectum Female 1312070   1351 1312070          NA
7                  Colon and Rectum   Male 1416948   1385 1416948          NA
8                  Colon and Rectum   <NA> 2729018   2736 2729018          NA
9            Corpus and Uterus, NOS Female  464297   1070  464297          NA
10           Corpus and Uterus, NOS   <NA>  464297   1070  464297          NA
11                        Esophagus Female  148950    680  148950          NA
12                        Esophagus   Male  578605   1007  578605          NA
13                        Esophagus   <NA>  727555   1687  727555          NA
14                    Female Breast Female 2131713   1427 2131713          NA
15                    Female Breast   <NA> 2131713   1427 2131713          NA
16                 Hodgkin Lymphoma Female   22300    507   22300          NA
17                 Hodgkin Lymphoma   Male   30281    568   30281          NA
18                 Hodgkin Lymphoma   <NA>   52581   1075   52581          NA
19          Kidney and Renal Pelvis Female  242377    861  242377          NA
20          Kidney and Renal Pelvis   Male  438065   1042  438065          NA
21          Kidney and Renal Pelvis   <NA>  680442   1903  680442          NA
22                           Larynx Female   36733    451   36733          NA
23                           Larynx   Male  151162    734  151162          NA
24                           Larynx   <NA>  187895   1185  187895          NA
25                        Leukemias Female  497151   1474  497151          NA
26                        Leukemias   Male  666520   1582  666520          NA
27                        Leukemias   <NA> 1163671   3056 1163671          NA
28 Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Duct Female  377447   1076  377447          NA
29 Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Duct   Male  761343   1246  761343          NA
30 Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Duct   <NA> 1138790   2322 1138790          NA
31                Lung and Bronchus Female 3463424   1339 3463424          NA
32                Lung and Bronchus   Male 4302107   1368 4302107          NA
33                Lung and Bronchus   <NA> 7765531   2707 7765531          NA
34            Melanomas of the Skin Female  144412    553  144412          NA
35            Melanomas of the Skin   Male  271799    606  271799          NA
36            Melanomas of the Skin   <NA>  416211   1159  416211          NA
37                     Mesothelioma Female   24659    344   24659          NA
38                     Mesothelioma   Male   96777    443   96777          NA
39                     Mesothelioma   <NA>  121436    787  121436          NA
40                          Myeloma Female  271448    827  271448          NA
41                          Myeloma   Male  318583    878  318583          NA
42                          Myeloma   <NA>  590031   1705  590031          NA
43             Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Female  476322   1144  476322          NA
44             Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma   Male  582126   1287  582126          NA
45             Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma   <NA> 1058448   2431 1058448          NA
46          Oral Cavity and Pharynx Female  134126    724  134126          NA
47          Oral Cavity and Pharynx   Male  315783   1017  315783          NA
48          Oral Cavity and Pharynx   <NA>  449909   1741  449909          NA
49                            Ovary Female  731683   1221  731683          NA
50                            Ovary   <NA>  731683   1221  731683          NA
51                         Pancreas Female  966936   1091  966936          NA
52                         Pancreas   Male  994615   1148  994615          NA
53                         Pancreas   <NA> 1961551   2239 1961551          NA
54                         Prostate   Male 1517558    976 1517558          NA
55                         Prostate   <NA> 1517558    976 1517558          NA
56                          Stomach Female  246919   1176  246919          NA
57                          Stomach   Male  358543   1192  358543          NA
58                          Stomach   <NA>  605462   2368  605462          NA
59                           Testis   Male   16938    414   16938          NA
60                           Testis   <NA>   16938    414   16938          NA
61                          Thyroid Female   45832    470   45832          NA
