
Akhilesh Kumar Meghwal


August 22, 2022

Homework-2 Overview

  • Read in a dataset from the _data folder in the course blog repository, or choose your own data. If you decide to use one of the datasets we have provided, please use a challenging dataset - check with us if you are not sure.
  • Clean the data as needed using dplyr and related tidyverse packages.
  • Provide a narrative about the data set (look it up if you aren’t sure what you have got) and the variables in your dataset, including what type of data each variable is. The goal of this step is to communicate in a visually appealing way to non-experts - not to replicate r-code.
  • Identify potential research questions that your dataset can help answer.

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)

Data Reading

Read dataset ‘organiceggpoultry.xls’, sheet 2, available in the posts/_data folder, using the read_excel R package and command.

organicegg <- read_excel("_data/organiceggpoultry.xls", sheet = "Organic egg prices, 2004-13", skip = 1)

Rows: 74
Columns: 13
$ Year <chr> "2013", "Certified Organic Eggs:", "Extra Large \nDozen", "Extra …
$ Jan. <chr> NA, NA, "290", "188.13", "267.5", "178", "Jan.", NA, NA, "288.5",…
$ Feb. <chr> NA, NA, "290", "188.13", "267.5", "178", "Feb.", NA, NA, "288.5",…
$ Mar. <chr> NA, NA, "290", "188.13", "267.5", "178", "Mar.", NA, NA, "288.5",…
$ Apr. <chr> NA, NA, "290", "188.13", "267.5", "178", "Apr.", NA, NA, "288.5",…
$ May  <chr> NA, NA, "290", "188.13", "267.5", "178", "May", NA, NA, "288.5", …
$ June <chr> "Cents per pound", NA, "290", "188.13", "267.5", "178", "June", "…
$ July <chr> NA, NA, "290", "188.13", "267.5", "178", "July", NA, NA, "288.5",…
$ Aug. <chr> NA, NA, "290", "188.13", "267.5", "178", "Aug.", NA, NA, "288.5",…
$ Sep. <chr> NA, NA, "290", "188.13", "267.5", "178", "Sep.", NA, NA, "290", "…
$ Oct. <chr> NA, NA, "290", "188.13", "267.5", "178", "Oct.", NA, NA, "290", "…
$ Nov. <chr> NA, NA, "290", "188.13", "267.5", "178", "Nov.", NA, NA, "290", "…
$ Dec. <chr> NA, NA, "290", "188.13", "267.5", "178", "Dec.", NA, NA, "290", "…

Data Wrangling

- mutate function to convert column type to numeric
- filter along with regex to remove row consisting NA,Year & Certified Organic Eggs:
- replace to replace all NA value with 0
- filter to remove unnecessary tail of 41, 42 43 rows
organicegg <-organicegg%>%
  mutate_at(vars(colnames(organicegg)[2:13]), function(x)as.numeric(x)) %>% 
  filter(! & !grepl("^2", Year) & !grepl("^Ce", Year)) %>% 
  replace(, 0)%>% 
  filter(!row_number() %in% c(41, 42, 43))

Data Wrangling

- changed name of first column
- create vector of same length as the number of rows in the organicegg dataset and same distribution of years as original dataset
- column bind to merge Year vector & organicegg dataset
- pivot_longer on All Month Columns
names(organicegg)[1] = "Certified_Organic_Eggs"
Year <- rep(c(2013,2012,2011,2010,2009,2008,2007,2006,2005,2004),each=4)
organicegg<- cbind(Year, organicegg)
organicegg <- organicegg%>% 
  pivot_longer(colnames(organicegg)[3:14], names_to = 'Month', values_to = 'Price')

Describe Data

- summary of organicegg dataset using summarytools::dfSummary

                              varnumbers = FALSE,
                              plain.ascii  = FALSE,
                              style        = "grid",
                              graph.magnif = 0.70,
                              valid.col    = FALSE),
      method = 'render',
      table.classes = 'table-condensed')

Data Frame Summary


Dimensions: 480 x 4
Duplicates: 0
Variable Stats / Values Freqs (% of Valid) Graph Missing
Year [numeric]
Mean (sd) : 2008.5 (2.9)
min ≤ med ≤ max:
2004 ≤ 2008.5 ≤ 2013
IQR (CV) : 5 (0)
0 (0.0%)
Certified_Organic_Eggs [character]
1. Extra Large
2. Extra Large 1/2 Doz.
3. Extra Large 1/2 Doz.
4. Large
1/2 Doz.
5. Large
0 (0.0%)
Month [character]
1. Apr.
2. Aug.
3. Dec.
4. Feb.
5. Jan.
6. July
7. June
8. Mar.
9. May
10. Nov.
[ 2 others ]
0 (0.0%)
Price [numeric]
Mean (sd) : 210.8 (55.3)
min ≤ med ≤ max:
126 ≤ 206.6 ≤ 290
IQR (CV) : 93 (0.3)
46 distinct values 0 (0.0%)

Generated by summarytools 1.0.1 (R version 4.2.1)

# a <$Certified_Organic_Eggs, split = '([a-zA-Z\\ -1/-2])'))
# View(a)

Group Summary Statistics

- Year wise, Certified_Organic_Eggs wise Price Distribution

organicegg %>% 
  group_by(Year, Certified_Organic_Eggs) %>% 
  summarise(Price_min=min(Price),Price_max=max(Price),Price_mean=mean(Price), .groups = 'keep') %>%
# A tibble: 40 × 5
# Groups:   Year, Certified_Organic_Eggs [40]
   Year  Certified_Organic_Eggs Price_min Price_max Price_mean
   <fct> <chr>                      <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>
 1 2004  "Large \nDozen"             225       234.       230.
 2 2005  "Large \nDozen"             234.      234.       234.
 3 2006  "Large \nDozen"             234.      236.       234.
 4 2007  "Large \nDozen"             234.      237        237.
 5 2008  "Large \nDozen"             237       278.       267.
 6 2009  "Large \nDozen"             272.      278.       274 
 7 2010  "Large \nDozen"             268.      268        268.
 8 2011  "Large \nDozen"             268.      270        269.
 9 2012  "Large \nDozen"             268.      268.       268.
10 2013  "Large \nDozen"             268.      268.       268.
# … with 30 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows
  print(organicegg, n=40)
# A tibble: 480 × 4
   Year  Certified_Organic_Eggs Month Price
   <fct> <chr>                  <chr> <dbl>
 1 2013  "Extra Large \nDozen"  Jan.   290 
 2 2013  "Extra Large \nDozen"  Feb.   290 
 3 2013  "Extra Large \nDozen"  Mar.   290 
 4 2013  "Extra Large \nDozen"  Apr.   290 
 5 2013  "Extra Large \nDozen"  May    290 
 6 2013  "Extra Large \nDozen"  June   290 
 7 2013  "Extra Large \nDozen"  July   290 
 8 2013  "Extra Large \nDozen"  Aug.   290 
 9 2013  "Extra Large \nDozen"  Sep.   290 
10 2013  "Extra Large \nDozen"  Oct.   290 
11 2013  "Extra Large \nDozen"  Nov.   290 
12 2013  "Extra Large \nDozen"  Dec.   290 
13 2013  "Extra Large 1/2 Doz." Jan.   188.
14 2013  "Extra Large 1/2 Doz." Feb.   188.
15 2013  "Extra Large 1/2 Doz." Mar.   188.
16 2013  "Extra Large 1/2 Doz." Apr.   188.
17 2013  "Extra Large 1/2 Doz." May    188.
18 2013  "Extra Large 1/2 Doz." June   188.
19 2013  "Extra Large 1/2 Doz." July   188.
20 2013  "Extra Large 1/2 Doz." Aug.   188.
21 2013  "Extra Large 1/2 Doz." Sep.   188.
22 2013  "Extra Large 1/2 Doz." Oct.   188.
23 2013  "Extra Large 1/2 Doz." Nov.   188.
24 2013  "Extra Large 1/2 Doz." Dec.   188.
25 2013  "Large \nDozen"        Jan.   268.
26 2013  "Large \nDozen"        Feb.   268.
27 2013  "Large \nDozen"        Mar.   268.
28 2013  "Large \nDozen"        Apr.   268.
29 2013  "Large \nDozen"        May    268.
30 2013  "Large \nDozen"        June   268.
31 2013  "Large \nDozen"        July   268.
32 2013  "Large \nDozen"        Aug.   268.
33 2013  "Large \nDozen"        Sep.   268.
34 2013  "Large \nDozen"        Oct.   268.
35 2013  "Large \nDozen"        Nov.   268.
36 2013  "Large \nDozen"        Dec.   268.
37 2013  "Large \n1/2 Doz."     Jan.   178 
38 2013  "Large \n1/2 Doz."     Feb.   178 
39 2013  "Large \n1/2 Doz."     Mar.   178 
40 2013  "Large \n1/2 Doz."     Apr.   178 
# … with 440 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