62                          Thyroid   Male   36224    413   36224          NA
63                          Thyroid   <NA>   82056    883   82056          NA
64                  Urinary Bladder Female  220753    706  220753          NA
65                  Urinary Bladder   Male  535148    843  535148          NA
66                  Urinary Bladder   <NA>  755901   1549  755901          NA
   level        x0         y0          w          h   color
1      2 0.5749978 0.00000000 0.07472981 0.17040506 #99CBAC
2      2 0.4796264 0.00000000 0.09537138 0.17040506 #99CBBD
3      1 0.4796264 0.00000000 0.17010119 0.17040506 #B3E2CD
4      2 0.8974732 0.10115117 0.05452861 0.14870253 #FDCDAC
5      1 0.8974732 0.10115117 0.05452861 0.14870253 #FDCDAC
6      2 0.1398155 0.00000000 0.12946683 0.38496991 #B1C2D1
7      2 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.13981553 0.38496991 #B1B7D1
8      1 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.26928237 0.38496991 #CBD5E8
9      2 0.8968617 0.24985370 0.10313834 0.17100313 #F4CAE4
10     1 0.8968617 0.24985370 0.10313834 0.17100313 #F4CAE4
11     2 0.8849542 0.42085683 0.11504579 0.04918108 #D4DDAD
12     2 0.8849542 0.47003791 0.11504579 0.19104679 #C4DDAD
13     1 0.8849542 0.42085683 0.11504579 0.24022787 #E6F5C9
14     2 0.2692824 0.00000000 0.21034406 0.38496991 #FFF2AE
15     1 0.2692824 0.00000000 0.21034406 0.38496991 #FFF2AE
16     2 0.9678717 0.00000000 0.01825939 0.04639240 #D9C2B1
17     2 0.9430774 0.00000000 0.02479429 0.04639240 #D9CFB1
18     1 0.9430774 0.00000000 0.04305368 0.04639240 #F1E2CC
19     2 0.6497276 0.19815851 0.11606532 0.07932631 #B8B8B8
20     2 0.6497276 0.27748482 0.11606532 0.14337202 #B8B8B8
21     1 0.6497276 0.19815851 0.11606532 0.22269832 #CCCCCC
22     2 0.9520018 0.10115117 0.04799822 0.02907097 #99CBAC
23     2 0.9520018 0.13022214 0.04799822 0.11963156 #99CBBD
24     1 0.9520018 0.10115117 0.04799822 0.14870253 #B3E2CD
25     2 0.8695730 0.66108470 0.13042695 0.14479357 #E4A18C
26     2 0.8695730 0.80587827 0.13042695 0.19412173 #E4BE8C
27     1 0.8695730 0.66108470 0.13042695 0.33891530 #FDCDAC
28     2 0.4796264 0.40677403 0.17010119 0.08429017 #B1C2D1
29     2 0.4796264 0.49106420 0.17010119 0.17002050 #B1B7D1
30     1 0.4796264 0.40677403 0.17010119 0.25431067 #CBD5E8
31     2 0.2657132 0.38496991 0.21391321 0.61503009 #DCAED2
32     2 0.0000000 0.38496991 0.26571321 0.61503009 #DCAEC3
33     1 0.0000000 0.38496991 0.47962642 0.61503009 #F4CAE4
34     2 0.8517843 0.00000000 0.04568886 0.12006634 #D4DDAD
35     2 0.7657929 0.00000000 0.08599137 0.12006634 #C4DDAD
36     1 0.7657929 0.00000000 0.13168023 0.12006634 #E6F5C9
37     2 0.8974732 0.00000000 0.04560420 0.02053993 #E6C98E
38     2 0.8974732 0.02053993 0.04560420 0.08061124 #E5E68E
39     1 0.8974732 0.00000000 0.04560420 0.10115117 #FFF2AE
40     2 0.8365626 0.24985370 0.06029911 0.17100313 #D9C2B1
41     2 0.7657929 0.24985370 0.07076962 0.17100313 #D9CFB1
42     1 0.7657929 0.24985370 0.13106873 0.17100313 #F1E2CC
43     2 0.5731788 0.17040506 0.07654882 0.23636897 #B8B8B8
44     2 0.4796264 0.17040506 0.09355238 0.23636897 #B8B8B8
45     1 0.4796264 0.17040506 0.17010119 0.23636897 #CCCCCC
46     2 0.8582169 0.12006634 0.03925626 0.12978736 #99CBAC
47     2 0.7657929 0.12006634 0.09242398 0.12978736 #99CBBD
48     1 0.7657929 0.12006634 0.13168023 0.12978736 #B3E2CD
49     2 0.7692557 0.42085683 0.11569854 0.24022787 #FDCDAC
50     1 0.7692557 0.42085683 0.11569854 0.24022787 #FDCDAC
51     2 0.4796264 0.66108470 0.21985520 0.16706647 #B1C2D1
52     2 0.4796264 0.82815117 0.21985520 0.17184883 #B1B7D1
53     1 0.4796264 0.66108470 0.21985520 0.33891530 #CBD5E8
54     2 0.6994816 0.66108470 0.17009143 0.33891530 #F4CAE4
55     1 0.6994816 0.66108470 0.17009143 0.33891530 #F4CAE4
56     2 0.6497276 0.00000000 0.11606532 0.08081284 #D4DDAD
57     2 0.6497276 0.08081284 0.11606532 0.11734567 #C4DDAD
58     1 0.6497276 0.00000000 0.11606532 0.19815851 #E6F5C9
59     2 0.9861311 0.00000000 0.01386895 0.04639240 #FFF2AE
60     1 0.9861311 0.00000000 0.01386895 0.04639240 #FFF2AE
61     2 0.9430774 0.04639240 0.03179387 0.05475877 #D9C2B1
62     2 0.9748712 0.04639240 0.02512876 0.05475877 #D9CFB1
63     1 0.9430774 0.04639240 0.05692263 0.05475877 #F1E2CC
64     2 0.6497276 0.42085683 0.11952805 0.07015604 #B8B8B8
65     2 0.6497276 0.49101287 0.11952805 0.17007183 #B8B8B8
66     1 0.6497276 0.42085683 0.11952805 0.24022787 #CCCCCC