Group Summary Statistics

- pivot_wider to expand Month wise Price value across columns

organicegg %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = Month, values_from = Price) %>% 
# A tibble: 40 × 14
   Year  Certified…¹  Jan.  Feb.  Mar.  Apr.   May  June  July  Aug.  Sep.  Oct.
   <fct> <chr>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 2013  "Extra Lar…  290   290   290   290   290   290   290   290   290   290 
 2 2013  "Extra Lar…  188.  188.  188.  188.  188.  188.  188.  188.  188.  188.
 3 2013  "Large \nD…  268.  268.  268.  268.  268.  268.  268.  268.  268.  268.
 4 2013  "Large \n1…  178   178   178   178   178   178   178   178   178   178 
 5 2012  "Extra Lar…  288.  288.  288.  288.  288.  288.  288.  288.  290   290 
 6 2012  "Extra Lar…  186.  186.  186.  186.  186.  186.  186.  186.  188.  188.
 7 2012  "Large \nD…  268.  268.  268.  268.  268.  268.  268.  268.  268.  268.
 8 2012  "Large \n1…  174.  174.  173.  173.  173.  173.  173.  173.  178   178 
 9 2011  "Extra Lar…  286.  286.  286.  286.  286.  286.  286.  286.  286.  286.
10 2011  "Extra Lar…  186.  186.  186.  186.  186.  186.  186.  186.  186.  186.
11 2011  "Large \nD…  268.  268.  268.  270   270   270   270   270   270   270 
12 2011  "Large \n1…  174.  174.  174.  174.  174.  174.  174.  174.  174.  174.
13 2010  "Extra Lar…  286.  286.  286.  286.  286.  286.  286.  286.  286.  286.
14 2010  "Extra Lar…  186.  186.  186.  186.  186.  186.  186.  186.  186.  186.
15 2010  "Large \nD…  268   268   268   268   268   268   268   268.  268.  268.
16 2010  "Large \n1…  174.  174.  174.  174.  174.  174.  174.  174.  174.  174.
17 2009  "Extra Lar…  286.  286.  286.  286.  286.  286.  286.  286.  286.  286.
18 2009  "Extra Lar…  186.  186.  186.  186.  186.  186.  186.  186.  186.  186.
19 2009  "Large \nD…  278.  278.  278.  278.  278.  272.  272.  272.  272.  272.
20 2009  "Large \n1…  174.  174.  174.  174.  174.  174.  174.  174.  174.  174.
21 2008  "Extra Lar…  245   245   245   286.  286.  286.  286.  286.  286.  286.
22 2008  "Extra Lar…  139   139   139   186.  186.  186.  186.  186.  186.  186.
23 2008  "Large \nD…  237   237   237   278.  278.  278.  278.  278.  278.  278.
24 2008  "Large \n1…  132   132   132   174.  174.  174.  174.  174.  174.  174.
25 2007  "Extra Lar…  241.  244.  245   245   245   245   245   245   245   245 
26 2007  "Extra Lar…  136.  138.  139   139   139   139   139   139   139   139 
27 2007  "Large \nD…  234.  236.  237   237   237   237   237   237   237   237 
28 2007  "Large \n1…  128.  131.  132   132   132   132   132   132   132   132 
29 2006  "Extra Lar…  241   240   241.  242.  242.  242.  242.  242.  242.  242.
30 2006  "Extra Lar…  136.  136.  136.  136.  136.  136.  136.  136.  136.  136.
31 2006  "Large \nD…  234.  234.  234.  234.  234.  234.  234.  234.  234.  234.
32 2006  "Large \n1…  128.  128.  128.  128.  128.  128.  128.  128.  128.  128.
33 2005  "Extra Lar…  241   241   241   241   241   241   241   241   241   241 
34 2005  "Extra Lar…  136.  136.  136.  136.  136.  136.  136.  136.  136.  136.
35 2005  "Large \nD…  234.  234.  234.  234.  234.  234.  234.  234.  234.  234.
36 2005  "Large \n1…  128.  128.  128.  128.  128.  128.  128.  128.  128.  128.
37 2004  "Extra Lar…  230   230   230   234.  236   241   241   241   241   241 
38 2004  "Extra Lar…  132   134.  137   137   137   137   137   137   136.  136.
39 2004  "Large \nD…  230   226.  225   225   225   231.  234.  234.  234.  234.
40 2004  "Large \n1…  126   128.  131   131   131   134.  134.  134.  130.  128.
# … with 2 more variables: Nov. <dbl>, Dec. <dbl>, and abbreviated variable
#   name ¹​Certified_Organic_Eggs
# ℹ Use `colnames()` to see all variable names

Data Reading

- read dataset ‘organiceggpoultry.xls’, sheet 3, , available in the posts/_data folder, using the read_excel R package and command.

organicepoultry <- read_excel("_data/organiceggpoultry.xls", sheet = "Organic poultry prices, 2004-13", skip = 1)

Rows: 99
Columns: 13
$ Year <chr> "2013", "Organic young chicken:", "Whole", "B/S Breast", "Bone-in…
$ Jan. <chr> NA, NA, "238.5", "703.75", "390.5", "203.5", "216.25", "Jan.", NA…
$ Feb. <chr> NA, NA, "238.5", "703.75", "390.5", "203.5", "216.25", "Feb.", NA…
$ Mar. <chr> NA, NA, "238.5", "703.75", "390.5", "203.5", "216.25", "Mar.", NA…
$ Apr. <chr> NA, NA, "238.5", "703.75", "390.5", "203.5", "216.25", "Apr.", NA…
$ May  <chr> NA, NA, "238.5", "703.75", "390.5", "203.5", "216.25", "May", NA,…
$ June <chr> "Cents per pound", NA, "238.5", "703.75", "390.5", "203.5", "216.…
$ July <chr> NA, NA, "238.5", "703.75", "390.5", "203.5", "216.25", "July", NA…
$ Aug. <chr> NA, NA, "238.5", "703.75", "390.5", "203.5", "216.25", "Aug.", NA…
$ Sep. <chr> NA, NA, "238.5", "703.75", "390.5", "203.5", "216.25", "Sep.", NA…
$ Oct. <chr> NA, NA, "238.5", "703.75", "390.5", "203.5", "216.25", "Oct.", NA…
$ Nov. <chr> NA, NA, "238.5", "703.75", "390.5", "203.5", "216.25", "Nov.", NA…
$ Dec. <chr> NA, NA, "238.5", "703.75", "390.5", "203.5", "216.25", "Dec.", NA…

Data Wrangling

- mutate function to convert column type to numeric

- filter along with regex to remove rows consisting NA, Year & Organic young chicken:

- replace to replace all NA value with 0

- filter to remove unnecessary tail of 51, 52 and 53 rows

organicepoultry <-organicepoultry%>%
  mutate_at(vars(colnames(organicepoultry)[2:13]), function(x)as.numeric(x)) %>% 
  filter(! & !grepl("^2", Year) & !grepl("^Or", Year)) %>% 
  replace(, 0)%>% 
  filter(!row_number() %in% c(51, 52, 53))

Data Wrangling

- changed name of first column to Organic_Young_Chicken

- create vector of same length as the number of rows in the organicegg dataset and same distribution of years as original dataset

- column bind to merge, Year vector & organicegg

- pivot_longer on All Month Columns

names(organicepoultry)[1] = "Organic_Young_Chicken"

Year <- rep(c(2013,2012,2011,2010,2009,2008,2007,2006,2005,2004),each=5)

organicepoultry<- cbind(Year, organicepoultry)

  pivot_longer(colnames(organicepoultry)[3:14], names_to = 'Month', values_to = 'Price')

Describe Data

- Summary of organicepoultry Dataset, using summarytools::dfSummary

                              varnumbers = FALSE,
                              plain.ascii  = FALSE,
                              style        = "grid",
                              graph.magnif = 0.70,
                              valid.col    = FALSE),
      method = 'render',
      table.classes = 'table-condensed')