[1] "index"

[1] "COUNT"

[1] NA

[1] "COUNT"

[1] "pivotSize"

[1] 0.02812148 0.97187852

[1] 0.01968504 0.91031496

[1] 1.483512

[1] NA

[1] NA NA NA

[1] TRUE

One of the most important aspect before checking the spread of the cancer among age group is to see how the cancer sites affects the population in general amongst them. This graph gives a very valuable information about how the cancer sites fare among themselves in general and how it is spread across gender. Lung and Bronchus based cancer are the most prevalent while Throid cancer affects a very less population. Prostate cancer affects only men while Female breast cancer affects only female, and the visualization proves that by not having any subgroup within the Treemap.

US Cancer vs Census Data grouped by Age Parameter - Join

Before we start to analyse the spread of cancer among age groups , it is pertinent to note the relationship between the age groups and the different sites of cancer. It is also important to check the relationship on how many people get cancer and die from cancer among the age group

To achieve these visualizations, our most important step was to perform an inner join between the USCS and US Census dataset both grouped by Age group. The Year,sex and age group was the common column with which the inner join was carried out. This is necessary because we need to find out what percentage of age group population is affected.

Age_joined<-merge(USCS_Age_all,age_data,by.x = c("AGE","YEAR","SEX"),by.y = c("Age","Year","Sex"))

  filter(SITE!="All Cancer Sites Combined"&SEX!="Male and Female")

US Cancer vs Census Data grouped by Age Parameter - Analysis

  geom_text(stat = "stratum",size=1.8,
            aes(label = after_stat(stratum)))+
  scale_x_discrete(limits = c("SEX", "SITE"), expand = c(.05, .05)) +
  scale_fill_brewer(type = "qual", palette = "Set1")+
  ggtitle("Alluvial relationship between Age groups and cancer sites")

The alluvial flow graph very beautifully captures the flow and relationship between different age groups of the population to the rate of incidence and mortality and also show the relation betweeen these two features with cancer sites. the Age group of 65-69 is most severely affected by cancer. Also interesting and very obvious trend that can be observed over here is that as the age group increases, the rate of cancer also increases. Also to note that Most of the cancer cases are identified and treated , and only one third people die. From the flow relationship diagram, we can see that female breast cancer incidence is far more prevalent than mortality from the same cancer.

Next we want to determine the the spread of cancer across different year group. In order to achieve this, we had to calculate the percentage of population affected each year from cancer cases. Joining the dataset from USCS cancer statistics grouped by age with US census population dataset, helped us to achieve the same. The Count percentage was calculated after getting the population dataset from US census data.


  scale_fill_gradient(high= "blue", low = "white")+
  labs(title="Gradient Heatmap of Cancer Incidence by Year")

This visualization shows a heat map of Count percentage of population affected by different Cancer sites over a period of two decades. From the graph , we can assume that the year 2017 was the most affected year with new cancer incidences.

  scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "red") +
  labs(title="Gradient Heatmap of Cancer Mortality by year")

A similar Heatmap visualization was created for the Cancer mortality cases across two decades and different cancer sites. Most Cancer related deaths happened during the year of 2011 as per the heatmap.


The Cancer dataset was merged and joined with the US population Dataset grouped by Age groups and different states. While visualizing the joined data we were able to answer the questions we started out with . The visualizations aptly answers our questions and shows the spread of cancer among the age group and different states. In conclusion to our findings, living in Utah at a early age might save you from cancer cases historically. There’s no correlation of cancer cases with Age Group or state , we were only concerned about the spread of the cancer cases. As a future work we can look into the correlation between different parameters to determine how likely a person is gonna get affected by cancer.



[1] National Program of Cancer Registries and Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program SEER*Stat Database: NPCR and SEER Incidence – U.S. Cancer Statistics Public Use Research Database, 2021 submission (2001–2019), United States Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Cancer Institute. Released June 2022. Available at

[2]U.S. Census Bureau. “Population Estimates, July 1, 1999-2020 (V2020) – Walla Walla city, WA.” Quick Facts,