Data Frame Summary


Dimensions: 600 x 4
Duplicates: 0
Variable Stats / Values Freqs (% of Valid) Graph Missing
Year [numeric]
Mean (sd) : 2008.5 (2.9)
min ≤ med ≤ max:
2004 ≤ 2008.5 ≤ 2013
IQR (CV) : 5 (0)
0 (0.0%)
Organic_Young_Chicken [character]
1. B/S Breast
2. Bone-in Breast
3. Thighs
4. Whole
5. Whole Legs
0 (0.0%)
Month [character]
1. Apr.
2. Aug.
3. Dec.
4. Feb.
5. Jan.
6. July
7. June
8. Mar.
9. May
10. Nov.
[ 2 others ]
0 (0.0%)
Price [numeric]
Mean (sd) : 335.1 (175.9)
min ≤ med ≤ max:
0 ≤ 235 ≤ 703.8
IQR (CV) : 175.5 (0.5)
33 distinct values 0 (0.0%)

Generated by summarytools 1.0.1 (R version 4.2.1)

Group Summary Statistics

- Year wise, Certified_Organic_Eggs wise Price Distribution

organicepoultry %>% 
  group_by(Year, Organic_Young_Chicken) %>% 
  summarise(Price_min=min(Price),Price_max=max(Price),Price_mean=mean(Price), .groups = 'keep') %>% 
  arrange(desc(Organic_Young_Chicken)) %>%
  print(n = 50)
# A tibble: 50 × 5
# Groups:   Year, Organic_Young_Chicken [50]
   Year  Organic_Young_Chicken Price_min Price_max Price_mean
   <fct> <chr>                     <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>
 1 2004  Whole Legs                 194.      204.       199.
 2 2005  Whole Legs                 204.      204.       204.
 3 2006  Whole Legs                 204.      204.       204.
 4 2007  Whole Legs                 204.      204.       204.
 5 2008  Whole Legs                 204.      204.       204.
 6 2009  Whole Legs                 204.      204.       204.
 7 2010  Whole Legs                 204.      204.       204.
 8 2011  Whole Legs                 204.      204.       204.
 9 2012  Whole Legs                 204.      204.       204.
10 2013  Whole Legs                 204.      204.       204.
11 2004  Whole                      198.      217        212.
12 2005  Whole                      217       217        217 
13 2006  Whole                      217       220.       220.
14 2007  Whole                      220.      220.       220.
15 2008  Whole                      220.      248        237.
16 2009  Whole                      248       248        248 
17 2010  Whole                      235       248        239.
18 2011  Whole                      235       235        235 
19 2012  Whole                      235       238.       238.
20 2013  Whole                      238.      238.       238.
21 2004  Thighs                       0       203        184.
22 2005  Thighs                     213       222        221.
23 2006  Thighs                     222       222        222 
24 2007  Thighs                     222       222        222 
25 2008  Thighs                     222       222        222 
26 2009  Thighs                     222       222        222 
27 2010  Thighs                     215       222        219.
28 2011  Thighs                     215       215        215 
29 2012  Thighs                     215       216.       216.
30 2013  Thighs                     216.      216.       216.
31 2004  Bone-in Breast               0       390.       195.
32 2005  Bone-in Breast             390.      390.       390.
33 2006  Bone-in Breast             390.      390.       390.
34 2007  Bone-in Breast             390.      390.       390.
35 2008  Bone-in Breast             390.      390.       390.
36 2009  Bone-in Breast             390.      390.       390.
37 2010  Bone-in Breast             390.      390.       390.
38 2011  Bone-in Breast             390.      390.       390.
39 2012  Bone-in Breast             390.      390.       390.
40 2013  Bone-in Breast             390.      390.       390.
41 2004  B/S Breast                 641       646.       643.
42 2005  B/S Breast                 644       646.       645.
43 2006  B/S Breast                 646.      646.       646.
44 2007  B/S Breast                 646.      646.       646.
45 2008  B/S Breast                 646.      646.       646.
46 2009  B/S Breast                 646.      646.       646.
47 2010  B/S Breast                 638.      646.       643.
48 2011  B/S Breast                 638.      638.       638.
49 2012  B/S Breast                 638.      704.       695.
50 2013  B/S Breast                 704.      704.       704.